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Y! . o. <br /> � � ._ ._ ._ . . ._. <br /> i �.. .. 93= �09�1� -_ � _- <br /> -�_... LenQerloDroteolNaeeaudbolNeNOte�(o)N�peAOrmanaeolNlaown�n4ena�9raeman4olTruaorsetlonhner�ln;and(dlul � <br /> � � prN_en!end NNro IndeDtedn�H�nA obllqWon�of 8orrorrn toi�ny ofNem 11 more th�n one)to LenEer w1ieV�er d400t,IndlrCOt ��� _ <br /> - �MOlulsoraontl�tp�m�ndwhnhvaAOlnp6vnots.0�uanN.ovordmfto�oNerwlw.TnaNOte.�hp0eedotTrua�andanyandali .,. -_ ----- <br /> ,, u`'t'.','� o1h�rCOOUeMfOaftfwunlheNoteoroltiervrleoaxaauladlnoonnaoUOnNerowlN,inohMinpwlu�outumnauonpuereMaoacacur�y �� _ . <br /> ,q _ - syrwmanq and auipnmonW ai Iceaae an�renie,shaN bo rofmrcd ta hare�n ae Ne"LOan In:W menu'. -- <br /> N� Trustor OOrenaMe end epreea wlih LenOar eo tollow6: ` - -`r'- ; <br /> +t �Y 7,paymMi ol tnd��tWnn6 NI Indeblednass eecure0 hereby ehall be pa10 whan 0ua ��°�,}r� � +: <br /> Q.Titli.huttor U Ne owner ol N!Propeny,hss Ms tlyht entl aulhorlry lo convay Ihe Propery,and warrenU Nat iha Ilen � h? t <br /> aeated�ereEy la e Net and D�or Ilen on Ihe Propory,oxCept lor Ilan9 end enoumbrenwe ebt IoM by Truelo�in wdtlng end kin �w�`rr� "TS, ;. <br /> .�ht7�' delNereCtoLBnEerO61or9exeoutlonOfthlaDeedotTruet,t�MtheaxeoullonenddeliveryolthieDeedoiTmsldoeanotvidatanny ,, _-- � -� <br /> WnVEOt or ONO�Obllpetlon to which TruslOr b subj00t Efi;� y�+�`r`�i+ .� <br /> h{t. &T�xH,AqHIm�nN.TOpeybObred011nqueneyalltexe0.ePaoleleEOeanmen4anAellol�archargeaaOainNtheProporty � { �� e� . <br /> nowo�harea11er1eNed. „ lcj5�ti�q:i���'{,, : <br /> --t��; 4.Imunnu.TOkoepthePropaM�^earede8einatdamegebyllre,hazerdeinoludeOwilhintheteim"exlanAeOcoverega",end � ��i3a� 4 i �,_ <br /> {�k euch olhar hasarda ea Lander may raQuiro,ln emounla en0 wIM companiea encapteble to LenAer,neming Lentler an en etlAitlonal f+` -:��1 t�}r r_„ <br /> .•:�,1�: nametl inaured,wlth lose peyablo to Iho Landec In oeee ot Wae undor suoh pollolea.tha LenOe�is eWrodraA lo aA ust aotlact en6 + - <br /> ar�s�` compmmiae.ellolalmflhewundoren050a11havothooptionofepplying ellorpertolNeinaureneeprocaedemloanyindebleAn»s � �7= ; ` <br /> � ,�.! 6eoured�oroGyandlnavchorGe�e�LendormeyAetarmine,(IqWNeTrue�ortobeueeElort�arepetrorreetoretion.WtheProparty i�i't t`Yf{j�j��;?`�T -_�, <br /> ` ` -�-� or(IlqforenyoNarpurposaorobJecteeliataolorytoLanOerwllhoNa11eo11ngUellanotNlcDOaAOfTmetto�MelullemounteecureA „1"`���� !.p'�r : <br /> _;,i,(�; heraby bebre woh peyment eve�took placo.My eppllcetlon ol Droceede to Indebledneee ehell not extend or poelpone Ihe Gue Y }�t�i!�'>�1�� "} •: <br /> data ot eny OaymenW under t�e Nota or eure any dalaWt NereunAer or hereuntler. �,�fl �t��J,��� t7{ • <br />. -k,5t;3+ 8.Eaerow.tlpon wtlttan demen0 Cy lentler,Trusto�Mall pay to Lentlor,ln eueh menner ea lenCer mey dealgnete,euNfeient 1,F r i,:y t 1_ ,r __��� <br /> rnfip{7�1 tumstoenablelanGertopayaethey0ecomedueoneormoreolthalollowing:malltexea,eeae6amenqendolherchergeeegainat `t+ ��`v`�,ry�-�a�f�x�.i��, <br /> _ryu Ihe Proparry,pl)the D�emivma on t�e property Ineurance roqWwd hereuntle�,end(ilq the premiums on any mortgege insurenca fs,t'�.