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. ._. -,-;: fj . _:.. . . . . ., -.. -.+t _ <br /> � r:t �:�> �. � }�: <br /> ,� . , , : , /�I��� �__�;1,� nY ,_ <br /> n . � - �.�, . _- ' _"i111'� �QR�7ViR� ' �" ry 3iPi�`_. <br /> � ,i. � . <br /> .. � . �. .. .� - . � -. '�. - � ti -. . �.' � - <br /> `- �e�ypllcaple it"�Fpeci�y'tar nWwerrxnt)befae ida ot�he Properry punuw 10 Wr po?wtof Akte aonWUKd tn�EfF „� <br /> ' Sxmity oe @)sa of sJu48ment r.ntaclM ih1lB�1ttJ�Y Uuttv�at '1liose caquIuoo�,ge tMe B4t?��Yf+' t�?_ <br /> �F�tddCF tll iWltl Wlddl. 0 WOYId b0 dW UIIdCr INq BCSWlI Ui1W�FPj� NGlC i!1 I1C�CI� i�Ad� ; � : . <br /> . . lf�:(�)QUflidAy�QC(llllt� Ot1!!-ffOYt#�490IlpJxflfClltti�0)pt ialle�t�Sft�I1QEd�Of�Af07v�U1$ITIIl�f�J1j1}�- • . .. <br /> �iiu�iem,ir.cmw�g.Vut na liml�eQ tq rcasoqa6tb odoma 6'teea�ona(��tat wch eerlon e�l.enQee�te .�aw�D�Y,. � -:.-- - <br /> roqutro ro assuro cAat th9 t)emo!Wa&eoudry tAam�mcnr.�.a��ere�nu�n movro�y�np eoio,wup onu�d��O�,y <br /> sum� sebund.Dy.we Slq�iry Inswment ���ll conUnue wohuiged. Upon retnsu ment by 8o�ro�iv��.r, itp .. , . • <br /> Instiument enA the bDU$e�ioni toaimA hsreby�hetl ilmdn Nlly etfavtve a tf no aaelemdon tu0 oec�Rie4. Howevet�,0Ti .. ' <br /> dghttorclnstate�hdlnotepylyinthecueoficattnNonunderpangnybl7. ,__ _ _. <br /> 19. B�b ot Notey(.9�p�e of Law Bervitti� 7M Nae or�wki�interc+t N�he Noro�together wi1�W�Sewcity. ' <br /> Guuument)m�y be wld oqe or more Nm�wtthouepAor notice ro Bortowa. A eete may�eau t in a cnu�ge!n 1La endty <br /> (lnown m the"Lw�Sefvia�Out coAeae monWy paymq�te d�w uQQcr tho Nota pnJtt�l+Savrity Inswment. 'R�Sro eiao <br /> may bo one or moro changes ot 1ho lnan Bervlar wrdated to�s¢!a ot�ho NMO. If�hero I�a chango ot 1ho.f.oan Servloer. <br /> Bortower will be glven wtlttcn notice of Ne change In eopordanae with pare,�oh IA above end appllcaDie law. ThC notlCo <br /> wiU etate tho nama md addresf atU�o naw Wan 3crviar end tho addnu to which psymenn�houtd 6e meda 7Ue nottm wlll�. . <br /> ekoconWnanyo�herinfam�eNNon�edbyep Ilcableiew, ` _ <br /> ___ ______ <br /> 20. Huerdau BuEstanoe+. Bocrowor�ha 1 noe cauae or perml�Ne preunce,use,dbpoad,aorag r ttkaso of any,�•� <br /> Hezaidotu Sybstanoa on or in tAe Propmy. [iortowor ehali not d0.nor ellow anyone elae to dq en aHpptfcg Ur: <br /> Fropaty that ta in vbladon ot eny Bnvlronmenwl Lnw. 7f�e preading pro sentenca�ihall not epply to�rtience.uao,or <br /> �torage on�tw Property of�mall quanNtlee of Hazardow Substences that are generatiy recog�ixed w 6o approy{1nW to no�mel <br /> rosidential usw and to matntenence of the Property. <br /> Hortawer�hall prpmpqy give Lcndu wAUen natca otury InvestigaUon,claim,dertwnd.tewwit or other actlon by any <br /> goremmen�al or[eguletory agancy or private party invoWing Ih¢Properey and any Hezardoua Subsnnce ot�nvironmcntal <br /> Law of whtch Bortowu he� actual knowiedge. It Bortowor luunc, or is notifled by eny govemmental or rcgvluory - <br /> au�hortty,that any rcmoval or othu runedia�ion of eny Hnmrdoua Subsronca efkcttng U�e Moperry I�neoessary,Bortower <br /> eM1aq pmmptty Wce�I neassary rcmeAial aadona in�ceordnnee with PnvWnrtiemel Lnw. <br /> Aa uuA tn�hii paragreph 20,'Hezardous Substancra'ue ihase wbstanaa deflned an�oxic or hazardou�tubNenoee by <br /> Hnvironmental Lew end�he[ollowing eubstenow: gasoUm,kerosene,othu fiemm+bk or toxic petroleum producu,roxic <br /> peaticidq end he�blcldea,voletile�olvenu.mare�iab conuining m6eatos or formaldehyde,end redloaake mateaiNt. As <br /> used in�hia pare�p h 20."Environmentd Law"mew fede�sl lnwe md lawa of ine Jwiadiction whero�he Propury Is located <br /> tiut relaro ro health,ukry or environmentel proteetion. _ <br /> NON•UNII+OAM COVL'NANI'3. IIortower nnd Lender funher covenent md egrea ea followe: - <br /> 21. Acaieretion;Remedfea. Lender chull gire notke to Dorrower prlor to ecaleration toltoning Dorrover's <br /> breach ot eny tnvenant or egreemenl In thl�3aurfty Instrument(but not prtm to acceieretlon under peragraph 19 <br /> unleaa applicable taw proWdes othernLse). The noNce aheli epeclfy: (e)the defaultc(bl Ihe aNion required la euro tha <br /> deteuttt(c)a date,riot Ius Ihen 30 deyn iFom fhe dete the not(ca is given to OonoRer,by whlch the defautt must be <br /> wredt and(d)thet falWre to curc tUe defeult oa ar bePorc ihe date epeciRed in tne notice ma�resui[in ecceleradon oi --�---- �-�-� <br /> Ihe sum�secured by lh6 Security Instrument and�ale of the Property. 7Le noHce ehall fLrihcr Intorm 6orrower of <br /> the right to rotnslek eRu ecceleration end the rlght to bring a wun eclbn to asurl the nomexistence of a deteult or =_ <br /> eny other defense of Oorrover W aaeteretion and xale. it fhe default Is not cured on or betore the date specitltd tn =_-:,___.__. <br /> the notice,Lender et Ita opifon may require Immedlate peyment In NII of ntl sunu secured by ihb Saudty Inslrument .=�,;,-~;; <br /> �stthout turther demand and may Invoke the po�rer of sele and any other remedlea permhted by epplitable law �j_y!�rj;�=,-�� <br /> Lender ahell be mtttled to collect all ezpenaea Incurred In purauing the rcmedtea provlded in t6B paregruph 31, 5;:�;�=�7;';;_--. <br /> Including,but not Ilmlted to,remm�able etrorneya'tcen end cosis of Hile evidence. ��'1'�'#=�.= <br /> It lAe poaer of xele ia lnvoktd,lYu.tee shall record e noqce of defeult in each munty In nhlch eny pert ot the ,y,�'�;1�';;_;;4:� <br /> Pro rt Is Ixated end shall mall co lea of such nollce in the manner prescAbed by e Ilceble lew to Uorrower end to -�'���F�'�"'^;'�p` <br /> the other ersom rescrlbed b a Ilwble lew. ARer the time re uired 6 e Ilceble Iew,lYustea shatl gfva ublic �4y.