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+t r .,; .. ._ _ . ,. i �L;�n i__—_ <br /> iY fr.t'� � ' � �� l, i <br /> . . . $3:. �i��4��: - ,,, � _ <br /> , . . . . ., ,, <br /> __ :� ;ar�x�a��,a»rav;:� <br /> — - (p�apyNrHpt11N�N�aBiMnuonolN�tlm��qrp�ymm�o�m00111atlonofunorUx�UOnolth�wmf�sduhdCyN11 <br /> p��do�rm��grant�deyundutoN�woenwr�nlnNr�UOlBOnowaienatlnoiqpenutonlew,In�nyminmr,ih�INpmb <br /> o1M�orlpin�IBOrtowuRntlBortowe ��uca�t�onlnlntv��tl.xiuu�n�OnptW�qultidt'v0e�im:naa�rcc:�� � ��-----� <br /> euoMuwuwrorroNtetoezundtlm�lorpeymentorotl+�rwlumotliy�morus�uonolN��umrHOUrad yMbDwdb�TruH <br /> �-�"`°" by retfon of�ny d�m�nC�maAs by N�or�ymel eorrowar and eorrowd�wowesore In Intanu <br /> ,_��,� (p)NnQ1r�Vawu�.Witlwut�Hwllnp Ne IU6111b ol any oNV pinon II�DI�lor Ne ptymant ol�ny otilip��on�uNn <br /> menllonatl,an0 wllhoul sHaotlnp Me Ilan or eherpo olthi�OopO olTrusf upon�hy poNOn ollf�e PropeM1y nolNen ortheretofore <br />- - -- relaafeCaNOOUmyPortheNtlnmounlotellunp�Idobllpallon�ttn90rmey,If061U111010W1UQIdW1�119Y1110tl09�f816A68G0y • -"'^"' �" <br /> paroon eo naWe,pp exlend N�maturHy o�alla r eny ol the term�ol an�ueh obnqauon�,p10�ui�otltw IndNOman,�relwa <br /> —'—� or roconvey,or auarery to Ae releaeed or rawnveyeA el eiry�me at ndel�op0on�ny D roel,poNOn a ell of Ne roperty, <br /> ��� emrrenQamenU wIN debtoro io elaBOn Nerela uriry for eny obllpaY00 hetEln m011ll0�od,or(vq meke aompo�itlona or oNer <br /> ��y <br /> -;��e� (o) Forbnpne�by l�ndot Nol�WaNa.Any forEeeranca Cy LenAer In exeroleinp eny rip�t or remedy herounder,or �--� <br />�.;�°�� oNOrvAsO eNOrdOO by BppACEb1916w,.l�911 nOt 6B B w9Ne�Oi Or p�801uA9 N9 lzB�de!o18ny 6u0h dOht ot�6m .Th0 <br /> '" °;�,� proouromenloflnnurenoeorNapaymentolNzoaorol�Orlloneorcharp9abyLendare�ellnotEea�valverolLenCarer tto � �- ��- � <br />-_.,:.,r. - - --.__- <br /> �'�"�'+� eceelamte ihe mBturHy o11Ae IndeE10dn0ne eaouretl by ihle Dued ol TrusL <br /> :.ry���;- (� Buae�non�nd MNyn�Boundi Jo1M�nd Bw�nl W�blfNy�GpOOn�.Tho covaneme an0 e0�eemeMe haraln aom <br /> talnetl ehall Wnd,6nA t�e Ag�4 hareundBr s�ltl Inur6lo,lha raepeotiva succeaaore en0 aealUne of Landa�end Truetor.All <br />-.`.?rf�� covenente end egreemanb of TruaWr ehell ba�olnt anA eeveral.The oaD��one anA headinge ol lha pereDrapha o/Nle Oeetl ol <br /> � Trust era for tonvanienoe onty an0 ere not to be ueatl to Inlerpret or de8ne Iho proWelone hereof. <br />�:-_L�,�i;, (e) RpunllorNOUqRTnepetliaehareEyrequestthatacopyole�rynoticaoldaleultherewEarandecopyotany notica <br /> +s i„ ol selo hare�nder be melletl lo ead�Darry to Nla Daed of Truat at the eAGrese eet IoM above in tha