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. ._ . �... <br /> ��; l�� ______ _ _ <br />—.�_,_a , <br /> , -,_,,.,,_ . � • . . 9�� �t�i . <br /> .-- ------ --- <br /> ACKNOWLEDGBMLNT OF DBFD OF YNUBT � <br /> --- iRUBTOH flBAb THiB @EF08A 81�iNMl� ,1�'.=[i� �'� - <br /> . ._ ..��Trullot pd�[�nA►Nat�Q�+menfNa�tiunorleeDOUtloexeo�t01en0eedotTrust �(anolrmor���fNdM�`m1�pwN �T. .... <br /> .- .�- 01L:SB�fOTlifm0.�eeotm:tMovla�euM�ndsiym�iremrIpht!lllf)6bn�5tl9M�7NilOfMM�MD�lJ�f�NYl1�1�1 �- .__ ... .. <br /> of¢'Qe1ult0� tqoOhP�o A�tlOn VnCertheDOedofTni661n01udI0y,DUlnOtllmitetl�o,�helend�r��lphtto�ae •PNpOBYs0I0 <br /> ,�l"`?Sd�1 Dy�U�0 TrualBSv/Bhoul e Iudio141y. r00Qodlnp.Truetar reproaente enC wertante Net Nte 6okn0 B09ement wa�oxoouted by <br /> Ttitl4r bifof0 q1s�x10u n OIUIe ql00 b1 Tfu{t �r - � <br /> ' '`� P <br /> � <br /> — JO fl BL 0 e or HueLant! -- � <br /> ,y'}Y[�i• '_ <br /> f 5�x; RA BH A. KCfi BO Trustor� Yite _ <br /> ,3'n t� � _�� . <br />. ,,.,h:.,�=° �E�9 OF TRUST�91TH FUTURfi ADVAHCE9 � =-- __ <br /> r�r <br /> �^-tis5 TNIS DEED OF TflU8T,N maGa ae 01 the�3lh-Aey ot N�Y• ,19..@3_,by anE emaq �.� <br /> '�ahrj'�i �em�� JONN tl tlCBLROY L RATNL6BN A 11C8LROY hue6and aqd vite , � - <br /> �h� ��� 110A Y Divieion 6rend Ieland �la,6B901 a«t���_._ <br /> 2 t =� whose mulling edCres9 is @erein'TN6 0!, whatl�ar one or more� � ,_ ,. <br /> ���r <br /> �- Nehuetoe, oiva Polals Bank a Hebraeka CorOOration , �5 .°% _ <br /> �� �i i'' P.O. Boa 1307 6rend Ieland, HE 68802 N+�t <br /> S�F• ,r�; who50 m9ilitpl�C�tOSS Ia (h9reln RNStea'),antl �.x' * <br /> - Yst° tha Baneflc�ary, Five Poi�te Bank • �i` i:i` f_ <br /> t�'�a4. <br /> xc '�� vrhosemallingeCGresels 2015 N Broadrell Orand Ieland HB. 6B802-iS07 mereln"Lander'} �'?tf,�'�, <br /> a >tY r.�U <br /> JONH M. XCSLROY ; <br /> �y7;}� <br /> �}1 � N� FOH VALUABLE CON8IDERATION.InGutling Lentler s oMenalon ol creAtt Identilled herein to w �- r <br /> 5� Yic.� <br /> y ��<<;f'SR b BATHL66H A MCELROY ` �'����� �� <br /> (herein"BOrcowaf,whaU�er one o�more)antl tne Wat hereln creatod rr,�y�,�` <br /> ',,;� i��. the roce�Dt of wlNCh le hereby ecknowletlged.Tmelor hereby Inevocebiy pranla,tranalera,wnveye end esalgne lo Truitee,IN �x =—-- <br /> ��?��,. TRUBT,WITHPOWEPOfBALE,iwNebenefdenABewrityo/Lender.untlerendsubjeettothelermaandwnCitbnahe�einefloraet ����f.K <br /> rMlGn�i*"i_ fonh.the real properly.dacrbetl ea tollowa ��'++,��n�t �.. <br /> yh�E,$£� EAST 16' OF LOT 7 ANL �1i.L 8f FRACTIONAL LGT & IH E�.CC� 7 OF �R+�OLD PL�CE CITY � - - <br /> � �y OF ORAHD ISLAND AND TNE FRAC4IONAL LOT B IN BIACH 123 OF AOBHIO AHD MI68�'S �n�'��, �a�.� <br /> '4 Y;�f y� ADDITIOH TO TN6 CITY OP ORAND IBLAHD, NALL COUHTY, HB@RASRA 3�' __ <br /> ) f� P�.Tl �4�{� � -- <br /> ) {L 1� . '{Y�t�'];( < •. <br /> .� . E �! ,�,� Iaf.i <br /> 5 p --���.� Togalhar wl�h ell�uilEin9�•Imprmemanle.flxWrea,efreele,alleye,peeaegewny�.ea6emeMe,tl9hte,privllope�and eppurte• c f_ :y^�°'�rs���_,- <br />. _,..,..,�.