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1 �fi���� � <br /> � J�, � , , :.,, �_.n.,. ._ <br /> ?. r <br /> — i <br /> _ . ' . • ' ' 9�• �ti���2� _ -_- <br /> �"'� UNIF4flM OOVBNIINI� BOnovrlr Nd lxiMr oavmml�n0 WM N lOiaWN � � , � �:� � . <br /> - -�.,z�—.� -. <br /> �� � �. PiyRIHl��O�P7IHOI�ii1�A IniiPisll Ff�P�jtFli ifi1 4iG I.Cwi GRYQCi� QOftCBw 611a QfOR�'�J 'h°/R'R�'�QYR�{0 ' . �°`-'------ ._ . . <br /> �?'^w�,� p1nc�Y p1�nd Int�l on tM dMt MQaioN DY N�Nod u�d aq�prprymxd rnd Nt�chvpN On unMr N�NctR <br /> � II. Cu86P f6P T�t�i�i�tRWir�&'3. �to�Iss ot to e .�k1en��x by I.atdr Bo.�[�r etiy F.,j° to'11�ION'4�I <br /> -.� N�MN mon1AA'D�U en dua unda the Not6 untl Ne Note b P�N NA�eum PFundf�ton Iq YWb l�xN�nd�tsMlmtnU�whhll • _ _ ----. <br /> = inY awti qialp�ovw tAN Bwialp�N�buixnt���Nn on tM PrqwM�)Y+eM kuMOl�WN�p a Qaxid mu on�h�ProAwlp� <br /> ��M=2,1 n nmro a proceW„.wna a�err+unw c�l raM eoaa xwmio�a�umti e vr.U)nW�aCS h�unno.pronumr. F :,E,,. <br /> tdti�59 N uy,md(p�ny tum�04'�M CY Barower to LanOa�In soowumoe wAh tlw P��bn�W DNO�Dh 0�h leu-d th�Pe�manl ol matp� _.:.'-- "... <br /> F ?�!'_'>' ' ' mq�q�nY tln�,oolwt�nd hoW Fund�In N aequnt nW lo�caW ._.. <br /> Nwnna P��� l�K�IUnu an oWd 6sarow 8em�. Unar — <br /> K� i il�s-� the tr�num�mwnt�NnMr la�(ederty rdate0 mori�pe loui m►y r�qulro ta 8ortaxK�aarow�000unl undor th�ib�tM B�Y � __ . _ - <br />:%�;;'`���;:ti &I�te BetU�xne�t Frooedura Ad ol t871 at unended lrom tNie to tYix,18 UA.Q 8 C001 at aeq.('11E8PM►,unlq�moNr Itw N11 rpph�ta ��-- — <br /> ��."'�§�``��: 1he flmde ids�lessx uiwim4 II so,ltnder m�R 61 Ny 11710.�C�NA IIOW FYMd�N N YIIOIII111101 t0 tllON4 N�IOqN YIIWIIL UfIAY �''-���_�. <br /> �F`I�'s�� - ---°- <br /> rtry strinU Ne�mamt of Fund�Ne on iM bnU ol artent dNa�nd nuon�bb e�tYnus ol a�xidtwn ol NWn E�arow tl�nw a othRxb� �' ' <br /> t`+'r S NlWadmO�N11h MpCabN Yw. ---- <br /> ��,`,�; Ths FuM�ahU be htld N an hstlGnbn whoae depofMe w t�eurad by�tedeN ayaio�,N�WmmtWy,a�nUqr p�WAny lmdu II Undv <br /> . „<{g_"r. b euch ui hf�lWOn)a h eny Feded Nom�Lan&nk Lenda ahel�ppy th�Nnde b pq the Eaanw ttKna. Undv mry not oMrp� ,-�.Y�� �—_ <br /> ' �r{:� Bartowx ta hol&iy end�ppMno the Funda,mnv�m�ydnp U�a eaaav a000unl a vMyNp Iho Faaow Rm�,unlns Lander Dq'�Buranr . ,�... <br /> �r�,� IMeroal on No FLnda entl rpplmda kw pemiNe Lenda to m�k�wo7i�dNrge. Navaver,Laider mq mqute Bamx'a to pq a on�1NN oMiqr <br /> o�l�il. . <br /> Y s;k ta ui IndepmAnt reU asun ux repatlnfl aavlce u�M bY Lenda N oonneolbn wllh Nb lom.uNeas dAD�lew praNdes otAaxlaa UnNSf �it.