menner preacribo0 Ey <br /> _.n.,,,r_y� apD���aDle law.Fseept for my othar nollce repWretl untler eAG��ae�lo law to Oe pNOn In enother menner,eny notke D�ovl6etl �____.. <br /> _—`;-..;iIA IotlnNllDeSt101Trultl�ellbepNBnbym9ilingeuthn011cBOyCBNNedmell6ddrel38dtON00NerpaNB8,9tih09dd�03lB01 <br /> ��t�dS{+- toM above.My nolice proWded la In thla Deed ol Truat shall Ce etfeNNO upon meillnp in tT�a menner deelgnated hereln.H <br /> i v � TNetOf 19 f11010 thA11 OO8 pef600,IIOtlCB 80nf 10 ihB eAAfBlB 6B1�Oflh BbOVB Ohsll bg OOdCB�0 9�16uCh pef800A <br /> as 5.i� <br /> +��r (q Infp�etloa Lentler mey make or ceuse to be meGe reaeonabla enlriea upon anA Inspaotiona ot Ne PropeAy,pr6vided <br /> j;.K, Uat Lendet 4hall give Truetor nollce prlor to eny we�inapsellon epeeityinp reaeoneble cavae therebr related to LentlaV9 _ <br /> v�� intereat in the Prope�ly. _ <br /> �.i <br /> +, (g)R�eonvq�nes.UponpaymenlofallaumeeoovreObythieDee0o/TruatLenGerahalirequestTruateetoreconveylhe �"'-- <br />-.c5,:suz�c9 proportyan0thelleuvendermis�eedofTruatenAallnoleaevldeneinglndebtednosasecuredbythla0eedofTmenoTfust9a ------ <br /> -"?.!'�Y�1.1 Truatee eh811 reconvey t�e PropeM Wnhout wermnry end wiihou�char0e to Ihe pereon or persona legaly enNled 1herOtO. —� <br />""`-:;:��`.SI TNaIOr ehatl pay ell eoate of reCOrdatbn,it any. <br /> s}��'� (h) Daton�l Prop�rty;Becady Apresm�nt.As nEAttlonel aewrtty for Na payment ol��a Note.Tmetor heieby pranle — = <br /> Lendar undertl�a Ne6raeke Unilorm Commerelal Code e eecuriy Infereat in aiIllxNrae,equipment,antl ollre�personal proparty <br /> u�CdlntrnntcU4�wlthll!erM�A!��aorlmprwemeMalocetedthereon,entlnotofhereiaedeolersdorAeemedtoboeonrtol ___ ._____ _ <br /> + ��r�`; the real eetate ee¢ured hareEy.Thle Inevument she�l be eonsweC ae e Beaunty Apreemant under ealA Code,end the Lendei <br /> �� r`.� enAflccorAedt e��L9enderpura 8nlolMieD6edrofTU�prOVdeC'Ihe LBntle etlIgM89ndr9madiaeeunaerw�e�paregraDhsna° <br /> `°�S?'Y Oe oumula�ive wilh,and in no way e Iimitetion on,LenAar'e ri8hle and remedlee under any ottiar eaeuflry agroomeM Eigned by �--�— _ �- <br /> -�;i�'. Borrower or Truelor. fi� 1i�—•- <br /> 55 f`7: (q lpm�nd Eneumhranes�.Trualor hereby werrenle and reDreeenb ttiet thare i�no Aolaull unOer Na prov1810ne ol eny `� ,.,.}�<° <br />`•�!;';�-�' morlpBgB,deetl ol Irust,leeae or purchese contrect deeenDlnp ell or eny parl ol l�e Proporty,or ol�ar oonVeot,InaVUment or "�c+�'�raY'-� <br /> -�=;:t?;,Y.' egreament conalltuting e Ilen or oncumbrence egainat e�l a eny pert ol Ihe ProOarry fco11eo0voy."Llom'�,exlaUng ae ol lhe ?j,��r��5;`-- <br /> !.;�;n,���- Eela o11MC Dead o1 Trust enA thal eny en0 et�exieting Llona remeln unmodNlod except ea tlieoloeaA b LenAer In Truitor'e n`���41'�'�"�`�`„-'' <br /> ,, d, 'i.