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t\ . F� , ; _�.` _ . 1 __ : ` '�1v� . ._ `, �_ '��':, ��- F:' <br /> ' . • ' .: -_ . - . �1`.•. : ... . .' ��```�t . .. ._.._�_ \� .,�� :.` � , ' . r.��` <br /> . . _ . _ . . • ..- +--- —; � ��`• ._ --- <br /> ..,; __ . ..,�, - <br /> � • ' . . . i . <br /> ._.__.. .. :.. . , ,__...__ . --.--•- -- — . . . _ <br /> j.�.^i\a�s�__ .. .--.._..�..T..._._Ww___•`_.__...�.-_•--._....�._. .. .. __� .,..J.,,. . _ .. ---- _.-- - �..1:.w:�b.r�. - <br /> � . .4�i.}v JC�Ste 1�{, <br /> � -';r-;� '°__ <br /> . . . �(�`b`s�'.�'�'". <br />� �. �.: �S�� 9� f� ' - - — -- <br /> " r` , �e a 4, �urtenui�reti, ` ' <br /> _. . . '�'til�li I�IIFiR 1Vfl'N nll Ihe Imp�ti�vrmcnlr n���v ur henal'tcr cr��:tc�l uu Ihc prupci�ty, uud c�41����, ''h� - _ --_ _ <br /> . . . pn�l fixl�uc�c nua� +�n c�realtrr n pati uf'Ih����n�pctYy, /111�'�pinc�ments nnd additlunr .rha�ll nl+u lrc cuv�r�td I�y INI+Sr�uriiy '':�i, .. • <br /> _ - - In�tnut�rnl. All�►f Ihc fa�t�,�+f��l�i��cf'em�!t�9 in thiy Sec�n•ity Iaslrun►ent a�thr"1'cup�;'Iy," „' <br /> - [�t1�112A1YGR COVGNANTS Ihot ttairu�vcr is Ia�vfuHy scisrd al'�hc c�tntr Ncrchy ru��w�ed und hn�Ihu riglu��►�;�u�u <br /> _ __ <br /> ... <br /> --r, - .. mtd�unv��y U;c 1'rupcny nntl th�►t thc F1u�h�i1}• Ix unr,m:umix�rcd,��atcpt I'ar cnrumhr�u�ret ai're�•��nl. tturruwer an�r�u��h lui �, _ <br /> -_ _ � t4�it ci:frtr.t gcst:snily thr tltir tr N��W���«ay twHlau.�ult u1ul�►,s wu1�uuwds.�uhic�:t tt�m�y ritru��ihra+n��r ut'r��aued. ,_ s - <br /> - - -.� i�ii� :itit'i ltii`i�l' l�:T(:t�1�l:°:C ::::;:rAftts�- u�tif:a-ft� cnt�,n:��uY !'ur n:►t!c�nal u3e .��td tu�n.uaN'urm cuvenll►u4 �vith � ` _ _ _ <br /> - - 1{iiltt;l v�iri���icr,�•;6y{i��;titirslass tu c��nsti!utc i�u�zlf�,n,+.���c•u►•i�y Imu��ment cavcrni�n�i�l P�upert�•. � . . . . . _. <br /> ' UNI{�t)k!M C(�VIiNAN1'5. I�orr►»�rrtln�l L.cndc��cuvrnunl nn�l ti�;rec ns li�llu�v+: ` .. <br /> --- 1, 1'aymenl ut 1'rlr.ripu�Attti lltitc��cst:PrepaymerN mK!L�i.e::A�ry;:=. ►�urru��cr,hull prumptly pny�vh�n duc ihc . � -- , <br /> psinripul uf�u�d intcrest i�n�hc dchl c�•idr.ix:��d by�hu Notc und any prcpuymcnt+m�i liur chunc�,dur un�l�r ihc Nntc. <br /> Z. ��'end9 Pur 7bxes imcl Invt�rnns��. SuhJcct tu+ipplicnhlc low or ti�u written w.dvcr hy Lend�r,[iorru�vrr shnll p:ry�u . <br /> . l.endrr un Ihc dny ntanthiy paymr.ntr i�n du�� un�lr.r the Nutc,unlil lhe N�nc 1, paia in i't�it,a�uin t"Funds")1'ur. (al yearly <br /> �i►xr.r• +tnd ntiscstimcnts wGlch nu�y ntt;iin priurily av��r thir 5cce�rity Innlrum�:n1 as a U�m un Uic 1'��up�:ny: (b1 yc�u•ly Ic+isrhold • <br /> � p.tyntenl� or gruund retris an Ih�: !'rupr.rly, iF any; (c) ye�o�ly hnzurd nr property insuruncc premiums; f�U y�.+�ly tluud � , <br /> .. intiumncG prcmiums, IF uny: lel ycarly mart��nt;�� fnr��roncc premiums, if nny; nnd lil c►ny xums payuhlc by Ilurrawcr t�� ' . ' __ <br /> l.cndcr, in uccnrd�mcc wiih thc pruvisi�mti of pa�a�;ruph 8. in li�u rt'Ifr:paym��n1 ul'murtgugr in��uauuc premiumti. '1'hcrc .. . <br /> • itcros ure a�ilcd"G.r•crow Urms.' l,ender nury,nt unv timc.cullcct nnd hu!d 1•l�ndx in.