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<br /> � TrbMOru�r�w+d�lh�tMdoeunwK�tTiu�'ISa6autb�e�AStssO�ddTnatandeMamaq�p��nd�+�ah�pQrn►_ � .
<br /> . oftd�qoYid�dio�tntA�OMddlfwlPtovjd�s-�M�►1Whkdill�tintri�herrld. bT�uNorth�namorbip�(nttM�w�- .
<br /> otad�M�orbn�ch of obiipMfonund�lh�.0�d otTrwR Mqludk�p.butnotN�Md��L��r'a�iphtbh�wffi�Prop�r�rsold
<br /> _ .�:...._...�....�....._n�..�r.eree�...dY�e Ttuwo�-[ipaw�aM w�rtinhtl»t117is +ra�'�x�CUNd`01► .
<br /> . ._ . . .. .a--_-'--_ �-II�R s.wcas zu,,,wK g.,s-sva._•_.s-----v� .
<br /> _. - . .._ —__ ,_-;,__. :__..--•
<br /> "
<br /> _ Tn,Mar a._�o_n.MM�cu�o�►a u,.o..a a.�nta� , � � , `
<br /> _ _ __. : _ - —
<br /> ' -. ` - - - ' - — � � -� . . . ,
<br /> _� _ . ,
<br /> , . �s . �. Tru�IPt � � •. '
<br /> ; . �
<br /> — - � -- ---- -- - --E3�EG�iF:TR`•tST IlrtTt!F1lTURE ADYANCES . < . `- _-
<br /> —� THLS DEEO OF TRUS�is ss�sde aa of.th�t ��day ot J� .19 g�-.bl►a�d unap
<br /> fM TrWtot. '�� Ialarld l�iGs,IriC.e a GOtpOt3tiC�1 ' ,
<br /> whr�s rrqiilirp.�dd►as is ].10 W. 2r1t�..dednd�Ielt�d� I�S 68801 (herbn"Truatw:'whNt�x ons or mor�).
<br />- = ths Trw�ss. pive Peinta Bar�k. 14 t�caeka Cor�xatian . . _
<br /> - wNo�s m�ilMtp addre�s is P.O. Hwt�150?• �an8 Ieland�.I�E 688�2 , _ �heretn'Tru�w"}snd
<br />--_ �he 8a�e�cts�►. Five Fbfnta Bank. 1! Nebcaelca Cocpoeatian — � .
<br /> T�r;-'t
<br />' - < ' _wAOte.mtiittp.addre�isB�_ Bo �. C�� Ia��,� I� 68802 4 (hsrein"Lande�"1• _
<br />'��`::;ti Grar�d Ialand Musfc. inc.
<br />--' ; Fpp yAtUAgLE CpNSIpERATfON,(nG1114in�l.enclePs extension of crebit identtfied hereiq to
<br /> ;c_. .
<br /> a �..,....,.�—�{on - (herein"Borrower';whether one oc more)and tha trust heroin create0.
<br /> tha receipt oi whiCh i�t�erebl►ackncwle�e�.Truator Aereby irrevocably grants,transfer�,conveys and assi�ns to Trusles.IN
<br /> -- Tqt)ST.WlTH i�QW�ROESALE.tor the ben�9fit ancf sacurity of Lender,underand subjecttothetennsand conditions hereinatt�aet
<br /> --__ foAh�ths rMl pt4D�h.daacr(bed�s tolbwx -
<br />=- - I.ot R�a i2), in J. a s. Subaivisf.an, ia�the Mty of Grand IalanB. Ball Oanty.
<br /> --_ - . I�tat�caalca � -__
<br /> .,: �. -----
<br /> � TopMher wlth atl b�st�d{rr�s.imp�ovements,fixtures streets,alleys.passageways,easements,righta,prlvNeges and t�ppurte- .-°- _
<br /> aa�ces Ipcated Mereon cr Ln anywise pertaining thereto.and the rents,issues and profits,reversions and remainders thereot.and �+�_
<br /> �•,:
<br /> .° � such peraonal property th�Y:�attachect to the improvements ao as to constltute a Tixturs.inctudtny,but not timited to,heatin�and ��•�.:
<br /> ' caoling equfpmen�an�tagd�ser with the hOmestead or marital interesis,if any,which Interests are hereby�etease0 and waived•811 iy{;.�._
<br /> • o!which.includinp replaC�+nentsand additions thereto,is heraby declared to be a part ot the real estete secured by the lien of this �._ ,.
<br /> . �`'" Oeed of Trust and a1!ot Svs#orepoing being refened to herein as tne"Propertyl". �i�';"F'-=
<br /> F.R -
<br /> ThGF Qered ot Ttust sdali aecure(a)the payment ot the p�incipal sum and lnterest evidenced by a promissnry note or c�edit �'�.=
<br />-�- . . ' -.
<br /> � a�raemer:r3ated ?���a..Lt ;having a maturlly date of June 7, 1996 . , �
<br /> % in the oripinal princlpaF•amaunt ol 5 75.�.� —,anA any and ai!modificaUona.extertstons and renewais -
<br /> � thereof or thereto and sr�y and all tuture.advancea and readvances to Borrower(or any ot them It more than"ane}he�eunder ' 'Y"``':
<br /> �.,...
<br /> punuAnt to one or mors promissory notes or credit agreements(herein calted"NOte'q;(b)the payment of other sums advanced by .},_ :
<br />- •� Lender to pratectthe security of the Note;(c)the pedormance ot all covenants and agreements ot Trustor set forth herein;and(d)a0 �_
<br />_;� •�� ...,_
<br /> � prnent atb futuro indebtedness and obligaUons ot Borrower(or any of them it more tha�one)to Lender whether direcL indireCL y��:,
<br />-� ~�'' absotuts or coMinyent ercd whether arfsing by note,guaranty,aver dra t t or o t herw i s e.T h e N o t e,thi s O e e d ot Trust and an y and all ,.,..,
<br /> oU�er docuMb that setareihe[YOts or othecwise executed in connection therewith,irtcluding without NmitBtion guaraMea�,securiry �';-.
<br /> ag�eemertts and assl�s��e:�t�at ieases and rents sha11 be reterred to herein as the"Loan Instrumena". � �� °�-
<br />- : Truata cwe�a�ancf syreee with i.ender as fottrn�vs: , ,
<br /> • � 1,pa�+eNA pl inO�bMdn�s�.A11 indebtedness secured her8by s�'+ait be paid when due. �
<br /> • ;.; 2.Tlfi�Trusto:is the owner o1 the Propertyr.has the riflht artd 2��thority to convey the Pra�cry,and warrant�that the lien i
<br />- • crea�eQ.�'a'by ia a itrst and prlar Uen on ihe PropeAy,exce�t FCe�ens and encumbrances set;'o�h by Trustor in w�ltirtg and `
<br /> d ivere�Q tzr 4ender be�are execution o}this Oeed ot TnuL an0;t�E�x9cullon and delivery of(his Oeed of Trust does not vtofate any !
<br /> .ti ' , � '
<br /> oontras:!°cr�trer abt:,r�:an to whlah Trustor is sub;� ;
<br /> '�� 9. T�a�t,AN�eals.Tp pay 4siqre delinquertcy 211 taxes,eC�cat�,,:.rr:ents and atl other cha.ges ag��n�t the Property �
<br /> no+�r or herea�-�er tevied. - : � ' r
<br /> 4. (e�wta�e�To keep the Propetty lrtsured against damage by fir�:r��:ar�s�^cluded w(thin tRe tc�rm•'@xtended coverage'.end !
<br /> , �.,,�, such att��tazards a9 Lender may requir�,in amount9�nd with eorr;ranies acGept.,bfe to Lender,r.�s��ng L.ei:der as an additia�! !- �, ;
<br />� • nemed insured,witts.loss payabte to the Lender.tn ease ot tos�under such polraie��he Lender ls euthonied to adju�t,col�ectaad ,
<br /> � .��.' ,,, - compromise.all ctatmsiheaeunder and shall have the aption ot apptytng ail ar p��t ct:�e in9urance praceeds�i)ta any indebtedness i'_,� .
<br /> ;_ seCUredPereby ana in such order as Lender may determine.�ii)to the Trustor to 6e used tar thg repairor restoraUon ot the Property ,
<br /> or(ifif tor.ar.y other purpose ar object satisfactory to Lender without aHecting the lien ol this Deed otTrust forthe fuit amouritaecured
<br /> � hxeby�beh�i'e aueh payment ever taok ptece Any appUCation a1 p�oceeds to indebtedness shal�not extend or pos�one the due ;
<br /> ' date ot rirr�paymenb under the NOte,or curo any delautt�hereunder or hereunder. •
<br /> - � 5. Efcrow.!lRen wHttert demand by Lender.Trustor shaii pay to Lender,ln such manner as Lender may desigrtate,suHtcient ! ,
<br /> ' �_� SumatoenableLendertopayastlleybeaomedueonecrmofeolthefofiowing:(i)alltaxes.assessmentsandotherchargesagains! �
<br /> °� °r� the Property,(ii)the premiums on the properfy insurance requtretl hereunder,and(iii)the premium9 on eny mortgaqe tnsurance ;
<br /> ,. � rsquired by Lendsr. s
<br /> , g, M�nIN�e��Itp�ir�and Qp�MpYW�e�wNh Ltwi.Tru�tar shall keep the Property.in goad condition and repalr,shelt ;
<br /> � #,:��.. . promptly rspeir.or repilce sny impravement wh►ch may 6e damaged or desVOyed;shall not commit or permlt eny waste or •.
<br />•� . ' .� detaHoratiort of the Atoperty`shell not removA demoflsh or substanUalty alter any of the improvements an the Property:ahali not : �
<br /> , "., ccmmif,auffer ar perml!any act tobe dane in or upon the Properry in v101aUOn et anyr taw,ordlrtamce,or regutation;and shali pay and �
<br /> promplfy Gl�charpe at TrustaPs cost�nd expense a11 liens,encumbrance!and charpes levled.impased or assesaad agarnst the
<br /> — - :.::=�e..�:__� Proparh►a►arry►Patffiereaf _.. . .. �- :- - . . .--- . . __-._-_
<br /> - - ` 7, Ee�tN Opn�dn.Lender Is he�eby assigned a0 eampenlation,awarda,damages and other payments or repef(hsreinafte► .,
<br /> � ' �,�''-�� "Proceads'�ineonneeUon wiM1 condtlmnatiart o�other talcing of the Propertyt or paA thereof,or tor carneyance in tieu W condemrtsr
<br /> ti •� • Uon.I.antler shall bs enUUed at ite eptlon to commer.es,appaar in and prosecute in its own name any acUon or ptoceeding�,and .
<br /> - �fatt at�o bb entltled to make Any�aMpromisa or�ettlement in connectian with such faking or dama�e In the e+rent ar►y poAlon of
<br /> i� :' =. �ca��uir���owR«taw � �
<br /> ', O���wr�rswrd�e.*wr«r�w�r��newr.iwraw �
<br /> , , :� , . , •
<br /> • . ..'�i`S4- ' • '
<br /> . . -- � -----.. ._ F
<br /> -- . : - � .�r='aar - . -.__... . -_ .-- ----� -- . _ -- � - -
<br />