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<br /> -. . , . _ ._ . _ . .. . ._ .. - _
<br />- . -�. �. .- . -.. . _ . ,. : _ . . .
<br /> ..�...� . ' ' � ' .
<br /> ..
<br />...."-' .„....._ .:..�..., ....._ , ._. . �..... ... ..._... . ........... ........__.. ....�.., _ .
<br /> . -... ,. _ ... _. . ,..� �. . ..
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<br /> i . - .�.... .......� ' . _,e a_- �_�
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<br /> ...._��_— � i ___,«,.�..,.�,�.-,i.i..r.r --
<br /> M " .__"_'_._ �
<br /> � '�':' ' - ,-.=1�e.-ltr'.°...N=
<br />.. 1 ' • . 1 ����� y�:�j.1J� •. . _� •T-�r'1'., _
<br /> • �'. ' ��`•' ��� � � . t . _ _
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<br /> i . �.
<br /> ? - IP l.ender rcyulred mongn�e insurnnre us a sa���lilinn af mnklnp the lc»n Fecurcd by diie accurlty iiiytnimr.nt, -
<br /> -: -
<br /> ourro���rr 4hn1)p�y thc pcemiurns rcquirGd ta�n(�dnin thc ius��rn��cc in effcct until such tirne a41he ra+cyui�rnu�t t�r thc _ _. .,..
<br /> " � : � insurnncc tcrminntcs�n nc�•ordnncc�vilh�ior�'n���cr'a uud t.ce►ile�''s�ti�ritten c►�recmee�t ar np}±��c.3h�e L►�v. — _ _-
<br /> ... �
<br /> _.- .--------- 8. ►nspcction. I.rncicr�F iis a�ent may m<<kr rs.;inn:�t�lc esstrles upnn anc! inc���ti.�ns c�f thc Prr.tnrty. t.endrr , .
<br /> . ehcdl give Aarro�ver nutice iu the dnte af at'p�iar tt�ai�lnspe�tian specifyinEl r�w'��nt�ble eause Fe�r il�e�ny{xciicm. - . . -
<br /> .- - 9. Condenznatlan. 'Ftte pr��p•do oP any aw+�rd��r riHi�i�for dcama�;cs.dirc:ct��r caasec�ucntinl,�n connc�•tian«�ith
<br /> nny condcmnntinn or other tnking of nny���►�t oP thr E'ri�perty,or fo�eonve,y9nce in lieu of ca�.�dematUlut�,nri� hercby . •
<br /> nssigned nnd shnll hc pnid to l.cnctcr.
<br /> ln thc cvent of n tutnl tnking t�f thr Q'r�aperty, thc procecds sh�ll be��ppl+cd to the si�ms sawurcri by this Security
<br /> - � - Instrument,whether or nat th;a dtte. wa�h an��erc.css p«id ta Harrrn��er, In the cvPnt of i�purtiol ink�nF uf thc Prupetty, ..
<br /> . tmlc:c 11c�rrnwcr:�nd Lendcr otttcr�Y:sc r,�+•r.c in .vritin�.�h�c�imc�ccurcd hy this 5c�t�titp lmt�uin�nt�h:�!)bc rc�1����c�!by
<br /> ►hc amount oP thc pracccds mullipli:�i by the f'ollua��nF t'rnct�an:in)thc toc,;l am�,«m uP thc au�u���.i:+�+�imsn:cliascly� • _
<br /> b�fore thc tukin�,divided by{h)the f�i�merh:t r:sluc of ih;A�operty immr.dir.tcly bef�ra thc tnking.1�.��y hulnnce rh.jil bc �
<br /> paid to Borra�ver.
