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� _'d . .., .. _ . •, . , � ., �� -- � - a y 4 A> _—.._ _. .. . .. <br /> � J � _ f `t <br /> „i !f[iGtt �7! :Ic_FY>, i{ h lV�� CI�'1..�r,r��� ,���f� �;yf� c� y�iri1X ° ' ' "� ., <br /> . - '� a�.� ,. �! �ti a� . _ _—___. _ . <br /> `•� . .;' . . . - � � - i ��, .,,�• ' ���n � F � : <br /> " ' A�QiTtbNAL i�R,MB� t�}�s,x�� . ` ' � <br /> gTGA W R1��N'� #Np:COVBHpNTk 1} That aneo6t,'}o t�o'i ou�14�id(8r8"{f�0rantod nd 6p�ybb1oNti o o , <br /> � ihp k�Q11cthpt� OiletsrD 1?acq lreq e(ter the�e{9�DleoF,w1116�,the@6Wn0}oFm 8 6otld(eId tr�Qblfbm in fdY�i�a- ! <br /> - ilan��fiH�MO=st6r enwmura�cq;and t�et Oebtor wlll 0Etand Ihb C6fla�erel s�a�nOt pl1 ItMe pn0 EOrolhds ol��1 q n� —� - <br /> �� - o1;�nyf+tRe c � np.�¢ : q1Re pr.a ry� niarear snoCOln,(91`hut0 fIq pp n A atAmpn)�t�pr t�en otnor 6�nanoihp tata � <br /> . � . . rt-ieSt v�Ytai3a blvv�+��SaGUi2d P$�Y carariny7 the.COOater8�IA'I py�t d tt16r R1 pn If1a In�f1�;PUGlIe pitlCC - � . . . . <br /> 1�`: r �eh4 fhnl e1 M r6quaet ol8eourad Partf�,�obtqr witl exoapto hOtle�N i t�C�Or�tl�P,�y p�k'o�•mOro ilnehy1�48tqte- <br /> �� _ . -menta Or�o lh�t Opsumente nur4uaM to t ne No�ran ke Un i lorm�ommero qa l o i v h io h ero tl eam e d by t n o 8 0 t u r o 0 P a h� --- <br /> -t0 6s peEOeaary o doalrnDio tu tha ettso�mant,�ptldOC11011�Of C0011p�EIIQ11 01 tt19!80yflty IIIt8f68f gf811180 b8fBY0A0R 8tt - <br /> "'� � � .In t0�T Oatl6taCtory.lo BBaurad P8rty,en0 wllt p8y Iha eoat of Hlln§eucl� flnanCing Bidtem8nt ihla Beeurity Agr¢emanl, _ <br /> e a_ 8fly GUDM U811ofi or torminatWn itCtomont and 61h0�-'documants In all pu0ilc oHlees�yryarovor tlllnp la doomea by 6ecuro0 -- -- - - <br /> �#.;� - . VAf1Y t0�e necasaary or Oealrabla•entl il t�e Colleteral le at�eo�aU to raal eateta ptl0t t0�ha pe�tBCtlon 01 ihB 60CUIIty -- '-" -' - <br /> '?� Ipntepfesl gIBnIBtl her8qbqy Or II tho (.011BtYereql Inolud08 oroppBp or QI1, gee Of minorals to De Bxtracted or tlmber 10 bo Out, <br /> °�;y:`� � �111eiVt elg,rl�otiy e1�PefeOqs peving en Interebi In t�Hm@�eel q8t0fa�pis0 8im p0 or eu4orGl�ria4ng eny Imoro¢i in l�a Coliatpr9t L�i���-^`�"— <br /> z wbIeh 10 pt or to th9 in�arest ot BBGYtOA P811y.,(9 NPt t0 8011.trenater o�diaDOSe ol tha CAllateral,nor taka en9 snmm or ,„ Y, ; : <br /> a�;t' � � eftert�pt to�ake the eama ffom lhe eounry w�arb�eD�ee stated,without 1ha prlor wdgan consent of the SecureO Pa1{y � 4�s` _ <br /> P� (4)ro pay ell taxes and aseassmeNe ol every nature which may be IevieA or asseased agalnal the CollatareA(6)Not to petml4 � �-'-' - <br /> �y s; yr alloyy any aQv6rsa Ifan,secudt�r InReres�or ancumbt9nca whatao9ver upon thsCo Ilatoral pnE not tp pa rmit tha aame � �.� <br /> l0 b9 El�BChetl o��epl0vined.(8)Tl�at tho Collatorol la In aooG contlitlon end that DeDtor wifl et hle or hbr own expens0, <br /> �`df,'j kaep tho seme�n good oonaiGon ena trom nme to tlma.+onhwith,rapiace ana repau eu euch�ens ot tna Colletaral ee �, --�°i �..4, . <br /> �2�' map Oa 6rokon,wom out or Aameyo0 wlthout ellowin9 any 11en to be o�ealed upon ih0 Colla oral on aeoount ol eueh -.�s�;,;.�' <br /> ,� .tt'+� re leoamant or rapalie,en0 t�at the 8ecur6d PartY mey eaemine ana inapeet the Collataral at enY tlme,wheraver locate0. ,r E�.;t� . <br />..:��U.,.r.r �r. <br /> .