��: nancea Ioeete0 V�ereon or In enywiee petlaining lherelo,end tlio renta.�savoe end O�olife.revernione anE remaindero thereol,and v,�] -. <br />:-.i:^:• _»:�«l.. � � �. <br />_;,.��`rj_:�.;; e�h�pee ulemenkendt e'lherwNhlhehomeeteadormealtali�ereab,l�ee�whe�ineresteareharebyrel esadenAweNed;�e�il '-�l%��.;1Zj;'�'�i�.;u3;- <br /> , �`"� 9 Q P W == <br /> � !--""� ol wnic�,InGlUdlnp tBplaCements Bn0 eGAl1I0�e iher0lo.lY�ereby AeUer8010 bo e Dert ol lhe reel8slet0 eOCUreA by N01Ien Ot Ihie ,'�;%'i , ��^� <br /> - -� -'� DBeA o1 Tru6t end all ol No laepoing belnq relarrpd to hereln es t�e"Properry". • � � r ; ' -�`�"� <br /> k ,; f•�'.:�.'` ,r�a' i9m <br /> `,::r�::F:; r�-:�..,-„a,�,., ,.f <br /> , , ThiB DeeO ol Truat 6hall�ecme(e)�he peyment o1�he pdneipal eum an0 inlerest edtlenced Cy e promieaory note w credit ;� + � r;Yl� <br /> ��) t: �. <br /> ��S�t1 t egreemam Aatetl —tlep �« +°O� .hering e meroriry Ca�e oi xnve■ner iet ie93 , - _� �t�` _��,;i= <br /> ' . a.. �-.<�:-.:r.;�'':�s;%.i <br /> + f tl��;,7 In No o�iglnel GdnCi0e1 flmount ol i— �g•03g.S0 ,gnd 9ny!ntl ell moAlfiCedOne.Ox10�610M entl len6wBb - ��:'` �i-,S_ 1„;-_ <br /> n r A ,-.i lheteol or Narelo anE any eM all fuWre edrancea end�eaCvancee to Borrower(or any of ihem il more Man one) horeunder -,t,�' �1 - � <br /> ,` pureuanl[0 One a more prombeory nolea or crodit aproomente Ihemin celled"NOte'):(D)Ne peyment ol other 6ums advanCed Dy -. �r �t � _-. <br /> - - - LenderloprolecitheaecudryollheNOte:(c)thepeAOrmenceolelleovenaNeandagreementaolTruebraetloMhe�ein;end(�ell --��, t,�� r '' � <br /> �. y,.;�l'� prea0nt end INUre IndeDleOness and oblige0one ol8orrower(or eny ol Nom il more Ihan one)lo LenAer whether Otreet��direcL � � ��5 ��`�.`_ <br /> %�� ebaolule or conlingent an0 whelher etls�n8 by nole.Buerenty,ovard�a�l or oltierwise.The Note.Wie Deetl ol Tmst aM any and ell '"'� h � { �f-i' ��:. <br /> <f�s-�i�� OR18tGOCUOnfONet68CUlB�hBNO1BOt0IhBrWIfBOxeCU�BdinCOnneCl�OnihBrewflh,lnc1u0m9w11houllimit9GOnguOreNee0.leGUrily -�_� �� t-_�i=-' <br /> ._ �:�,� :.� figfBemenb 9fld 96EI9nment!01 18808a 9n0 rBn18.eh611 bB r018tteA t0 here�n BB Ihe"108n Inbtrument!". f j� � ��F'-.: -_,l'i <br /> huebr eovenanb entl a0�eea wilh LenCer ae lollowa: � �'y+� -- . <br /> i - . 1. Payment ollndebtedne�e.All indeDtetlno6a 6eeu��he�eby shai�ba Da�O when Guo. � <br /> ' ' � - 2.TIIIe.hceto��e Ihe o�vner ol Ihe Property,hes Ihe nghl antl eulnority to tonvey t�e Properry•a^O warreme thel lhe Iien � . <br /> ��-' Creeled hereby Ie e firet enA Drior lien on t�e Properry.exeepl for I�ens enG BncumDra�ces sel fotlh by Tmator m wnting entl � <br /> - �:�. "" dellvefedlOLBndurbolofo0xeculfonolihiSD000o1Trusl.anONeCxeCUU0n0nUCehvery01thi9DeedofTrmt00esaotvioleleany <br /> �:����ti;; eoMrnet or olher obligetion to which Tmetor�e suDject I' - - , - <br /> �:�'�:.'^�..`;_' 3. Texee,At�B�imoNl.To pay bebre delinquency nll tazee.SDeaei easessmen�y ana all ol�er char90a agamsl ihe�rOpOrty � • � <br /> • now or he�ealle�lerletl. � . <br />- ` �' �' 4. In9ureneo.TOk9e0�heProperryinsu��tleyemslUemaBobyLre.naza�asmclu0eawtlhminole�m"exton0e0coverapa".and <br /> _'.