<br /> If the{'raperty is abondi��se�hy V�otrot�rr,ar lf,l�ficc noticc 1>y Lr��drr to E�urm��•cr ti�ut thc condcmnor rf�'crs to
<br /> mnke aui n�vard rr settlr o cla�im S�r datmt�:�.h��rrowcr Pt►its to�ti:�noi+tl tn ll.ciider within±0 duys nitcr thc datc thr n��ticc is
<br /> _ gi��c��,llc��dcr is:tuthrria.cd to calicct a�ui.appiy ihc proccct��,��. �th c,pti��s,,�ithtr tc�irs�ur;atirn ur rc�air of thc Nr��}�hy or
<br /> to the sum�,secure��Sy this Securily Instrt�me'�.�t,whether or�ars thcn du� '.;�;';;;�
<br /> Unlcss l.ender nnd Borrowcr othcr�rise��?ae in H�ril�ny,any ap4`Si:.ti������f p���cec�iti a�E»inc+p.j!shc�)1 not exlend ar .. • ,;;:�:.
<br /> .:,;',,.
<br /> postponc thc due dnte of thc m�nthly puyntensh rcl'rrred tu in p�r���r;►pt�s 1 and.2 ar cltc.��E,thc���naunC��f vuCh p���ienta. •,,.�.• : ;;.���,,.;,i
<br /> ;:!?�;F:' 10. Ro�rower Nut l�e�e,wed; Fa�benrnnco By Y.e41�r,r Nnt a Walvn�r, �inten�i:m of thc timc Par pt��•��cai ar �•.�•'.:...;;:.. '.' ' .r+`'�.
<br /> '�``�"�� `�� � modificntian of i�marNr.,�iion ��t the sums secured by this��:xutity Inst�umenl 6ra�ntc�i Dy Lendcr ta any succcssur in . .
<br /> ` ,. ,' ,:, ..;',� , .
<br /> interest aP Aorrower�hi►II not o�xrate ta relcns��the lie+bility e�f the���i�,inql aorrower or Horra�ver's successors in inlerest. �•;:`�;
<br /> � t.endcr shnll not hc rcquircd to commence procra�ings c►Fninst ci��y succcssor in intcr�wt ar rcfusc t��cxtend timc P�r ;,,i`,�.
<br /> puyment ur nther�visc madify amortizutiu��a�fzli.sums securcd by thi�Security lnstrumcnt hy reac�n�f nny demand mi�de ;•�,�'..
<br /> :�:;;"
<br /> by Ihe origina)f�o�rowe�or Hormwer's successors in intc�cst,A�iy Porbeurancc by L.enctcr in cxcrcisi�p c►ny riGht c�r rcrnedy –
<br /> shnl)nat be n�vniver of or prccludc the exercisr af any rigtit rr remedy. :.
<br /> ' 11. Successors ancl A�.gl�n9 Hound; Joint and St��esn➢ I.I�bility;Co•slE;neeh. "fhc covcn�nts��nd agreemenls aP •
<br /> this Sccurity Instrumem shxU bind nnd bene3'it tHe succey«�rs a��d es.i�;ns oP I.ender�+nd H��rrower,subiect Ic�the provisians ;t�,:
<br /> ' oP pc+r�Rraph 17•I3orro�ver's cavc��unts and ygreements sha�31 bc joint an�i several.Any Rorro�ver who r��slg�is Iliis Scourity '•�,;,;_
<br /> lnstrument but daes nnt execute thc Notr.(ul as co•signinG this Security lnstrument unly�o m��rtg.i�r.grant und convcy ••�,,,;
<br /> ___ _•_ �hu�}3orrowcr's intcrest in thc Prare�ty under thc tcrms ufthis Sc�urity lnstrumcnt;(b)is not persrn�►Ily oblignted tu p�y '
<br /> the sums securcd by this Sc�urny In�trumcnt; imd(c)ugrcer thot l.ender nnd iuiy athcr iiorrower mny ngrcc i�3 akien�, �_=��--=--- - °
<br /> � modify,Porbear or make�my uccvmmaduiicros with regard to the terms of this Scrurny lnsirumem or ihc Nate wuhout I � �
<br /> �•; �
<br /> ' • ihnt I�urrawcr'+rnnsum, ;
<br /> _ – ��. i.aun a.�urKeS. ii t i�i:,a;,;c.:�re:.'";:;si��ecur:!;l:��!r�»s►te!?!��s!!n�rc��o�Iu�v which�ets maximum lann L _ - -
<br /> chnrges, imd thr�t li«<� is t)n�lly intsrpr�ted sa thnt the inte��wt ur u�i�er loan ch.ugcw callcctrd or 10 hc callcrted in � � :
<br /> conncction with thc lai�n cxcccd thc permincd limit�, Ihen: (u)any such loun chargc�huU hc reducrd by Ihc umnunt I
<br /> neccs�ary�o�cdure ihc chnrye to thc permiucd limit;nnd (b)�uiY sums alrcadp collctitec4 irom Bormwcr which exc�:cdcd .
