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<br /> .� p��iod►ibY[LlAdeiTequue5:�IC 11���Yl�Ulg tiYC itlSln�llCe Sh�ll bC ChOStd by BaRawC!Sllbjact t0 L�CfMI4t5 , •
<br /> '��: �„ �1flY11'YY�UCh S��i101 bC YOtC�iOli�y W11�1�1G�..jf BQROiYR�175 tOTlfilltlLR QOYCI�$R.�4T1��C.�1�.�- --
<br /> ' " �- j,pldLf3 UQl10U.U�If�ItR f.'ONGl�$C iQ�IOtCCIl'�C��i1�liS llti�lC QkOpGRY III�Of0�lM7t VYlt�t p3fd$[9Q�17.
<br /> - AU�ca pdicies and crn�wats sbs�l[be acaptabte to�.endar and sLaU u�cCude a standatd matSaBe ciausa Le�der
<br /> s1�U fisve the aght to taW,the po�icics ud muwats If l.ende�nequires.&xmwer st�aU QrampiY 8ive co Lsndet aIl ioceipts .
<br /> `-�-- �p�-pi,e�i���absosec�:-�4he-av��fl�srBoana�csi�aiLR►ysA[�xn�_!ioace_ - _ _- .- _ __
<br /> _ __ -- - -- ' _ _ta tJ�a insuraaoe caraer a�od _ -- —
<br /> _.^ ..
<br /> t�dsr. I.epder a�aY wite pcoof of�oss if aot�nade promPKY bY��
<br /> , � _. - shalt be a tect to iestaatEon��of.�
<br /> � l3a.tss=L�ak��Q Hvnower c�tt�e�wise.a�x:in+c�citing..i. --__. __ _ _
<br /> _ -- .���..
<br /> . � _ the prqpecty danugM.,if.ttie"izstarrtion ar t�e�a}c is.econnmicaity feasi'tsle�nd Lender's securiry isirctYtessercd. if ti�:
<br /> �
<br /> �scor�tiun vr ir.pus is nat aa�omi�catiy#easibkt�.or ixnder's sec�uigr..waild fie tesseaod,the insunu�ce pnoceeds s�ait-1x_
<br /> applied to the�sums.secure4 by�his.SecvritY fn�tnmient.wixther,ot�►ot t1�en due.with aay excess p�id to Bo�ro�[et.,If�, �•-�-
<br /> @orro�wer aba�nclons t6e PtoQetty.or:does mt �sw�er�vithin 3Q days a natice frart t�ender d�t the insuru�ce carci�[has�
<br /> of�eoed to settle a cL�itt�.tl�en l.e�der may coilect the inwran�e proceeds� 1.adec�Y��P�to mprair or restcx�e�,
<br /> tl�e ptoperty ar w pap sums secured by this Saurity Insanment.wbCtber or»ot ti�ett due. 7ht 30�p periad v�n'll b�eg6►when ,
<br /> -------�isc�c is givsyt.:,='- . - ---------
<br /> -� , Unless Ltnckr and Borrawer od�rwise agree in�rriting.any appliauion.of prvcaeds fo�inei�at 3hali�roreatend or.::
<br /> __ postpone the due dace of thc mo�thlY PaYments aPemd w in�phs'I and Z or change tba w�wunt of thc payme�tt.�.�If�.
<br /> d,�, under puagrapl�21 the PcoQeny is acquircd hy Lender.$ormwsr�righe eo any insutance.polieics and procceds resWpng::
<br /><_�,: -� from d�nage w the PtnpenY Pnos to the.acquismon sGall pags ta Lender w�he extent of tt�isums 5ecurcA by this.Securiey:�
<br />='=� LLStrument inuncdiately prioF w the acyuisilioq- ,
<br />�:':Y _ f� Ooa�pMC� Preservatio�.M�intenaace and.Pratection�d t6e.Y�opertl+ Barr�K s l.aaa Apylic�tio�;�� f
<br /> -- ' �tl�oi�. Bonuwe�sha�l occ�pp.cstablish.and use the Pnsperty s+s So�awer's priacipal msidence withia sixty daya after•-
<br />`;y.-` tha cxavtion of this Sccurity.insdument ard shall continue to ocwpy the Propt�ty as Barmwer's principai rcsidence for at
<br />"�:�T � kase a�e year after the date of occupancy. miless t.ender aherwise ugre�s in wciting. which ca�ent sbaU�iwt.�be.
