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' Fivo Thou�and Fiva Huridrad Fifty_�nd ►i►� 7,Q0_�_-:__.._':'.�-_-�._..____-•��t.I.ARS �- ._._._..:__ <br /> ' . , Iou�r.eJ to snid mmlgagur I�y'Tho VqultaUlo liullding und l.unn r�s�uciauun oi Crnncl btnnd,Nohrmka,hlurigagco,upun 5 6 �harce uf�wck��f - <br /> .. ��t� A5tiCt1'IA�'CUN.Ceitihcntc No.{4I 959 FH!l�to►;c�tby 3�ant, CV11Y0�' nnd ui,,,tditgo u���u ii�o �a�u nSSal'IA�WN tho fultowinp <br /> �'.;s�rib;�1 «al csA�itc.sllt!atc�! lie IInU C��unty,y�braska: , _ <br />. - . . � •--"�:`:ar,'•y� <br /> Y.. .. . .:i1... 'Sl�.1,: <br /> _ '__.._...,.. , � ' �' �i�:,�:',,';. <br /> ,� � r y:A�•,:(�( i:•. <br /> ; � •.k.���� t i ti��t`;�.•. <br /> •,; ,.:•i:,,ti:���`;:.:} <br /> :•:y;. }..,�,.... <br /> � ,,:;. ,�. :;�;t'�i•: � <br /> � ,�.�;\��'�;.�;:'j'.:`�:it. �.;��•.,�,y�1 <br /> � �:���,.t,,,;�).t;..�; ;� <br /> y� i�S � j�Y�l;:"y;li��,�''�l��:;�.:;iS� <br /> �;f�t�`t�;'';'}ti� �;,� ��-���, :�h �'91 �f�f"k �1�:�� E �.2� 'a �ft�t' ^ .�....�� Ts1f�n,", .'�7.�.� L'..'.IIi��Y,. 1�•::;L:;;��� 1�1 '��i1 . <br /> ;. ., � � kYu�l:. JJ.1'C :C° c2 �til ..{;'•;��, <br /> �� ,� `. � ' ;�{�•••' � <br /> ;,�;�,:1-.,4�.:.1';���`�;�:{ii�I 1�1-�'i T�$�rc7 � ��' �J <br /> ....c���,�d�:,�i.i;4.,-- <<� . . <br /> �>iii.;�����i�.�l. �,ly`f1:�.�;'�•5�.� � <br />'��. • ' <br /> .'j:�' i „ 1 <br /> , . �.� , <br /> � , ,. I <br /> l <br /> ' • . tugelhet wilh idl Ihe tencntenle,hereduumenle und uppmlennnre�Ihrrountu belungm�t, iurluJ�nµ �►uached flaor co�tirings, aU wln�lwv screne, , , <br /> • wlndu�v shadec,6Unds,stann wlnJuwv,;i�vidi+��v,licalln�i.,�tr e�,n�UUuning�.md plumbin�imcl wnicr cqulpmom und uccossorica thcrolo,pumpa,etovice, ` ' ,. <br /> I <br /> „ ' rof�i�crnlurs,ond alhcr fixuur.e aud cqulpmciu nuw u�hcrcaftar uttuchcd ia„r uscd In tm�nccll�ui�vlth said real ce�atc. , <br /> And whc�eax�hc wid m�tttpaFur has.�gtecd•rnd duahe�chy ugtcc thai �he uwn�ag��► shall nnd will pay ali �axeq and uascesment9lnvta�d u�r <br /> _ ___-- <br /> acseved upun s:ild pcem�4es unJ upon�his mor�g:i�c and�ha bund aecured thcreE Aulure the bamo shaU becuma delin uent:to furnlsh o p <br /> ----- - <br /> Inrauan�c upun thc�AullAing9 un iaid prcnUsca yiw:uc3 m ihc sum oi 55���Q• LZ �tl'�hle Su ssid !l�S�ClATlr►U nnA m da(lvor to sal �__- -_- - -- -__---__- <br /> ASStX'IAI�ION►ha pulicics for said insurancc;anJ nnt to commit ur permlt IIIIy W7itC UIl i)t J�UUI S�II�PfC[11i5(19: � , <br /> ..... In cau:uf def�ult in tl�e perfurmnnce��f nny��f the tarm�and cunditions uf this murtgage ur �ho bund aacured horeby,the mort�apoa sh,�ll, I <br />_____-__.. .... .