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I'�q ti. •J r - / ✓1 . �' I 1 (, I 1 . , ". �r- " r ; <br /> � �.:; 4 �:rl -- ��� � ; -�b� - 4 K`r +',yi:7 _ s�; i :�rx � 4 � f �r �� -. '�7sr. ---. ._ <br /> h � � ' - .S 3'�N 3 - S . <br /> ' , 1 f '�, ^ 1` ,.,_ t �. , , : .'� , . <br /> � � , t ': �' �, .:: 4�'��y{t t s — <br /> s�, �,�y�ea�t ►yMctM1'�[et�n�1' tnt�Ci�r�a artowq`riAplfq�ve�7Mn�o±t���o►�UN�ceu�q►�, " � <br /> , ;�'� ��v��iRe�th��y s �+'Nr'k tp(V�i l �op� i, itb�er ►t�C t� Atna�Ft " � — <br /> � bnvxar � � _ 1�� <br /> �° r ���� �,I ��3°�'�"�����,��u �`� xi�� w�'�' ' <br /> t�ctuimrmsmena VI 91to riIl'd 116!(fie � �tpte o► ti ltlrr+vy�4Y*w � ' <br /> to)pRmtm�forin#utpncottqutrt4tipP� �DhA: ' r ^ ?`� <br /> �• ' Sic�it�q�A1 puliUme+}t for iiqmi.�)lb)�y�.E(c)y��1t fqa� bqe mrol 'Of�y�nn �yt�4u�i �iu����Y, , � <br /> ' eatlmued 6Y►��r,.plus.en�indunl�u�cj�n�tU mdnt�tn tn �d�il on�t bA��r�pe bf aol�aur��i�tl �011� � � <br /> - otiTinEtop'qrfflunU �7Ti5 tut a�nna! qunt. ot cpsA iteai t a11 bn mulet�y iApQerwl ��A p�d a (� ._ . -= .--. <br /> 1nqnUepetpie�hitemwoutd�me�el�nquenr, teneor�Asi�homtho o�nt�ootwttAtnln��t npeyliemi(�)��+�nd <br /> (o)6etote.tfleYbeoomed9�9uenL ,• ., . <br /> t bny timp�ho to�al ot me me�fu He(d bY��er tar ltemi �@)�4(ob toae m�r.w 1�R�he(ut u i d m J n i A ty <br /> td for sucry ltem� nbio t�cnder priot to the.due daa�ot�eh Ite exotWs by moro d��i aw� tl�f�h4� ' <br /> p m� p m o u nt ot p a y m�ete�u�icd ro pe y euct�Uemswhen due,�nA tt enw on tho No�p ara cu r ro�it,1U� Aor ` <br /> � n <br /> k U a ll'e t t hu roNnd t�o oxocse ov e t ono•iix t�o t�he esi imei e q p�Y mep 1�4� �t h a o x a a s o r e r o n w i�t t i o t t h e u i l�ry�e d . <br /> W to bsequeat�xyment�6Y II ortuwer,et t h e op don o Bo rt o w o r. l f e t o t e l o f t M p a y�n i�n m e d o b y D o t r o w e r <br /> 0 1 (W.�yXor(c)UtnmfilCi�twpaytAeltemwhenduo,then8ortower�h�ilpay�oLenderenyertwuntneaasazy[o. . <br /> mnkeapQ�edeflcirncy onwEefotattwdeulhoitem6ecomesduo. - <br /> ps use4 in t�b Sxudty�nswmwt�Suretery"mew t he S c e r e tuy o f H o u s i n g e n d U r b a n D o v e t qp m e n t o r h l�o r h a r <br /> ��p, In�y ycarinwMchNeLendermnstp�y emort;agotmwancoprc+e�umwtheSutetary.eecfimorthlypnyment <br /> snAf dso inelude ehher: p)m instellmem oT the anmwl mortgege Inauruica pmmlum ro be oald 6y Ltadtt to IA8 <br /> Sa�etery,or qi)'a mon�hly ehurga Instead of e matgage tnaurence prcmium If Ihis&cudry InaLument le reld by iho <br /> Surctnry. Heeb montNy installment of tLe mo�tgago Wunnce promium ehell be in an�un4unt sutfleient to aocumulate tlie <br /> fuU aimual mortgege Insuronoe pranhim wicfi landu one month Vdor to�ho daro �he ihll ennu¢I mortgage insurence <br /> prcmlum ia due to tlw Sarcrory,or if We Secudry imwmmt Is held by the Secre�uy,each monNly ehuge ehall be In an "' °°"- <br /> anwwt eQuW�o onatwe0lh ot ono-heltperant otthe ouutenAing prtncfpal balnnce due on Uw Note. <br /> U Borrower tenden to Lender Ne PoII paymem of ell ium�«cu=eA by�hla Secudty InsUVment,Bomower6 eaount <br /> ahdl be credlted wtth Ne bnlanca romelning for ell instailmena for ircms(a),@)and (c)end any mortgege truurence = <br /> prcmium InstelLnen[�hat 4mdu tw not 6ocome obilgaud to pxy�o the Suretary.and I.ender�heil promptly retundeny =__ _ <br />�- exow tunA+�o Bomowet Immediarcly pdor to s[orcclosuro�ela ot thn Ptoperty or iu ecquIs(tlon by Lenda,Dormwcr`a _ - <br />- 80DOWt 6M1i7�1 bC MAlttd W{Ih Ny balence«malning for all ins�elimonu for icem�(e).