<br />�`�.� � araeawnably withheld.or uniess extenuating c�ncumstances e�cist which arc 6eyand Bonawer's conaol. Bort�awer shalt•not�.
<br />- � destmy.d�8e or imPa'ir the:Pr�op�edy,allow.th�Ptoperty to deteriarate.or cotnmit waste on tbe Piopeey. Bormwer st�all �- .. .,. —
<br /> - be in defaWt if any forfeiture action or pzocendirig.whed�er civil or crimina�.is begun that in I.eOder�gaod faith judgrt�ent: :: ..:,
<br /> • could result in forfeiture of tbe Pt+nperty or uthcerwise materially impa:�.the•tien created by this Security lnsuumeat•ar:.. ..: ::: �"=-----
<br /> ded.ia. ara 18.6 caus�n the acYion,.;`;:. .=; . �_�_-=r
<br />- � Lender�s secarity_inte�est. Ba�rowes awy c�ue•such a defautt aad teinst�te:as�►�.. P S�Ph Y- - g �s="'�_-
<br /> Qr proceeding to be dismissed with a tuting that.in i.ec[�s�od faith detetminatiod,:�i:e�ludes forfeiture of the•Bexrn!v�ei's ��"`'�°,
<br /> - ` ' interest in the Prapecty or othes material i�t�painneat.�a€cf��ien created by this Sec�iy Instrume�t or Lend�r's.se.�riry �_�''°-"�_
<br />- • � intecest, Barawer sha11 also be in defautt.if$arru��..'�tuing the loan application process. gave ma[erialty:F,�Ise or �`�,
<br /> inaccurate infarmadan or statements co Lender ia�f�i1e�1 ca;ptavide l.ender witb any material information)in connecaon with ��'--
<br /> ��•-` the toan evidenced by the Note, including,bt?`.imt lirn:Ze3�to. repr�esentations conceming Bormwer's accupancY of ihe - _ --
<br /> •"�"� " Pmpe�ty as a principal residence. If this��'nsfru:iit.niia on a leasehotd.Bo�row�r•shall campiy with All the p�-risions �=
<br />'.;: ,.•. � of the kase. If Bartower acquires fee title to the Propercy,tf�e iea�ehold and the fee titie'�<:Ii not merge uniess Leadce��nees —
<br /> � co the merger in writing. . .. �' '.' �_-
<br /> ��;n, � T. Protection af�t.ender's W�bt4�d;ti�e Propert�' If Boaower€aifs to perform the cavenanGs:u�d.�.�°ats� �
<br /> .;t,;:���� � contaitxd in this Security Instrumen� os d��is a legal proceed'mg�faai may sign�fcan[ly affect I.ender's rigii�s'��u4e, �.r�C.._rs�• ::-
<br />, ,;:•�•�:; Praperty(such as a praceeding in bankru�[cy,p�obate.for condemrtation e�k".�rfe�ture or to enforce laws or regulatiant�,'c�:�.�� �[°=��-
<br /> Lender may do and pay far whatever is nea�sary to protect the value c£�z�Propecc�and L.ender's righu in the�Fccreit�►::; �"i'�`
<br /> � ,.- :�'�'�=;d.:.
<br /> �. - Lender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a tien which has prionty areE zhis Security lastnimem.a�'�.'��-� �t;+�`-'''";-:••-
<br /> a in reasonablcs attame s'fees and entering act a":e Propeny to make repairs.Although Exnder may ta�;e a�icn... ,�,:�,•-'"'' .-'-• _
<br /> ,- �n court.P Y � Y ._. .. � . .