�'/��;i auch olher�azertle e6 LB�Oe�mey emounb an0 wah tom0ames accaptabla lo Le�Ee�.nammq LenOOr e!e�atl0�bonel j <br /> lIg(IIp41fI4Yf8d,Wlih 1048 DOYS�IB�0 NB L8�tl9�.In C8b0 OI1088 uhtl8�SUCh p01iG�B].I�B L0�40�i9 BUIhOfi280 t0 Bd1�6C COIIBCI 8�U <br /> compromi6e.allclaimllhereuMeranAShnllhavelheopLOnoleOD�Y'^9ai�orparlo�tne��6urancepmceotlep)loanyinGebtetlneaa ' <br />-:•ti�'�`'>�� ' 6BCUredhBrBbyBnAinDUChorA0rB6LB�dermeyCB�Brminr,(n)IOthBTNStorlob8u5ed/orltl0repartOrreSloretlono�IhePrOpB�ly <br />' ��.?1 or(Ilqloranyoiherpu�po5eorobJetlaatislaclorytoLendarwit�oute�bcunglhehe�olm�sDeeCO�TmsllortnelWlemounisecureA . <br />. - hereby De�ore auch payment erer took Dlace-Any aOD���auon ol procee0i�o�n0ebleCne55 sheil not extend or po510one��e Aue <br />�� ���;'�o; ��Y dale of any paymente untler Na Note.or cure eny da�aWt tnereunCer o�Oe�eunCe�. <br /> �-�F':' `� 5. ElCtOw.UpOn writlen demen0 by LenQer.TrU6br shflll pay lo LenA9�.in 5uth menner as LenOOr may tle5ipna16.5uH�Genf <br /> •. .••'`'�-� lne���nma enmeemml�nMnlFni�Mmuaanu�Atl <br /> _ .� .. ......�...�..��n�i.�u.....M . <br /> -'"LL't�" � OYIIIilVO�lYViCiOi�VCi��/YO)ao��iolww...vvvov.n.v�..+�.�.v....�.�..�.....p �.� . . .. .. <br /> ''"-' ihe Propetly(I�)ihe premiume on Ihe property msura�ce reqm�eO horeu�Ge�.a�E G�q ene Dremiums on any mongaye msurancu <br /> - ' l,:: <br />';�;r}i.':'1�-: rBaWrotl by Lender. <br /> - :--;�,.:�� 8. Maintomneo,flOR01r�end Compllanea Wflh Lew6 TmslOr ahe��keep lha Prope�ly in y0od ConOihOn en0 reDa��.s�e�� <br /> :._,�;;. promplly ro0eir,or replace eny impmremem whicA mey be tlamage0 or deavoyee: snan not commn or permit a�y wacte o� <br /> -- - d8lBtl0�911on of t�e PropB�ty.fhell nol removo.Oemo��e�or 6uMtenlielly al�er any Ol l�e�mprwemenla on Ihe ProCBrty.lheli not <br /> "-..,s.':���,-;:-� commIL6Wlerorpermi�enyetltobeEOneinorupon�heP�oDerryinno�auonolanYlew.o�Cinance.o��epuiat�on:a�as�anDayantl . <br /> .�.,,z{;; promplly Alacharge et Tmstore co91 en0 e�penae el�liens.encumbrances antl cherges IevleO.impoaetl or a6aesse0 agalnst ihe <br /> `:�:��:_rt:, Properry or eny pert lhereol. <br /> . •'f2 ` � 7. Eminont�om�in.Londer la�ereby assigneC e��compeneuLOn.ewe�ES.damagua anA other Deymunts or retiaf(hereinaNer <br /> �"y'C:: "P�a6ede'1lnconnetllonwlNtond8mna11onoro1herlekingoflhePropertyorpanlhereol.orlorconreyancemlieuolCOndemna� <br /> �' (.<,-+�c-,'. Iloa Lentler sholl be e�1Ned�1�ta oplion to eommence.aDDee�in end proaecme in its own name eny ecGOn or prxee0ings.entl <br /> .. �".'�i`7�! <br /> .;,r,•:.,�_, sheil Blao be en11118A lo meke eny compromise or eenlement in connectlon wlln auM lekinp or Oemege.In tne eveM eny portion ol <br /> ._-�:r`:`,'>,:a + . : !' <br />. ., !.-:-._ xxHmxwo+�x..��o.0 <br /> . . �11pONH9N��INMCaxN�afrvt�M6��+q�4ucuVwln[e1nNW��Y _ <br /> �t� 11X�.4. <br /> . . -.a. ...�Y - — — .__ ___. _ _ —— <br />