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J, l.R+�gQr a�d Hhnr�cta ,1. I.n�por, 0[1G11 in ��. _... _ <br /> :� �.:! hio ond hor a�un x:i�hc� ui�►� c�� ��au�a ux pnr.-1� c��har � � = -- _ _ <br /> Murt�egor,+vhu�hnr una or i��aro,in cnnni�Satatf�n�f th::ur.:u! G �.u�, __ <br /> • .,__................!-^��-.�.,_pnl.�.Akt9 ,��;��, <br /> � _.. _. � on Thnuaand and r� �,31��....e..e......----.-,-�.�--_......_., __ ' - . ., <br /> � t���1�k'�� � <br /> luuned tn sald murip,u,ot t�y Thr(iquflat�le IitUlding nnQ Lunn A�suclnUun nf G�and lelnnil,Nehr�aku,M1in�tgogca,upan 10 Q sltfltoo of ntock uf Y _ <br /> . ' � ` '` �f-- <br /> - e�l�l ASStx'!r!7'ION, l:ctUOc,atn Nu. �!�-[ 961 FHA du hn�oby({tcmt, canvey o�d mnrtdogo untu thn a�frl A5SC1t:lATInN Ihn t'olluwing 4`�N.-���si T <br /> • dcu�ibc�i �o�l csintn,sUuctr.d ln Ilr.11 Gaimty,Nobrosku; '�t� ..�;���,�;::,�_:--�:-� <br /> .. � � .;�'��t.;n,,-i <br /> , o �.. ' � : <br /> +rr�:��.:.i'c�.�i.e_ - . <br /> . � ;� , . <br /> ` a` ,� �'' <br /> . �''t� <br /> ' � �!• �.-� � tl�vF.i�-. <br /> � Lox �aux (�) , in i�.�nv.r Subd:�vision, Hall Cos�nty � NebrASko, . <br /> .x.: <br /> �'��+`��.� <br /> f� ._;y,i' . , .'�1'.. - <br /> , � , f <br /> ",`` -�i 1t_ ' � ��"N�n� <br /> �� ��J�• \ ,.� �_I1�1- I��Z�`.j''� _ <br /> �lI.1 f `- •i i:i;t�`,� 4AF�,r.._ <br /> r ` ,� <br /> 1 l . . - `��� � --_--_ <br /> Lj� �� . ��1'l r ��;. <br /> `' ,,_ <br /> :.' .�' 1 . <br /> t`l;• ��"t�p• �f`. <br />. • ��� � . ' •�{� <br /> ..� . . `. � �- <br />._'';;,; ',, � icnts and a urtonanccy thuroimto holonging,includinp aiinchcd Iluor covarJngs,nll windaw scrcanr, i4 ��•,:�� <br /> .,,.,,`, •� .. <br /> , � � ;.1� tagcthei wuh a11 tlic cencments,hendittn PP `:';';.` ` �#` <br /> windrn�•xhadee,hli�ids,strnm winda�vs.11VI1IIIgS,hca�ing.air canditiuning.und plumbing and wntctuqulpmoncnnd��ccos.eudcs thoroto,pomps,etovcs, �`;".;: �, <br /> ;� � • rclri�tvtotoiv,and vthet i�xtu�c9 ancl ec�ulpmcnt nuw u�harcaftor auachod to u�us.d in conncctiun with u�id teal estate. + , .�, <br /> ., , :.,� „ y? <br /> •� And wlurc:l5 IItC S:IIII tl1PiIF8�l�i I184:1�(CCQ Bfl(�(�OCS IIOTCDY J�'TCC l�ipl IIIU I11��tt,y��jUT lIIU�I OA(I WiII pAy AU la%09 qllfl IISM1�83I11001Y ICV1Clj�7i <br /> ! �- � . . ..� �-. <br /> ._ ___._-- '-- <br /> asscssed up��n solA prem�sos ana up��n ihia►iortBaSc�stii�! stsc ben!�suEUr�d ihe�ebv hcfurc thc s:mie shull Uecume dolinquont:w furni.�appruvc T <br /> � insurnucc upon thc bui1dings on +aid premisc�s�tuatcd In iha sunt of'S 1 Q,00 Q.�Q payahlc tu sald A�Si�:iATitlrv �m�i ia �aiiti:,r tcs :s4s! � . ,. <br /> ASSUCIATION th:p��Ucics for said Insurnnco;nnd nut tu cammit ur pormit any wasto�,n ur°huut said premisos: . <br /> - `- 1� c�ce ul defhult in tho perfunnanee uf any uf the torma;m�l ci�nd�Uuns uf �hls mnieBage ur tho bund secured hero6y,tha mortgagw shnll, , <br /> . .... ,��, �ou.�n c�rebv assiAns, transfors nnd sots ovcr ta tha <br /> op dcntund,bc klltii�ed W intntCdlatc(�ossCSSUm oi tnr tnu��tiu�i�u �����•a-: Ra - ` --- - <br /> . ip��riBlFand��hc�m�r�ga�ce sli II hav��thc�xmvcr�tnc�pp�,li�Jany a6cnt�'r��Fcn4s�It�muy doi v(ifu gthc�pu puso�of ropaling�s.1 d premisae nd ro ting j�- - � . <br /> �op , �,��t al said fnci�mu alI expen�os u( repairing sald promises and nccessaty , <br /> Uic same and cullecting t he rents,rcvcuuc+and mc��mv,and It may{ay i <br /> cummis�:ii,ns and oxpenses incutred in renUng and man:�ginp the same nnd ��f cullecUnF rentuls Ihore ftunr t ho ba lunce remainin g, {P nn y,ta e <br /> appIird �o�vard�he�Iischurge nP sald mungage�ndchteJnesr thesa nhhts ui Uic murtgagce m:iy he excrclsed at any time Auring tho existonce of such <br /> dafn�dt.Irrespective af any Icmpurarq��•ai�•c���f thc sama � .- <br /> Thcsc Proscros,howcvcr.are upun thc Cundiliun,'1'hat i(thc said\tongagur �Iwll rc ay said loan un i,r baPuro tho mnturity of s:dd shnras by .. <br /> papmcnt;pay m�mthly lu said A550('IATION ��P Illt'SUIII S�ICI'IIICl�1�;�t�c K'I i:xcs andas�Cti ITICOIH ICVICtI 86AIQSl`ST IQ�IICOlI4C9 OOII PO IIIIt Dlurtgage , . <br /> ' ' the T�ventlo�h day ul cach and evcr��maml�,unUl saiJ loan i�tully p� p'Y � F � nblc ' <br /> OQQ.00 p�y <br /> I r'� ,o�iliV HSSOCIATIONI�repay�h�said ASS(('IATInN�u�sun tun�iand,dl muncy�by��ittP�au``di�sttch�taxos; vnt6 and i�ncurance with Into�cst nt , , <br />.,�.. p . <br />��,!', , thc m:�r mum Icgal rato Uicrcon from d+uc u(psY'mcn�,i�l u�w�dch tit"rt4ay"r hercby agrcos to pay�permit nu w��sto on suid promisoq;kcop end cumply <br /> • this day given by thc c��d Alartgagur tu said ASSOCIATIQN,nnd comply , <br /> a��th a!1 ehc agrcemcnts iuid condlUuns ul tho Hund fur S 10,�OQ. <br /> ,,;^.;�.� ���ith all ihe toqulremems ut�the CunstltuUun and liy•4aws uf s:��d ASSCX'1AT10�: ihon �hese p�asants shall hacomo null imd vuid,u�horwisu ihey <br /> ,��.