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<br /> - . . . « ` . _ ..: _�_,—=-° -
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<br /> .. "�.. ' - - ----
<br /> i �-�_��._ �;. -. . �-°-�---� -
<br /> :�:� � --.._ . , .. __. --`__�.--------- �-=-__- --_-.��_ - - -
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<br /> � lJNll's►riR9Ct�Vt?NAN'1'S 1Tur�owcrmzr.iL,c�icicrcovrnentnndagrccnsfollatvs: _ --
<br /> , _ 1. PAytn�nt o!Pat��cipA)and lntcrcati t'rcrayea°n!�^cl 1.�eo Ci�ar�e9. Harro�vcr shnll prompAy p.+y �4hrn duc - - __ -_ .�-.
<br /> . ' _����...,�_ _.
<br /> ih;+�rincip�l c,f nnd interc�st on Ihe ctcht r.videnced by the Note and nny prepoyment and Inte rhnrgc�duc under the Nnte. _ -___-
<br /> 8. I�uucls fur Texcn pn�11n9tuwncc. SubJcc:l t��upplicnblc In�r�or to n wriucn�vuivcr by Lendcr,f)nrrotvrr shitll pnY _�-%��`�z,:. a�_
<br /> to I.endFr nn Ihc dny mantl►ly pnyirie���e cero ciue u�tttcr the Notc,un�il thc No�a Iti pnid in Il�ll,u snn�{"f�unds")cc�unl�u _ � -
<br /> anc•t�Wcliih uf; (a) ycarty tnrca and ass�Smcnls �vhich may alt:sin rriurity uvcr Ihis Se�•urity Ins�rumrnt; (b) yci,rly � ;r;,� °__
<br /> _ �� l�,;��}� pyy��sc:n�s or ground rents a� ttie NropertY� +f unp; lc) Ye.�rly 1►arurd ini�►nuice prctniantti, �ind (d) yc;n'ly _ �- -
<br /> - - mort�3age ir�5u���ce>>reijii�+ms,IP anY.Thesc lten�s ure ca!(ed"e�cro�v itam�,"Lcndcr moy�sti�i�uu�c Ihc i�und�d�re an thc �� �¢_
<br /> :� � hs�ly of curre�u dnta ur,d rensanabla esUmatcs oPll�ttire eticraw itcros. _
<br /> ....-�-- -
<br /> '�he�uiids xhnll be het►i In nn i mtitution�tic depasus or uccounts of�vhich;irc in�ucc�c�r guarantcect b�a federnl c�r � .._-. -_... :____=- -�- -
<br /> ..�,,,, .._
<br /> � . � � � Rtate agency pncluding I.ender iP l.etilder is su�ch on institutimi). I.ender shal) apply�t�c Funds tu pay Ihe escru�v ilcmti. . .
<br /> [,endcr mny not chnrge for holding und applying the Fund9,nnalyzing Ihc i�ccount or vc�ify�ng thc csrruw items,unlcss .
<br /> L,endcr�ayti Nprro�vcr intcrc9t an thc Funda and npplicablc law permits I.cndcr to mukc such a chn�gc llorruwcr nnd
<br /> Lendcr mny ugr�c in�vritin,�th:�t intcrest sh:�ll bc puid on thv F�unds. Unlcss an ngrectncat is nuidc ar i�ppli�:uhle Inw
<br /> rcqu+res inccrest to be paid,I.cndcr shull not bc rr.q��ircd tu pay llarrawcr�ny intcrest ur cui•nings on tl�c Fundy. l.endcr
<br /> shoU uivu to pur�c►wvr,�vnhout chargc,un nnnual l�ccounting oP tiic Funds showing cretjit�und debits ta thc t�und�.»id�he ; `` (
<br /> ._ _ _. pnrpose for which ci�ch debi�iu li►c F'w�de�va,�ua�lc,'I'I�d Fundr��r�plc:lgtd a�:tdditional scrt�r���•t„r thi�tiumc securcd b�• ,;,•�.,:..s;,,. :• --- _.-
<br /> thisSecurity Insln►mcnt.