��:.��.�;':.c-:: <br /> �i�,� wdltan Oleoloavre ol IIBM enA eneumbrencea providBd lor hareia Truetor e�ell timply p9AOrm all 01 Truttot'�obilpetlone, , N .,, ,- <br /> f - oovenanl0.reDre�Bnlnlioneendwe�mntlesunderenyendallexleitlngen0lutv�eLiene.ehallprompltylOrnerClolendarrqpie8 +- _y�i .� <br /> -�3- - �• ol ell nolice�ol dalault aenl in conneetlon with eny enA ell exis�ing or lu�wa LIen0.enC ehall not wilhoul Lender'e pNOr wrHten , �.f„�. �`- <br /> �"���%%, poneent In an menner modl iha provlelone ol or ailow an IuWra eArancua unCer en exlall or IuWra LIenS <'4 r'�""'�'- <br />.. i_��ay�.. Y �Y Y Y �0 �;?':>:.-r;;.- <br /> �) ApD���allonolPaymlN�.UnleseoMerwieerBqWredbylew,same0eitlloLenderhareunAe6inclutlingwflhoutl1mi190on --�'t/1 <br /> '�":� peymonle ol DdnC�pal an0lnleresl inaurence procootle,eondemnation proeeeEe en0 renU enC pro11W,a�ell be epplled by i},',-�;,;�'} . : <br /> - % Lendertotheamounlatlu9endowin8lromTmatorandBOrrowerineuc�orAOreaLenOOriniWSOleEisCretlonOeomad0alrable. �j� fr —, <br /> -,�(�` :t (k)8�verebllity Il eny provieion ol thie Deed ol T�uat wnNqe wilh epplice�le law or 18 Cociered invelitl or othofwiae (yr`s't `�-� <br /> :..r.;�-.-9 unenloreea0le,auch conlliet or Imel101ry ahall not aXecl ihe olher provieona ollhie�oeC of Truat or the Note whiCh cen be ���, , ;1.:,.'� <br /> =:;+hr' gireneffectwfl�oulihecon111ctlngDrorielon.andtolNeendiheprovinlonsolthlaDeeEOlTruatandlheNOlearedxieretltoba �;;L�S+,`.y`r-��?; <br /> � _ iir aeveraolA {.' <�- <br /> (q Tem�.The terme Rruaior"entl"BOrrowor ahall includa bolh�nguler en0 plural.and w�en the huator antl Borrower u-'}c�� ; <br /> f - ��c7 ere Ne seme pewon(e),Noae lerma as ueed in iMS Doed ot Tmst ehall be inle¢hangeabl9. i;''-a ��� <br /> (m) OovaminB�W Thia Deed of Tmat eha�l be govemetl by tne iawe ol�ho 3�e�e ol Nebreake. � -`F`+ <br /> �- ! - ` Truslor hea exeeute0 ihi�DeeO of Tmat ee ol��e tlete written above. 7 -�`' _'� <br /> . C u?i:'t,th/',"' <br /> �:i:'.s;; . l� �d'Z 9jtir . ..��. <br /> a . +. , <br /> JOHt . NC ROY s� Hueband �� '�,? � <br /> ;?j „- +: <br /> � . F _r � <br /> i- . K EEH A. XCELROY 7ruator Nife r_ _�-`° <br /> - ;�_p.. r-..r? - <br /> � <br /> r! _', � _ <br /> l. <br /> ,�,ni'It:'t' _ .. ., : � - ' i.. .. <br />. ' �i%I <br /> -:'�[.'., - <br /> .. ;;.�- <br />�.%,r.t. :. <br /> ;y' 'c5.: <br /> '���y��+`� <br /> ). <br />.::i�;l/,�:rc <br /> y5; <br /> �<!j ' <br /> ,.�'.} <br /> 11���: <br /> .`?�11: <br /> ...4.F <br /> , . • _. . _ .__ _ _ ______._ _ . ..F <br /> �i� i" <br />