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., — <br /> , �, <br /> : . . . .:. � <br /> J_ ' F <br /> - • '__�.n�.i t.n a�� . .e.m. ' ., - . �' . -.:- 1;' . . : U ..�._, . _— _ <br /> — . . . ., . . _ . - . <br /> ; <br /> � � - - .n --..- � . . ' . Sl i �._.. <br /> � _ � ' R a L . _ _. . �.�.. :.,_.. _ I ..: ' _' f . � �j�� i ii t i <br /> �NPrOPe�Y I� `�kYitorQ �dda,unan�n�`Iqn•w .op8o hiuodi���1 ,a�tlFb1uI� i�o�idQir�Tv� ��p `" <br /> ri .R«a�¢us4A�rekom�r�ali�ndaxDeNnlAaurf�bYllnL�niouoh5� +I�PnPt�C._b� 4� . Mk+� <br /> 'aa�by�neIp�i 0�r _,"�YLNiNtnNy0llMnN�atoiDDryui�uehpr tidier�up fotl» ' tlOn� --- <br /> '�w!yv�8n�ucr��an�uon�ulend�r�m�ly.detmnln�MY eDDiiapuonoip�qaWnpi�a�n�oy�n+��lnw� poq <br /> -- •�gauaQ:�+atirYD�Y+�t�SSWd;,rN�4�9,orcureenyaelel�Ij�Mreun44orh!v�,whder,MYurts991169Nnd�4h►i�q!� _— <br /> ,lFpatw, <br /> 9,itjform�ne�py,l�nd�r Upon t��000uirencenlin Evantol pefq41qia1euhdq,or If�m eol le u�/n orbyll'prpe�101'np <br /> eammenpWwhlohm�SeHNb•n+on�.nawainp��iipN�Pr¢peYy L}nd�tina�InlUown0lwnVOn,Cut�rBnoutoEllntUUrf)eAo <br /> - , eqenAwnhoutnotlo9toorbemmCUpoefiulot nAwiNomreleedlMpTruator nmedyobllpallon,doanyqolwAlchYt(i1to�Au <br /> .-- pyrbad but(81fb io do nnd may etw 0o any olner ect n aeeme oeoea�ery co prorovtthe eepurlq Nrwx Tiwtor�heik�mm�puN <br /> uDdhdlm6�dm4rlfOt6yl�OG4RptY toL�pGeidlco�qendexpOn�0aln0i�ired�nd�um�ezp�ndWbY UriAUInWa �pllonx7�i <br /> thsex�rdeeby LenderofNelorepolp0rtpMe,toyel�erwlNln�eroatlhBreonptthedetaullrateproNdWlnmeNOte,widoA�hUID� <br /> adOqO td,Ne IndebleQneaa eeoured hereby.lender aAep not IAOUr eny Ileblllry Daceueo ol am�hlny It mey do or omll lo do <br /> — MlOUIId0/. <br /> B.HWrQou�M�GrNM.TrualOr e1MIl kee�Na PropArb io aompllanoo wIN e�l epplloaple laws,ordlnnnce��ep��e�; <br /> ___ rolaUnp to InduatrlAl�ypiene or omlronmenta protaotlon(colleoWory raPorroA lo�eroln as"EiMronmanttl L� <br /> kaepNeProperrylre9trOm611eubstanca�Gaemedto6e�unrdousatozl0underanyEnvlronmentetl,awd{colla¢fivaIyrotortadto - - - � � <br /> _�__ hareln ea"HaseMOUa Matedala"►.Truetor�oreDy waztanb a�reDreeeots w LenAer Nat Nere ore no Hax�rdoue M�ieAtl�on o� <br /> underMeProperor•TniatorAOreLya�reestalnCemNyandlwW�ertnleselander,Itealreotore.otBCeraempoyeeiandayente,end <br /> ��-- eny 6v0000lore lo LendBr'O Interegt trom bnd ayUnAt eny and atl elelma,0emageA loseea and tlaDllitles arbinp In eOnnqCtlon Wllh <br />- �— the Drofenee, usa disposnl or tronaport ol any Harardova Matedale on,under.Gom or ebout Ne Propwy.THE fORE(iWNO <br /> . -= WARFIANTIE8ANQflEPREBENTATI0N8,ANDTflU8T0A'80HL10ATIONSPURSUAN7T01HEFOAEQOWOINOEMAtIlY.BlIAlI <br /> - BUHVIVE flECONVEYANCE OF TH19 UEED OF TRUST. <br /> � 10.Asfiyamml ol R�nU.Tluator hereby eealpna to Lendar Na rants,lesues antl profite of Na ProD�Y Worlded thetltuaia — � <br /> �i�A ehall,unNiheoceuvanaeolenEvanlolUetaull�eraunder,hevet�arlghttocollectendretatnsuehrontalaeuoeandDrofibeaNey --- ---- <br /> __:,{k� bacoma due end payeblB.Upon tha occurranca ol an Event of Aelault Londar may,elther In pereon or Dy ag9nt wilh or wllhout <br />._:�`yF� bringlnp eny naUOn a proceadin0,or by e racelver eppointad by e court aM wiNOUt regard to Ne aEepvaoy ol Ns eeoutlty,enla� <br />�..��_; uponandtekepof30u1onolthaPmpertgoronypertlherool.inlWOwnnamearinthenemeolNeTruatee,enddoanyeoWwhiohit <br />..,+..,�,� deamin9ceasaryordaalreDlalopreservelhevatue,m8�ke1fl011ityorrenWWliryolNeProparty.ora�ypartNareolorintereattharelq <br /> Ineroaae iho Incama Iharefrom or protBet ihe ee0urlry ho�eof and,wlih o�wllhout teking po8�6s01on ot Na PropBrty,6Ue fo�or <br /> --�,``i;� olherWle6 wll8ct iha ren16.IaBUea entl prollle thareoL Including Iho9a paat due entl unpflld,and aDPh Ne�ma,lesa coat6 and <br />.::a,j°� expanse8oloperellonanAC011ectlonlnoWNngeuomeye'Iaes.uponenylndableAnesaseouredhereby,e111neuchordere8L8nder <br />�-"" may Gelermina.T�e anterinp upon antl teking pmeeaslon ot the Properry.Ma colleatlon of such rente,leauas antl D�olib end Ne <br />°T-'�' epplh;atlon thareof e9 eloreaeid,ehell not cure or waNe eny dalault or nollce ol delault hareunder or InvaliEate any eM done In �� <br /> ��d r8sponaetosuch0elaultorpuravantlosuehnolloeofdolautlend,nolwithelendinplhecontlnuaneelnpoaseaslonoflhePropery or <br /> _tt� the eolleotlon,reee�D�anA eppileanon of rente,laaues or profita anA Tmatee ana Lendei ahell he anUtled fo exerclse every rly�t <br /> proWEeA for in eiryollha Loen Inetrumante or Dy Ww upon oeeurrenee of eny Event ot Defaolt InUuding wNhout Ilmi�etion tlie dgAt <br /> '---'- beser�le?�1!9�MVeteteele-F�mnacLendelarlghtnendremetlieaunderthieparaoreo�ahellbewmvlaWewilhandinnoweye ____ <br /> ,��� Ilmltetlonon,LentletarighbendremeAleaunAerenyeeslgnmentofleaseaendrenlsrecortledegehutlheProperry.Lender,Truelee <br /> .,. anC Ihe receiver�hell ba Ilabla lo account onty lor thoae rente pcNally reeoived. <br /> -§< 11. EvMb M D�taull.The following ehell conatllute an Evant o�DeleuH unde�Nie Deed ol Trus! FUC��xa _ <br /> --��i (� Feilure to pey any Inelellmant of pdneipal or IMe�eat ot eny oihar wm eeeured horeby when tlue: c . <br /> r� (b)A bt6aeh ol Or d0fau11 unOer eny proWalon conlained in N9 N0t6,Nla DoeU of Tmat efry ol th0 LOen IneVUmenk,or 9ny t, `� <br /> oNer