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, . _ . . . ..: <br /> , , - . ., _ ' ^ � ��- <br /> , ,. <br /> , . � <br /> , � ,. ' �. � <br /> �, . . . .. �. . � 93� �o�t��� �, <br /> ,,. ,. . . .. <br /> "��►��.��:��,. - <br /> (q�9pnp�HolltjqxMExt��lonotNetlm�forpaymeMormodlllaponbl�moN�utlonolM�W��ou�Wt�mN • <br /> UeqpO 7ruht enRAf6yltndel�Me4 /uoC�CwrinlnkrNlolBOtrowH�Mllnotopfwt�f ��IHH,I�Ny �a, ftl Iiry _ ._ _ . . <br /> att.�sp.IpintlBOnaw�r�ndBonbw� r�vao�oonlnmurnt�anduenlnnotb�r�pulr�tlaoomm�na0raoMdlnyt�ihN <br /> �uoh�l�aauorornN�eloextenGGmePor nym�htaothenN�emoClyamoN:�UOnofNnum��aouredOyNUDbdolTru�t <br /> �by fM/01101/Ry ONNIId��n�E�Oy IIU OtPpintl eorrower�na Borrow�r�euecnwn In Inura� <br /> (p)NnN/i/ewHb WlNOUI�HeoUnp me II�DIIIb ol�nY olher Mrwn Il�bl�Por N� mt of�mr o6llyitlon�vNn <br /> manYonod,cnOvAl�outqllacUnpN011anoroharpootWe�otCOfTrustuponenyDOrNOnol o roparanolNenoilheretoioro F-„-- -- -- <br /> rNMwd o waurlb�o�N�N�I�mounloltll unD+ld oDlly�tlont,4�nCyerm�y,tromum�toUm��na wlNOUlaonaN rQN�arwany <br /> o�ioonwy,o�i�a�e to Ce ole��eG o�aaonve eyA ei�any tlme al Lentler'e optlon any perae6 poNOO r�Ul of HH�p op�ny, <br /> (H Yk�or retuVJ�ny oNer ot iddltlontl�eWrlry for any obllpsUon heleln man�onld,or(vp m�ke OompoNdoO�or oltlar <br /> am menu wtth debtore In rslntlon Neroto. __. <br /> ofhe�o�ellorded Oy eppI1�01e ew�hall eol bB a�weeWOr�ol orYpraoWAa Ne ezo�ro�lee ol eny e'ohr„ohtMy hferlmu�der,Or <br /> edv.The -..-._ <br /> proouromontoflneurenceorthe pLym00to}taxae0rON0�11o000rohEr0eebylondetOh811notb9ewElveroll.andErOdphtto � <br /> aoGeloleto Ih9 m9turi�r Ot 4t0 NdeDlodnete eeoured by Nls Doetl ol Tnnt <br /> (� Bueaqon�nd Mdym Bound�Jolnl�nd Brvanl Ll�blllt�O�R�an��Tha aovananb and egreamonU hereln oon• _ <br /> t�ined e�a11 bin0,end the dpMe haroundar ehell Inura to,tha reapeotiva suacea6ore ana eealgns ol Landor and Truttor.NI <br /> oovenanN end egreemenls ol Truetor c�all be�olnt and sevaraL The oaD�one end�eadinge of Ne parayrephe o1 Nis DoeO ol <br /> Trual ere(o�oohvenlenoa ony and are not to be used ro Intaryret or tleflna the proNelona hareot. �_ - <br /> (e) Rpu„ItorNotlee�.TliepeNeaharebyrequattMatawpyofanynoticaofAataulthereundmantlaoopyofeny noUae ___.. <br /> of eele hereunAer Ea mailad to oeoh perty to lhia Dead of huat flt N9 aAErew sot IoM e6ove in Iha mennBr preaorlbatl by �v._ <br /> appliceWe law.Ezcept lor eny other nodce requlrad under epplioeble l8w to be Bhen In another mennor,eny notloe p�ovitled e�s=:-Y?