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<br /> ql Ih�m,ehn�l t�a u�Aiilcid ta anlarGO IM5'1'rvsl I)neQ lind nny�ihnr oncurity notiv or hqinnitnr holcl by E�onflliclnry or Trupton In ouch�rdnt nnd munnar � _,�F,�<�,`�;��=_�_
<br /> • = n9 lhc�y or Althc�+ot ihom mpy In tt�ntr nbf�4u10�1ls�mtinn dotorminn.Na ramody horoln cantorrod upon ar rnsarvod ta Truntao or Llunallcia�y 1�Intontlott �1�:
<br /> --- - -- to bt►era�uylvn at o��y othor romady hormn u�li�•lav+provldod or porm4tod,Aut Rnch nhnll ba aunudnUvO and ch�ll po u�nddition ta ovory athor rornotty t_
<br /> �_ � fllvon horoundci ar now ur I�eun,�tto�ux��unti�a16a��,�:r m oqiury ar by statulu.F.vcny lvnwcx a�anos�Y Arovidup undur thla Ttuat[)pf�d to Tru�too or BQneticlary � _ _ -
<br /> _ -T�7 u,tu�rit�Tf Oitnar ot thc:m mhy ba r�►���•W�aa a,>>at;�.i,may��e euorc�aed.conflu�ra��ily M I��ctep�ndonUy.trom tlmn ta Uma und o��tl��c�a mt�y ba clnomad _
<br /> . .. . » oxp;.dle�t by Truatee or L�nnnl����ry and flill�ar ol IhNn�nny 1»�ra��o u�canalslnnl romadlon.Nothmp haroln nhnli bo con8uuaci ne�U�uhibfti�i�j Quni,l7Cl�,ry - - -_- --- —_
<br /> trom nooklnp�dotic�onc:y)udpmunt opn�ns�t tho Tr�`tor lo tha oxtoni�uch act�on Is ponnitlnA Uy law. ._.. ., ._._..��, -
<br /> ;�,. �.
<br /> � 11.TRAN��GR OF TNE PR4pGIiYY;A�fi1JME�YiON.II�II ur.my p1r1 c�l thn Proparty or Inlnrast iharaln In�ald,trnnslarrod or othmwlso�onvoyod -- .
<br /> Gv Truator�vlihput t3nn�iliaury's piior�vniton�:onrcnt,oxcludinp ia)Iho croa0ai ul n Ilan or onoumb��nco eudordlnnta lo Ihfn Truat Dcod,(b�tllrnn410r
<br /> • by npOrntlon ot In�v upan Ih0 doalh n�tt Yn�st�ii w��n ie:1�oinl tonnnt or(c)thn�rnnt ql nny Iflu&Ohold int�rasl ql Ihroo(3)yonre ar l0:s which doa3 npl
<br /> • comn�n an opifon ta purchcts�,suen nca�:+�u c+hruach�il 1h�Y ngraomum.antl E�onnllGinry may,M HOnaliclnry's a�tlo�,dor.laro nll Iho s�unn etocur�td by
<br /> ihls Trus!t)ond la ha immod�Olttry dut�nnd payable�.Vr�rvirAad,IuHhor,Ihi�Tru.:,l Qt�pd may,nl�fonallcliuy'R optlon,b�doclarud Immadipl0ty elu��ar,:S
<br /> pnyablo,II(1)Tru:�tar is o pann�rsh���and C,��M�nto�ki,t ui thp�iutnorehip is sold�r nselpnad by nny moAne whnlFOrnor,or(2)H Iho TruSiar Iz�carporallnn .
<br /> . ��u�i a transfar o1 tha mvoriq'!'l4Ck L'Witflttih�p���iPrnvl u�Ihb f.OIpOfAUO�pGCU�9,or Itiu Trustor carporaUon mar�o�in nny lurm with nnothnr corporaqpn
<br /> ' 0�Of1111y.BOI1fl��C�1fy Ghpll h71YP WSW�?d SU<:��t�{d�0�1(0:1fCplatt110 II,pnpr to lhn enlo,iran;�lar or Convayanca F3onohciury nnA tna pprson io whnm Ih� .
<br /> p�ppprtp is to po s�Id pr IrnnF�fl��rnct roach a4�r�t�monl in wnUn{�lhm U�n credil��I such parson le c�lizladeiy 1a f�ont�llcinry nnd ihel Ih�Interesf pnynhlo ;',,.,
<br /> on tho et����o s�cu�ad by tlue Trur1 DncA snnu hn n1 such rnto es flannhcinry shnll roquc�at. . ,
<br /> t2.ACCEI.�RATICM 1�P4`N DFrAIlI.F;R(iMC�i�iA;9ALF,Tho f�iluro dy�hp Trustor,lr n�aAO any pnymonl or to pnrfqrm nny of thn torms t�nd cond�tlon^.
