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2. Taxes. Trustor snafi �ay each insallment of all caxes and specia! assessments of every ki�d, naw or hereafter <br /> levied aqainst ;he Trust Estate or any �art thereor, �erore delinquency, without �otice or demand. <br /> 3. /�uranca and Repairs Trustor snail maintain �i�e and extended cnveraqe insurance insuring the Impravements <br /> constitudnq part of ;he Trust Estate `or such amounts and o� suc:� terms reasonably satisfactory to Benericiary. So lonq as the <br /> Property is secured by a first deed or ;rust or mortgage, compliance with the insurance requiremems af the first deed of trust or � <br /> mortgaqe shail be surficient to satisiy the requirements or this paraqraph 3 reia�ng to inswance. <br /> � <br /> Trustor snall promptty repair and replace �e Trust Estate or any part thereaf so �at, excapt far ordinary wear and tear, � <br /> :he Trust Estate shall not deteriorate. (n no event snall the Trustor commit ware an ar to the Trust Estate, or commit. sui-fer or � <br /> perm�t any act:o be done in or upon ;he Trust Eszate in violation of any law, ordinance or regulation. Trustor shall pay and promptty � <br /> discnarqe at Trustor's cost and exoense all liens. ancumorances and charges leviea, iPnposed or assessed againsz tt�e Trust Estate � <br /> or any part thereof. N <br /> 4. Actions Affecting Trusr Estate. Trus;or shall appear in and cnrttest any acJan or procaeding purportinq to affect � <br /> the securiry hereof or:he rights or pawers of Beneficiary or Trustee, and shail pay atl casts and expenses,includinq cast of evidence <br /> of titte and attomeys' fess, in any suct� action ar procaedi�g in which Beneficiary or Tn�stee may appear. lf Trustar fails to make <br /> any payment or ta do any act as and in the manner provided in any of the Loan Insiruments, Beneficiary and/or Trusiee, each in <br /> their ow�discretian, withaut obliqation so to do and wittiaut notice to or demand upan Trustor and without releasing Trustor from <br /> any obligation, may make or do the same in such manner and to such extent as either may deem necessary to protec:the securiry <br /> hereof. Tn�stor shail, immediately upon demand tt�erefor by Beneficiary, pay atl casi5 and expenses incurred by Beneficiary in <br /> connection with tt�e exercise by Benen"ciary of the `oregoing rfghts, inciudinq without limitation casts of evidencs of title, court <br /> costs, appraisais, surveys and attomeys' fees. <br /> 5. Emine»t Domain. If the Trust Estate, or any part thereaf or irrterest therein, be taken or damaged by reason of <br /> any public improvement or condemnation proceeding, or in any other manner inc:uding deed in lieu thereor ("Condemnaiion"), or <br /> ir Trustor receives any notice or other inrormation regarding suc:� proceeding, Trustor shall give promot wntten notic� thereof to <br /> Benericiary. Trustor snall be entitted to afl comoensation, awards and other payments or re4iei ;hereof and shall be �ntitled at its <br /> ootion �o cammenc2, aopear in anC �ros2cute in its own name any ac;ion or prec�sdings. Trustor snall also �e entitted to make <br /> any comoromise or ser�.ement in ccr,nec.ion with sucn taking or damage. <br /> 6. Appo:'ntment of Suc�ssso� Trus�ee. 3ene*iciary maV, rrom time m time, by a written instrument �xecuted and <br /> ac:<r,owiedged �y Bene*iciary, maiiea :c �rustor ana ;ec�rdeo in tne County in wnicn the Trusi Es:ate �s locat2a ana �y otherw�se <br /> �omoiying with tne prov�sions or �re aoeiicable law �r ?he State of Neorasxa sucstitute a succ�ssor cr succ�ssors �� .he �rustee <br /> named herein or acting hereunder. <br /> 7. Succsssors and Assigns. This Second Dead or Trust applies to, inures to the beneTit oi and binas all parties nereto. <br /> �heir heirs, !egatees, devise°s, pers�nai re�res�ntatives, successors and assigns. �ne term "8eneficiary" shall mean the owner and <br /> �oider of any promissory note give� to �enericiary, ;wne;her or not named as Beneficiary nereinJ. <br /> 8. Merger, Consolidavan, Sa/es or Leases. Trus:or covenants that�rustor �Niil not seil, lease or other.vise disoose <br /> �r any of the Trust Estate. In the event that Trustor sells, leases or otherwise disposes oi any part or the Trust Estate, Beneiiciary <br /> �nay at its option dectare the IndeSteaness secured hereby immediately due and payable, whether or not any deiault exists. <br /> 3eneficiary shall consent to a trans�er or the Trust Estate to a third parry to the sxtent such third party meets the requiremertts <br /> ::ontained in, and assumes the obligations set farth in the FirsL Deed of Trust. The covenants conta�ned here+n shall run with the <br /> ?roperty and shall remain in full fores and effect untii the Indebtedness is paid in full. <br /> 9. Eve�rts of Defau/t. Any of the foltowing events shaft be desmed an event of derault hereunder: <br /> {a) default shall be made in the payment of the Indebtedness or any other sum secured hereby when due; <br /> or <br /> (b) Trustor shall perform any ac: in bankruptcy; or <br /> (c! a court of cnmpetent jurisdic;ion shall enter an arder,judgmeM or decree approving a petition filed against <br /> Trustor seelcing any reorganization, dissolution or similar relief under any present or future federal, state or other sratute, <br /> law or reguiation relating to bankruptcy, insolvency or other relief for debtors, and such order, judgment or decree snall <br /> remain unvacated and unstayed for an aggregate of sixty(60)days(whether or not cansecutive!from tt�e first date of entry <br /> thereof; or any trustee, receiver or liquidator or Trustor or of ail or any part of the Trust Estate, ar of any ar all of the <br /> royalties, revenues, rents, issues or profits thereof, shall be appointed without the consent or acquiescence of Trustor and <br /> such appointment shall remain unvacated and unstayed for an aggregate of sixty (6o) days (whether or not cansecutive}; <br /> or <br /> 2 <br />