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- <br /> .. � <br /> ��c€ , ,... A , z :_f j{ '�,;�� <br /> -- g�� ����' -... -- -- <br /> _ - y� ".-,, . _ r ns-�r� ---- <br /> _ . � � •' _ �" _ ! y 4 "' <br /> TOORI)18R WITIt a0 tno hnymvemenn now or herzaftsr enNed on No property,and nu eas'emeq�.oppu�enmccr� ' <br /> pnd fiRwrc�nuw or hercaltcr o pu�o}�Ao propen . Alt rcptascmenu end eddtttone chNl�ao be coYpr�d by t�le 8ccunty <br /> - —. Instroment, AiloftAoforoguingl�rctcdcd,rotn�h�8ecudtytnstromcntwthe"Propery." <br /> OORROWltp WVBNAPlI'81hat Oortower le 1¢wtulty ceiscd ot ehe ataro hereby oonveyed onA hu tha dght to granF" � <br />—_--—, nnd eonvey�ho Ct�nlny anA ihst�Ao Propeny I�uneneumbcrcd,exccp�Por¢ncumbroncai o/rccnrA. Bormwer werrenu nnd . <br /> wlll dctenii gcneralty�ho Ntia to�ho Prop�ny agalnst all clalm�end demand�,�uDJati ro wy enaumbr�nce�oCrcaM. <br /> Tt119 BISCURRY 1N97YlUMONT combfnca unitortn covcn�ma Por nailonal wo end nomunifomi corenanu wi�h <br /> ,,_____ Ilndted vorlallan�by Jurl�dleHon ro mns�lwro o untform secud�y inammsnt covering rcal propeny. <br /> ' ° ' UNt('�ORM COVBNANTA. Oorrower anJ Lrnder covenunt and ogrce a�fopowr. - - <br /> - -- 1. Prymenl d Vrincip�l pnd Intereeq Prepoymsnt and tate Chuga. Harowcr a�atl prom�1lypay�nc�n due uro <br /> -- pdnclW I otond Imettit on tho dcA�ovidenocd by�ho Noeo e�id eny prcpnymen�md lue ct�ar8ea due undu�he Note. <br /> - �-°"' 7. iUeQ�fnr 7Yxea and Insurance. SubJec�ro appIlablo law or to a wrltten wetrerby l.uMu,Borto�vu�hall pay ro <br /> -'�=' Lcndc►on�ho doy momAly puymcm�aro duo under�ha Note,until�ho Note 6 pald in PoII,e cum('FUndd7 Por.(a)yearly <br /> ,-��:;,��?� leaa�and aneamenU whlch moy m�aln pNodty over ihla 9audty instrument a�a Ilen on tM1a Property;@l year1Y kasehold <br />-._,,, ,z,,y �nymsnt� ot ground renle on tho Propeny, If anr: (c) yeedy hazercl or property insurence premlumr, (d) yearly fload <br /> �� mutwico p�cmlum�.I(nny: (o)ycarly mongago msuranco premium�, it any;and (Q eny aums pnyable by Borcower to -�-�------- <br /> F r-- - I.endCr,In nKOMance wNb thoprovidom oi paragreph 8,in Ileu of Poopeyment of mortgage Insurance premiume. 7hase <br /> _ � I�enu oro eened'fi�crow I�em�. l.cadcr may,at eny Iima colla�and 6old Nnde in en amount not to oxceed�he meximum <br /> =<�`�.°�� emount e Ieader far e federaliy rclaeed mort,-�;o lonn mey rcquiro for BortowerY eacro�v aaount under �he federel Reai — <br /> "'�T"'v'.,- R�lato 8cllicmcm Praaduro�Acl ot 1974 n�amended fmm tlme lo time,l2 U.S.C.q 2601 ri xq.('R89PA"),unicse enotha — <br />,.