�)�&Shrt -- <br /> t� rcqult6A Dy Londer• - <br /> ,f�r 8. Malnlen�nol,fl�palp�nd COmplianee With LOwt•Truator ahall keep the Property�n 8ao0 con01110n anE repeir,ahell = ��"Fs�'f��F,'y'4F <br /> �y' promptty repeir,or replace eny imprwement whlch mey ba demegetl or deaUOyeU;aha�l not commit or permit�ny watle or tit 1 F'4�F� �� ,. <br /> � � deleflora9on ol Ne PropBrty,ahell not remove,tlemollah a aub9leMially eller any ot Ne imprpvemenlc on Ne PropOfly:ehell nol , .,7! ' <br /> .,it4!ik�: wmmiLBUflerorpermitenyactlobodonainotuponiheProperryinviolallonolenylaw,orCinence,orreBulallon:anOehellDeyand �y'-f� !''� ? �a,���;� <br /> - promptly Alyoherga et Trustofe coet end oxponna all Ilen�,encumbrnncea en0 chergea Ievied,Imposed or eesesseC ageintl Ne � - ��i� �t�� <br /> -�'i--`^ ProPaM Ot eiry p9rt Nbfeot. ' -..;7.`��� �r <br /> e <br />� �"�.��,ri` 7. Hmin�nlOOm�In.LenderiaharabyesNgneAellcompenta�on,ewerOe.demegoenndotharDaymenUOnelfel(hewinolt8r f n�;;,4 r,_t_,,._-_' <br /> ` '- "Procaede7 in conneWon wilh eondemnation or oUar tekinp ot the PropeM or Dert��oraof.or tor conveyance In Ileu of v - ;�? i .- <br /> � -`-: :� " ConEOmnation.lendor ehall De antllle0 el IU opnon to eommonce, eppear in anA pro�aeule In i�own nemo my fletlon or *�n�,;�� ,y,(r;�.� <br /> ';•i�!�r•'.•�� �roceatlinga end s�all e190 ba anlNeG to meko any compoml6e or seltlemant in eonnactlon with wch teking or Oimege.In Ihe :��;;.,-.;F;y;�.t;•a�;;-,. <br /> - ' �+ event8nypoNOnolNaP�operrylasotekena0emepeO,Lendernhellhavelt�aopllon,inl4wloantlebaolNOdlacqYOn.beDPb ` - y.� ,, ��f1Jd':' <br /> -"- - - all sueh Procaede,aRar dedueling t�arelrom en coele entl oxpanses inarratl by it in eonneelion wim auch ProcaeEe, upon eny �Y . , , yJ{ �1z. <br /> '11� indebreeneea�eoureanerobyandlneuchorAeraeLanAermay0emrmino.ortoeDD�YaIlsucnProceedo.elterwc�0etlucuon�.ro .{ �t.,, ; _ <br /> '��'� Iho walorellon ol tho P�opetly upOn such conANione a�Lentler mey aetermme.Any appuCeuon oi vrocaeda w mdeciadnaea�heii ,'i;',;.`,:,�,'yz 3j..;���!_ <br /> �-�- e not gxlenA or poatpono Iho duo Aalo ol eny Daymente unda Ihe Note,or eure any deleull l�ereunder or herounAer.My uneppliad r , rA j� .� <br /> IunA9 ehell 66 peld to Truefor. f- ,`'/� �'�� <br /> '�k- � 8. PaAOrmeno�by Und�r.Vpon the 000urrencB of en Evant ol Delavlt hereunAer,or II eny ac11a teken or le9a�O�aeeEin9 '3:: �,�+¢{'"�p -' <br />_ `s,-„{;��„ commBnCBAwhlChmeleflallyeflecleLendor'elnleresllnlheProDerty.LenEermeyinlUOwnCfecrelio4DUlwMOUtobligationtodo , ,j'i, r ` �1 <br /> � r" � eo,9nA with0ut notiee to or demanC upon Tmator enC wlllqut roleeoing Truntor Irom any obllgatlon,Oo any aet whlen Tru6tor�as %' � Ly y, Sy�-�� <br /> ' -�(.; egroed but