�,"��`:. <br /> ` �'�' en e�eainad k mode a�pp�nDte 4w requYee Intaast to bs qld.Lmda ehd nol be raquXed lo pry Bamva uy Nteraat a auninps on Ne F h,-?r - <br /> � �,�:?�;.- Fwda Bortowa md Lmda mq��ee In wdW9,howeve,Wt Me'eat ahe�be qld on ths funW. landr ah�f pka a Bortowar,xflhout �+�;rF,a <br /> '�c'if' d�pe,m�nmW�000unlN9 of Na FunAS ahwAip aedln and dabttii to the Funde�nd the puryose fa whkh eeoh debR to the FLnAe �� d�r � <br /> _r a.{: �e meda The Funda ue pladped as ad�ECna7 sewrtly tor tl mma eeaued Ey We BewAry Inawmmt j�?��;in'uF � :_ <br /> tT <br /> �.n�+.� H the MWS�std by Lender m�oeed 1ha unounu D����hdd by applubb kw,lander sh�l�oaount to Bonowe,la N�mwass f'��� t�_ <br /> ;t. -,�,�t Funda h aoaordenoe wllh Ne requYemenW ol sppAOOLk kw. X the emount ot tN Funde�dd 6y lenda�t uiy tYns le not eullfalmt to pqr Ne ,��'•��.y,�,,. ;_ <br /> , .t- s..r : .:� <br /> .; S; t'. Etaox IIlmf whM du0.laldlt mey!0 noWy Bortowe/N w�AN9.�nd h 6uch ate BortOwM�hfl pry t0 Undl�iM�moun�MotteYy to m�ke �.. s;i�y s. <br /> . ..�'•��'. up tha deEdenoy. Barowa sh�Y meke up Ne MComv/N no mae 11wi twdva monNN WY��at lenEde soH B�aallm. i`�:t;t t;��r�,_;_. <br /> ?` f} i��� Upon pnymant N NI ol U sunu aeared by thb BewtRY Ina4umenl LenAa shel DraePtlY reNnd to Bartowa ury Fund�hNd Dy Lantlar. M ::�.�.°R�,�i �: <br /> �* , �.. <br /> f� � � unda pva�7ph III,Landar ehJ naqute a seY the PropMy,LenOer, pAa to the�oqulsAbn a W�01 the Property,ehY�pply my Fund�held �, y - <br /> t'��_r�S by LenEer�t the IYiw ol�oqulaNOn or ule�s a aeml�geYUt Ne aum�aewred Ey tNa Bewdy Nahument i s>` ,� <br /> 9.Applloation M Piymente. umeas�ppceema bw pranae�omavnaa ee paymm�e raa+ved ey tenaar under puaQapns t ma s < <'i��,gRt '. <br /> �;� �i�- ehe0 6a appEed:Na6 to eml prepernaR cheryee duo under Ne No[e:aeoond,to mwunW payaWe unAa qnvtph 2;NYO.In M¢rpt Cua, � fR , ��� <br /> eT Sf,� �I <br /> _z..�,�,i��. touM,to pinclpel due,�nd keL to ury 41a chuqea dua uMx the Nota ��,y x!;=: <br /> �}, � <br /> , ;1��`, b. Ch�rpaai Llene. eonawer eiw vflv d wcea aswsammu.cnereex enae ena Wywanane aiaauuma�o the r�weAr wnien mev 1t��:41', �L�.. <br /> � rt ellatri piaiq wa thin&aiRy IneWmm6 and kasehdd peymmts or�ovnd rcniti B eiry. Bortaxa shel pry thefe o6Ypet(ons N Ne menna ',,3���'+ _ <br /> �� �1� p�Y�pg'e�aph Y.ot M not peld N thet mennm.Barmrer theB pey Nan on INna mredly t01he peawi owad Myment Bortowa ahe! ri. '�''"; �:::-: <br /> f1�i. 5,,, <br /> :� t! � WuMN'NMeh to Lmder a1 noUees o1�mounte lo be peld unGer thls puepaph tt Barower mekes Neae pay�nenh droGy.Bortowor - _ r.i.