�n nnwunt not w excccd thc muximum , . <br /> i►mount n lcndcr I'or u fcdcradly i1lat�d murt�ng4 l��an m:�y rcq�dn: fur Hurn�wcr\ c�cn�w uccuunt undcr thc fcd4rul itcul <br /> `, tistntc ScUlcmcnt I'raccdures Ac�ot' 197�1 us umc��dwd from ifmc tu timr, 12 U.S.C.��GU� rl scvj.("R[iSPA"),unlc�.s mwihc� <br /> � luw th�it�ipplics tc�thc Flindti sctti,�Ic�tier an►��unt. lf so.Lrndcr mny,i�t uny timc,rullect und hold f��iunuunt not to <br /> excced ihe Ic.r•scr amount. Lender moy cstimiuc Ihr, i�mount af f•luids duc un thc ha+f+ of cu�rcnl diuu �md rea�im.�hlc <br /> cxtintt�tcr M�cxpcnditures of f'utur�Es�ro�v Itcmr or ulhenvisc in iicrarduncc with+ippliciihlc luw. <br /> Thc hluids �hcill hc hcld in an instilutian whosc depotii►s ivc ins�ur�i hy i� tcdcral agcncy, in�lnir��m��lity. �+r rmity � . <br /> (including L,cnckr,if�c�idcr ls such im ii�;;tit�,+t�.�u�)��r in uuy Frdcrd Hanx d ran Himk. l.ender shuU.�,�•!�,thc l�1�+:d�to P:�y • <br /> tha C�craw Itcnn. �e:�det• may not rh;u;�.c kto.rr�����r t'�+r ht�tdin�; c�nd.�+1�!�ing thc fl�n�!s, :mnuully an:�y�ir.� th��e�t•ra�v <br /> - account, or v�:rifyiva th� ��cmw Rcmti, u,�'c�• L-rn..r E�ay• h�rruwcr �aiterc,t un thc {Lndti �u�d upplicablc h�w E+:nvilti <br /> Lendar lo maka tiuch��chargc. Howcvcr.Lrnctar m:�}•rt�juire Nnn•owcr M pay i�ane-�ime chiubr f�,r un indr�xee4,nt rcul <br /> c:;tiUc tnx reporting scrvicc usc�!hy Lcndcr in rrnn�rlirn�tii:`�;`�i`lo;m,unlc+x.�ppUc.�blc luw prc►vidcs uthen�•ia•. Uu!e��un <br /> ��grecmcnt is mudc ur t�pplicublr luw rc��uitc.r inte:msl to h�p;�id,l.cndcr shall nnt hc r.:quircd to pny Husn�a•cr.iny inrcroyt ur � , . �. <br /> carniogs on Ihc Flmd,, Harn�wcr nnd Lcndcr�iia��,�rrcc in�vriting,huwcvcr,tha�Incrrest shnll bc puid r:,�hr hl�nds. Lrnd�:� °,, <br />. shull Eivc to p�rrowcr,without ch:�rgc.�m utmual i►craunting oi'ihe I�und•.•ha�ving crcdits and dcbits tn thc Fund�nnd�hu , ' <br /> purposc tor which cach dcbit tv l`.i: Fl�ods�vas mi�dc. '1'hc h��r.���nr�p1Cd;;iil t�ti ttddillttllu)tieCUrilV ft*.r<dl rums sccured by ;': <br /> Ihis Security Insirumcnt, t <br /> If' thc FUnds hcld by Lcn.lcr Gxrccd th4 t+muunts {ntmi„c�t tv ik �h:ld hy iipplicaihlo luw, Lcndcr tihi�ll ucrnunt tu , <br /> �arrowcr for thc cxccss F1�nds in uccordunr.a wilh Utc iryuer�mcnt�rf ap�dir:it�lc luw, If thc amoum rt the F'�n�ds hcld by <br /> l.ender ut i►ny tnur i.nr1�ufficient to puy tha Escrow ltrrns���hen due, �.cnder may tin notify Buno��er in a•riti��e,i+nd, in � '� <br /> ,uch cnyc Horru��•cr .hall ��iv to Lendcr �hu ununmt necrs�ar.• �o m�ikc up tha �tei'iei��sy. t3czrsciu.r sR.�:: s..�!