�,Z�4,,3:.;'� lesv�hm oppllo�lo tho Pond�sen e leucr omount. It so,l.cndcr may,at any dme,collu�and hold Punds in an emount not eo <br /> ,-�.fy:,,;. cacecd �ho Icucr omwm. Lcndcr mey es�imeio �ho emoum of Wnde due on �Ae bxsi� of wrtent Mtn end raxaonabie <br /> 1+___ e��imate�of expendllurc�af fmuro 8xrow Itenu or othenv4u in eccortlance with applicxble law. <br /> � i - 71ie Wnd��holl ba held in an ImOtutlon whosa dcposiu are insured by a federcl �gency,instrumentetlty, or em(ry - <br /> t �' (Includin;I.ender.If Lender ii�uch an Imtlimion)or In eny Federal Home Loan Bmk. Lender shxll appiy the Punds�o pay - <br /> ' Iho pecrow Item�. l.ender may not charge Dorto�vtt Por holding end epplyfng the Punds,annuelly analyzing ehe escrow � �__. <br /> T -'� nccounl,or vedtylng iho Racrow Item�, unlees Lender pny� Borrower intercst on the Fvnds end applicabte law pertniu ��rt,��' <br /> -��t-'��� Lender lo maka Ruch e ebnrgo. However,Lender may rcquiro Oorro�ver to pay a one•time charge tor en Independent roe! Q � - -. <br /> P'��- >% ecmlo lo�rcpotting eervlee used by Leneler in connecHon wi�h�hii loan,unlese opPlicxble law providea othenvi�. Unleas an k�P��" :�- <br /> ' r��-'• ngrcemcnt b mnda or appIlcnbla law requlros intcrc:t m be ptid.Lcnder�hell not 6c required ro pay Borrower eny intcrcat or 6 itw�;i ,-- <br /> ,;,...,,,;. caming�on�he Fimd�. Oorto�rcr and Lendcr mny ogme in wriUng,howerer,that intemst�hall be paid on U�e Aund�. Lender �,x, - .�:: <br />. -�.:;t:,>,` �hall givo ro flortower.�vithom chnrye,an nnnunl acwuming of the Pund�.ahowina crcdiu end debita ro the Punda end the L�dt�'�yf�;_ <br /> -�/; purpose for wMeh mch deb0 iu�he fimd�wm mnde. 7Te Wnds arc pledged w addiHonel ucud�y for ell eums�ecurcd by � <br /> f thi�8ccudfy Imlrumem. 'v�;`;, <br /> ' "r �,:, If�ho Pund+ hcld by l.cndcr cxcccd thc amounn permittcd �o bc hctd by oppUeablo Iaw,Lender shall account ro �i��tt� �__ <br /> � Borm:.°er fcr IFe r.r.::Nfnd:!n�rn.�l:s.x xith thc rcyulrcn:enes cf appli�ble lzw. !!l.F��.^�.a:e!t.*.e!+_�lxid 6; ��� <br /> ' <-� � Lcndcr o�uny ihno i�M�� .ufOcicnt io pay thc Cscrow henu when due,Lender mey so no�ify Borrower in writing,and, in �r�'.sa,�.�;,�f <br /> � �i �uch enso Dorrower.hall p�y m l.ender Ihe omaunt neceasary ro make up Ihe deficiency. Bortower shell mako up the 1�'•�� - <br /> �<< t�,� dMciency In no murc�han�aelvo munthly paymenu,m l.ende�Y sote diacrction. �y�fih' - -_ <br /> , � x:- Upon paymem in NII of nll eums er.curcd by this Securiq�Inserumen6 Lender shall promp0y rcfund to Bortower any _y�-�:R <br /> rl�,�.„� I�nM hcld Ay l.cndcr. IL unJCr pnmgmph 21.I.cndcr shall acpuirc or mll thc Property,Lender,prior to the acquisition or „ f' -- <br /> ; , -�, eelc of�hc Ropeny,.hall npply nny Rmd.hcld hy Ler.drr a� �hc �imc of ncquisi�ion or sele R�e credit agafnst the:ums "�i `�`^, ..: <br /> . ,..