leila to Ao end mey 0�6o Oo eny oNOr ect It tleema necee6ery to prolect ihe seoudry hereof.TmNOr shaq immedletuty f � �;, ��, , <br /> t ; ��_- <br /> j upon dementl Nerelor by LenAer,Dey lo LenAOr eil coale and exDenees InwrreA enA eume expende0 by LenOOr in eonnecYOn with t r -��� �� ty <br /> ,�Nf��,- 1�eBZ0rcI806yLentl9rollhe�orepo1n9d8h19.1og8lh8rwiNlnt0�8811hereonetl�eCeleNtraleprovlAedinNBNOte.whlChEhillbe _ -- �> ��- <br /> �t'�' edde�lo Ihe IntleGtednesa 6ocured�oreby.Lontlor ehell not Ineur any Ilabllity becavee of anylhing it mey do or omit b Ao � - „� c�{E1 #, <br /> r )���j; hareunder. v --:` -�`"{T=�. <br /> --� i;^S 9. He:erd0us Maletlal�.Tmator ehell kaeD the Propeny In complianee wlth etl aDP��ceble lawe,ordinancea eM repuletlona � -t;,,` �r' 4 ��� <br /> -�`;�1+�.�•��: relaling to InOuttdel hygiene or envlronmeMal prolectlon(conecllvely relerreC to he�ein ea'Environmental Lewn'}Truabr ehell ;r�-...�st �� i -� <br /> ,-. �`.���-. k86piheProperrylreelromellaubatencesdeemadtoCehaxa�dauaortoxlcunAeran Environmenleilewa(co�teetivei relerreAto � ;������1��4������'-:` <br /> _: �.J�J r r ;.f�4:;.;,�� �,G��sr-.:3 <br /> . � �_#_ herein ae"Hexe�doue Matetlele'�.Truslor hereCy warrenb end represenW b Lender Ihet t�ere ere no HeiarEOUa Matetlale on or ;,_ct)4t f 1v��.;v <br /> untlerthaPropBrly.Truatorherebyegrooatolndemnityan0�oldharmleeslentler,ilsElrectoa.oflice�a.employeeeantlayenle.and ��ik'( � � �;. <br /> � ��+�� eny euccesao�e to Lender's inlereal irom entl apeinst eny enC en elaim0.tlemages.loeaes en0 IiebllNea erlNng In eonnec6on wilh `�f�.��y�yl, f .. <br /> ,,:.r.i: � Z�tih� <br /> - Ihe presence,uee.Af6poeel or Venaport ol•eny Hezerdoua Meleriela on,under.lrom or about tne Property.THE FOf1E001NO 1 f�,. �; <br /> �-_S ,�; WARflANTIESANDNEPflESENTATION$,ANDTRUSTOfl508L10ATIONSPUfl3UAN7TOTHEF0RE001N01NDEMNITY,SHALL � -,1i. i� � - <br /> y�St ,.: $URVNE HECANVEYANCE Of THIS DEED OF TRUST. ' i:' >S� ' � <br /> - 70. Aselpnmonl ol Ronlo.TrWbr he�eby ea8igne b lende���o rer.u,ifaues antl pr0lns of I�e Property.D�a��d�ihel TNator -- +r y <br /> • �<'n.�.��� aheli.unliHhececurreneeolanEvanlo�Delault�ereuntlecnevemedghttocollectanOretamsuchrenu.issuesentlD�a���sesNey . � 'n <br />-.:'z;:lEl`:,. ' lu._.:.. '. <br /> =. ,r�r+.�e, become due end DeYable.UDOn Ihe oecurrenee ol an Event d De/eult,LonAer may.eil�e���Oereon or by agenl,Mlh or wlt�out � <br /> *`C'�!" •, 6ringing ony eellon or praeee0ing,or Oy a reeeiver apDONlod by e coun entl wimoul regerd to t�e aAequeey ol ila tecuNry.eNer - . ��'�-�_%�� <br /> "'��"�- � upon 9ntl tekepo6seesion ol Ne Property.or eny part i�s own neme or in Ihe name o�tne 7roslee.a�d do e�q ecls wNeh it <br /> tleemeneeenaryorEealrebletopreaenotnaralue.markalebi�iryorrenteDit�ryolNeProperry.oranypartNereolorinloreslNerein, . - <br /> ��y, increase Ihe��eome t�erelrom o�proloet Ihe securiry he�eol entl.wit�or wnnout takmg poaseseion ot Ne Propery.sue!or or <br /> oN8twi6e co118Ct�he rBNS,iasuaa end proGU IeereoL��cludinp I�ose D86t tlue antl unpa�tl,antl epD�Y 1he eeme.lasa CosU enA <br /> -- -��`{.