�-.------- <br /> torN�hleDee0olTrueteha116eglvanbymallingauohnotloebyceNlledmalleddraeeeAm�haotherpeNaaettheaddrasBeat �?!"�"�'-- <br /> fotlh abova Any nollaa proWdsd for In INe Deod of Tmet ehall be eHeollva upon mallinp In Iha mennar AeeipnalaA heraln.II f�,,:`i�,.:: <br /> lNS1or Ia more th9n One peroon,notice eont to Ihs adEre99 eot toM above ehall be nolleo to ell auch poreone. �.,�',�.',!X':;'� <br /> . @ In�pwllon.lenEOr may meke or cauae to be mado reasonebla onlrlee upon enA IneDeoNOna ol t�a ProOBM,Provided T,;�:,.. <br /> _ t�at LenCar 8ha1181ve Tmafor notice pdor to any svcA InaDection e0�M�8 roeaonable causa tharelor relatetl W Londars �<i ti;3N;--_. <br /> interest In Ihe Property. °°''�'�;='_� <br /> (g) i1lCOnv�yanu.UpOnpEymenfofallaumaeecmetlbythlS�e9dofhu6l,Lenderoha11r0quBitTmsleetoraCOnvaythe �'it.};ic��-- <br /> ProDertyandshallsurronderlhiaDeedolTmetandeltnoleaevitlencmglntlebietlneaaeeauredbyNieDeedolTrualloTrustoa �l��'�,;'i�b <br /> Truelee ehell reaonvey t�e Propery wilhout werranly and wNhout otierpe to Ne person or Deraona lepalty enWed Narat0. ����.;��':-' <br /> Tnutor ehall Dey eil wnle of eny. ?�{lswX=z�_._ <br /> r.,..;:`: <br /> (h) P�rtO�al P[Op�rtyi B�eudry Apnemont.Ae edAltlonal eecurity Por t�e payment ol t�a Noto,Truator hareDy p�anl� �,k�3�K t„---. <br /> Lentler underNe NBbraeke Uniform Commarciai Cotle e secunry Inle�est in eII lixturea eCulpmant antl o�her pereonai property �g; r c -- <br /> uaodlnaonneotlonwilhtha�oaleateleoiimprovomenulooeletltnereon.antlnotomervASaaa�areuordeamedtobvaparioi �� '-_ <br /> Ne reel eatete seoureA hereby.Thie InsWmenl shall be conaW ed ae a Becutlty Agreament unGer ealtl CoOa,enA No Lander �7,,i��' - <br /> shallhavaellthetlg��aend�amadimoteaecuretlpaMundareeldCodeinatltlluontotherlgnleendramaGieaoreetedunder S;i;}�,_;<;✓y�-.�� <br /> undaxorGetllheLentlerDureuan11o1hiaDeeAOtTrueCproviAetllhetlentlerarlghteenAremBOleaunderihieparaBraD�eh911 _s��Y.c•n:ee....-�_ <br /> be cumuletiva wIM.end In no way e IIM1800n on,LBndeY�tights and remeAleD unCef eny olher 68CUtlty agre¢mBn161gned by �;i.�y v:r;;µ`; <br /> Bonower or Truetor. i;�iJ��""'.': <br /> p) LI�M EnA EncYmbpnelL.Tmetot hereby warrenle end represenk thetihere le no Ae�eWt unde�Ne DrOVIllont ol eny ��[(�;�<<�_��:-.