<br /> permiticd limits will be refunded to Aorrowcr. I.endcr nu�y ctu�usc to makc this rci'und hy rcducing ihc principal ��wcd �
<br /> under the Note nr hy m.�king a direct payment tc�Abrro�arr.If a refund reducer princip�l,the reductirn���ill he�reated i�s n f
<br /> partiul prepaymem tvithout any prepaymcnt chur�c undcr thc Nnta I
<br /> � 13. (.eRislnUan Affecdn� l.ender ti Rlythts. If eiu►ctmcnt or expiration aP anplicable l;+��•x ha+ the e�'cct ol' �
<br /> ,''•':, rcndcring nny prnvision c�f�hu Notc or thi�Sccurity Instrument uncnfarcci�blr arcording so�ts term.,�.end�r,ut its option, ,
<br /> -,::�;.�• may requi�e imnudinte pa�ment in full of nll �ums�ccurcd hy thi�Sccurity Ins�rument and ma� +make�ny� rciu¢dic+ '
<br /> ' ,, �ern•uticd b�pnragraph 19.If Lender exeni�c�this option,l.ender�hnll taAc thr steps xpecifled in e`�e second parngrnph uf , . ,
<br /> , pnrngruph 17. � ., ....
<br /> � 14. Nuticcs. Any nuticc tu il��rru���cr prnvid.d fi�r in thi�Sccunn�ln�irumeni shall hc ri.,r.3��•dclivcrinF il ar hy � . ,
<br /> ' muiling it by fi�st cluss mail unlcss applicublr liiw requir�s usc of anathrr methi�d. 1'he nc��icc �hall tk dirccted to the � '•�, •`�;��.t�
<br /> '����;� Praperty Addre.rs or any mhcr address Bnrro�.ver designnteti hy nMice to l.rn�ler. Any noticc��� Lcndrr�h;►II he�t��en by ! `' .•
<br /> ,���,:
<br /> i�:•„�'; � , flr.rt cl�ss mail to l.cnder'c uddresti st�ted hercin or any othcr;�ddrecti Le»der drsi�;nnicti by nc��icr cu B<�rm��•er.A^� nrnire ;
<br /> ' pravided for in Ihir Security Ins�rumrnt shi►II be decmrd tc�huve hecs��i.ea ta Borru«•cr c�r l.endrr»hrn given i�y prrnided
<br /> � S in this par,�grAph. ' ,
<br /> , 15. �ovcrninp{I.uw;SovernbiUty, l�l�is Securi��• lo�trument.hall hr Fi,�crncd by fcdrrai�a» ;ind thr lutv of th� �
<br /> ,.''�:.�:. Juri�diction in whi�h thc Yr��perty is localcd,In the even< <hat any provicii+n or cl�u�c aP this Scrur.t�•ln.trument i�r the
<br />.�,'.�• , ' Note conflicts with applicahlc I�+�r,such conflirt�hall no� alTect i,�hrr pro�i.ic�n�uf thi�Sccunty ln�trumcm n�thc Nutu .
<br /> � �� whieh ean be�:iven eflcct«�ithout the e�,nllicting provi�ian."1'�,�hir rnd �h�pr�»�i.i�m.of'thi,Ser�.cca�, lntit�umeni zind�he
<br /> Natc nrc dcrlarcti4 tr bc sc�'cruble.
<br /> l6. I9scme,�w�c's Copy. Ei��rru�ver.La['br gi�cn onc�c�nfc�rmrd�rpy'uf thr Nu��•and uf�hi�Sccurity Inrtrumcnt.