Ilan or encumbrance upon fhe Property: �;'� <br /> s s�� (o)A w'it ol execWon or etlechment or eny timller procesa ehall be entered ngelnsthu�br whlch ehall Caeome a Ilen on Y p��+n --- <br /> 1�; Ne PrOparty or eny poNOn Nereol or inl8rett therein; j t�,yt �_- <br /> (�Thero 6hell be 11Ietl by or egainet Truator or Borrower an aetion under any prenenl or luture feCerel,8tet9 or other 's�s rt � : <br /> -�,�i, aleNt9,18w or re8ulatlon releHng to benkmO�Y•��aolveney or olher rellef lor tlebmra or there ahell be eppoint9d eny Iruelee, � �2� �_+����_ <br />,;,�t_ mceiverorliquidetorolTruelororBOrrowerorotelloranypertoltheProperty.orlhemnle.i�tueaorprolltBNereol,orTruslor ,}Vy��� µ�j�.. <br /> t._� or Borrower ahali make eny 8enerel e9signment lor Ne 6ene111 of ereAlrore: � :��5{S r�:_ <br /> . _U', (e)The eale.trenale4 leaae,eeaipnmenl,conveyance or lurl�er encumb�enco ol ell or eny perl of ot eny Interest in Ne _i t �frkkz <br /> Pmperry, elthBr volunterlly or Involunlarlly.wllhoul N8 expreaa wAtlen eonaent of LenCer,O�ovided t�at huator Shell 69 � 13�r .t+••:"� <br /> E�.;: perminedtoozeeutealeeneoflhePropBrtytAetOoeanoleon191nenopllontopurchaSeantlNefermolwhiehtloeanotexebe0 {:�y--.; <br /> !f' On0 YBlr; '�H�,yt��Cu.. <br /> " ; (�Abandonment ol lhe PropOrty.or 4 � k <br /> (g) IlTmatorianolenindhlduel.t�e�asuanee.eele.vaneler,essignmentconveyanceorencumbreneeofmorethanarolal ry{.5�3ir4� ; <br /> �" �'���` ��, . <br /> �y. o: N�A DercaN ol(If a cnrDOratlon)Ifa Iesuetl anA ouletendmg s�ock or(il e pannerehip)e totel ol N�A p9rconl ol i�j� };i+'P f` r; <br /> � -� Oerinership Intereata du8ng Ihe petlod Ihle DeeA ol hust remaina e Iien on the Property. y �� - <br /> ��'. 12. pametlla;Aeeelemibn Upon Ihe eventol eny Evont ol Deleull Lender may.wiNOUt nollce exeept ea requireG by ` s r �y '�?it;'-' <br /> law,deelere all IndebteCnesa necured�eraby 10 be Aue enE Dayebte anC tne aame a�all Ihereupon bewme duo en0 payable n 4t'��}� t?e.,... <br /> -'" wilhout eny Dreaenunent demend.pwteal or nouce ol am�kintl.T�ereatter Lentler mey t�.+��•::S�:ini:`c.. <br /> - (e) �emend thal Truatee ecerciae 1he POWER OF SALE grenletl herein.an0 Trusleu a�a�l 1�erealte�ceuse Tmalofe °� �f„ � a` <br /> � ; <br /> * � Intereet In Ihe Propetly lo be so�E entl t�a proceeGe lo be a�a���buteO,ell in Ihe manner pron0etl in tl�e Nebreake Tmal DBaGa ''''`- <br /> Att ' <br /> .