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<br /> -�- ..r. v .. .. . . ._��y.�'.'2.`:'Y...'..�°„-"`='�'5�.::T..��.n�-_c.'.:aw-.�iaU�:11V1tJL�h'-�R'�limi'M'�t7��_
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<br /> w:'��y,:' 7Y}Ci�1'i�!'.�t�Y!i�M�dl,tll�1 im��rovcmt;nt�:no�v��r hr.►►nf�rr ere+�ted oij tho p�renr,rly,nml ull cn��men1�,ii�1�)tlf�CiSAilt:w�,
<br /> �, ',:,;f- LIIIII�I41L11��:V IIqW[�P h�m:�lb��'-,►parl uf Ihe prupcny, All n:plac�:NCIII.Y[lql�llll(�IIll�liti AIU1�I Ultill VO CiIYCI'CLI I)y ITl{S SCCI!!'I1Y --
<br /> ;�,':;'�,..�;. ' Insinntu�nt, AU af thq 1an;t;�dt1(i i4 ni'crrc�t ta i��Ihiy ticcurily h�slntn�etU ns dtc"t'�ti�p::tty." T—
<br /> - - tt(1ftRtlWFki t't��'t;NRtiN'�'`�thnt H«►TU�t�e�•is lu�vt'uliX�cisc�i of tUc estutc hereby cunvcyc�uud h;i5 q��rl�;l�t to�rant �
<br /> � . �' nud�Y►nw�y ihu E'Yom;tity am)tti►ti!�h�:Fru�c;iqy is uncnt�ua►bt�r�l.exeCpl f��r ettr.umDl�anceti nf ce��ttd. Hc►n�otver wttreitnty an�1 -
<br /> _..
<br /> � . _ �vlu�cl'en�t p�:ilc:iully ihn Ii�in t+�Ii�q!4'upctiy�+�,aln,���Ii ciui�us.roid d�tn;►��ds,sub}ect to nny cmcttmtt�tts'�:a ftf r�'t.'nt�<f- _-
<br /> _
<br /> -_
<br /> -- - '� '17i1� SLC:UItI l'Y Iri`!Itun�,C,N 1' anuhincy uniiunn cuvcu;.aiil. rvt il:�ttpna! us; ;tttr� ttcm-urrifomi rtn•c:r:titte e�:t. -- .----- -
<br /> „ • limit�:d vi►ri5tions I�Y.IurJ+di��UUn tu c:t�ns�it�.uc a unii'cm��ccurity ia.t���te�t ci3��.ri�ti�ns!���+•r:�i}. - - - -
<br /> '. ° � UNIFURM l.'(]VF?NAN�';i. Iir���wcr iatJ l.en��cr cc�vsn,�n�nis�ngrrc n1 follc�wfi: __-
<br /> 1. �'��yroent oP Nrtosl�;t�!tmd lidcrest: Pre�ny�icr.t nied I,wtc Ch3�'(tc`�• Rnr�owvr stinll prun�ptiy pay whan du�thG' _-- _
<br /> , � prhu:ip;�l��f'nnd intenst on tDu dr.lrt evidenccd by ilicr Notc+ind t�ny prp:►ymcnc�ind lutc�:Unrges duc under the Natc. ��
<br /> ' 2. OlerrrJ;�fL,r 7l�xcW unr��n.r•urnncc. SuhJcct to applicubl�I;�v�or to n wrilten�wilvor by Lcndcr.Burr��wcr tihnll�,�y w f:°._=_- ---- - -
<br /> � i�nt.r• �►r►�duc un dcr t hc N��t4. untl! lhe NuW is pidd in f��ll,.�tium l"Fl�ndv") for:�c�l y�►n'ly ��e`'��- ---
<br /> I.cndur un thu d;�y manthiv p:ryn� �;
<br /> t�ixry and+►ssessnu'.nts whir.h niny+�u�dn pri��rity uver�his Scrw•ity�nvirument uti n lien un thc Properiy:lb)Yeiiriy let�schald , � ���._
<br /> � raymentr; or :tt�u��d nTittN mt thc F'rt�pectY, ii'anY; lc) yc;►rly h��«ucl ur prrperty insurancc pRmiums; (d) yci►riy iluud .�', �,1,�,�� -
<br /> . , in:�ur,�nGa pr�:miums, if ;my; lc) Ycnrly mnrtgago inruriutcu pr�miums. U +►ny: �uu1 (il imy sums payahfc by Funowc� tu �,����_
<br /> I.rndr.r, in;�r.car�Jmir.o with �.itu pro��lsions of p;n•a�;rnph tl, in licu��1'�hr paym�:nt af morig.�t�m insurancc premlumr. 7'hese °�` ...�-�.� y,�_
<br /> itcros um call�:d"Csc��au+lu:my." L.�:ndcr miiy,iu i►ny timc,culicct,�td hnld!'undy in nn umount nnt to excecd thc m�iximum . :,.�k:,,,;�;-,�_.