<br /> l7. Tranyfer oP the Proncrty or» G�rneflcinl Inrcrest in H��rru«cr. If all nr anq part uf tl�c Yruperty ur any
<br /> ini�:rc�t in it i„old or tran�l'�rn�(ur if u hrncticiul m�cre�t in Rc�rruurr i,���Id c,r tran+fcrrcd and Hurruurr i,nM a natural
<br /> Veea��tU w lthoul l.CndCi's prlttt ti�•ntl�n�umenl,Lend�r i;�ay, ai n���ru�,n, re�{u��r immrdwt�pa�•mrnl in full uf all�um�
<br /> _ _._ � sccured h��thi�Srcurtty Imtrumcnl. Hu��rver, th��upl�i�n tih.ill n��l hc ir��r��ed hy l.�ndrr ii'r*crri�c i, pf��hihiird hy :
<br /> feder.tit law ay of the datc rf thiti Scrurity Intitrurncnt.
<br /> I If I.endcr earrci�eti�his�,punn,Lcnder tihall�i�e fi�,rn,��cr n��ti�e c,Parrcicr.iui�n '1 hr ni�t�rc,hall�+ru�idr a p�nu�l
<br /> af not lc,s thau 10 d.�yr f'rum thc clatc the nutice��dclncred�,r mwlcd���Unn��hi.•h I�arn,��cr mu.t paq all.um,sc�ured by
<br /> I this Secu�ity Intitrumenl.It'Nor�uwer fail�ta�ay therr tium�rnur t���hc ex��irau„n ul'ih�ti�nn��d. Lrnder m;iJ��n��,ke any
<br /> rrmedics perm�ncd b� this 5ccurity Imtrumcnt a•ithuut furthrr nuurc�u dcm:ind un Hnrr�+arr.
<br /> � 18.Horrower's Ri(�ht to ltcinstate. IP H„rrc���cr m�rtti rert:un c�,ndiu„nr. Horru��rr,h,�ll ha�c�hc righ� �n fi.��c
<br /> � enfurccm�n�of Ihir Scruri�y ln,irwncut di�cun�uuicd at��n} t�mc pnur w thr c,irlicr nL(a)S d;�>.(��r,u�h u�hrr perind.�.
<br /> • appl�ca�blc la�► may .per�l�• Pur rcm�uuc�nrm) hcfurc tialr �,f thc P�i,pcn} ��ur,uanl tuan� pua.�r nf..�lr��mla►nc�1 u�thi,
<br /> Scr.unq ln.trumenl:c�r fh)cntry �,f a)udgnunt cnPanu�g�h��5crun�} In.�rum�nl �I�h,��c c�m�iiuum�ire Ih:il 13��rn,��ri
<br /> (u) pay, 4endrr ull ,umti H•hirh �hen would be due undrr thiti Seruntp In.trumrnl and thc tiuie icid na acrrlrr,w�,n
<br /> occurred: (hl rurcr any def:u�ll i�f any nlher cuvenantti or��grcetnrnt�: (r) pa>. ;�Il c�pcntic, �n�urrc�l in rnfurr�ng thn
<br /> Sccurhy Inslruntrnl. �n�•lud�ng, but nc�t hmucJ ta, rcnson�ihlc auurneyti' fccti: and ld)takc�,uri�arnun ar I.rn.irr tnay.
<br /> r.awmahly rcqwru t��assurc that �hc hcn oP t}uti Sccunty Instrumcn�, Lcndrr'. nghtti m thc I'ruprnp .md H�uru«•�r'ti
<br /> obGga+li�m t�� pay Ihe tiumti tiecured by Ihis 5ccurity Insirument rhall continur unchangrd Upun rcui�tatcmenl b}
<br /> Horrowcr,�hi.Scciu��y ln+�rumenl und the obliga�ions�ecurcd hereby shall remaiu full� c�'eru�e.i��f nu,urcler,�nuu had
<br /> accurred.Hrn�•ever,thir nghl tc�reinstate shall nut.�pply�n 1hr ca�e of uccclerit�un under par:igr:�ph+ I���r 17
<br /> ,
<br /> M
<br />