<br /> o)IhlB T�uFI qo0d,c�r ihe t;m+n an<I ernnd�l:ane a1 1hfl Nato,�r nny ronmvt�la,modiilcallon�i�r axtonslOna thntool,ar�ho Inllura to mnka paymont af nny `\ ',' ,
<br /> otho�Indodlodnnns.pnn�r su{�soquont lu Itns 1'ruel Da�d,and sacurod by IlHS proporty,ot tha donth ot uno ar morq Trustore ehall bc�ti branoh nnA ,
<br /> dot�ult pt Ihls TniFt poeti and Iho F3nnoha��ry�»�y doclaro c�dolnull and mny daclaro nll sums socurnd horoGy Immndintc�ly duo nnd pf�yabtu And Iho • .
<br /> enmo php�l thpro�ip�ai uec:t mn duo nnd puyahlu wuhout prosommoM,tlomnnU,protosl or noUCO of nny Idnd,{xovldpd,TrU9tOr 9hp11 hflvn 0ny 81FIlUIOry ; „
<br /> rl{�ht ta curn tho d�t��a1 h�'rnai a��y�oti�^��al tialpu�l nnd dnmflncl fpr snln m�y bo dohvurod to Iho Tru�iun.Thoroafler,BenpfiC�nry mAy dolivor ta T►u91oa �; „•
<br /> A wrfiton doc�arnGan 01 ck>':n�4�nf�dOrnnnd Ipr B�Ip.7rufilo�u�roos and horoby prflni9lnt�t tho Trusto0 nhpll hnvo Iha Pa�vc�r ol 5�flp o1 Iho Proparty ond :.
<br /> il E�nnotic�ary d�c�doF tn��F+upcirtu�3 to be sold il nhnu dnryo�il wilh Tru9to�Ihis'frust pood ond tha Not�ar nntas E�nd nny oth�r documanto ovldo�aing `�,;,r,��,:, .
<br /> oxppndituros sFCUrad hme{�1' 1tu1 Fn111 d0liv�f t0 TrUAtE+Fl a wnttpn nolic.o o�dulault�ind oloctlan to anuev Ihn proparty to b�sald,And Ttu9tQO,In turn. ,,:��;?,�';
<br /> :���;,;j:
<br /> ehtdi prepa�n a R�mdar npltS�ut ihu�nru�rUquuod hy I�w,whlCh Flhall bC duly idod for rOCOrd by Trustoo.
<br /> �a) Attor Iho lapfo cd����ch tunfl As may bn roqiurad by luw lollowu�l)Ih[i rocardnUOn af NotICO af Dvinitll,nnd Noucc�oi D�Inuit end Nptico ol _
<br /> S[flp hi1V�nQ pP�n j�rvOt1 85 rOqui�Od hy InW.Tru9t00,wilhout domnnd on Trustor,ehAil floll Ihe Proparry, 11 f101 fE•dOflfTlFld,in ptlfl O�01Qf0 •• g'.
<br /> , parc�l,nnd m si�ch c��dn�as Trusle�m�y doiormmo on lho dnlo and U�q Ump�nd pinca dos��c�nfltad In aeld Npt�cn of Salo,nt public auotion '
<br /> ' aCCOidin,�In Imv
<br /> �':t '. (p) Wh�1�l TfJ1�QP Sp115(1UIflUd�d tl�lh0 pO�VOfd hUf0111,Trusloe shail iipPly Ihp proca�ds o1 Ih�x�lo to peiymant ol Ih�costs nnd oxl�nn9oa oi '`
<br /> � OXp7Gli��1�1hp pp\VOf QI S��C�:ind O�1��0,alo,includinfl,wlR�oul I�rnllntlan,ntt�rn�y�U�000 Alld lhp pAyM901 pi T�USl00�B Fpp�J It1CUitOd,which _ . � -�
<br /> .•�'.�.
<br /> Tru£cap,'���n�s shnll ni�t in the ag,ysagptp q�COOd Ihe followm�nmounte dnsad uppn tho Efmaunl eOCtued horoby�nd re�melnmp unpflld ql f
<br /> �� :,',.. ,.
<br /> ..