�_ expen9eao(ope�aUOnenAC011eclion�ncluGlnOattomoysl¢�9.uDOnanYi^CeDteO�osesewreCnerebp.aninsuchorder9eLenCer <br /> �=_'.,i;':�_.,.• meyAafermine.TheonlotlnpuponenA�akingpoasesaio�olthePrope`ty.t�econodrono�suchre�b.issaesenOpro111aandlt�e �_ <br /> epplicaUOn Ihereol8a ebreSBid.bholl n01 cur0 or wervo any Ce�eWt or nO��CB ol OB�aWt hereuntler or inve6tlat0 eny aCl dOne�n <br /> ;ij reDpOne0lo6uC11Ae1lWlor0u�6uenll08uchnohCeoltl8�9ullenE.nolwdh810ndinglhBCOn6nuenCe��DOSS830�OnO1tl�ePrOpeMa� <br /> ��tj��: ihB GOIIOCUOn,teCe�D�en0 epp��cEllon ol rBnIA�ebu00 Or D����v,enA Tm618e tlnO LO�Aer bnell be O�fiUeC b exBrWe every��gM i . <br /> provlAed fOr in eny 01�he Loan Inblrumon4 ot Dy I9w uDa�occmwnce ol eny Ev0n10l 0elauLL mduOinB wiNOUt Iim�lati0�Ne��ght <br /> - toOxero�381hepowero�eele Futl�e�.LendeisngtllBanE�emeCie4unO8rlh�gDB�egreD�EhallbetumulBfrew�th.e�LmnOweyH <br /> `•`= � OmitnllonOqLenEe�u�g�benOremed�Bau�E8r0nyB98�0^memo��e86esBnOr8M6recortle0agemsllneP�openy �entlecTmslee <br /> 9nA Ih0 teceive�a�aii b9�ieble to eccounl oNy b�Inobe�eMa ectue�iy�ecerve0 - <br /> it. EvonU 01 DNBVi6 The loi�ovnng 6heii ConsnWla a�Evem oi De�euil unEer Inis DoeC oi TruS[ <br /> (a) Fe!IUrB 10 Oay eny mste�ime��o�Dnnppa�or mteresl o�0�y ol�er 6um 6ecur00�ereDy w�en due: - <br /> (�)AbreeM ol Or Celaull unOe�eny D�ovivon co�18me0 m the Nole.thi9 DBeE of Tmst enyolihe Loa���ftruments.o�B�y <br />��'-� j ��•'� other IiO�o�encumbrence upon Ihe PropOrty. °- <br /> -:[-,);.-�.`�- (t)AwrLLOlo�ocuuonoranecnmertmranye�mdny�6i'o55uP�di:�aa�•:o.-B�d'yo::•=:T::;o�:,:'^�•`•:6••�°::�`^.'y.'::L�!:_.^.:.^. <br />" 111e Propetly or any poWOn I�oraol o����aresl ihe�e�n <br /> (A)Thore thall De���eC by o�ugeinal Truslor or Borrora� Un ac��on u�0e�eny prese�t or luture�e0eral,stafe o�o��er <br /> ,-•;_j;;.,� - elUtulo.�aw Or repulallon rei9�np�o ben Wupity.msohe�cy o�olher re��el lo�AeClo�s:o�It+ere snell be aDPO���any ttustee. <br /> �;:t�;},..�;_.: recoivetorllqultlelorolTmalororBO�rowerorolalloreny0arto11hePrope�ry.ort�ereM6.�ssueeorpwlnethereot.otTmstor <br /> - or Borrower 6ha�l mako any generel eseiqnment lor Ne Deneid ot cr¢Aitore: - <br />�'��.lE' � (e)T�e seie.Iren6�eL 1ea68,assignment.tonveyante or funher encumOrance ol el1 or am/pBrt ol or any mterebt in fhe <br />'"��-�°�� Propetly.elthet rolunterily or Involumerily. wil�oul I�e exDresa wrillen coneenl ol Lentler,provideU Uet T�wtor ahall be — <br /> ';. : <br />� :-!?�a7:-�, ye.m:NVd�o exccete a�eeaB 0�I�B PropBM�het Aoebnot Conlein en option lo purche5e BnC lhe le�m 01 whith Aoee nol exteBG <br /> -p.=� One year, <br />��-�4"�F�^�' (Q Abendonment ol lhe Prope�ty,or <br /> ,L��r,. e <br /> . �..... : . < <br /> . '�y�• _'_ _ <br /> �4 S+ <br /> �r � <br /> � . <br /> f <br />