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<br /> � �f�»_'� KNOWALLRIGNUYTHfS[sPRCSBN'CS:TIut Loo C. (.��kq qtid ME3M�fit3 f�l. l,�.QkE1� HeCh i11 h'18 = ��
<br /> _ end h�r oti�rn r�.gtr�� and as spoueR �+t nnc:h �at�Ar �
<br /> � � , �._ .
<br /> . htottgngnr,whalitar uno u�nwru,tn u�ns�dotaUan of tho n►m aP - • --- "
<br /> ' • F�va 1'hauRand ond Noj100 --_..___..___----......_.,..._......____...._.._--------�poG�Ans , �•l:f>`' .=�`_—..
<br /> __. . . . ......--- .� --rrr_?i�'=_
<br /> luaned 10 sald rnanElagur by Thc f•.qulWblc Ilulldfny nnd Luan Assoclatlw�oP Crund 161and,NCI11'06k11,�lortgn�}ca,upan 50 tharce of ito�`k of ' ' , M1
<br /> said AStiOCIATION, ccrunc��c N��.htI 9 G 0 F H A ,:1u hcraby gn►nt, cunvcy iind murlgngo untu U�o mid ASSO[:IATION iha PoIlmvinD �� •.
<br /> descHbcd roal eswtc,xituuted In HaU Cuunty,Ncbrnska: -f �
<br /> . ,�, , .
<br /> ''�`` Lot Seven (7) , Block Fifteen (15) , W�11iah' s �1��ldi.tiun , G.rand Ialand , Hall ` :.`���.��,,
<br /> .) County, Neb.raeka, {;.;�,�..;
<br /> . .: ,
<br /> , ' . ;A;.�.\;., � ��..��';.
<br /> � , r` '.�,,�: '� �
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<br /> ,ti`
<br /> , 4,• :
<br /> F��:� � �.� � . t�_
<br /> .. . I ...
<br /> .. ,'
<br /> logolher with all the ionements, horoditaments and appurtrn�n�es theruunlu hclunginK, incliiding uttachod flour cuvaring9,all winduw srruens, . .
<br /> ' �vind��w shades,hlfnds,swrm wind��wv,nwnings,heatinµ,air cundUluninµ,and plunthing and waterequlpmontnnd accessorles IhorMo,pumpe,910Y09, ,
<br /> � TCft1�.Ct1l�ll5.;,�,�i��r���rx���«s;md cquipment nuw on c�renf'ter:IIl�GI1C(I(O 1/f UtiCtI 111 COIIiII`l'11U11\1�ith sa�d real oslata '����� �
<br /> ..
<br /> � .. .
<br /> • And whcrear•thc said mongagnr li,is ugrccJ and does horeby iig�cc thnt thu muri�agur vhall und wlll pay all iaxce nnd ns�ossmsnts levie ar ,�;,. :
<br />_—,--__.-_: .� ���� �s�� ,�,�d =fIUR�I'L74:1q1I IlF1Otl II115 I11UIlQ:II'L':111(I Ull` bund secured Ihereby beture the saaie shall become deHnquent;to 1'umiyh appruved � :. :.
<br /> insurancr up�m Ihc bulltlings un s;u�pr�na��s�+���;u�a i�,�no S��m�,r s 5, �0�.QO P:�)';�Ulc w said ASSOCIATION and w �efivcr to �a�d ��-: _ -- ---�
<br /> ASSOCIATION thu pullcic9(ur sald msur.mcc;anJ nul w cummit��r perm�t;my�va�te nn ur aUuut said prcmisas; � :�'
<br /> lu case uf defnull in ihe 4x�funnance uf any ul iho Ierms an4 couditiunc uf this nwrtgnge ur tho bund socured herahy,ihe murtgngeo shnU, ,
<br /> - .. , : . ._ �..__..� �._ __.�.�...t...a..._.....U...e..........i.... ..f�I.........���ond nrnm�c..c xnd Ihe mnrlenuUf flCtCbV USSILLIIS. l(JIIA�OfS Ulld SC1S UYC( {l) (�10 �
<br />. .. _-...--`- - vn uc�uau���vv uuw��w n.�un.�.»..... �.................. ...........i,»�...r._....--- --...
<br /> murtgagre J�� 1�1d it Illi,rav�nuas and inc��me tu hc defl«+d(rum the inur�gaged premises during st�ch thna��A Iho mortgago indabtodnoss sha11 remaln r. .
<br /> unpaid:and thc mungugcc shall havc the pu��•cr iu appnim:my agenl ur ag�nt,It ma�� dcsire J'��r tt�c purpusu uf wpalring said promisoa nnd rentlng .
<br /> the same and cullectinb U�e rente,revenues and inrwne,anJ it may p���uu1 uf s:dd incume all expensos uf repairing said promises nnd nacesssry
<br /> commissiom and r�ponsos Incurred In rentin�;am1 nianaging thu same and uf cullecllnt; renlals thorofrom; the balnnce romalnin6, If uny, tu ba
<br /> opplicd tuward ihc dischar�sc uf caid montiagc�ndrnmdncss.U�csc r��;h�s��f�hc n���r�hagcc may bc cxcrcised a�uny tlmc during tha cxietonrc of such
<br /> defnull,{rrespecUvc of any tcmpur;u}•��•aiver uf Ihc sainc.