� �'{gy��n��'y-;. <br /> iaurcd by lhis Sccurily In�lmmcnl. g;,i s :_ <br /> j J. A Iieatlan of lb menu. Unlea. n Iicablr law rovides o�herwise, dl xnu received 6 Lenda under -F>"-`�; +r <br /> �� �v� VP Y PP P PeY� Y ��r <br /> ' ��.1 pemgrnphe I nnd 7.h�ll he uny pnpapmem chargex due under the Nde;ucond.�o emoun[s payable under .�R� !`� a r`; <br /> - ,, pomgmph 7:IAird,io Inierc�i Jue,fnunh,lo principol due:and Iaa.�o any Iate charges due under�Ae Note. rt�'. '"�S; , � <br /> �'t.. <br /> T. �.'�. 0. Chotgeat Llene. Oanawcr ahall pay nil �nxc+, a�wxsmcNs,chxrges, fines xnd imposi�ions euributable ro Ihe ����;��J' ,� :: - <br /> �' -- --.� Propctly which mny ottoin priurBy nver ihia Secudry Inurunxm,and leazehold paymems or ground rems,if any. Borrower ��' y���'"°°1` <br /> �-: :hall pay�hcice obllgmiun+In�he mnnncr prnvldcJ in pnmgmph 2,or if noi paid in that manncr.6ortower shall pay�hem on ��'F�;n��� � <br /> Iime dircclly lo il�e pen�m nwavl pnpnem. Norro�rer,hall prampily furnieh�o Lender nil nolices of amoums to he puid under �.��t�+f y <br /> � �-i-.` Ihl�pamgmph. If fiortnwer muAe.ihew paymenh Jircrlly.6ortower+hall promp�ly fumuh �o I.tnder receipts evidencing �!ii:�"'� r �i �-: <br /> ,�r4 . the paymcma. �5i^ � r,�i'�� <br /> Uortower�hnll pminptly diKlmrge nny Gen�rhich 6m priori�y over�hia Sauri�y Imuumem unless Bortoaer.(e)agrces ry'��}f� ` <br /> ' � in wN�ing m�he�uymcm of thc ahligauon�aund by�hc licn in n manncr acccpuhk�o Lcndcr,cb)comests in gaod faith the r;��i:E'jl <br /> ' licn by,ur de(ends ugain.i enfnncinem nf�hc I�en in.I.gnl pnkatding. which in�hc Lendcr's opinion operatc io prcvcm the .y'f�` ��-- <br /> �� t�_- enforcemene of Ihe lien:or ccl wcurc�fnxn ihe hnlJer nf ihe lien an agrcemem sali.factury lo Lender suhordinating 1he lien -_`:; i�3 _: <br /> _ lo Ihia Saudty IrotruneN. If Lcnder�ai any pan of ihc I'ropeny i.whjca io a licn which may anain priority �, � y1 � <br /> over�his Sewrity Inawmem.Lender muy prvr 1lartawcr.��xmc.idcnnfyfng�6r licn. 6ortuwcr shall sntisty�hc lien or take �-�g� ° ��;` <br /> :�-` onc or morc of thc ucliun.u I fnnh nh�vc wnhm la d:ry.uf�hc piamg n(nmiae. :,�; ` ; <br /> � '` - 3. Hnmrd nr Property Inxuronm. Itnrru��cr.hall A�tp� cxi+�ing un c�rcaRcr erccled on the - �`�^`" <br /> � {, <br /> . .., Ropeny insurcd ngaind In.+hy fin.haiard.mdwkd..nlnn�hr�.m�".qcnJcd corcrugc"mid mry othcr hxiards.including { - <br /> Oad.or Ilaximg, fnr xhich l.ender raymn•. ILn m.ur:mce .6a11 he maimameJ m �he amoums and for the F. <br /> f <br /> .. C:� Fnrm}0711 v.90 � e�.,. n - -' <br /> - - N � I NAtf� ��� . . <br /> . ' . . <br />. � <br /> :G.r.�.:. �:. . . . . , .. . _ - _ .. .:. . . . . . . <br /> ��n' � , . <br /> 'a. ,.. <br /> . . - '.f'_ :' .. <br /> t �Y' <br /> .l,�.� .. . . . .. - . <br /> . <br /> L- � � <br /> � _ _' ' - ' . 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