<br /> �i�1�;,t,`i:���.;:��,.::��,4r:,.;,�,:ra
<br /> li'the nrnuunt of the hu�ide held h�Lender,lagether with thc P►�1urs munthh�pa�'mentti rf'l�n:nds payablc pri��r t�� ! , , i::� ,� � �•• ,
<br /> tt�c d�,e dntes of thc iwcrcnv iecn�s,ahall excced the�mrtmt reqaired to puy the z�csi���•items whcn dua thc excess shiill hc, ;..,.��:::;:'::���..t.�,.<<.?;i�t':';;�,��`.'.
<br /> ,,.,,,, .,,1:��:,..... .� ,
<br /> nt Borrower's uption.cither�vnmptly repnid to 8orn����er+�r crcdit�d to I��•rr�•�ti•cr on m�mthly paymen�s uf F�umi�. li'tfie .:;,r;;: , , _ ,'
<br /> • amuunt oP the Fuhds hcld b�l.oiider i�nut suflicice��t��pfly the es4row item���'hcn tjue,Hc��ra�vcr shi�ll pay to Lcnder anr '
<br /> � arnount nccecsnry to mnhe up ihe deficicney in�me ar m.re paymenty i�y r�quire�l by Lendc�. . `'�'•'
<br /> Upan paymcnt in flill af ull sums sccured by this Security lnstrument, Lender shull promptly«fund tu 8urrower
<br /> nny Funds hcld by Leudcr.li'under parngraph 19 the Pm�:rty i5 su l d c�r ncquirc d b y l.c n d e�,Lcnder sh�ill��p ply,no liucr •
<br /> thnn immediutcly prior to the snlc aF thc Propeny or its ucquisidan by l.ender,any Fu�idti held by l.endcr nt thc timc nf
<br /> npplicntiun as u credit ngninst the sums Eecur�d by thi.r•Sccurity�lnst�ument. „ :_
<br /> 3. Appllcntlon of Paymeots. Unlcsy upplicitblc luw pravidcs cnhcrwisc,i�ll pi�yment1 reccivcd hy Lendcr undcr �
<br /> pnrngrnphs 1 nnd 4 shnll bc Upplicd:fire�,�u lutc churacy duc undcr thc Nate;ticcand,u�prepaYmrnt chu�bcs duc undcr�hc �..
<br /> Nmc;�hircl,tn i�mount.r•payublc undc-r parugruph 2;Paurth.u�intcrcxt duc;nnd Inst,�����n�����i��►�. f -_�
<br /> .. 4. 4{iarµc�: I.Icny, Harrrnvcr shall puy ull taxc�, ar+cssmcntti,churgcs,finc�and imp��.ritii�ns cutrihutuhlc t��thc � .-�,
<br /> Praprrly �vhirh mny ��uuin pric�riiy ovcr �his Sccurity In+trument, und Icatichuld p�►vment, ��r E�ruund rrn�r, if any. �
<br /> � . „ Hnr�a�r•er�h�iU pny�the�e uhligaiian� in�he nuuinrr pru��ided in parag�aph 2,ar if nu�r;ud m thu� nu�nner, Ilarruwcr+hi�ll ,• -
<br /> p,►y Ihcm�m limc dimtly ta ihc�xr�an uwcd pnymcnt.�l��rrowcr shull prumptly furn�tih lu I.cndc�•ull ni�tires af amo�u�lti � � � •
<br /> to b�paid undrr Ihis puri�gruph. IP i�orrower mukes thesr, payment�dirccUy, Horr��wer�hull rr��mplly furni�h In Lander !
<br /> rcrcipts evfdencing�he puymcnts. �
<br /> ' � Ilorrower rhall pr�mptly dischnrge any lien which ht►s priority ove�th�s Sccurily In+trumcn�unless llnrrnwer:(a) I �
<br /> ` ;; ---` � �Qrcca in�ii iii��g i�.itte��ymc�i oFtl:�c�lslssatiost��cut'ed�+y ths lien in u manncr uccCptAblc tn Lcndcr;(b)cc,ntusls in goi�d � . ,- -
<br /> foith thc licn by,ar defends ngain`t eaforcemcnt af the licn in,legul prcx:cedings which in thc Lcndcr's upinian uper:+te�o �
<br /> prevrnt thc enforoemcnt of thc licn or forfciture of c►ny purt of thc Prnperty;or(c)+ecureti fmm thc holdcr i�P thc licn nn � ,
<br />____ ,__,__ . unreement snUsfa�ctory to Lender suboMinnting thc licn ta thiti Security Instrumcnt.If l.cnder dctcrmines that�iny pari uf �
<br /> . !he Prc�perty is subject 1�:► lien which may i+ttu�n pnoricy avcr�ni� Se�u��i} i��s:;u�;,;.r.:, �.��a�::.^.:i� �vn Nnrrnwrr a . _ - ____ �" :
<br /> ' ' noticc identlfyinQ thc licn.llcurrnvc�shi�ll satisfy t�c lien��r iakc one ur murc of the�cuom sct furth abo�•c will�in 10 dny� �
<br /> uPtha bivinp��P noticc.
<br /> ' 5. Hoa.t�rd Insurqnce. Horrower shull kcrp the impra�cmrnt�n�nv cxirting.•n c�rcaf'tur r�crted an the Yr��perty � . , "
<br /> insured++pains�losti by fire,hnaiirds ineluded wiihin the�erro"rxtencleci cu��rri�sc"and an}•��thrr h.+eau•dy fur which Lendcr � . , -
<br /> . requires insurancc. '1'hiti imaroncc shall bc m,iin�aincd in thc amountr and tbr thc periud� theit l.undcr requircti. Thc ,
<br /> � inxurance carrier pru�•iding the insurnnce shall h�rhu�en by I�arro«•cr tiubject t�,L�ndcr'r a�prn�•al o•hich shall m�t be �
<br /> unre�sonnbly withhcld.
<br /> All insurni�cc p�,licic�and re:nc�.•al.r• shaU bc u�ceptnhlc tu Lcndcr and shall includc a.tandard murtgu�c clause. . . .
<br /> ' Lender hhuU huvc thc rigM to h��ld the{�olicicx and renewuly. lf l.rndcr rcquirc+, Hurru�crr shull promptl}•F�ve�o Lender � •
<br /> all recciptti nf paid premiums a+nd renea•ul nc�tice+.In the rvent of lus,, Horrnwcr,hall gi�e pram�t n��ticr[o the insurance ; . ,
<br /> "'�,, cnrricr.�nd l.cnder.l.cndcr may�makcprooPc�f los�if nrn�.�:idc promp�lp hy Hurrawer. ; . , _
<br /> Unlcss Lcndcr and t�orrowcr othcrwisr ngrec�n«•ritinF,insur:�ncc pnuccds�hall hr apphcd tu rca�orauon or rep:.ir
<br /> of the Property dami�ged,iP�hc rctitnratian or rcpair is ec��nomically fcacible.md l.ender's�crur�q•is not Icysened. If the , ,
<br /> rest��rutinn i�r repair i� not econom�cally Peasible �,r Lcnder'ti ,ccurity woulcl he lessrnrd, the insurancc prc�cceds rhnll hc
<br /> ' applicd ta thc sums yccured hy this Security Instrumcnt. �r•h�thcr nr not Ihen duc,�ti•ith an} oscess�aid to H��rru�vrr. !P . .
<br /> �'. , Elor�awcr tibundons th�I�roperty,ar daeti nat answcr��•ithin �0 da��ti a notice 1'rum l.�ndcr that �hr intiuri�ncc curricr hati , .
<br /> � of�ered to ticnlc i�cluim.Ihcn l.cndcr muy call��;t thc insuran�e pruceedy.Lcnder ma}•usc the pr��rccds t��rcpuir ur restare
<br /> thu Yr��perly ur tu piry tiumy!�ecured hy Ihir Securit� Instrum�nt, �vhethcr rr nut then duc.'fhr �0-duy prriud w'ill hcgin ,
<br /> whun t h�nuticc iy givrn.