=�n���e<r:"� <br /> P P Y PD 9 Y P� P ;.� ,.. „f.,.:� <br /> notice ot sele to Ihe personn and In the mnnner preacri6ed by eppllcebte la.r, ustee,�rithout demand on Oorrower, J,�i;fi;is�a,::;:: <br /> shell sell the Properry at publlc eucqon to Ihe highest bidder nt the time and place end under the terms dalgnated in --. <br /> Ihe notice ot Rele fn one or more parcele end fn any order 7Yusta determinea. 7Yusta may postpone aele of all or eny �;;;��,��7��"�` <br /> parcel ot Ihe Properly by public ennounttment et fhe time and piece of any previousiy acheduled aele. Lender or fte r r��)���[��t��. <br /> dalgnec may purthase Ihe Property et any sele. k1sa� <br /> Upon receipt of payment of the pdce 6id.7}uslee shnll deliver to the purehnser 7Yusttt'a de[d conveying the �.,�j.�f� � � <br /> Property. Tht«tit¢la in lhe 7}usfee's deed shall be prima feele eddence of the Iruth ot lhe ratemenis made therein. �;`?�41�?��tr� •� <br /> 7Yustce shell apply thc proceeda of Ihe sele In the follo�ving urder: fe)ro ell costa end expenses ofexerelsing the power ii�_,w.F4?f+.;.. <br /> yy.:-.,r,c„ri� <br /> ,t;l>/�wt:i?�;: <br /> t�'.>.h��i.gi7.Y.:. <br /> C:.'14,i5'.... <br /> �..i„_ .Y'..s:.-:'-- <br /> (_:�F":p;,.r::�-. <br /> ,.rr.!�i-_. <br /> ;'j��:•`-�f-i.".-: <br /> iuA:.\"•:i . <br /> l.Y : <br /> .:'.4,' rca:��5. �. <br /> �5::::iZ.'sr..�-_;� <br /> ::i']vil"i7}j�.��'�- <br /> ::lF!'A'lY��'-- <br /> FbrmJO1M 9N0 �Me�3nJnryr�•� ;"�:-s;H :!.i <br /> �.h•1:\:7.'�� ':- <br /> .r2.�,7�•��:e:..--. <br /> � ;'t;�3t,,,i:::'=;;- <br /> _: >,,,,;.'. <br /> ,;,•H;.:,.,,.,:: <br /> .tiir;�.;.-. . <br /> �t^ ^i• . .r.,..f1V.• n�F Irm ^a��+�-: •���r _T;.�S �(' .�V � <br /> `-'� 1..� I • ! -1� ( . ♦,A�i)��.i �T� �7'�^Ilr .IT _ . ��f l� f <br /> nj a - �i�'t,�f;�l1}_ G .I( ._ I ��.-' <br /> . , ' r :a�. <br /> . , - - - . . -,, , ;i <br /> _(l .1 ,' (,J 4 4 <br /> . ,__ . � . "`'S' v , . ' . . ' <br /> . , _ _. .. . .. . <br /> ._ ., . . . • . , <br /> . ....:. . . ...:..r �...-.. . � ..: �. . - . - <br /> . ._.. ' _ • _ __VI ]�_ ,D.. e <br /> _i. . •` ,_.'I. , ' .':. • " . .-.. .- - —° •---;' ' . —� . <br /> r ._- . . .,l - , . : . - ' . _. . . �— . <br /> _t. _.1 ' :u : " :_'_ . _ - -• . "1- . "' r . . . ::.� _ - . <br /> - ..T . . . �". " <br /> :t _ _ . . ' _���. <br /> � S <br /> �t r .75, y _` fh�_ . . _ . ' - . ' . - - <br /> -��e -_ .l 1 �_�•' . _ . . . _ . <br /> l,. ; \ _L ' ) _ _ . .. .) ' . _ ' _ <br /> > ) c � l. .� r_ . `d . . <br /> . i�t --�� - � �- . - -� � <br /> p 1 <br /> - . : .t- . . _. <br /> _ .. .c - t , r` '. . <br /> ar- i� " i�- �- �. � .. . . <br /> - } . .�� e _f :-t � -;� i . R � - <br /> �S k + � � +� ' tt � 5 , Ir � �'� > � 4 •- y -r- . <br /> � x . { � i C � . �. <br /> � /"xl - :t � ) et \ . j - i <br /> �.�}. . �f� . i• . . .� .1: ,.�. . . . .. � ., .. . , v , .. . . . - ..:..�� . � t:� .. . . . .. . . <br />