(b)and(c). <br />- 3. A IleaQon of Pxymenta All paymente under Pongrapfia 1 xnd 2 ehell be epplied by Lender a+tollows: —� <br />_ �to the mortgege lasuronce premium to be paid by I.endu ro the Secnetery or to�Iw momhly eherge by the _— <br /> S�e_c�rct�lnstwdoT�hemonthiymongegainxwmcepremium; __-. <br /> $� �o eny tuea,apeelal cssesamenu,le�ehold paymente nr ground rcnro,md ftro,flood and other hnzird - <br /> . Inaurenx p�emium+.a��equind: -- <br />.. 1yflHp,to inrorest due undu�he No�e; _ __ <br /> � lo emoni7aHon otthe principnl o(tne noiC - <br />-= io late chmgca due under Ne Noie. - <br /> F rr,Flood end Other Hezard Inaurance. Bmrower ahell tnsurc aIl improvemea�u on Ne Ropaty,whaher now :_-- <br /> in axistenco or eubsaquently erccted,agetnat any herards,cesueltica,end contingencia,tncluding fue,for which Lender � _' �— <br /> [equlroa insurence. 71�b insurana chn1l 6o mainta[ncd in ih¢amounu end for the periads�hee Lender rcqutrea. Bortower ��_-----:_. <br /> shell dw insuro ell improvementa on�he Propcny,whe�her now in existenco or subsequenqy erec�ed,egeinst lou by Flooda � �,�?`;°?,�_ <br /> �.;;.r <br />'_- to�Iw extent mquircA by thc Secmary. All insurnnce shall be cartied with rnmpaniea epprored by Lendcr. 7Le insurance �„R: <br />= policla end eny renow�s chall be held by Lender and chall inelude loss peynbie cleusa tn favor of, and tn a fortn -.;,5 � <br />= ecap�able�o,i.ender. �;���1"�:: <br />= In �he ovent ot los�,Dortower�hall givc Lender immedimc notiec by mail. Lender may mekc proof of los�if not .,,i��__,_ ,_: <br /> - made promptty by Bortower. Each insumnce company concemed la hercby�mhodud end dirce�W w meko pa mem for ,';,�:���,f,.�_ <br />' auch lata dirsctly ro Lender,instead of ro Rortower end to Lender JoinOy. All or eny pan of tAe insurance p�mey bo ,, . <br /> - appIIW by I.endcr,et tu op�ion,either(n)to�hc rcduction of�he indebtedna.undcr thc No�e end thh Sccudty In:trument. �df it t�; <br /> = Flnt to ony delinqucnt emounta opplicd in �he order in Pamgreph 3,and iMn �o prcpeyment of pdneipal,or(b)to�ho . <br /> - rcslorelion ar rcpelr of the damnged propcny. Any application of thc prucccds ro�he principal shall not cxtend or po:tpono ;'�`�:4�"'' ��`' <br />�- the duc detc of�hc monthly payments which nrc rekfred m in Pomgreph 2,or change�hc nmoum oi such paymcnte. Any •_,-;�ri;�e�.- <br /> = cxtts+inaurmcc proceedt over an amount rcquired�o pay nll outxtandmg mdebiedncu undcr the No�c end�hh Savrity '��+��::s�'- <br />- Inswment shall be paid a thc cnti�p Iegally enti�led ihere�o. re?,��°;._•- <br /> In the event of torccbsurc of�his Security Inurument or o�her trons&r ot title ta the Propeny iha�ex�ingWiha the ��^'�:=� <br />� indebtednesx all righ6 title end imercst af BoROwer in xnd�o insumnce liciex in force shell nss to�he urchaxr. ' "�"-`�`!" <br /> P� P P i_Cr,:;�;,,,... <br />° S. Oaupancy, Preservution, Mainlenance end Protatlon of the Properq; Borro�rerb Loan Applicatlon; t�¢�� _ <br />�= Ltaseholda. Bortower shall occupy,esiablish.and uce�he Prapeny as Bortower's pnncipal rcsidence within sixty days _ s:rf . <br />-- e4er the exaution of thia Secumy Insirument md shall cantinue to uccupy the Propeny as Dormwerl principal residence %kkS.t!=..,� <br /> ` for n leest one year efler the dace of occupancy,unless tM1e Sccrciary daertninex this myuircmeni will ceuse undue hardship `F2�;��'i?";}?