{� y .- <br /> aheA r Nmleh lo Lendx reoelpU eAdendnp�he --y�.`: <br /> b11.t{'�i V pmOQY PEYmBnb. \-. - .S Fc,i-, <br /> c;:.;:�•:.;'• Bortowa ahd G�^D�M mf�Ge B^Y Gm whloh hae pAONy wx thb Becu�1Y Inetrument unleaa Bortowr.(a)�qreee In vrtAN9 to the V%Y ;c..Sr{=�ic.';'.tit�,�.. <br /> � '��t' ment ol the obAgalbn seared by ihe Een N e mennor eaeepteCle to Lmda;(b)oontesb N 8�1o11h the{n by.a dMmdf�Whst enlaoanaLL ,� i,.:" <br /> � i..:;^�� ol the len N.lepel prooeedN9a which in the lendWe oPHbn oprato to Prevmt Iho entacement ol tho 9m:a(c1�ecur»lrom the hWder ol Ne . {�; � <br /> s5� �:., kn en e�aanent eetlaleclay to Lmda w6orC�nelh8 Ne Gen to Nls SeouAy InaWmmt fl Lender delttmhea Ihel any pert ol the PropeNy la �� �. 1 _.- <br /> :,.,.,,,:.� eubJact to a tlen whkh mey a11aYi pbAy mer thU BeaAy N�Wment,lm0ct may pNe Barower a noYce Idmlllyln9 iha Yon. Barower aha0 _'_ ; L�} ���. <br /> ' / ;!/ e�tlsy No len a teke ona or more of the actlone sM loNh ebove MIhN 70 tleys ol the pMNg ol nolloe. �<':;-� k .,° <br /> _`�.:.`:.. 8. Hwrd or Properry Insunno9. earower e�ut kaep tne Irtprovemen�e mw e�a16+y«heranx erectad an tns vropaH Nsuree ',:.`r;,. � , -' <br /> . ''�; aqelnat lose by N0.hezartla NdudM wAhln the term'maended oortteqe'enA enY olher huarde.Ndumnq lboda a 1lootlh9,la whkh lmda t r;•�t `y;.-_ <br /> ' requirea Nomenee. Thb Neurance shaE be mainlNned M Ihe emoume vM tw th�P��thet Lmdar requYea. The Neurenw oertia proridlny ` t'.;`; ' SY <br /> ��� .- Ns Nwrenae shel be choam by Bortower sub�act to Lendort epprovel whle�e!W not 6e unreesonaby wXhheld. II Borraner IeCe to mohteh ` i, �'�� <br /> � -- oovaa9e deso�OM abw4 lender moY.�1 LenAaY uplbn.eblah auvenpa to prolecl lenEa'e Nph4 N tha ProDeM h a000rc4noe iNlh ':�� � . <br /> ti � <br /> ?'.:�; Wa�P <br /> AC hmrtnee poCdd md rmewete aheG be eooepuble fo fhe lendu enA ahal Ndude a efenEerd matge9e deuae. Lender aheE heve the `�-��`�' ��"'�.� <br /> dght to nok iha po0de�end reneweU. It lmdM requ4e�,Bortower aheY P�PU/9�'e to Lender el reoelpte ol peld preMUma ene renewal �-��'.- <br /> mW+es In tM erent ol ba�.Barowor�hel gNe prompt noEee to Ihe hwMOe artler enA Lender. Lmdu mey meko prool ol baa M nol mede - <br /> :'.-.