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<br /> � �Od81�W�"1�Il tb��tIDW OC d�C�E4KEd OQ WC�fiOpCA�►.iiW�11 qiCQldlt�.i�.
<br /> i��.���'�µ������x. �]�y��1_Ii01t5'3�1�1�SO�fC COYCIOd�!f�S�11� , .
<br /> uFac�a�...
<br /> tmintmmt. /�t!!of dn fu[eEoin�is tefernd W iu this SeCUriry iasauaient as thC"P�oQertY-° .:
<br /> � BORR�WER COVENAI�i'S th�,t Bamwa is IswfuUy ssise�d of the�e i�rebY ca�eYed and has Q�e rigtu co Srmt
<br /> aod canvey thc A+opacY aad thu ihe Brope�ty is au�vmbered,excspt far encumb�anc4s of iecad. Boimwer:wstrants aa� ' .
<br /> -. --T_.- ,-•,—���E - aainxtsl-- — _S1!����Y_��s of rocu�d. . -
<br /> _- - = '�S SFiC't1RtFY INSTR�J1�Ff cumbines aaifom►mvm�ots t'�� use and nan=unifam cova�[s�t6 .- - ^^-
<br /> _
<br /> , __ _
<br /> _ . .
<br /> T ----�co�vaiia�aasbi►J��o�nca�ea��i�y��c�� �� -
<br /> UMPpRM COVENANCS.Barnwu ard I.aader covemiv,t aad agcx ss foriows: whm due thc
<br /> I. Paya�t al Fri�ctp�st std I�tae�Pr�eP�9wc�t ard Lste Chsr�es Bo�rower shati pcomptiY 1�Y
<br /> prioc.tip,i of�d i�a►t�e debt�videaeed bg the Note andanY P�'�P�Y���Iate c6�ges due under the Nut�-
<br /> t EL�ds for 73u�es�wL 1as�lraKa S�bjxt to applK'�b1�iaw oc w a wnttea w�iva by Lender,Bormwa�.sitisU pay tio
<br /> Lender on tbe day moaWY P�Y����,under the Naa watit the Nae is piid ia fult.a sum.i"F�")for:(a)YearlY
<br /> q�ces�nd sss�sgns�s whicb mry attaas pt�acsiY�aver thisSecaiity Iasuument as a lien m the Property:(b)Ye�ufY leasehold
<br /> - = - ,,f aay; tc}Ye�rtq:��P�P�Y-��"'ut�E�Y��►�- - _-�r_ _
<br /> WY��°�.8��smts oa ihe Ra�tY=. ble Boaower to
<br />---"- i�Ce piemiums,if aay:te)Yr+r1Y marc8a8����P���f�y:and t� �Y��WYa �Y.,
<br /> - �,����:pmvisions of pang�8.in lieu of the paymeat o!'mortga8a inwtana P��- �
<br /> -_- iums m ralkd"Escmw It�s.° L.ender may,at any time,coUect and hotd Funds ia an anwunt na to exceai the�imam
<br /> = �mount a kader=Ear a fedrnlly ralaud mat8a8e toart may nqni�e for Borrower�s esaow accau�t undpr.the fiderat Real _ --_
<br /> � � �'coced�Act of 1974 ac aaunded from time w time,l2 U.S.C.§2601 tt seq:("RESPA").anIess anotl�er • --
<br /> �.,..
<br /> � _1ar�I tlu�t��.��ajds sds a lessec amo�mt tf sa.l.ender nsay.at any wAe,oollxt and hoM Fimds in aa aai�nnt nnt to
<br /> --- .l`-��- { ` ..amow�t. Lrender may euimate the a�ount of Furds due an t6e basis of cummt da[a�d�sonable�
<br /> ,-:. 'eaoe+ed tbe i�� with licabk law. � .,; -----
<br /> ' '^ � ,{�of�of funine Esemw Iums or othecwise in acca�dance app .. ...,..�• f- --
<br /> ' ' 77�e Fim��,s�ll be beld in�t instiWtion whose deposits a�e in.wrrd bY s'fode�l�aS�ncY•in�nttneatalitg::�r eatity -----
<br /> :f:�" ".
<br />._.� � T� , (incUding l.a�d�c i�Lei�der is suc6 an ii�itutian)or in any Federai Hane Losn Bank. Le�der sbail apply the�nai#4 t�wf . -_
<br /> the Esciow Iter�is. i.eader miaY not chatge Bortuwer far holding and applying t6e Fur�ds,annusdiY analY�B f.: �_�._
<br /> account,or veritying tfie Escmw Items.nnlessc l.endet paYs Barrawet interest on the iLnds and ap{�licable Iaw pemtits;'�'''��'�� ' . cax�sa,--
<br /> t�eal �'"`y°�-..
<br /> - � �Le�de[W mate such a cha���However,Lender may requine Baaower to pay a one-time c6arge�for an independen ,�.�...�
<br /> ' � estate t�c nepo�rin8 service useA by Lepder in connecaas wit6 this ta�q.un[ess appiicabia Uw Provides ahe�wise. lI�aa _ ;,� .
<br /> �. agroement ia made or applicable law roquires interest w be paid,L�ender shall not be sequired to pay Barrower any intenst or "�" ..