-,� <br />:' for Bortower, or unless extenua�ing circumstnncex ezis�which are AcyonJ 6ovu�ver: iromroi. BoROwer shall no�ify `�r.a?•,;.. <br /> Lenden of nn eztenuetin circunulences. Uorto�rer+lull nol cammil wuae or de.irny.Jmnnge or wbstenlially chenge `���-�`•"--��� <br />._ Y 8 �'ir'tiy:i�::-, <br /> - the Pmperty or nllow the Propcny to dererioatc,rca�nnable weu and�car exiepted. Lendcr may mspcct the Propen�•if tl�c _.,y,�5��`:_ _ <br />= {'ropeny ia v�cent ar abandoned or�he laan is in de(mil�. Lender may iakc rcawnnbic action to proicct and prescrre such ��.m`.'t,�): <br />= vacant or aWndoned Property. Bartower+hall al<n M in defmd� if Aartowrr.during�hc Inan npplica�ion prottss,gavc �,:Y;d,,;-:` <br />�= materielly tdxc or inacwrntc in(arma�ion or c�u�emcm. tn Lcnder (or failaf io provide Lcndcr with my matcrial -"p;{,"';': <br />-- informauoN in connec�ion wilh the loan evidenced by�he Nnle.including.Fu!na1 limi�ed la,repre.umaiions conceming -;% '1-�'�-'-� <br />- Iforrowerk occupancy of Ihe Propetly a•n Principal re�idrnre. 1(Ihi.Security Im�rumenl ia on a Ieasehold.Bortower shall °,:if�1;�f;-.�, <br />'� comply wi�h Ihe pronsions of Ihe leau. I(Uort�wer acyuim(ec title to lhe Propen)�.the leaxhald and fee litle xhall not Y,i..'•;;.,.,,_� <br />-- be merged unlesss Lender agrcex to�hc merger in writing. ;�`����� � . <br />�° 6. Charges b Borrox�er and Prolecllon of Lender's Righ[s In Ihe Praperir. [fornmer.hall pa�•all govemmenml <br />— or munieipal[hargcs,fincc and impMiliaro Ihm xm no�induded in Paragraph?. Uortuwcr shall pay ihcu obligations on + <br /> time dircetly lo Ihe eniily �vhich i.owed �ht paymera. If(ailu`c to pay �cnuld aJrencl)�affecl Lender� imerc�l in Ihe s�-��, <br />-- P�opetty,upon Lender\rcyueu 8ortower.hall pmmp�l)�fumi�h�n Lender rcceipl+evidrncing thne pa�inenh. . <br /> - It Bortower(ails to make Iheac paymcnt.or�he paymcN. reyuircd M1y 1'aragraph 2,nr faih m pedortn any olher <br />�- tovenenis end egmements conteined in thi.Securily In.ImmenL or�here i.a Iegal prnceeding Ihai may significantiy-aflecl �- <br />.= LenderS riRhis in Ihe Propeny(such ac a pmeeeding in bankruptcr.fur conJemnalinn nr Io en(orce law�or reguia�ian�). <br />= Ihen Lender may do ond pay whalevcr is nettti}ary lo pmlccl 1ne vaiuc uf ine Ympert�and�cnuer's rignn in�nc rmpcny, r_ __ <br />' ineluding payment o(laxes,hazerd inmrance and other i�ems mentinned in 1'aragmph... � � <br />° Any amoums disbursed by Lender under thi.Paragnph+hall tmmme an addniunai dcM of F3ortoxcr and be�cavred E <br />;� by this Security Inswment. Thcsc amoums.hall bear imercs�fram the datc u(disbunemcnt,m thc Noic ratc,and m�hc f _ <br /> - option of Lender,shall be immcdialely due and payablc. � . <br />?�� 7. Candemnntion. 'fhe prameds o(any award ar ciaim fnr dumages,direct or cunseyuen�ial,in connec�ian with any � <br /> �� rnndemnalion or olher taking of any pan of Ihe Propeny.or for mnvepance in place nf condemnntion,are herehy aa.igned <br />"' and shall be paid to Lcndcr lo Ihc utenl n(Ihe(ull amoum o(Ihe indebledncw�IM1aI rcmaim unpaid under Ihe Nole and Ihi. <br />�- Saurity 1nslrumml. Lender shall apply.ucA pmceed+lo�hc rcJuc�ion o(tlx indcblednr.>under Ihe Nole and Ihi.Securiq� � <br /> - InsWmenl.fitst to eny delinquent nmoumx applicd in Ihe ordcr pmvided in Paragraph 3, anJ Ihcn to prcpa)�mcm of ! <br /> = principal. Any epplicotion o(�he procee& to�he principal �hall not extend or pcntpnne ihe Juc da�c of�hc monthly <br />�.:i q+uxr 7 nJJ�nxrs� <br />