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" -�. �. � ii ,.f4".t' <br /> t�„�' :� - - . ,.t-"_ i ��r-•.. '1'P. ht�. '..t -4 .��,.� 7�� ,t�. : ��. � <br /> Tj: . . _ -. �� - t : ? 9�i M 2d �GP� 'r . . .. <br /> ._. ` ._. � ,, A9919HIAHIdY�D��}E�i(eat�a�a =l� �s , - <br /> TFt18J1881QNMBNTOpBHNTBRIQ681smidimdexeout�dlAle 10m deyol ��Y ,180 ' 4441s 'L <br /> �. • InboryOntedintoAnd4n1�1lqqde�me0toim��0�ntlwpplembnith6MoAq�peoi0e00o17ruet,horoln4fterrof��tMt4!.9tM ,; <br /> , !�BpuiilY InttNmbnC'�of��e t�me Q�Se pivdp Cy t�e unQSrUpned, haofn�tter rei�ved to qb fpe"BDrrow f,to sAEn►o - <br /> Boiip weYeNQe611d�b6bherelnRtterrePortedtoa�the^Nata",IOHOMHF�DEMLBAVIN�BANDt0ANA88�qIA710NdC� <br />- .' ' 6(rAN6I8LANDfI�reirirfferrofbtretlta:ath6"t�raar',olths6imaAatlandcovorlopt�epropertydesorlbetllntM�ouAty. <br /> :-�:sie� InatNment eno toc+�tad el: <br /> 1019 E. NEBRASKB RVE.� GRAND ISLAND� NEBflNSKR 69801 " <br /> ;,■ - <br /> �o tvrouartv aaaross) . <br /> WIRJE88ETH: — <br />`_='+ni =— <br />���`%%9 WHEREAB,Borrower end Lender have epr6ad iMt any rante and Dro/Ite endbuteble to tha proReAy ehould oonetltuto _ -- <br /> _=°'{ eAtltlloMl aeoudty to th9 LenC9r toi the paymen!of the Note; —_. <br />�.:;=,�fi�t�U� — <br />-.taii�Al NOW,TNERBFOR6,ItI8a8reeAthett�q8eouritylnetrumentehnllbe�menUadhereDyantldeomodlolnWudethafollowlnp =- <br />-�:_c;:� PioVlelona: = - <br /> �r7 1. AnnlnnmentofRenteandLnpder nte�C�IleotlonRlahte.BOrraxarherebyebeolutBtyanAUnCOnditbnallyasBlgn8811 ��,._ , <br /> �;;W rent8, Ieeuea anA D�otite of the pro0orty to 6aneFlalery. Londer ehail hare the rl@ht, power and aulho�ity durinp t�B � � <br /> }"'�, wntlnuanca o}the QeoudN Inetrument to colleot tha rente,Isavea and protite of the propeAy end of eny pereonel propBRy Cs <br />...�3�°�. l0oet9d t�ereon wlth or without teklnp poaeeaelon of the property attented hereby.LenAer, howerer, hereby consente to E - <br />_`;;�;r,a 8ortower'e colleotlon end rot9nllon of auoh rente,188uBa antl pioflt0 ee ihey 9o0rue end bBCOme payeblB,eo IoOg 90 BonOwBt ""- <br /> _°� le not,et euoh tlmo,in defeidt wit�reapeol to payment ot any IndeCtedneae aecured hereby,a tn Ne perfotmam�of any � <br /> epreement hereunder. �,� �, <br /> -44-".'�R] Y. ADDOIOtment o}R6Celvat 11 B�y eve0t Of CBfBUIt I�felpBCt t0�hB 89CUdty Ine�Nrtl80t ehell h8v9 OCOUrtBA 9tld bB j �,_ <br /> �r� oontinulnp, Lbnd9r,ea a matter of right and wlthout notice to Borrower or enyone clalming undar Bonower,en0 without <br /> ;y; repard to lhe relue of t�e tmaf eatate or tha Intereat of the Borravei Merein,ehall have tha dpht to eDP�Y�o any caurt�eMnO , .�� <br /> -<<,i�.� )urlsdlotlon to eppolnt e reoelrer ol tha proDeAy. , � <br /> . <br />-_s.•;+k 3. Rlaht to Poasaaelon.ln oeae of Aefault In the paymant ot the aeld DrInclDal Nota or Interast,w eny part t�ereof,ae It f=�� <br /> �r'._ <br /> �xt� ehall meture,or In the oeae o}fellure to keeD or peAOrm any of the covenante m apreameMe contalned In t�e Beaudty Instru• .. <br /> '��° ment,then the LenAeg Ne eucceaeore or aeslgna,ehell ba entl le hereby euthorize0 and empowmed to take Immadlate 7`?