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<br /> - . ' Gotls�ot�l dor��xiboc� !.n p�r�ar��aph 1 0� C��ie Subnrdi��ation Ac��o�^� . -_. .�
<br /> ,� ..;'�-�' mr�nC o - , :.:�.
<br /> ��--....----
<br /> � 3. Sc� lu��w c�� an obiic�����on i� ou�s��nc�i.n� E�om the pe���x - - _ -;_
<br /> ��
<br /> 1� .. a..,. ..� tio.�a�. ��� �nrichtor]no�� ovidenced bv Promiaao�V � - -
<br /> '+,_:rc_e — �•LZ ��av aav�.l.iw�. eue�.J .
<br /> � ,�,• �=�;r_ � � • No�oe nr oChor instirumonC3 0� ind�htodnos9, rho 5ocurad Paxty'e � ° . �
<br /> -_ .- • intc�rvsC i�� Cha f:oll��p�cal :�h�11 h�vn prioLity to tho ox�:vn� o� -
<br /> -_ '__ � . Ch�, outaCanding �bliga�ion o�uin� �o �he �ac�irod Party by caagon � _ _ _,
<br /> �- :.
<br /> � of• Che aL�ivo-mpntianecl rrami�sory NoCea car othe� in9txumonC� ok �:�
<br /> . - � = in�lobtcdnQ�g t�ver �t�e lie�n a� Gha Subc�rdinA�ing Crodi�or, in Ch�t �=_�_ _—
<br />: Coiia�aral, and tho Subur�]ii-�a�ing Croditar'a inkc�r.�9t in Chat � "�. _ `-
<br /> - � � ' Collatoral io, in ��1 ro�poci:s , subjoct and subc�mdina�� �a tP�e , ' .�',.�.:_
<br /> � � extonC of �:he oh1}.c,��tion outstanding and unnAid ta Gha sacuriCy �
<br /> � intoroot oE �he S��urod Party, howc�vor ovidonc�d.
<br /> , „ .. ,
<br />-_' , a. So tong ae any porGian aP an ab].igaeian i�s aut��anding � . �
<br /> znd unpaid, the proviaion� oE tho MortgAge or t�cod o:� �r.ust ,
<br /> � beCw�on tho Dobtar and the Securod Parfiy mre aonCxpll�.nr� AQ ta � �. : "�-LL
<br /> Che Colla�eral in whiah Sacurad Par�y is to h�ava a f ir�t security � ,
<br />- . !r►r�roar And in all cages in N�hiGh L•here ie a conrJlic� bo�weon it , ':, ;, ;-
<br />�_� � and tha provisions oE any tfarkgaga or Deed oP Trus� p�r�ntod to � . '
<br /> y:�:
<br /> �.';._'J4�i��
<br /> - � ,. � the Subc�rdipa�i.ng Cr.editor by the Debtar. �:.��,�;�v�a,;:
<br /> ,L:;' S. Thia Agre�ment i� a continuing, abaolute �nd uncondi� . ; �'�,,, ,-_
<br /> .. � �.
<br /> tion�l �graement oE subordlnation wi�haut regard tv Gtna validity � '�
<br /> " ` or anfor�:oability o� th�a Promi�aory Notas or o�hc�r ir�Crumente ok
<br /> ,;,, • . indobtect��nsa botwoen tha Dobtor and the �ecurod PArty evidenc�ng : :
<br />,;;`;;,�<<,;�:�;: , gumo duo o� docume�ts granting a securitX intereak in �he Colla�- ;� �
<br />- .tiL...p. �:�... �'.•
<br /> .,a-;,;;.�,,:;� ��rAl. irrespectiva aE tho tim� or ord�r o£ att�chment or per�ae- �''��:;�.�:'�� s 5'
<br /> -�•:;;:":�'";,``. , tian of �he �oeuri�y intero�C in �he Cullateral or tho arder oE ' :``'�', , ''
<br /> ,�''���`yt'ti a`' '�-
<br /> , • �, , �_ e� �itn ronnoY� �� ihe � .,.
<br /> �,.�t,t�;�% - x iI sng zila Ddeu� 'vf TL�sQt 8,: �ltz�'�gsg ..c-_ -- --- ;
<br /> ,t r`�-.
<br /> ,,,�,`,,'.: . Cal1 atex��l. �`�.;a
<br /> �� ., ,,.
<br /> '�`� ahall remain in fuil forcd and a�focL• and ___ _ y'�i
<br /> ' - --- ti: T�'!�9 �7ruam�nt -------
<br /> �'` is binding upon tho Subarditja�ing Creditar and upon ita auaces- r =_... . x.
<br /> ' � sors and assigns, �o long as any port3�n oE an obliga��.on Erom . .,
<br /> � kho Deb�or to the Secured Party ie oute�anding and unpaid. �
<br /> 7. Tha :�bordi.na�ing Creditor agrees tha� the Promisoary �
<br /> • � �atc�s ar a�her inatrumon�a oE ic�debtednesa of tho Dobtior ovi-
<br /> ' d�nc�ng tho abliga�ion botwvon the Debtor and the Securec3 Par�y, �
<br /> . , may Ercm Cime to tim� be renewecl, ex�ondad, modif iod, compro- ;'�
<br /> � misod, �ccelera�ed, se�tled or rol�asod� withaut no�ice to or •� ��'_�
<br /> ;:i����ti aonsanti by Cho Suborainating Croditor. � �'
<br /> ��� ,�Y�„ •� ,
<br /> „ ,��:t: ' � -
<br /> �'��y��° • � Homo Federal Savinc�s and l.oan Association I '�����>."• � "
<br /> „,,,.. �
<br /> �f Grancl Isl�nd .
<br /> ;;t(,,, , BY i .
<br />.. :.1l'!..��-' ��� �
<br /> ...`\I.. ' ' .
<br /> � "Su ardinating Credi�ar^ �
<br /> , 2 i �
<br /> - =-.-�1 �
<br /> ►
<br /> � .
<br /> � ! .
<br /> . , :
<br /> � �
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