<br /> _ ' , ' `;,,,�.,`�� imtutmt � Icndcr fur a fcci�rnllv related mo►��ugc luam m�y rcy�e�t f��r tiiun�wur� c�cruw uccaunt �mdcr thu frdc�al Rr,d • - �,t; :�
<br /> 'E;y ;;, k�stutc Scttlmn�n�E'rc��cdurr,�Act of 19T4 as nmcndcd fram tim�to s+me, 12 U.S.C.#i Z6U1 et sry.("tiGSPA'�),unlcsx imnihu� , '�a,,.�,
<br /> ' ���•'' � iaw th.0 a�pplicx to Iha 1•l�ndh�c��:u les�cr anwuui. li'�u.t.t:tdcr may,ia uny tim4,c��IlcG►nnd hol�t R�ads in nn mm�unt not to � �
<br />,":')'" � � ' ' cxcccd thc Icsxcr amo�int. l.endcr m�ry c.r•timatr t4;� :�n�ount ��f Funds dua nn titu ba�ls of aurrcnt daln und reasannblo . '---===
<br /> k. , a____,�-_�
<br /> . . ' estim;ste�vf expcnditum:���f futurc E.r•rrow Items or othenvize in nccordunc��with nppUcublc I�iw. :'' . �;=-�s;
<br /> � • �, 'I'h4 F�ttdti shnll hu huld in mt institudon �vhusc dcposits a�r In.r•urcd hy .i fcdcr�il ugancy, in�aumcntaliry, or cntity ., • ;��;�__
<br /> . . (inGludin��end��r,if�.citdur is ruch un intititutiim)or in uny F'c�icr::F Humc L��un�t�tlk, Lcndcr slinll npply 1hu Funds ta pay • , . - -
<br /> , ' � � Ihc Eiscro�v Itc�ms. Lcndur nr,�y nrn churgc B��nrnvcr for hnl�lit1� :mJ npplyin� ihc Funds, unnuully ani�lyxing thc cscro�v , _-
<br /> , � accaunl, ��r vc+ril'yinu th�� li.ticrow ltems. �mles.r• l,cndcr pays aia�ra�ver lntcrest un thc Funds i�nd iipplica�hlc I.nv pem�i�. ,; • .
<br /> � L c n d c r w m:ti k u ti u w h a a l u t r b c. H ow evcr, l.cndcr ntu y rci�uirc [�orrowur t��pay a onu•Nmc rhiirb� fi�r un iiidepcndent rri+l �.�.• r, . _
<br />. ..� . �:�'� ,:, � eslatu lnx repurling+ervic�utied by Lender in connection with thrs luan.unles��epplicaiblc Inw prov l dus�t herwi:c. Un less an ` —
<br /> • . �;'��;.�: ,. ���;�ecnu�nt is made or nppllca►blc la�v rc�uires interes�lo b+:pai�.l.Lca�d�;�shnll nut iw rcyuircd t�.�pay Bc�rrowcr any intcres�o� ,,
<br /> ' �.`>> � c;trnin�s on thc Fl�nds. Horcu+vcr anJl�.•:ndcr mny i�grcc in write��, h��wuvur,thut intcrc.t shi�ll tv;r�iid nn thc Fundti. Lcndcr � �
<br /> � � �•,��• ,
<br /> • shiill�iv��to Horrowcr,tvithaut chc+r�,c,c�n nnnual acra►utting of thu I�uuds.shu�vinZ:credi►y i�nd debitti to the Funds und�he
<br /> pur�M,c fur wlii�h i:F1CF)[IUlll) IO IIIL`I"UII(Jl WAti�1131��. T�1C F'1111tIh UYC�)ICI�SGI�;�ti+iddltiunn) sceurity fi�r,tll sunts sccured by �� ,:�. � •�'
<br /> this Sc�:urity 1nF�re�rnant. �*'`,`;.- .. ..�;���'
<br /> , ff thi� F•lmdn huld by Lcndcr exccrd thv :t�rri:;�t� �.►��•!!',:� tn hc hcld by up�li�:��b1c Inw, Lcndar tiha�U uccount to ,,. . �.
<br /> �','�•' florro�c�cr fr:th4 oxces5 N�mds in,�ccardimce with th�reyi�.r:»�en.::uf uppUcut►lu luw, If tha umuunt uf ihe F�mds hrld b� � �
<br /> - l.c;ncler T»^.' linte 14 nut sul�Cic�el�! !t•�;�y l41c F.crnw I►em, �.t�en du��. l.end�r muy�o noUfy HuR��w.:r in wriiin�,:md,an ,
<br /> , - --
<br /> _ `. � , .:.��.,� such ces: Ctfan•uwer �hnl) pay to I.ender the iunuunl neces,,u� t.• mak�� up �he deficicncy. Ron�o�vcr .r•hall mi�ke up thc ( _--- ;- - ;
<br /> , .:. ,
<br /> ;t ,, daf'icicncy in no murc ihan twolvc monthly puymcntz,ut l.cndcr��ole iliscrciion. ' ,
<br /> _�'''` . ' ,' � Upon paymenl in full of ull sums sccurcd by �hix Securiry In,trumcnt. I��ndcr sha0 promptly rrl'und to Bc�rn�wcr.my �.'�� . , .