-� <br /> Tf�kil poeaesalonoflheeeldpromlaeetharalndeaorlbedanOtocolleoltherenutharelrom,endroepptytheprocaedathereoftothe _ <br /> � �;r� payment ot the Note. , ':- <br /> � 4. $pollcetlo��f RBnt!.Ige�e!?nA Pre(Ita,All rante colleatad hy Leneer or the teraiver eh011 be applletl�Ifet IO p8Yrt18M t�� '. <br /> 'l��'�%� of the ooate of management of the proparty anG collec�lon ot renle,Inoludinq,but not Ilmltetl to,recelveYe foea,premlume on { � <br /> zl�� reCelvar'e bonde fln0 reeaonable atloroey'a feea,end then to the sume eeo�red by the Securlty Inatrumant.LenOar and the E� t :' <br /> ,�, �y reoolver e�all ba Ilabte to nccount only for thoee reate ecWally raceived. E `�`��- <br />�.::fi7.;d" 6. ConatruotlonotProrlelona.EaohoflhaprovisionacontainedinlhbASaignmantofRentaRlGerandlhe3ocu8tylnatru• -.".-�- <br />;-'?'�i`�?'I mB�t 8he11, unleee otherwlse epecilioelly roqulred,be wnetrue0 in aaordance with Nebreake law, an01n t�e event any ;r3.:�' <br /> '""� prOVlelon heroin orthareln conlalned ehall be dotermined 6y a eourt of ca�npetenryuriadictlon to ba uneMaceaDle,iheaame <br /> ��s<� BhBtl b9 Conatruod es thou0h euoh uneaforcaflbla prrnlelon were not e Dert hareot or thereot. ;w-� <br /> �'b"'� 8. EtteotofRltlertExcepteeepeci11ca11ymodlfiedbyorinconaistentwllhlhleAaelgnmentolflenteRiderorqanyot�er �+'-;c�. <br />������ applloable tlder,ell ot tho terma enO provlelona conteinetl in t�e Secutlty Inatrument shall eontlnuo in full force antl ettect -- <br /> F'Ilp [ <br /> % IN WITNE88 WHEREOF,Borrower has executed 1Me A�( �p��/ent t flenls Rid n the dg)te Br)at note0 above. 1 '.,.,�� <br />-.�•i(or�s // • dit�f��_��W/"77LNY i : <br /> i <br /> -"�-�� R OND D. ENTR�P�YI�et <br /> i,l�� (� <br /> (��ii� ..�G_1�L <br /> ��`�1 � RNN EHTRE�C��ef <br /> :�:;_� . _.' . <br /> ;:S. <br />-�.��4"'s' 8TATE OF NEBflABKA) Er4`ti;. <br /> ';::t:l (sa i'c•s_ <br /> �_�_ COUNTY OF HALL ) � ;'�� <br /> `"- OntNe ��TH Oayot f�AY �g93 beloreme,theunderalgneA eNOtary Pu011cCUlywmmiealon�p anA � . <br /> ,1,.:: puelifled for eald tounty,Dereonelly ceme RRYfAOND b. ENTHEKIN pND JOYL� BNN ENTNEKIN. HUSBRND 0.N0 WIFE . <br /> be I�e IdenUcel perspn(s)w�ose name�s)i&are subactlb0d f - <br /> ".`�'�°,t to the foregoing inatrument, end helahelthey aeknow�edge the exeeution t�ereol to Ce hiNherd�elr rolumery aet an0 deeA. ' <br /> i - <br /> :,.n:t • <br /> �'��;� WltneaemyhontlanANOtarielSeelet GRRND ISLRND, NEBRRSKiI _ ! . <br /> -�;;•: . <br /> In aeld to�nty.�e�late plorqeelp. <br /> ' NIRK QOODMOM � � - � � / <br /> - �rcma r,n ou�a iss: - ". '��.2sJ.,�G._-- <br /> olary Pubhc J <br /> My Commiealon oxplrea: — <br /> IIF�NOONb <br /> :�� <br /> .�''i.-.1�, <br /> t)�iiJ <br /> [jf. <br />:�� -I <br /> tl.\� ' <br />':�:.f:i�`?. <br /> _ ..,Y� �.__. <br />