<br /> � �'.._. ihn ume schadulod lor anip 5 perCOntum on q�o bnlancp IhHrool;nnd tnnn to thn Itoma in eudpnr�praph(o)In ih�ordt�r thpro&1:1tod. � =
<br />--•--- _�._*
<br /> -------- --
<br /> � -- ._
<br /> (c} Alto�pry�tt;i thfl itvms spacihtid in sub��aragr�oh Ib),d IhA Bt�lp i�by Trutito0.Of 11 IhQ 9�I0 i9 pU�BUAlt1 10 JUQ�C�c1�T�tE�qlpSUtp,iha procaRda ^ ^�� , ,
<br /> p)ftdcj 5h1U1 hn ippli�d in thn lollotiving ordor: �
<br /> _.._.......:... ...n..... ,.�...,,.....�d.,....�..f ro���nmrurort m ronnncUOn�vdh SuCh Aa10 And OI 0f1y�OYO�Ufl ltAtlAlBf tUp I�qUI�Od IO b8 pA�d: I� " �
<br /> �.
<br /> __ _- v�..w.......�� ................. ..._ � --- '"."_�
<br /> ' 1?)Atl abhgulitmU tio�ured by tfiis TrUtit DCnd. �— •-' - - .
<br /> • (3).luniar irual dnoAs,mnriga{�os,or��Ihnr i��nholAt�is;
<br /> (4)Tho romdmqc�r,d;iny,lo lhu p�rson lopally onti�lt�d Ihfuoto. I
<br /> t3.APPOINTMENT OF 8UGC88SOF�TRUSTBE.Bonohc�ary may.Irom umn to uma,by�wnuon instrumon�oxacutad nnd acknawlodgod by Danoficiary, � �
<br /> mitllOd to Trut�tar nnd wcordE�d in Iho cow�lv or caunlips in v!hith ihu Propmly is�ocatfld nnd hy oth�nvisv complymg with Ihp provision9 o11hp applicabte ,
<br /> � Iflws ot�ho Stnit�ol NOhresk��subfldute�sucCOSSOr or succossore to iho Truslo�nomf�d horoln ar usOnp horounqor. �
<br /> • \ 14.INSPECTIQN9.9enolicii�y,or qs�g�rns,ropre��nt�tivos or omplpyoos,aro�ulhanxCd Ia vntor M any roasont�plo tlmfl upan ar In any part ol tho �
<br /> � . Proporty for Ihn pur�ns°of mspc�cun{�ihn samo and lo�ihe purppso 01 porforminc�nny ot�hp�cts it is nuthonzod to portprm�mdor Ihf�tvrm9 ot tho Truat 09ed
<br /> �°�``� ' t5.pPTIpN TQ F019«Cl09URE.Upon Ihc�ocCUrmnct�o�t�ny bre�ch and upan iho doClarAlion ol dol�ull heroundor,Benolic�ary sh�ll hovo iho apllon �
<br /> "�.:�.�'
<br /> ;..,;;;� to}arc+clo5:?lhis Trust Qe�d in Ihe mt�nner prov�dpU by�aw tor Ihe lo�eclosuro ol mprtgag0�on roal p�op�rty.
<br /> � 16.FOREBEAAANCF�Y OENEFICIARY OR TAU9TEE NOT A WANEt�.Any Inr�bo�rnnco by�eneficiPry ar?ruateo�n exercising any rlpht ar romody , ,
<br /> horaundo►,or othonv�90 allordod by apphcablv Iaw,s„a��n01 be a waw�r of ar prnr.lud�Ihe oxorCiso ol t�ny such ripht pr romedy.LikowlsH.iho walver I b�
<br /> � bY F1P118�IClfl�y Ot TN9lfl0 O�dny d01dUlI OI TfuS10�UnClt��lhi9 TfU91 DODd 9ht111 npt b0 dA01110d 10 bfl A WflIVOf 01 2�y Olhp1 Of 9irt111f1I d0IAU118 8{IbSOQU00l�y {-•
<br /> �
<br /> oacurrinp. r
<br /> 17.BENkFICIARY'S POWERS.�Vitnou��tlocunU or r�rlc�sm�iho I�anilily ot ih�T�ustor or any oihor p�rsan Ilable for Iho qaymen!ot nny obligNllon !•' �
<br /> • horatn m6ntlanod,Hnd w�thout.tliflct�ng tho i�on ar chnr�a ol Ihis 1 rusl Dood upon any partion a1 iho PropOriy,98neticlary mAy.liom timE�to time And '
<br /> • withaul notica at thu requ�ai oi ano or moro Trustors,(q�elc��9e a��v porson I�ablo.(ii)oxtond or ronow Iho m�turity or ullor any al Ih�lorm&al nny such ' ,
<br /> ppllgAll0n9,(IIQ flrHni olhE�i mUul{�onCO9.pv)r�loa50 or recorne�y a CFIUSO 10[70 rol0AS6d Or r000�v0y0d At Any Ilrtlp AI 80PO11GIaty'9 npUOn�ny pn�aol
<br /> or all of the Propony,(v)iaho or rolo�so Hny othoi ur��clUd�o��ni seciunv�o�any obhc�apOn herom meMionod.(v�)mi1k�Solllaments or athor arranpomoMS �
<br /> wqh TruSlOt i�t01:�U0n Ih��ulp All T�uSlOtti bhilll bn�J�MIS��tl SElvfitllly qbh(�d10A 811d bPUnd Gy 1h0 8CU0�9 M lhfl HO�p1iC�8ty Of 80y 0�8 Of(T1UIp TfU9tOT
<br /> As statvd�n thly paragraph .
