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. <br /> � i � <br /> _. , <br /> _ , <br /> ' . r J . <br /> 1 <br /> . g�. sc�sss� -_ <br /> � <br /> r � <br /> ' _ .�.�IB� ��.A��_._..�___.__. .. ..._ . ......_ .... . . . ._ . <br /> �'art of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW4NW4) of Section Thirty-four <br />' (34), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M. , more particularly <br /> described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the south right-of-way line of the <br /> highway, . said point' being located Two Hundred Fifty-four and Six Tenths (254.6) feet east <br /> and Fifty (50) .feeC: south of the Northwest Corner of Section '1'hirty-four (34) ; thence east <br /> along. �aid;.�so�}�l� ,righ`t-of-way J.ine Three Hundred Twenty (320) feet; thence south anc3 <br /> parallel to� the-�west section line Seven Hundred Sixty-eight (768) feet to a point on the <br /> north right-of-way of the Union Pacific Railroad; thence southwesterly along said north <br /> right-of-way line Three Hundred Seventy-�even and Four Tenths (377.4) feet; thence North <br /> and paral.le.l to the west section .line Nine Hundred Fifty-nine .and Seve�i Tenths (959.7) <br /> feet to the point of beginning, containing 6.34 acres, mo�e or less. . <br /> A tract of land com risin art of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest 4uarter �NWqNW4) <br /> P 9 P .�__• _ _ _ <br /> -of Section�'�iir�y�ur T3�T;fiownsE�i'ip Eleven (f� North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th <br /> P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a <br /> point on the north line of said Section Thirty-four (34) , said point being 5ix Hundred <br /> Eorty-one and Four Tenths (641.A) feet west of the Northeast Corner of said Northwest <br /> Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW4NW4); thence running southerly along a line forming <br /> � a�� angle in the southwest quadrant of 88° 37' with the north lirie of said Section <br /> Thirty-four (34) , :a distance of Fifty (50.0) feet, to a point on the road right-of-way <br /> line, rhis being the actual place of beginning; thence continuing southerly along the last <br /> described course, � a distance of Four Hundred Eight and Five Hundredths (408.05) feet; <br /> thence deflecting riyht 57° 54' and running southwesterly, , a distanc�e of One Hundred <br /> Eighteen and Four'•Hundredths (118.04) feet; thence deflecting right 122 06' and running <br /> north2rly, a distance of Four Hundred Sixty-�ight and�,Three �enths (468.3) feet to the <br /> southerly road right-of-way line; thence easterly along sai8 right-of-way line, a distance <br /> of One Hundred (100.0) feet to the actual place o� beginning, s�aid tract containing 1.006 <br /> acres, more oL less. ;' <br /> � <br /> Part of the Northw�st Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW4NW4) of Section Thirty-four <br /> (34) , Township Eleven �(11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M. , more particularly <br /> described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point 354.9 feet south and 470.2 feet west <br /> of the Northeast Corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW�NW4) of said <br /> Section Thirty-four (34) , Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West,`'running thence <br /> south and paca].lel to the east line pf said Nocthwest Quarter of the Northwest Quacter <br /> �NWqNWq) a distance of � 300 feet to � the right-of-way line of Federal Highway No. 30, .. <br /> running thence southwesterly along the norther.l.y right-of-way line of said Federal Highway <br /> , No. 30 a distance of 320 feet, running ther�ce north anc7 para11e1 to the east line of said <br /> Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW4NW4) a distance of 300 feet, running thence <br /> northeasterly and parallel to the northerly line of said Federal Highway No. 30 a distance <br /> of 320 feet more or less, to tha point of beginnirig. <br /> , Lot �vo (2) in Poels Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />