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..:.� <br /> . <br /> . ' ', � R��RECORbED <br /> ` 1(�S'712 <br /> 99- 99-1�4�,� <br /> FILE:99-1554 � <br /> EXHIBIT"A" <br /> Lot 1�venty (20) and the Northwesterly 1�venty (20) feet of Lot Nineteen (19), Block Three (3), Second <br /> Addition to Holcomb's Highway Homes Subdivision, a subdivision�of a part of the 1►lortheast Quarter <br /> of the Northeast Quarter (NEl/4 NEi/4) and a part of Lot Four (4) Mainland, Section Twenty Eight <br /> (28), TownsWp Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, said <br /> tract being described as starting at a point where corners of Lots Nineteen (19) and ltventy (20) in said <br /> Block and addition meet and abut on Brahma Street, thence Southeasterly along the front lot line of said <br /> Lot Nineteen (19) a distance of Ttventy (20) feet, thence Southwesterly and parallel to the lot line between <br /> said Lots Nineteen (19) and 'Itventy (20) to the place where said lot line intersects with the rear or <br /> Southwesterly lot line of said Lot Nineteen (19), thence Northwesterly along said real lot line of said Lot <br /> Nineteen (19) a distance of approadmately Ttventy (20) feet to the Westerly rear corner between said Lots <br /> Nineteen (19) and T�venty (20); thence Northeasterly and along the line between said Lots Nineteen (19) <br /> and Twenty (20) a distance of One Hundred Forty and Five Tenths (140.� feet, to the place of beginning. <br /> Psgs 2 Form Sottware by Automated Real Estata S�rvieas,Inc. 1-8o0-s30-1295 9&1554/ <br />