<br /> � ,� ° ' earning9 on 4h,�I'w�ds. Sorrower and Ixta�er maY agree in wnang.hnwever.that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender f`��.=_-
<br /> ���.�-
<br /> � shaU give w;�wer,without charg�:�a annual accounting of the Fund9,showing cnediu and de6its to ihe Funds and tbe - ���
<br /> n
<br />. pncpose far a�3e each debit to the Funds was made. 7'he funds are ptedged as additional security for all sums secured by �_���,�,
<br /> this Security�isavinen� . F�--K�`_�'=
<br /> If tl�e Fu;i�s held by Lc�nder excad the amo�nts Pernutted w be held by applicabte law,l.ender shall account to -
<br /> te
<br /> g�y��f�.t���r�s Funds in accordance with the nequirernents of applicabk law. If the amount of�J�e Funds held by �___
<br />.:y'.�,. Barrawer in writin and.in -- — .
<br /> .::..�4.�:.�. Lender at an}�,a is not sufficient w pay the ESCrow Items wlxm dge.Lender may sa not�fj! g•
<br /> �:�., sucb case Bate:ater sha11 pay to Lender the amount necessa�Y to make up the deficieacy. Baiuwer.shall make up the
<br /> ,r-:,,'i"�- _-
<br /> . -_ defwnencY u►�io�more than twelve moathlY PaYments.at Lender's sole�f"c,scnetion. �-._
<br /> Upon payrt�ent in full of all sums sectircA by this Security Inmumen�I.cnder shall promptly nefund to Boaower ar►y =,;=�,,_.:.�_�
<br /> Fnnds held by Lender. If.under paraSmPh 21.Lendet sha11 acquire or sell the ProPert3+.Lender.Pnor to the acquisifian or ;,,y.. -:,�;`;_
<br /> . ' sak of the�Propzrty.shull apply any Funeic held by i.ender at the time of acquisitian or sale as a credit against the sums :T;;',�°: ..
<br />. �;: secured by ttds Security tnswmen� E�:f`<,.;`:`_
<br /> �� 3 app�ap of p�yn�nts, Unfess applicable !aw pravides othcrwisc.all payments received by l.ender under _
<br /> . patagraphs 1 an�2 shal!be applied:6cs�.to any prepayment chazges due under the Note:second,to amounu payable under ;:�.1}��"_..
<br />- paragraph 2•third,to inte�st due:fourth.to principal due:and las�to any late charges due undec the Note. �-=A _ _
<br /> 4. Cl�a�ss;Lkas. Bortower shaU pay a11 taues. assessmems.charges.fines and impositions ariributable to the ''°���':�"-
<br /> � �, :__.-s:,x _-
<br /> prpp�cry wfi^ab may attain priority over this Security lnstcumen�and leasehotd payrtients or gmund rents.if any. Harower �: .�•-
<br /> �`�`:.' '� •�'' shall pay rl��afiligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.ar af c�oc patd ia that mannec,Bafras�er shall pay them on --
<br /> ;.,
<br /> :."':.%;`:;�', f�� .:, time direa�"y t�mz�e persa�owcA paymen� Borrower shall�rompUy f�ui�to Lender all notices c�a.�o�c nts to be paid undes • . . ��',�
<br /> _ • - this paragsph. If Borrower makes these paymenu directly.BarroweT`s:i�ll p:cirnprly fumish to�.���elpcs evidencing •:..�:� �.
<br />:� tho PaYments. :�:�t.;... :s,s;:
<br /> . . . gomaWer sha11 promplY discharge any lien which has prioriry over this Se�pnsuument unless Hatrow.�':(a)agrees ' ' •__.��
<br />" � � ie writing ta the payment of the obl�ganon secured by the lien in a manr�er acceptabie to Lender.(b)contesu in good faith the ,,F:^3:�
<br /> • ,,� l;en by�or a�f�rids against enforcement of the lien in.legal proceedings which in the l.ender a opiaion operate to prevent the _;i��:��-�
<br /> _�.,�,:�.��.
<br /> enfonee�+a:t af ihe 11en:or(c)secures from the hotder af tfie lien an agrcement satisfactury to l.ender subordmating the lien ,,.; . �,�_`_
<br /> r��;s$�z�ty Inswmenl. If l.ender determines that any part oP the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority � . . -
<br /> r.�,:�Q,as S�t�ry Instn►ment,Leader may glve Borrowcr a notice Identifying the ticn. Boriower shall saasfy the lien or take : t
<br /> 4��%
<br /> ` ; vne os nor.e'of the actions set forth abave w�thin 10 days of the giving of notice. • •
<br /> '•� • S. '�iaaard or Propn'ty lagurana. Bortawer shall keep th:"'smpravemenis now existing or hereafter erected an the •
<br /> ' � e a nst loss b fire.hazards lncluded within the t�,"�utended coverage"and uny other Fiazards.including � .
<br />. ; � Propetty i�.�' d gai Y i •
<br /> ` ��• tloada ut�cA�tiing.far which l.ender requires lnsurance. This insua�ace.sha11 be mainlained in the amounu and for sh� . � .- . . . .,.
<br /> ;',,:��'� J! . .. .
<br /> . '1.. .. _ . fl�!
<br /> .�. , '•y'� , � . i�':�;�; .
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