<br /> Unluss l.ender and Nurrc,wrr nthenv�tic atircc in writing,any�:+pplic�itic,n nf pr�,cced.to{,nnripul�hall nut e!�tcnd ur
<br /> p�stpnnu Iha dur�Iule uf Ihe monthly paymentr•rcferred tc,m par:►gr,�plis 1 and 2��r rhange thr amuunt af�hu paymem,.1P
<br /> U„a��r�►r:iNcaph 1���hc!'roperty i+ :icyuircd by I.cndcr.Horrc,wcr'ti right to any in.urunce pahcics and prorccd,rctiuliuig
<br /> f'ram dumagc tu ih�1'roperty prior�o�hc�rcquitiiuun hhall pa�.ta Lcndcr t�thc exi�ni af'thc+umti s�curcd hy thi�Sccurny
<br /> Inslrumen�mimcdiuwly priur���he:acNui+iuun.
<br /> b. PreservuUon i�nd lfuint�nnnce oP Properry;I.enseholds. Nurrm�•cr tih,ill nc�t deti�ma•,d:►magc ur�ubti�antially
<br /> _-_ ..- „_.- vhnnfie ihe i���,p�rty, :�lla:s thr)'rc�{xrty tu det!•rinra�ic �,r comm�� ��atitu. If ihu 5rruru�• In,lruntrnt iti un a I�a�ehc�ld,
<br /> Ilorrowcr tihall ramply with tbc pruvitiu,ns a1'thc Ica,c.and ii'H��rmw•rr acywres fer cnlr t�,�hc Pn,prrU.�hc Icaschoid and
<br /> fcc tulc shall nw mcr�;c unleti�l.cndcrugre�ti��,thi�mcrgrr m��•ritm�;.
<br /> 7. Nrutccdon nf I.cnder's Hl�hty in thc Yroperty; �lartpuµc lnyur�mcc. If R��rrnwc� G�ils to prrG�rm thc
<br /> covenuniti i�nd��grremunts rnnuiincd in thi,tiecurny ln,trumrnl.��r Ihare i,a Irti.►i r��,«<a���F�►,a�m:q �i�;nifiranUy aflict
<br /> Lcndcr's righk in thu 1'rc�p�rty tsuch a.r a prnrceding in hunkruptcy, prahutr, I'i�r condcmn:niun ur ti, rnfur�•c lae•� ur
<br /> rcgulitliunsL thcn Lcndcr may da;inJ pay far whatevcr�s nccrs.,ir�•tu pn,t�rt thc���lur uf thc 1'r�,pertp.ind Lrndcr'ti rigittti
<br /> in the Pmperty. l.endcr'� �icuan, may mclude paying any tiumti ,ccured hy a li�n ��•hirh ha��ru,rny �,�er thi+ Serurii�
<br /> Inr�trumcnt,.+ppcurinF in cc,urt.pay�iu� rcawn�iblr attornry�s' fcc,and rntrni�t:�u:�li�Pruprrt� i�,mahr rrp:urti. Althuu�:h
<br /> Lcndcr may takc acnun undct thi,raragraph�,Lcnder docs nui h:i�c to do��•.
<br /> Any amounts�ii,hur�cd hy Lendcr undcr this paragraph'.hall brr�mic addm�mal drht ul'H�,rroH rr.rrurcd h} t hiy
<br /> Secur�ty lnstrumcm.Unles�H�rrower and Lcnder agmc to i�ther termti nPpa>mrn�.1hc+c amoum,shall hear�n�rrc�t f'r��m
<br /> the dt�IC of disbunemcnt at thc Notc raic and rhaill he payablc, �cith intcrest. urun nrnirc from l.rndcr io Horr�,��rr
<br /> requesting payment. ,
<br /> �
<br /> , �
<br />