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hereafter held by Beneficiary ar Trustee in such arder and manner'as-they or either of them may in their absolute discretian <br /> determir►e. No remedY herein conferred upan or reserved to Trustee ar.Beneficiary is intended to be exciusive of arry other remedy <br /> herein ar by law provided or permitted, but each shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every ather remedy given hereunder � <br /> or now or hereafter exisring at taw or in eQuity or by statute. Every power or remedy given by arry of the Loan Instruments to � <br /> Tnistee or Beneficiary or to which either of them may be otherwise emitfed. may be exercised. cancurrendy or independerttfy, from � <br /> time to �me and as often as may be deemed expedient by Tnistes a� Beneficiary and either af them may pursue inconsisterrt � <br /> remedies. Nothing herein shall be cans7rued as prohibitinq-Beneficiary from seelting a deficiency judqment aqainst the Trustor tQ � <br /> the extent suct� ac:io� is permitted by law. <br /> � <br /> 13. Rsq�esf Fo�Ncrics. Trustcr and all other parties set forth here+� hereby requests a capy of arry Notice of Defauit � <br /> and a copy af any Natice of Saie hereunder be maiied to them at the address set forth in the first paragraph of this Second Oeed � <br /> of TrusL <br /> 14. Goveming Law. This Secand Deed of Trust shall be govemed by and canstrued in accordance with the laws af <br /> the Siate af Nebrasfca. In the event that any provisian or dause of any of the Loan Insaumer�ts cocrfficis with applipble laws,suct� <br /> conflict shall not affeci ott�er provisians af suct� loan Instrumems whict�can be given effect without the cartfticting provisian, and <br /> to this end the provisions of the loan Ins�trumerns are dedared to be severable. This instrumern c�nnat be waived, chanqed, <br /> discharged ar terminated arallY, but only by an insVUment in writinq siqned by t�e party against whom errforcament of ar�y waiver, <br /> chanqe, disct�arge or terminavon is sauqM. <br /> 15. Recamrsyanca by Trustae. Upon written requesi of Beneficiary stating that al! sums secured hereby have been <br /> paid and upon surrendet of this Secand Deed of Trust and any note to Tn�stee fo�cancella�on and retention and upan paymertt by <br /> Trustor of Trustes's fess,Trustee shall recorney to Trt�.sior, or the person or persans legally entitted therem,without warranty, arry <br /> portion of the Trust Estate then held hereunder. The recitals in such recarneyance of any matters or facts shall be conciusive praof <br /> of the tnnhfulness tl�ereof. The grarttes in any reconveyance may be described as "tfie person or persons legally entitfed thereto." <br /> 16. Noticss. Whenever Beneficiary, Trustor or Trusiee shall desire to give or serve any notice, demand, request or <br /> other communicatian vvith respec: to this Second Deed of Trust, each such notice, demand, request or other communication shall <br /> be in writing and snall be effec:ive only if ;he same is delivered by personai service or mailed by certified mail, pos2age prepaid, <br /> retum reCeipt requesteti, addressed ta che address sei`orth at the beginning or *,his Second Deed oT Trust. Any party may at any <br /> time change its address `or sucn notic�s by deiivering �r ma�iing to the other parties hereto, as aforesaid, a notice cT suc7 c�ange. <br /> 17. Acceptance by T�USree. Trustee ac�a�,s Zhis i rust wnen this Second Deed or Trust, duiy executea and <br /> acknowiedged, is made a puolic recora as provided by law. <br /> 4 <br />