<br /> tp.ATTOF7NFY FEE9,COST&ANP ENAENS�S.The Elanol�c:ir�at 1'us irust Qeed is omdlpo lo the pnymont a1 attam�y's foos,cosis and t�xpnnses
<br /> ps prov�dE�d m IhiS Trust DoOU.oxCOpt as olht�rWiSO prohib�leU bti•W�o
<br /> ' 19.RECONVGVANCE 8Y TFlUSTEE. Upon wnUen•equt�st N penM�c�aiy and upM paymoni by Tru&tpr o�Trusto0's Ipos.Tru&t0o shnll�eCOnvOy to
<br /> Trustor,or�ht�pa:;.o��o�F`�r����s��9����-nid�ed iha•rct, ����hau;«�•r�ruy.any parUOn p}Ih�PropOity ihen hold h0�0undOr.RBCdal9 in SuCh tpCOnveyanCF
<br /> , , _ ol any matlprs or iaCis sn�u bo cnnUus�.c p�cat ot tne t�u7��tnnF•55 t�erc•ui Ti,c,��antac=��anY rECOnvcya:�ca may ba sfsscc!pfd 35 lhE�p8■�S+n qr persons
<br /> log�lly ent�tled Ihareto"
<br /> 20.NOTICES.Excopt tar nnucrs.oeu•anets r��q��est>�ur i�inur cn����»u���c di�nti iui�tur�d unqor�pPhC191e Ilw lo l�o epvon in�nothpr m�nn�+r.�vhc�novor
<br /> BoneffCiaty,'irustor or i iuS�uci c�wes pr sorvo;.a�ry��uliw pnclud�n,y.wd�wut Iimd.iUUn.nuUCU uf tlolault anu nouco ol saiu�.d�manns.�equosts or oih�r
<br /> CommunlCnUOn with respoct to this Trust Uood.oach such noucc�,domand,roquost or otho�CommunlcaUOn ahall bv m wntinq And ehall bo oNoCUva only
<br /> tl Iho SAmO�9 tlehvered by porsanal servico or i,m,ided hy cmtdiCd�nad,pOSla90 propa�d.�ddrossod lo tho addioss as sot torih at tho bog�nnlqg ol ihi9
<br /> Trust Doed Any party may at.iny timo changv�IS.�ddross loi auch nouces by dohvunnfl o�mflilmg lo ihp Othflr p�rty hpr0t0,as alproSaid.�notiCO ol
<br /> 1 EUCh C��Pnqo Any nolico horoundor sh.dl bn doE�rnod to h�vu bUOn qivL•n 10 Trustor ur ponohaary,whon qrv�n in Iha mannor do5�gnatod horv�n
<br /> 21 REOUEliT FOR NUTICE. f�us�oi dncl Honul�uary heruby roquusl�i cupy o��u�y nolico ol tlo11uIL antl,1 c:opy ol any nolico o�sn�o IhfvpundOr, bo
<br />' � ro8tl6d to aach person who is a pa�ty huiutu.�I Iht,aUdruss�or yuch pEttson :.ol lorlh in�h�lusl para�ruph pl�hiS 7rust Duod
<br /> 22 QOVERNINO LAW. This f ru:�t l)oE:d sh�dl t�a qmumud hy Ihe I,�ws uf !hn Sl�to al Nob�aska
<br /> 23.SUQCESSORS ANO ASSI�NS. Ttus liu�:i Duc,cL and all torms,conddions�ind ohh�aUons het�in,ap��ly la��ntl muro lo Iht�boneld ol antl Oinds
<br /> au partios hc�ietu.Ino�r n�u,, luryaitt�es. dovitious.pArsonal rnprosunl�livo5. suceussors and assi�nS Tho torm 8onolic��vy"shdll moan IhE�ownOr and
<br /> holdor ol Ihc�Nota.whnthor nr nnl namnd;�9 HOnohr.i8ry hfnnin
<br /> �
<br /> F
<br />�
<br /> � _ _ ---- - -- --
<br />