___.:,.,.y, p�T�et DeDtor wnl et �la or ha�own a�penae keap tha collateral Insuretl in a eompeny aatlelactory to Sacurotl Party ;.a:�„��::..,�. <br /> {R��,t e9ainet IOS&aa 9ppropNate,by lhelq colllaion.11ra and axtan0etl coveroge,wllh losa payeble to Secured Parb en Ite in• �lis;�x - _- <br /> tere8t may aD�eer,end will on demnntl dellve�eald polielea of inauranee or lurnia�prool of aueh insurence(o Bacura0 F��i k r <br /> '�"+ '? party.(8) At ite oD��on SewreA Party maY Diaure auch inmrance. diac�arge taxea, Ilent or ucudty Intereetn or other � xr, r <br /> r°-- BnOUmbrenCBi at any time loviod or pleced on tha Collntaral end mey pay for the repalr of anY Oamage or InJury to or �`�"-" __ <br />_�..?.z.F for the praservetlon anC maintenence ot t�o Collateral. Dobtor agrees to reimburse Securad Per1y on Aemend lor eny t �����s <br /> � - ± peymant m expense Incurred by 8ecuretl Perly pvreuant to tne foregoing amhorizetlon.Untll such relmDUreemant,the +���,;.,� <br /> k��, amouet ol eny aucn peyment. wlih inrorest at the iate of 76� per annum Irom dete of peyment unlll raimbursement, -f � <br /> ahall b9 eAtl80�o th0 InAeCIeCnBS�owe0 Ey peblor 9nd a�all De setured by lNa Agreement.(9)That Oebtor will not L a.K.r N =<--— <br /> ��. �{ use tha Collataral in violellon of eny eppllceble etetute, regu�etlon or orainenca end if eny of the Colleterel ie motor y ,_� <br /> - � jFy, vehlelea,the eame will not Ee rentetl nor ueeA in renlel aerviee nor In eny a0eed or entluranee eonteat. 1� . 1 --- <br /> �/ i �t <br /> ,r,fr �-_�. UNtIL DERAULT Debtor mey heve poasesaion of the Cona�erai and uee¢m any lawhi menner not inconsiatent wil� � sr <br /> tNa Ayreemartt and not IncOna�atent wilh any pollcy ot inEUfance t�oreon,entl uDOn Aetaul�Securetl Party ehall have r�� t��,; <br /> ;��;f' � dE9 Ofl BHALL BE IN U�RAULT t nAer'thie'Agreement upon the heppening of eny ot the tollowing ¢vente or }t �����,�'�4�si Y�" <br /> �z��f°`a eond0lone: (7) tlefeult in the peyment or pertormance of eny obligetlon. covenant or iiebility eonteined or ralerretl to 1 S�+�'Me�.�i•s�—.-. <br /> - t �eroin or in eny note evitlencing the eame:(2)eny warmnty,repreiente�lon or tinenelel sletement metle or(umisheA to r - -'- <br /> � �� i Y: BBOUted Patty by or.on Ce�eif o1 Debtm ia tllscovBteA to heve Deen telse in any material reapect when metle or fuo- „ �,�� *ix�. �- <br /> ' ' nlahed; (7; 4�y^von� µn�en.aa�d�a or eowC rewit In Ihe eeeeleration ot the meWdty of Ihe intleb[etlness ol�eCtOr to °d,��'+'�* .°-:- <br /> , �� f olher6 under eny InAentuie.egreement or untlerteking;(4) lou.thett,damege.Aeetmelion nflle or eneumbranee to oi o1 +.�, ��+ ���re�a+�-�� <br /> eny ot ihe Collaleral, or t�e meking ot any levy, ae�ture m alteehment. thereol or thereon: (5)tleeth,AlaaOlu110n term- r lS-�r���. �� 13 �. <br /> r� 'i-7 InetiOn Of exlElencO.�n6olvenC .bualneas teilure,appointmenl ot a recelver of eny Dert ol ihe CAllaterel.AsalqnmeN f0f �� � + r�i t - <br /> ,f��5�:�r� t�e beneNt Ot eredltore b Deblor,or ihe eommencement ot any proeeetlinga under eny bankruptey or Insolveney lawa ra`J °S-;;(?dltv�,�;;,_. <br /> , 1� ��;. Dy or ageinst Debtoror any quarantoror surery for Debtor. � y� . --� <br /> ; +� 2': UPON BUCN DEFAULT and et eny time therealter.or i� �t deema I�se�f insecuw.3eeured Perty mey Ceelare ell Obl�• � � ;f�'��r ",f�'rfl2 - <br /> ..���.";; geti0na t9curo0 herBby immedlalely Eue en0 peyable antl ahall hnve t�e remodlea of e Seoured Party un0e�the Nebtenke ,,.�4�:i��SL}KI�:a t;�;- <br /> �. Unibtm Commarcial Cptle.Seeuretl Party mey �equire DeDlor to assemDle the Collaterel enC deliver or make i[evail- r _ ;t '�� � <br /> '��i!�r Bble to 8eevre0 Party at e pleca to be Aealgneted by Secuwd Perty whic� ie reaeonably eonveNent to bot� Oarties. z- i,-, � �� ' <br /> + -�' UnIB0.1 the Co��aterel Ia pefl6heble or lhreelens to decline epeedlly In ralue or le oi a lype cuslomadly sold 0�e recog- �4��, � �f+�� <br /> �;i Nted merket.8ecuretl Perty will give Debto� reaaoneblo nolico of Iho Iimo en0 pince of eny Du�lic tale t�areof or ol _� : ; ���f��"` - <br /> ..�,�;;.?� lhe time attor whieh eny p�rvate saie or other ininndotl A�eposiGOn Ihewol 1�to bo meGa. T�e requiremunta ol reason- -°-�} �1,�^�. ._-_; <br /> } �., , eble notice ahell bo mot It 6ueh nolico is me11aC.poelege propa���e eCO�eas of Deblor shown at Ihe be8��^��9 a� 4.� -'� S 5a n =. <br /> � Ihie agreemenl e1 least three busineas deys Eeforo Ihe time of the sele o�Aisposition. � } !�. � � •� -'- <br /> - + Y No waiver Dy Secwetl Part�ol any Oe1nWl BhLll OperBto a5 A wanur 0� Hny o1�Br Aefaull O/01 l�e eem9 dBteult On B fj ,iG�r�� �i�3��� � <br /> �5 -' future occesion.7he teking o Ihi!Socurity Agroomenl shnll not waivu or lmpav eny other secutlry 9BIA Securutl Party � �� .,,- <br /> m0y h9Ye Of her09�ief ecqulre lor IhB paymon{ ol Ihe a�OVe rtItl8DlUtlne45. nor s�ell ihe tekiny Of eny EuCh eOdlllonel ���tl_ ;�� �/f� w , <br /> � ! neeudty weivo or ImDair Ihie Securiry Agreemem:but safC SocureO Parly may resort lo nny aeeurily it may heve in the � - - � Z -- <br /> - �f ;� orAer it mey deem proper,ane notvntnetanOmg eny conateral aecunry. SowroE Panyyfla}ltelaln q� righte ol sel-ofl �•z.'���5(v S "'. <br /> e: . egeintt Debtor. J- V i il F71 - 1,� +,, <br /> ' All tlght!ot Secu�e0 Party noreun0e� sha11 inure to Iho bene6l ol its succoseoB antl assigne: enO elt pmmisoa end t''� ��i �54� P <br /> ` tlutl80 01 Deblor 9hE11 Dmd hfe or he�har9.OPrsonxl roprosoNelives or h�a.�er or rt5 suttessots or assigns.1�lhefB be ` _i;, ; t ♦ ?x". <br /> �� mora then one Debtor.t�eir lieb�i�ties hernuntler snnli 6e�omt and serewi- , r ' ' c� ° - <br /> r��§ Thi6 Ag�eemeM S�ell�ecome eliectrve w�en il i5 B�gneA by Debtoc A carbon.pholographic or olhet reprotluttion OI � , �z .. '', <br /> 1he signod SOturity Agreement or Finanang Stetement may be used as a Fmnncmg Stntemen! . � �` - �- �^�_4�:�_�;� <br />' ADDENDUM � � <br /> �.-a�i'� •_ The und8r6igne0.heremelter"Ownor.DeDtor".owns or has nn inlerest m lhe tolinleral deatnhed On ihe rever58 Sitle • -' � -: . <br />- � Oi lhi6 Agre9menl. Dut is not a party �o Ihe oDhgahon secure0 Dy Ih�s AgreemenL By executing t�ia Agreemant. t'� _ <br /> - OWnOf/D8610�un0e�lake5 no oCiigabOn for repayment ol such obliga�ion. bul warves ali nght.htle entl �nterest fn an0 <br /> "" 10 Sald c011a18ra1 lo provitle sewrity ior perbrmance of Ihe o�6gat�on All prov�swni ol �h�s Agreement apply to -- <br /> -�F�" OWnel/Deblor entl Ihe term"DebtOi'es used in th�s Agrcemenl nn0 any occomD�nymg Fmencmg Slalement te�ers col- <br /> , - leclively t0 Deblor.Owner�Debbr or botn qs Ine comexl mey reqwre <br /> _ -- Date � Ow�eoror r�-'Y—'r - ' <br /> • <br />. _ -�.� . __. <br /> ,'���:� �_rs,.;�.rr:_'..._ .....- ��: - . . . _ . , _ ,.. _ . . <br /> (�!},. __. <br /> r-y rt�. .. '_ _ . ' <br /> .e�; ';.'t , _ <br /> _,'-.'., <br /> :��fn�"'�` . <br /> y: , <br /> . , <br /> l .r -� ' <br /> ` � _ � <br />