<br /> -`° •. �'�� ...•.�..•.,:i:.i� :.'C�:�3:!°••II �1.3 p!'•Jr^C�v 1 rnri.�t nriur to the ucuuftilliun oi L, '-�,' --
<br /> . _.. _ .. --` -,:�: - - Mlil(�fi Itolq�y�-.cnuci. !'t.uut=ni�7ti�ti�iti�,n..��t.�u..�� ' : � •� �• - . . --.`--`-- . _
<br /> . s��tu of the Property, ;;h,iU apply am t�unds neld hy I.endcr :�� Ihu limu al'u�Nul.ltian or s�►�� as i► credit a�idn:�t thc sums � � :
<br /> � sccumd by ihis Securlty Instrumer.t. • �
<br /> , 11��� 1, ApplicaUon of PuymenSs, t'nl�titi applicablc taw pruv�deti uthur��i�e. .�II paymentti reccived hy Lrndar undcr �
<br /> plrngraphs 1 and 2�ha11 tk applicd: Iirr�t.to uny E�r�ra��ncnt ch,u�,e�auG undcr thc Ni�tc:sccc�nd,to amnunt�pay��hlu unclar
<br /> para�;raph 2;thi�d.lo imrm•t duc;touRh,to princ��cai duc:untl lu��.���nny latc chtrcges duc�mdcr thc Nnto, �
<br /> 4. Char�;ey; l,iens. Bcurowcr shall pi�y :dl taxe�, :���essmcnts, chi�r�;cti, t'ines ;md imp��siuons auributnblu to thc �
<br /> ` Propeny«�hich m.�y►ivain priority rver thi�tiecurity lnstru�num.��nd Ieutiehuld puyments ur gruw�d rents,it'any. [iorrawrr
<br /> � �: , shull pny these ablit;utiun.r in Ihu ma��nar provideQ in puragr:��h:,ur if not paid in thiu manncr.Burr��w�r shull puy them on
<br />:;'.;. ' timc dirccUy�o thu purtiun c�wcd pa�mem. Bi�rrowcr tihull pro�»pily fl�rnish tu Lcndcr��II n��licc�of��m��untti to hc:puid undrr � ,
<br /> �� , �hiti paragraph. If Honvwcr m:�kes�hrsc p.iymcnts d:rccily. Horrc+wcr shull prc�mptly furnish ta Lcndcr rcccipts cvidaneinh •
<br />:.,,,,; , thc p,�yments. �' ;' i: .
<br /> ,. • ' fiorrowcr.r•hull prompUy disch:u�c i►ny licn«hzcli has priori�y ovor�his Security Instrumcnt unluss Horrc�wcr:l.0 nprcus .
<br /> -;�,',:,� in writing to tha p.�ymam of'thu obli�;uion securod hy thu lien in�n�anner�cceptt�ble io Lende:;(bl contos�x in aood tuuh tho
<br /> ' Ucn by,ar defends�igainht cnforccmem uf thc licn in,Icgul prckecdi�,s��•hich in thr l.endcrti apinion operute u�prcvrnt th� � ,:.,�';.. '
<br /> � �;�:'�Fr , , .. .
<br /> enforcement nf thu liun;��r(c)�eeures fmm the h��lder i�i'th�� licn an�creement satis(acWry to Lendur subnrdinutinb thc licn i ;,•'•�,'.
<br /> . . to thl�Secu�iry Insuumunt. If Lender determincs Ihu�any part uf th�F'ro�n:ri�•i�subjcct tu a lien which mac:uti�in priurity
<br /> , ovcr this Sccurlry Ins�rumant,Lendcr mi�y givc B��rn�wcr u nvticc i�i�nt:f�ir.g thr licn. Bnrruwcr shall natisf} thr lien or takc `,, ,
<br /> anu cu mo�c uf thu ucdons set forth a�lwvc within 10 duyy nP thc gi�ins oP m�ticc. `'�'�
<br /> ` , � 5. Hazard or Praperly Ir+susnnce. 8urm�vcr.rhull kec�i:he improvcmcnts n��w rxi.iing i�r here�fter erected on thc �
<br /> Prt�periy int�umd uyuin:�t loss by tire,hn•r.ards includrd�vilhin the temi"extcndcd ruvcr:►�;c" and any c�Ihcr ht►iardti,includii3�1 .
<br /> flaods or flooding, for �.hich l.cndar reNuirc� insurancc. This imur.�ncc ,hall hc m�iu�ained in the nmuuntx and for the !
<br /> Fol'm J02N 9190 Ip�+��•=��/f�P��R�•u ,
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