� sh�ll Tcmnin m ftAl f�mc and ma�• bc furecl���ed at Uic uptwn oi thu�:�id ASSUCIATlO'� altar iailurc fur throo nwnths w mnko any of aaid .,, <br /> • pa�mcnts rr bc ihrec munths m a�R8I511i Ol;ikiog said nwnthly paymcnis,ur ta kecp�md cumply with thc a�;rccmen�s and cundnions of said Bond; y;'.' ". <br /> and MoTt�BCL�I 1sfCC5 1U Ilave a recei�•ar appum�ed furthwilh iit surh foro�l��surc pruce�duigs. ; , <br /> IP ihrrc is any changc In�����nc�shlp��I tho�c�l celcnc martg�ycd hcroln, by sule ur o�hcrwisc, then tha cntirc remnininp indnbtcAnes�hcroby <br /> � , seeurcd shall,at thc vpNun uf'Phc�quituhlc I3ullilin�and luan Assoclaliun aP(�rand lsland.Ncb�askn,beeomo Immedintety due and payuble�v�tl�uut <br /> furlhr.r nuticc,nnd thc anwunt rcmaining duc undcr said bund,�nd anY u�licr bund fur��ny additlonal ndvancos modc thcrcundot,ahall,frum Ihe <br /> '���' dntc of oxerclso uf s:»d optwn,bcar inturest•rt thc maximum�ega��a1�,c�nd �his m��rtga6c maY then be Pureclased tu satlsfy the�maunt duc on aaid . <br /> bond.and any uthcr bund f'or ac;clitiunal advancc9,iugcthcr w�th all sums paid by said Thc Equitablc Bullding und Luan Associ3�iiun of Grand Island, <br /> N::b�aska(ur ins�.�ran«.taxe9 and acussmcnts,and ahstracting��tension�•h.�rgcs, witli interest thwcun, Gam date of payment et tho m�ximum <br /> 1c3a1 tnla. ' <br /> As providc�3 in�hc Bond mruicd hcrcDy,�vhilc thie murip�ge r�m:�ms �n ciia�t �hc moctgxg�c may horcnftm advancc additional sums to the <br /> malers�,f said Q�md,�helr assi�;ns��r successors m inturrst,whinc�unu ehall be��•��hm d�e secuc��> ot this m�>rtgnga�he same as the funds originally <br /> scsured thcreby,Ihc tolal amuunt.�r���n��ra►�i�n� ���,�����x���a���„>�►��„�thc uriginal amaunt ui this mortgagc. <br /> • 6�h ,�,�y��i June n.n., t� 91 <br /> _. _... . � ��.��s <br /> / <br /> �i�11 <br /> Do,�ald << . Lan ,� -_ <br /> � <br /> � Rhanda J. anger <br /> STATE OP NfiHRASKA. ss. On this 6th day nl June !Q 91 ,befure me, <br /> ('OUNTY Of HA1.4�j <br /> Ihc undcrsigned,a No�ary 1'ubllc in und fur caid County,persunalty wme <br /> Donald J . Langar and Rhancla J. Langor , aach in his and ����� are p�rsonallyknowntu <br /> ' ht�r own right , and as sp�use af each othor a�d thp scvcrally <br /> mc�o hc thc idcnUcal pers��n g whosc namc e a r e aiPixcJ tu thc ab��vc inst�inneni as murt�agu� S Y <br /> � � acknu�vlcdged 1he said insnumen�to be t he i.r vulunCll}/JCI:ItlII IICCII. , . <br /> WITNGSS my hand and Nut�iial Scal�tic d.��c aluresaid. <br /> tity Cummission expircs�'/. ��� •;i� �.x_�a..l�,.... �� i./�t f/ � <br /> No1ary Fub11c <br /> iE/E�IY MIIYYM1f•Spb N IMMut� � <br /> 6 1�tM HI BNEILA J�A1DER f <br /> -��_�m.�Exp Ncv 9,1993 I <br /> ------ - - <br /> ----- _ — <br />