�........,i tio a��u�n�� en imn�Cd1:1IC pU55CSS100 ul thC ONf(�g�KCA NICI11I3C5 and �ho murtpaKun c�reby assi�iw, transfcry unb sela uvor tu thn I <br /> _ �._,.........e,..a�ti�.a.....a6nn.on, In . - - - <br /> p�p..uw........•...��......._.... �--._.--,. <br /> martgagev all the rent�,revcnuos und incomo tu bc duriveJ!rom!hc nturtnagao pramisaa aiurin�nuci�i��ua a..:�..,.�.••�• --� <br /> unpald;nnd�he mortpa�yee shall havc Ihc puwcr to appnint any agcnt ur agenty ft mny dusue iur tha purpu��u uP rapalrina sold promisos and ranttnq � <br /> the same and coUc��inp Iha rents,revcnucs and ina��me,anJ it tuay pay uut of said inwme :ill c+xpensos nf repafrinp s�ld promisee nnd nocecsary � <br /> commissi�ms and expenses incurreJ in rentlny and m:uta�ing Ilie same and n( coll�cting rcntal:+ thorofrum; tho t+nlsnr.o �em�lning,iP ony, to ba ' <br /> nppUcd luward Ih�discli:�r�:c nf sald murl�agc indobtcdncsr,thcsc rights uf'tl�o niurtpag�� m:i> bc cxurclsed at:my tlmo durina tho oxlsto�ca of nuch . • • <br /> defnult,irtespeelive of any tempur;iry wulc�r uf thc sama <br /> ,�' .` l'hcx Prusar.te.huwevut.arc upun thc Cunditiun."fhal i(tlic s�llll SI�)�IF:I�Jf 9Fl:dl rcpuy i:i1�I Il)illt UIl P1 bOfU(0 UIO II1QlpfllY U�S1111I SII:lTJS Gy <br /> �� ' payment;pay nwnthly ta sdd ASSqCIATION„f tlic sum sprcli'icd m thc N��nd ucuwd hcrcby as intc�esi and princlpul on said loan,an o�hefuro ; <br /> Ihc T��cn�lcih d;ry uf cach imd evcry munth,unid said luan Is tully paid;puy all tavcs unJ:issessuunts lovicd agninsi said promlECa nnd on thls Nortgngo i ,, <br /> nnd the Qnnd soc�ueJ thoreby,befurc dcllnquency:llunish app�uved insur,�nce u{�m the I�u1ldings�hereun in tho sum of S 5,5 50,0� paynblo , <br /> ta sald ASSOCIA'TIqN;tcpay lu said Ati5(X'IATInN u�nn dom�md:ill muue)• by it peid Po�suclti taxos,assos.rmonts und insuranca wlth Intarcet at ' <br /> • � : , , thc maxunuui lug:d ratc tliereun Gum datc��i pay+ncnt•il�n(wliirh�furtca��,r hereby agrees In p�y:permlt nu w�stc on sald promiscs;kcop and comply i . <br /> � wi�h a11 Il�o uµtocmenls and condltli�ns uf Ihc flond 1���S 5,550.OQ �liis duy given by thc saiA Aturtgngar tu udtl ASSOClATION,nnd comply i •.� <br /> ' with all tho roquiromonls uf thc CunstiluUim:inJ 13yLawsof sald ASSU('lAl'ION;tl�en thosc presents shall Ueewnc null nnd void,ulhonvlsa thoy <br /> ' ahall remain in flill (urcc and may bc furu.luxcd :i� thc optiun ul'thc sa�d A550CIATION aftcr fuiluro fur throc monthe to mnko nny of said <br /> ' p.