<br /> Thesc PfCSCIllS.lio�vcvcr.:uc upun ihc Cundi�iun.'Tlru if th�s:�id 1lurigagw sliall rcp;i�•said Ic,un un ur boPuro lita maturity uf rdd shyto9 by
<br /> payntent:pay monthlt tt�said :1tiCCl('l,1'f10`��f Il�e sunt specifiecl m Ihc Hond sccurod hcreb��as inlorest and p�incipnl on s:dd laan,un or bofora
<br /> thc T�vcuiicih day aP cach and rvcn nu�nih.unlil s.ud luan is 1 ully pa�d:pr� all tA\t'S 8111�:155CSA111C1119 IdVICII agalnst suid promisas and un this Dlurtgagc .
<br /> imd Uie Hnnd secured thereby,bufure delinyuuncy�:liunish approved inyurance upan ehe bullJm�;a ihereun in tho sum uf 5 5�dQ 0.�� payahl�
<br /> to s�ld ASSOCIAT1t)N:repay Io�:iid ASSp('IA'I'10\ upun demand alt me.nay h� it paid ior such iaxas.ussessmema anJ lnyurance with into►es�ai
<br /> �he maxinwm legal raW thereon Irnm d:�le ul payntcnt :dl uf wh��h 1lnrtpac��r h�rcb}�.�Erocs ta pa�:permit nu waaie on said premises;keep and cumply �
<br /> wnh all thc agrccmenis and amduiuns uf�hc HuuJ f�n 5 5,v��.OQhis cla} �;ic�u 1�y t!:e sa�d o�ortgo�ur to caid Ac�O1'lA'fll)N,and comply • ,
<br /> wilh��II thc rcqulremcnw uf the l'.mxu�utim�and Hy�•l.a�vs��f said A5S(x'L4110V;then Il�csr prescnis shal�bocume nuU und vuid,othcrwlse thay
<br /> shall rcmaln in full furcc and may br furcrl��sod at �hc��pUun ui tl�c s;ild ,1tiSOCIA77ON a�tcr failure fur thrce munths tu makc any uf iald ,
<br /> . payments ar be ihree months in a�mars m m:ikm�;sud muntl�ly p;q•men�s,ur w ticcp,md cvmpl>��•ith thu rytecm�nis and canditlons uf sald Bond;
<br /> ,ind 1lurtgagor agrces m hav����ecri�cr appumlud furthwiih iu su�h lurcclusurc prucccJin�:s. ,
<br /> ' lf thcrc is any�hangc In a��'nct.rhip i�f Ihc re;d csta�c murtgagcd hetcin,hy salc or uchc:�vise,�hen the rmue ieroainmu indebtodnes�heroby �
<br /> secumd shall,at Ihe uptlun ut'7"he I�.qtd�ahle lluildlnH and l.uan�lssuciaUun uf(7r�nd Isl:�nd,:�cbrasla,becume immediately�due and payablo without ., .
<br /> ,�� funlwr nuilcc,nnd the amnunt rrm:iinln�; duc under said bond, and�ny uthcr hund fbr any ad�itional adva.�es mnde ihorcimder,sh�ll,from the
<br /> �` date nf cxerciso ui'sald uptlon,hca�interesl at U�c m:�xlmum le�;�l ratc.an�t Ihis murigagc mag then bc forcclusnd to satisfy thc nmount duo on aaid
<br /> • bond,and any�»hcr hunJ for:1(It�1110p8I:IQVAOCC9,tu�ethcr wuh all sums paid h� sa�d'fhc I:yidta6lc Building and Lran Assoclatlon uf(irand Island,
<br /> �eb►aska fur insurance,tax.s and assessments,:ind a�isuaclmF rxienswn rharges, ���ith imereat thereun. Iram datc u1' payment at the maximum
<br /> IcRa1 t:dc.
<br /> As piovidCJ io Ihc lluntl s��rured herchy,whilc this nwrtEagc rcm:uns m cltcat thc ntuttgagcc may hc�caftc�advanc�addit�enal suma to tho
<br /> ' maAcrs�+f sald pond,Ilicir assigus���su�resaurs in inlcrest,whi�'h Sumy ch'rll h� �wth�n thc xcurity�uf�h�s murtg�gc thc s�mc.is the funds oripinnUy
<br /> sceured th�reby.Ihc tola!:imount ul princip:d dcht nut tu c�tecd at:ury•i�m�ihc ungmal amuunt of this murt f�e=
<br /> � � n�icd�h�5 fith �iay��i June ,�.n..i�� 91
<br /> .. � �. � . .'
<br /> �: ,�f..c.:L.s'i.�:- . - - � - ----
<br /> , . �.
<br /> ��l � � ` ,`'� . /�' �,.
<br /> e in , e
<br /> ss. �n ihls �tih daq uf June I� 91 ,boforc ma,
<br /> ihc undcreigncd,a Nutary 1'uhlic m anJ iur said Cuunty.parsonaUy came
<br /> Lea C. Lisko and Maxin� M. Lisko , o�ch in his �nd her ��,i�� are person���yknuwn�o
<br /> own right , and as spouse of each other
<br /> mc ta be thc ideiuical persun S whuse namc s a r o ,ii�xc��<<��h�.ihuvc instrumcnt as murtgagur 5 and t h 8 y scverally
<br /> ' acknowledged the said instrument io bc t h o i r culuntarp.irt aud dced.
<br /> �
<br /> WITNfSS my h:1I1(I�It{I N��18tlal Scal ihc daic�lures�id.
<br /> 1
<br /> Dty Cummission cxpucs /.�•,�.•; �.� � , • , ,, ,
<br /> _.s:,'�...,;'v
<br /> � _ ._ ... ___�__ ._--- - - 4utory Public
<br /> 6�1•2I�1 N1 ���
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