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� .4�i a , . � ' , � 't" c�i� <br /> . . . .t. ., : ... .- . . _ ... _. -. }' `�$ t 1.J .,:_. <br /> � � D �`ED OF R�C�1�iV1EYANCI� ��'�����J$ � °�`r � <br /> ;.,,. <br /> TAe indebtedneee eeoured Dy ihe Dead ot ry'ruat e:ecuud b a8� 1 � g f e � en0 :D U`"°�"y , <br /> � - <br /> = �� in hie end hs o+m rig��pd ne aq�qg P eac o har � . <br /> -� ae TrueWr� W_�°°• i, a�'<"�;�.ede. °EfAYc'nnY i�T . -. <br /> te Truatee �ov the E�s�efit of The IIquitable Bu��tng and Loen Asaxlation o!(irand Ulend,ae Beneil�Ctuy. , <br /> d���e,�r.u,�ar . ,18 •ead recorded in the ti eft e RegtetarotDeeda; . <br /> '� -?? ot eH 11 County,Nebraeka ae Daumant No �"�078� - <br /> T� or ta Rook --° ,Page..,_^�hae 6eea aid,end the Beneflcluy h�s roquoattlQia ` <br /> � <br /> �;;,' wdttng that tMe Daod o!Reeonveyance be exeauted nnd delivereS ne contiemed by ite endoreemeat belox. ' . <br /> " s n; In conatderatton ot euch yaymenC and in aceosdance wiEh ehe reyucat of tho SeneUciary, the Ttuetee <br /> rewnveys W the peraon or peeaons eattNed therato all the rlght,title,intereat and elaim sequfred by the <br /> '--F`' Truetee pureuent to Ehe Deed o!TruaC In the followings <br /> -�,�`_�'�`'�` LoE Bighteen (18), in Island Acree Num6er Seven (7), en RddiLion to Lhe City ot 6rand <br /> :-.?4 "_:�. <br />•�^,�-Qj;jj+J� Ielend, Hall County, Nebraske. <br /> ;:;.,;,�_ <br /> -.,r5 .;4 <br /> ---�ZS.[�.# <br />.�:��j�f;�:.y <br /> -;v.�i�..�.5 <br /> y <br /> } �S {�. -. <br /> -.r:ti 7;ii '+ -.. <br /> ,;:,�. .ii� _ <br />_.;„S:�' - <br />�'�?;.C���� <br /> _ ,yj�.r;( v. <br /> "`����`�" HAY 21, 1893 <br />-..,I)l;;[t:�i: Dated� -. <br />`,,;:s.-.:=�, Truetee _ <br /> ?`•�t���'�\•' `_ <br />-_ ';,y , <br />" �'r�i.1}4��" _ <br /> : - F„ BTATE OF NEBRABKA �AA <br /> rr��:;,�; <br /> { if� COUNTY OF HALL � _ <br /> . <br /> �r;}`'�, The toregoing inafrument wae acknowladged betore me or MAY 21, 1893 <br /> _l�,.l 1,� <br /> :;:�;,i;�ff yy Eerl D. Ahlachwede A Member of the Nebraske State Ber Aesocietion 8e Truatee. _ <br /> ti ` ; <br /> x �� C �m�wt�oc+xrsarrweron = <br /> ' , { * , Notary Publlc �-/9 �yps�p� � <br />.`1{:.ii�i}�U = <br /> ':;�ry���,•� FtEQUEBT FOR RECONVEYANCE <br /> - :t x`?- = <br />.^;:�,`:�:���!' The Beneficlary raqueats the Truatee to recoavey the real estatc deacrlbed ebove to the pereon or per• ° <br /> '!�'Sx'7-� _ <br /> ; ;,,:�; sone entttled thereto. _ <br /> '�'i*'•.�•�jt The Equiteble Building end Loen Associetion of Grand Island, Nebraske, A Fe Savinga <br /> ;" "'`' eank, Succeasor to The Equttabl ing end an A octation <br /> ,._ - :,�,; nd d = <br /> .;,,; •; <br /> {� �; ��11y <br /> c�- _. � p� ~ J. son, Preald /CEO (T(tle) <br /> ,;:'�';; ��Q� A��� Beneficfery <br /> Y ,"' �� � � •N m� <br /> � :, STATE OF NEBRASKA l SS a SEAL <br /> -� ��• COUNTY OI�' HALL l I " <br /> . - �t�tltai�P��� ': <br /> . '..,�� The foregoing inatrument was acknowle ore me on MAY 21 lg 93 ,by i� <br /> .�. W. Olson. PraeidentLf.EO (titlel fo The Equitable Huilding end Loan <br /> _ Aeaoclafion of Grand Island,aaHener";�*�"__ Nabraska, A Fede� Savings Bank, a�Beneficiery. <br /> _ ��"u'�µ�'" �_;f.,_..i.��.��.��I ��. � .���t�,. � <br /> 6a�peoRc.p&a&�� / NotarY Public •; '� �'.�/ � <br /> _ ��- <br /> - ' �Spaee Itelow Thia l.ine Renen'rd For Re<ording Data� <br /> � .� �� � � n n -• - <br /> i a � <br /> • ;) Y1 N ' <br /> 3 ,n' _ .n� ;; � � = w r" <br /> � s .� � <br /> n � ; .� <br /> . qm i � :.. <br /> t .'-� W � . i 6 <br /> N � <br /> ;�. -I � - �� <br /> f::. D � , ., <br /> - 1�� �; ? ! � ' . . . . ' .� :a <br /> M � rt <br /> '� i : , __ __ . _ — _ o . <br />