-,`j (b) Exerciae eny antl eil tl9hte O�ov�EeO for in pny ol!he Loen InsVUmeNa or by law uDOn occurrence ol eny Event ol , ` M.,; ��; <br /> �' Deleult an0 <br /> -- � (C�COmmBnCBBnficlion�o�oret�o881hqDe8d01TruelBeemotige98.0ppoin�nrecoiver.orbpeafiCellyenlOrCeenyolt�B f _ �: <br />. F!i: COY8081118 hB(801. � ' <br /> t NO rBmetly h0r0in Conib�re0 upOn Or r08Brv80 to Troalee Or lentler ta mientlud lo Da Bxclu9n8 0l eny o�her remetly NB i <br /> ; LOen It161NmBnU or by 10w prOVldeC or pOrmillBtl.Dut Bech 9�811 be cumWetnB,ehe��be m BtlOition to BvBry ONer remedy given 5 - <br /> Tw�, hereuMer,In the Loon InafmmenU or now or hnreelter exnfing et law or in equ�N or Ey stelu�e.entl mey be exerciaed concurrentlg ( <br /> _ indepenaently or euseesaively. t <br /> 73.Truftee.7�o Trubtee may res�8^et eny time wMOW ceuae.an0 Lender may al eny 6me antl mihoul cause aDGO���e { <br />':�i�fj eucceasororaubllilul9Trustee.Tmetees�ailnotbehable�oanyparry.mclutlmgwrthoultim��ehonLentle�.Bormwer.Trua�ororany 6�-. � <br />� .r.;�� purcha58rolth8Propertybrnnylo68o�AamageunleseEualoreck1089orwdllulm�SCOnCUttanOS�Bllnotbarepu��etl�olekeeny <br />._:.r.t�; ectlOn in tonnottio�wll�I�8 enlotCOmBni ollhis Deetl OI Tmel unlesb wn�m9•lOr ell cosU.COmpe�98i�on or <br /> ;.y.�; exp0nsee whieh mBy be a5sxfaleA I�erowith In otl0�tion.Trustee may�ecome e purchaser et e�ry eaie ol lhe Properry�uCicfal or , <br /> un0er Ihe powe�o1881e grenle0 herein)[poatpone Me seie ol e�l or any Donlon ol IDe provitle0 by lew:or eell ihe <br /> f[{;� Propelty 9!9 w�ole.Or m eeperaie parce�a or�o�!at Tmsteeh ti�acteoon. - <br /> �' 74. FoCe and ExpoMOS.ln��e event Tmslee eelle I�e Propert/Dy exerci6e o�power of 881e.7mstee 6�all be entiilotl fo app�y � <br /> ;,� any eale p�oceede�irst lo Oaymen�ol aii coste and expenses ol exe¢�s:ng power ol ealo.inclutliny oil Tms�ee's leea,and LenAe�s � <br />: '�x?�e� enATry8t00'88tlomey61888.nCNellyinCUrredt0exlenlp8rmilietlbyepp�¢eblalOW.InIheBVBnIBOrtowerorTNllorezerCi88aBny <br /> °�": rig�t proviEeA by law lo cure en Event ol De1auIL LenOer ahen be enfinua to recover lrom nuelor an eoals enC expensea aaueny � <br /> -==i'� IncurreC ee e resun ol 7ruerore defeuu.mcWEinO wimoui nmiwnon nn Trus�uos nnE anomeye lees.�o me extent perm�tletl by <br /> :` eDP���Dlelew. <br /> �f' 16. FuWr9 AOraneon.Upon requeat ol Borrower,lenaer 0s option.meke ntltlRional anA luture ativencea and re• _ <br /> _;:t�i eEvanc8etO8oaower.Sut�aAveneeeenLreadranees.wtlninterestt�ereoa6he�ibesewreA0y�hleDOetlolTmstAtnolimeshall <br /> the rinci al emount of Me inAebtedne6s aecuretl b tms DeeO ol Trual ny m4 mp�ume eCvencetl lo protecllhe aewri ol tNa <br /> ""�;� Deetl of hu6t.8xe0eA t�e originel pdncipal amount eleteA herem.or S 1��L��•W wNChaver ia qreeta' �ry <br /> '';,., <br /> Y:v.(. <br /> i_r ti <br /> _, .. <br />:yy.�. <br /> +� <br />