�c ::g thc --=- _ <br /> �� dcficicacy in nu more than t��•��I��r munthly p.iymGntti,:�t Lcnde,r\u�le�Use'reUat. �� • <br /> Upnn paymcnt in f'u�l ��f t�U sums secured by thir S�cu�•i4y Inslruntent.Lendcr shull p�umptly refund ta li��rrc»�rr;uty ;. <br /> _ IZu,d�h��1�1 hv I.�ncler. IP.un�1.�r n:uaLrs�h ?I. Lrnd��'�h,d! nr��uirc��r+cll thc I'mpc�ty. Lendcr.priar to thu ucquisiti�n ur � , <br /> .....__.._ _ ,, _.... <br /> • -.. ..__ ... - _-.-_ __ <br /> , siilc of th.. {'raperty,shaU apply:uiy i�unds hclti by l.rnder nl tlic tim���f ucyuisiUon ar snlc iu a crcan aiAaim� �nu �uma F - ; <br /> sccurcd by Ihis Sccurity Instrumcnl. • . <br /> ;, AppllcaUlun oY i'��yn�ents. Unls�ti i�ppUcahlc law prnvides otherwise, i�ll payments rcceivcd by Lendur undar , <br /> . parn�;raphs I und 2 shall hr appUed:fint, p�ep.rymcnt chargex�luc undcr thc No�c;secc�nd,to amaunt�puyublu undar <br /> puriigmph 2;Ihird,t��intcrest duc;faunh,ti�principal duc;amd lasl,tu any liuc charges duc undcr tho Nc�tc. <br /> � 4. (=hnrgcs; Llens, pon�wer shiill p:ry uU tnxes, us,cs,mcnts, churges, finc� a��d impositians uttributnhlu t�� thu <br /> Propchy wldch may�ui�in prioriiy a��cr thly Sccuri�y Instrumcnt,nnd Icaschuld p+iymr.nt+��r gn�und r�m+, ii'iiny, Horro�vor <br /> shull pay thcsc obliFutions in�hc in.mno�providcd in pivagruph 2,c�r it'nut E+ai�l in thiU manvrr.�3r�n�wcr shnll pi�y thunt on <br /> dmc cUrectty to thc per,�m uwcd pa��m�:nt. I3nrrawrr+hnll prumptly f►u-nish co I_cndcr��tl��rticc:rt aii�runt,tc�hc paid undur <br /> this paragra�ph. lf Hi�rruwcr n�.�ke� ►har.��paymcnts directly..H�rrnwcr shall p�omptly iami,h to l.endcr rocciplti rvidu�iGin� <br /> thc paymcnt�. <br /> BoRawcr shall promptl� :Lscha�r��e imy li�n whirh ho>privrlty uvcr this Srcuri�y IntiErume�+t u�tra�Horrowor_(a)agrcc, <br /> � In�vrlting ta th�payment rf the obficatirn srcurcd by thc licn in ii nu�nner ucceptahlc to I.endcr;tb)�rnlcsts in�uod faith thu <br /> lien by,or dei'rnds;Lcainst 4nfoTCennm��f�hr lien in.Icgal prucecdin�;h which in the l.rnder's opini�•n opennc to prevunt thu <br /> enforcement ot'th: lien:or�cl securr�frc�n�ihe hi�lder at'the lien i�n at:ro�:ment suti�f�►ctory to L.encl�r suhc�rdinapin�thu lian <br /> . to Ihis Sccurity In.trument. If l.cnci�r dctcrniines thiu:m�part uf thc Prupcny i+sut�jrct tu�� licn which m�y mtain�riority <br /> over�his Security Insin+mcni,l..endcr may�i�•e HoRU��cr;�nalirc idendfying thc Ucn. Honmvcr shull sntisfy thu licn or�aka <br /> ' anc or marc of th,;u:tions sa�t'orth t�bovc��•�thin 10 da>•s r��hc givinb of'mnicc. <br /> 5. Hnane�d nr Prap��rec]nsurnnre. Iloreawer shall kcep thc improvements nv�� cxi�ting or here�fter crectr.d on�ho <br /> Prap�rty insurcJ against k�ys t+y firc,h.►r�ud�included���iihin�h�trrm "rxtcndcd cuvcrage"z+m1 an�•oih�r ht��ards,includin� <br /> flaods or floociing, for �vhich l.cndcr rcquirc� insusanc�. 'ftis Intiur:+ncc �h��U bc maintained in the �imountti c+nd far tho <br /> Fbrm 302.Y 9l90 ����e 2��;e��rs� . <br /> 1 <br /> �. <br /> { <br /> 1 <br /> •• �� _ <br />