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. ,'�, , F .�. , ... .. r ;v7 .. -f-i� . ' . ��. '��if '_ '`.�� 'iJ_ '—_' <br /> � , � . �7�° y _ <br /> , �: <br /> �a p�1Caple law mey ap0elfy fot robib�eteit�Mq beforo ne14 of UIO Ptoperty punuant to eny pOwCi q�}(Af9 colltp(�?n-OJt �' <br /> 0'Giswmem;ct(D)rntryotahMgmententorcing8ur8ecmitylnstrumfnt 7fwSewnaiticr�t�tai�taiDotioKvr to3 - ` - - <br /> aY�un�ai�uma wnict�tMn w�ul0 Ue due under�N�Suvdty tnswmem and�ho Ndte as i!no1�aetandon had , , ,� <br /> ooqurCd;@)aresenydc(aultot yoNercarepapteoragrcrmamti(o)pay�nitexperucalncwredineMoreni g�hle8aurity . — <br /> GBtPom�nt;I�ehiAing,but not Ilm ted w,reasonebie ettpmeya'fees;end(�tei�oe sucR eqlon ee Lcndei may rcasonably , <br /> tequire to auurb thet tha Hpn yf�h�Secudty tnstii�mcnt,I.cn0u1 rignta In�he Propeny end Rortowcrl obllgadon ro pay IA6 ' — <br /> eum�'ebcurai by,�i,8e0uqry Inalmment 1ha�1 continue unchange4. Upon rolnstetement by BoftoWU, �ryla 3ecutlt� <br /> Insuume qt and tMe d liga8b{u accured hercby ehdi romaln Nily e(tadve ae It no eooelua�fon had oceurtcd. Hoxrovu,tA e <br /> dghtto nlasaloshel(not aPF�Y in the rose otacalemtlon umter pangeph 17. <br /> ID. 8ak of Ndfe+Change ot I.00n 8ervtar. 7ho No�e or a panlal imoreat in�he Nota(wguAu witA thU Seaudty <br /> insGi�mcol)m5y bb sold one or moro qmea wtthout prior natico to Borrower. A eeto mny rcsult!n�change In�he cndry <br /> (imovm a�tha Lom Scrvloe�thet coilatia momhly pnymenta duo undor�Ae Noto and thi�Sau�tty Inswment..7hero atw <br /> may 6e one or more chengca ot Nn Loon Serviar unrolatcd a a enlo of tho Naa It there b e ch�hge of tha t.oaz�Servlar. <br /> 6ortower w1U be given wripen nottce of the change In aocordanco wllh paregaph IM1 ebove uid nppIlubie lew. 7he notica <br /> wUl ctete�he neme end nddraaa of�ho new l.onn Serviar and che addres�to�vhich psymenw�hould be made. 71ie notioa�vtll <br />-� alw contain any o�her intortnntion requ8ed by nppIiublo law. _-- �" � �-� <br /> 20. Ha�rGou�Su6stanoa. Borrowor chall not cause or permit the prcsence,use,dispose4 storege,or retcaze of eay <br /> Hezardou�Substanoos on or ln tho Propeny. Bortower�hall not do,nor etlow enyano clao to do,enyth(ng etfcedqg tRa <br /> Proporry that ii in viotetion of eny 8nvironmentel Lnw. 7Le prcceding hvo«ntencea aAall not apply to tha prosena,use,or <br /> etorage on�he Property ot amall quenti�lea ot Heznrdoua SuMtencea�hat erc gu�snlly reoognlud�o be eppropdete ro nam��l <br /> restdentlal usm and to maintenanco of�he Property. <br /> IIonower sAall promptly gim[.ender written notioo of ony invaUgatlon,elaim,domand,Iewauit or other ectlon by aoy <br /> govemmental or rcgulatory egency or privete pnrty InvolWng�e Property end eny Herardous Substuice or BnvlronmenW <br /> Law ot which Qortowu hae ectual knowlWge. If Bortower leame, or 1¢ no�ifled by eny govemmentel or regulntory `----'------ <br /> authoriry,that any removd or other rcmediatlon of any}Iazardoue Substance u(fecting ihe Propeny b necaasary,Boaoner <br /> shdl promptly take ell neaasuy rcmediel acflona in accorda�e with Envirommentel ---��-.. <br /> A�used in thia paregreph 211,"Hawdous Substancea oro those wbstana�deMed ec roxic or hozardow cubstances by �'TrF=`•:'_- <br /> Snvironmental Law end tho foilowing substencea: gasolin0.kerouno,oNer flamma6le or�oxie pevoleum produc�x. �oxic <br />