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<br /> �tipxr,o AAa�n'1bi�l.lar For lirc;rrdlh�l ID:ua1 . .
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<br /> ���' �� I�IIA l'oce Na
<br /> . .-<� �iatc��a Neir�a�li9 ;�j�C�j . •J+ 7�,c°j� 321—Z4796A2-703
<br /> �. �.�__.. .. . ��4.M'Jl/� �� n�Z+�,�l Q . �
<br /> __;.�t'—t� .' ...._ _ _�._ ._.._' "' .
<br /> '�'_ ', THlS I.)k?13p OF T[tU5'T(„Sccarity�lnstr�micnt")is mndc an Juna 8 , 19 91 , �• `
<br /> Thc grt+ntar is
<br /> � • Dill R. Ho13te and CynChiA K. I3aJ.itz, hur1bana ancl wi£o, �� .
<br /> .F;+' -
<br /> __ , � � :S�E�c�-Y�.
<br /> � 1 • ;! { �
<br /> ` ���. �'' ("l3armwer"). The trastec is Nutional Aank �f Gammerce TrusG aad Snvin�a Asaocir�t:lan, 13th , , y.�,�,
<br /> ;;," %• �tnd "0" &troaf.� l,i.ncoltt� NE 68508 i"Trustce"1. The bc��cficinry is ,�'�_,
<br />, . • �,_,�
<br /> � ��'. '"' Tt�e Ovorlt�nd Nation�l A�nk uf Gr�nd It�land � , ' � •'�;;.
<br /> ,�;�3s�< <. which 1s ar�nnixcd nnd cxisting undcr the Inws of Nebr.�3k.� , c�nd �vhasc . ��'"
<br /> • �s+l)�s<i._. ' " _
<br /> � nddress is 30�i W. 3rd SCr., p.U. Kax 1�E�8. GrAnd Ial�►nd, N� 68802 {, ::_
<br /> •;,�° ("Lendcr").Hnrrawer owes l.cndcr the principal sum of .
<br />. CP � �" �
<br /> ' . _ `, Sixty�seven thoueand two hundrnd and nol100--___.----_______..____..------------------------ .�._` �
<br /> � ;"::: ..
<br /> � �.��� pollArs (U.S�� 67�2U0.00 ).l'his dcLt is cvid�nccd by k�an�awcr's note dltcd thc snmc da�c as this Sccurity � �.
<br /> "�����i't• Instrumcnt ( Notc 1, wl�lch pro�•ides fnr monthly payments, �vith the full dcbt, if not Paid enrlier, due �nd payablc on �• -�=
<br /> r��`t1 Ju:ly .l, 2Q21 .This Security Instrument secures to Lender:(a)thv repayment oP thc debt evidenecd „ � �,
<br /> , ,, .
<br /> �,j;:;.,. � �y i1►e i�i��e,�vith�ri�r�st, a:u3 a!! seneu�l;,�x:Fr.z!�:�.� ar�.�^_?t�l�ic;�f�nnv;(hl thc paymcnt of' till othci•sums, with intcrest, °_
<br /> -.,_.,,
<br /> -- . � ---- -..
<br />.;,•�:��,�:�� ndvunccd under pare�graph fi to pmu�t the security uf this Securit�•A�s��ument;tmd(c)the pert'ormancc af Borrower's cmenunts °
<br />�°'•���'��"`''��' and aprecments under this Securiq• Instrument i►nd �he Noic. Frr chis purpose, Horrawer irrevou�bly gril»ts A11d COtivCys lo �� ,.
<br /> �--. Tr.wqtnn� zn �su��, wi�h the �owcr oP sale, the foUowinF described property locutcd in _ � ____ _ _j
<br /> _ _ . . N�1b Caunty, Nebrc�sKa: r: :,i
<br /> .� . _
<br /> P LoC Sovan�een (�7) in CctpiCal tleighC� Saventh Subdiviaion. HAlI CounCy� Nobrae�kA. ;
<br /> � � � � T .
<br /> [u-;�� �. mw
<br /> ,. � jti � ri � A C.� C7 C.'1 � ip .
<br /> ,. � � 0 r\ 'ti "" '-i i � •A �a , ,
<br /> � . \1I
<br /> .:,1,-, r .wn{ ' �� .' ' , ` ' . : ^� '•+ � .
<br /> , Nq � .�.... '1� � I _ !
<br />- � I - � ... �,� u �
<br />: .u), �_ � . 'r o .. � � � . .
<br /> ,•�`i���� ' • ,. �
<br /> ��� • •` ' i�� , � �
<br /> ' � ' �
<br /> � . , � �;-`� 4 r,� � •
<br /> � ' � which has the sddre�s af k23A Arizona Ave,, Grand Is1And �succ�,riu•I,��
<br /> :� Nebraska 68803 I�m c�,ael, ("1'raperry AaJrest");
<br /> -----__-__'=„.:- TOGF.1'H�R WlTH ull the im.provc�iunt4 no��or h�rct�f�cr crcc�cd oii et�r nrapertv.and all raticments,right�,apPur�cnnnaes, �
<br /> rcnts, ro�•altics, mincral,ail.�nd gas rigl�ts and prafitti, ��•atci rigl��s and stork and aii fixturrs non Ur hrrcaiier :�1�8ii i�T ih� � ` _ . -
<br /> propert��. All repincements ���a��a;uo„��nau �,i�o n� co�ere�l by �his 5ccuriip In.rt��umrni. All of the fbre�oing is rcfe�rcd (
<br /> . ' to in this Sccurity lnstrumcnt as �hv "Propeny."
<br /> IIORROWER COVENANl'S tha�kiarra���cr is I�:wfiQly,ci�cd ol'thc cstaic hcrcby ronvcycd and h�+thc right to martga�;r.
<br /> grant and canvcy Ihc Property and thai thu Nropcn>�i�unrnrumhcrrd,cxccpt far cnrumbrancrti oP rc.:ord. Horro�vcr���arrantti �
<br /> . ancl will dcfrnd gcncrs+lly thc titic tu thc Property againtit all claim, ancl dcmandti, suhjcrt �o any rncumbranrrs uf rrcard. •
<br /> 1. Pay�nent oP Yrinclp�d. Inleresl und Lu�c Ch�u�};c� Ilurruwcr til�all pap«•iicn due Ihe printipa� of, i�nd inlcrc�t un, thr �
<br /> debt cvidenred by thr Natc tmd lalc chargcs duc undcr �hc Noic.
<br /> , Z. Monihly Yuymenl+oP'Taxes,lnyurimce i�nd Qlhcr t'Itn,gcs.liorrau•cr�hall in�is+.lc i�i rarh m.�nihly�pc+ymeni,tc�gcihcr �
<br /> with thc principt�l and intcrest as s�t forih in thc Notc i111CI Iltly'Iiltl'Cllill'bL`�,an imi.�llmrnt��r ariy lal ia��s and sl,ccial us�c,sinrnly f
<br /> Icvicd or to bc Icvicd agt�inst thc 1'rapurq�, Ib) Icatichold paymrnts ur ground rentti on thr 1'ru�urt�, aind lr) prcmiums fur I
<br /> insur�ncc rcquircd by par�graph 4. _ �
<br /> pax�• 1 u�d tllA`ebre,An Ilccd uf In�.1 •12•H9
<br /> . � • (�•4(i1N81 ..,�.�� vMVh+w+iunai �unrns.��i��l�atiico. �nno���7� �1�i� I
<br /> .
<br /> �. � �
<br />