-: MonWiN�f'Bortawer. �, <br /> �_ <br /> � } Unleea Lmder end Borrowaz othenMSe aqrea in wNing.Nw`ence p000ada aMR be epp0ed lo reslaalbn a r�pe4 of Ne Roperty demnge0.N �_ � _ <br /> ��� �a`,�;� fha roslaeYOn a r *Y i:�. <br /> , (.. tpe4 R eeonwdceAy IeaWla and Lmdefs�ea b not Ieasme0. tl Ihe restorelbn or reydr U not e�onomkeCy foasibte <br /> - .,:�i;:.'+(�- <br /> :!��,;,, a LmECfa secuiXy ww1E bo lessenad,tho Nwraneo proeeeda ahaA be epplM 10 the aume a¢ared by ihb EeafXy InaWment,whMher or nol � <br /> •:"N. t�en 0ue.wR�eny axcose D�d to Bortara. 11 Barowtt aDendona t�a Roperry,or tloee nol onswer wNhN 70 deye e nolloa hom londer thet the <br />'`�-�'��"-���;n{ Bwienco wAer hes ortercd to eelYe o deM.then Lender mey co0ed the Naoranco praeeda. LenEer mey uee Ne prooeeda to ropelr m resfa� � <br /> �9�;�4�""�` Ne Propary ot ro pey euma eewrcd by Ihh Sewdy InsWm�t whNha a not Ihm Eua The 90day perWC wii beqN whm Iho nolka h gkm. <br /> r.,..,. <br />-:?1i;�.j{3��'.;�� Unless LmOer antl Bmower oNemiso eqree N mMY�p.e�ry�ppOcatlon ol proceede to qNdpal ahel nol exlmd or posipone ihe Me Cate <br /> � r�� ;� ol iha monlhN peymmia reletred to N pan{iaph 1 end 2 ot UNnpe iho MWnI ol tha paymenia. 11 unAer petu{yep11 21 Ihe Propetly h <br /> * + *� eequhcd by lentler.Bortowefe tlyht ta eny Inamancc poldea end proceeda ruauilhp hom Eameye to No Property ptlor Io I�e eoquisllion <br /> � 5S 6hei peea lo L¢nOtt to tha eMmt o1 the aume startd by Ihle&arMy IneWmenl hvneQatoly pdor to llre ecquleNm. <br /> ' 8. Occupancy, Proservffilon, Malntenenco and Protoctlon ot the Property; Borrower'e Loan Appllcatlon; <br /> - - �-�;�� Loaseholde. Bortowtt MeG oaupy,eaWEUs�.en0 uae I�e floperly ee Bortower a pMeipal teslOmao w11hYi aNy deye eller ihe m�xWOn ol <br />� - �_�;�`�`,.,� Nb B¢aNry Inawmont vM ehel con�Nwa lo occuyy Ihe Hopttry eo Uortowe�'e pMdWl resiCmco tu al kaat one year elln the da�e ol <br /> - ' 000upenry.unless Lender othercAso¢geoa In wrN�p.whkh wnsmt nhV not bo unreasonabH w1��hNd.or unlnu mnenw�ing dramstenwa oh� <br /> ��:,�`.�,:��,:�. which ere beyonA�ortowere oon4W. bortower shaY not Aes4q.dameqo a Mpeir tho Ropery.eGOw t�e RoP�Y lo dMab�ate.or commlt <br /> •. j4� <br />� - wea:e m lhe Propefy. Barower aheG bo in delauR N any lo�ldlure adbn or proceadNg,whelher chE or aYnNal,b begun ihet N lender'e good <br /> ,'.. .:� <br /> ..-�...;�i.I. <br /> - -.r-',-r.'t. <br /> j'a-;'<�:-. <br /> "`�;.��i ' �: riX1.IIm fM0 OaW 7 0l S FOm1802B BI80 <br /> ::li(i?!i <br /> ! � <br /> �'H ;' � <br /> . . �'.-.�� _ ._ . . . __... <br />