<br /> under this paragraph 7.l.ender daes not have ta do so. ' __
<br /> • Any amounts dis�uned by lxnder uader tt�s pa�a,�raph 7 tihall becoma additionol debt of Bdrn7.wer secureii tsy tizs: � '�� ���
<br /> � ° Securiry Inmument. Unlesc Borrower ttnd Lertder agree�o ather tecros of paymen�these amounts s!�►i�ear interest fror.i the•; . . �r�
<br /> �,..`:z�'_:___�
<br /> � dat�of disbutsement at the Nate r.�tc and shall be pa}•.:6te.with intcrest,upan notice.froin i.ender to Borrower reg�esting ;.>l:..:•=•
<br /> �. paymeat. . ".. ._ t-n
<br /> ��Y":-,-;;:�'._
<br /> `:; 8. Mortgage Insuranc� Zf Lender required mort�ge insu�ance as a canditicca.��:making the loan seeure�t�y�thiy ':.,,
<br /> ,i Secudry lastrumene.Harrow�+;�all pay the premium.�requi�cS tu f»aiti�taiy►tiH;morgage insurance in effeah. If.'fd�any• _,. _
<br /> • reason, the mortgage insur�t�covcruge reyutred by Lendcr lapres csx c�ses ta be in effec� Borrawer shall pay ihe, .. . . _
<br /> ' •`. ptemiums rei�uited to obtain�oyetage sub�tantialiy eyuivalent to the i��;r�s�9 i.^.s:srnnce previausly ln effect,at a cort _. :,,.
<br />- �{Y- substantiatly equivalent ta ih�c�sn to Barrower of�he mortgage intiurar..���'rcw.�i�.i:i cffcct.from su�altemate mortgttge ` � �° _.�� _
<br /> :i's^�:.
<br />� insunr appraved by Lender. Ff:r:'bstantially cquivaler�t mongage insurance coverase is nat availabte.Borrawe�+h�ll pay to f�.:�;�,�,,:;-�.,:
<br /> l.e n d er ex h man t h A sum eqc,u�C ra o n e-t w e l f t h n i t fi c y e a rl4 mort ga gc insur.�nce p temium bein g paid hy Borroa�sdhen the -.=r::r.;,i S,��_:.�
<br /> inwrance caverage lapsed or ec�ased ta be in eifect. l.endec�iSl accep�.use and retain these paymems ay a loss re�rvc in lieu r%`�pt';z��`':;:_
<br /> • -`� � of mortgage insuranee. Losti reserve paymenty may ao ic7gcr be n�ui�ed.At the aption uf Len�tt!:•:s mortg:�ge in.�urance :`-: �' ?��`" -
<br />•��'�::"�'�� coveruge(in thv.amount and for the periad th�t Lender r�:y;:sre�l provi�by u»iayurer approved�;�F�:nder agam becomes ' ��:;:`::`.
<br />:,;',..,,;;. ,..,.
<br />•.�-„ r ,'. � �;;.•: ' .
<br />:::,.,,� � • a�vaiiabto and is obt�ined.8o�r��es shall p�y thc premiarr�rz�uired to maintain mort�an,,insurunc�i:��ffect.oc tQ rovidu n
<br />';''�;`�.�.. '. , toss reserve.until the reyuirem.ent for moAgage insuran�c�r�.in uccordunce with any»'ntten agreement betwey>n Bcxnower � .�?�'i�.:�:.��.
<br /> • •.�,. ,:� , �. wx1 Lender or applicable law. '�-`'";````•
<br /> :�� i �:;:;.�:��,�
<br /> :..;,:;. ' F _ ;t ° 9 /espeetlon. Lendcr or ils agent may makc rca�anablo rntric+�(�on and in�pectinns of tt�:f'roperry. Lender�hall ;t.� : .
<br /> • ;,, ' give BoROwer naticc at thc tim..of or prior cn an in+pecticm+pecifying re.:w:�able cauu:far thc intip�.:z�an. �
<br /> ,•�. ,'� 10. CundemnaNan. The prcnctieis of any nw:►rd or cl.tim for cia��ra��:ti.direct nr con+eyuential:in connection with uny . ,
<br /> _ .t. ��� ;;;,�:;,�: ,
<br /> Sin IcFamit Yannkttae/Freddie�i�aLy:FliRtt[;'��'1'Nl:�1F.�7•-:l'�iturmCcncnanl� 9,'9l1 ��,utrtofhpuq�•�► ,�.;;.
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