�ymonls ur hr thrcc munths in a�ro•us in making sald tn�mtltly paymcnts.ur to kr.ap a�ul cuniply with tho aµrocnunts und cunditions uP�id Auntl; _ <br /> ' • nntl M��rt�tay«r agrcos tu havo a reccivur upp��intad tarthwfdi in tuch furoclusuro prarcedln�;s. , '�. • <br /> If Uioro Is any chang�In uwnurship ui th�roal ustatu murtgngcd hcrcin,hy s:do ur uthonviso, thcn tho ontlro romalnln� IndebtcAnss horoby � <br /> eecnred shnll,�t tlio upUon uf Tho liq�dtuble B�dlding nnd L��an Assoc��Uun u(l�rond Islund,Nebrnsku,bocume Immodlatoly dtw md payaGle�vlthi�ut , <br /> I'utthcr nuUco,und Ihc am���m� romslninfl duc undcr wld bnnd, and any uqicr bund fur any additiunal ndcancos madu thorounAar,shall,ff0111 lN0 <br /> �1ato i�f exerciso u(safd uptlon,bcar inturost;u thc maxi�num IrE;al rnw,an�l dils murtgage m;�y then bv Puroclascd tu s�tlsfy tho ami�unt duo on sald <br /> bonJ,and any uthor hund fur addltianal:�dvanccs,�o�;etl�cr«•illi ull sumt pafd hy uiid'Pho liquitablc Hwlding unct Luen AssaCit�tion uP(irnnd Islund, <br />, , Ncb�nxka(ur insurnncc,�nxosancl asscssmcnts,and nbstroclingextcnslun chnrltes,with intorust thcreon. from dnto uf paymont n� tlw mnxlmum � <br /> Irgal mte. <br /> As pravlded In tlie ti�,nd secured hen+hy,whllc this mortyage romains in efl'ect che murtgugee may heroaft�r advanco addltionul �ums u�tho <br /> secured 11twroGy,��hc I�uil am�unt uf pNnclpal dcht�nu�tu xccvd�I�any timecti clurig nal ununmi of'f�hhs mur�g�ee the same as the fundsudglnally <br /> i �a�eu�h�s 5th �,y„r Juno ,�.n.,1'� y1 <br />.. ? <br /> - - _. , , '� �.� �'� --- - <br /> � lara L. Weshingtar <br /> 5TATk:OF�NI?BI�ASKA.�55 ��i��f��i 5th day�of Ju�� ly y1 ;bcfore me, <br /> COUN'PY Of'IIAI.I. <br /> �hc undcrsi�;ncd,a N�aary Public in and fut sald Cuunty,persunally came <br /> Flor� L . Washington , an unmarried person µh„ is personallykno�vnto <br /> � : <br /> ��` mc to bc the idrntical pctsun ��:lOYI'021111 lS afPixcd tu Ihc ab��vc inst�ument as murtgagu� ;�i�d She savcrolly <br /> •� � •• acknotivlodqed the sald insUumeni io bc ��e� �v:unear}act and Jced. <br /> • WITNESS my hand and tintanal Scal ihe :lae�a;Ures:ud. � <br /> � hlyCommissinnc i� . '�' ��� `�'� , , . <br /> , , � �#EAl1 MOT�Ii�f•SrAe 11111M(11� �.�: ,'r.�._��..-f-'----'C f�l�� �-.•-• <br /> . 1 BH�ILAJ.AIIIER `�- Notary Yubllc <br /> ,,. ', a-���Mf�t � AlyCanm.ExpHoY.9.19�3 <br /> � <br /> ' , <br />