- <br /> e��{}��� Y��'- � <br /> mOrlqage.Geetl of Wet 108Ee or pureheee contraCt desedbinp ell or any pert ol Ne ProOertY•or oNO�rAnUfle4 IneWmant or � + ��,�;�,:,- <br /> 8 f08rt1Bf1t C00811tuI10 e llen or enwmbrenee e ainel etl or en ert 01 NB Pf0 8 (OOIIBCIIveI ,"L1Bne'�,Bxlbtln 98 011hB i i K�}�'�°�f:"' <br /> 9 9 9 Y P P rtY Y 9 a : .. <br /> data of thle DeeA ol hust,enA thet eny end nll exisiing Llane�emnln unmodi�oA oxcept ae ClaclosoO to LenAer In TruatoYe �t�P?���^��_�._ � <br /> wtlllen Alsclosure ot Ilane enO eneumbrencee provitled 1or�erein.Trualor ehell tlmely peAOrm ell ot Tni6�ara obligaNOn0. �,E!:�i;?.i••r,-- <br /> covenenlarepreeenletloneandwvmnlloauntlerenymdelloxisilingendluNrelJane.shallpromptlylonvetAloLendercoplea S-.!•y*4,Jy_�.yt,, <br /> 01011 nOtice!Of default 9ent In connee4on wNh 9ny enU ell exlnling of IuWre Llenl,end 6he11 nol wilhout Lentler'a p�b�wAflen ' -'°`�;' �` ��"�'- <br /> .. t.�,}�� . <br /> consent in e'ry menner modHy ihe proviaiona ol or ellow any IuWre e0vencea unCer any exiMing or fulure Uen0. �7(r!,-;�j,-�?��j,_. <br /> �AppllcatlonotPaymenb.Unleaaolherwieerequtredbylew.eumape�tltolen0orhereunder,ineluCingwithoutlimibtlon �'�EY•?'•i:��.;p�.- <br /> paymente ol principel and imeres;Inemance prceeetlA condemnatlon proeeoEe antl rente end proflW,nhell be epplled by )�P�t'4�����;,,-• <br /> Lentlerto Neemounl8 Auo end owlnp from Truaror end Borrower in wch orGer as Lendar in Ile eole Alaerelion deema tleairable. 4�;�p;?�}:1F�n__=�� <br /> (q S�verablllry It eny proNaion ol Nia Deed ol Troa[conflicts wiN epp�icebte iew or U Aeclared ImeliC or otherwiee i��;��:�;fL`:r_. <br /> unenlorCeeblB.6uCh cOnlliCt or invelidily ehell not eHect lhe olher Orodeone ol IMB Deetl ol hust or the NotO wh�Ch CUn 60 ttS.-;��f;=°�=. <br /> Ivene118CIwlthoutNeeonllletin ovi6lon.endlothlaondMe rovlslonaoflhisDe8dolTmntanAlheNOteargdeelereEtob9 ;;�`'..�."1f=.`-�"==- <br /> B 9W D �.c1�'1_;1,`;�;.-�.. <br /> aeverable. - - <br /> p)Tetm�-The terme"TmatoP'enA"BOrrower"ehail IncluAe bolh ninpular a�A D�ural.end w�en ih9 Truabr entl BortOwOr -r���1 s<(} ' <br /> ero No eamo poraon(!),ihose 1erm�Be uaed in thle Deed ol Tmel ehall Ge inle�chanpeabl9. �'�., ::,.,�`,_ <br /> (m) Omsminy Law.Thla Deed ol Tmet n�all be govenred by N lawe ol lhe Slete o�NeD�aske. — 'i;�,� �' <br /> Trueta hea eaeeutetl�hla Deed ol Tmel es ol fne Ae�e written abov . s}3:��i���' �� <br /> ` <br /> HARRY A OC � JR. TN810 Hve6and ','��'` ��`�'✓� <br /> �.. Bt�i� _ .. _ - <br /> JANE C NOCN iruaior Xife � �,� <br /> ::_:. _ <br /> I _ , <br /> .. "'� � U � <br /> � W:•fr:O:ri�r:. <br /> L <br /> � <br /> i <br /> i <br /> f <br /> ��.:�.:` _.. ._ . <br />