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<br /> ` �a alher.tahint ot�X P�aE the P�opettY�a far canveyaaaa�f liew_of ca���a�e hct�eby .
<br /> � �il be p.id w Lender. ���Y.�shatl:ba uy�piiad:�Q:.�ha�sumx secvnd by rfiis Securicy< . ,
<br /> Io t6z avenr d a`toul t�idng Rqx ,
<br /> �n�enr�wfiether or not diat d�e.w�th any sac�ess to.8wtowtr.8 tn tbe evcnt.of� .,��d�e&�an�nc o�the wrr� (
<br /> wh�h tAe fair mtrkiet vaiuG of the PtopeKy imtncdi�telp befae the takin is eqtat!to.rn'.g�AiC
<br /> �Secuci. instru�neot�mocdiately 6efwa.thc taking,eu�ksg Barrow,e;�xt f:�i�kr aherwise agrec.i�;►vciEinB. �
<br /> - -- —=-c�.+��d-becthi___=1Y ---r- s aw' ih�:�o1�4!!ruu&__...._::._..:. ._.
<br /> �hc swes sxut�M-1�Y�h�s_Secun[Y��stra�i`i�t�dacrd-by"the�st.o��•pt'oc� _ ��!�_
<br /> the ma!amwnt of�f�e sums srcu�rd;�aii�ediatefY befare the taiEing:divida�:tt�(b1 the fairmarlcat r�r.�rt:at ilic.- -- �---
<br />- _ --�laa: (a�__.r-, - . .- - ' �o-Bv�awer In•t!i@:¢vtni'o�a p�cti�f takinB af tbe,---- --- ----
<br /> r. __ - . p�y �ty 6efae tTie-ta3u�tg:-Rng ba��D,�F�°�efoie:ih�ta�nS-i�tes�ihaQ the amoemt of flie sumi= -- _
<br /> ptopeAy in whicb ti�e fair ma�icetvaiucof tBe Pra@ert�r-ast�ESE
<br /> secucrd�nunediacety befae the tafcing. uaks�Borm� �cured bY tl�i,c Secunat��Etiimeac wdetbe�not�the.sums are'
<br /> otherwise pmvides.the p�ocads sl�ll be appiied
<br /> tNas due. �
<br /> � b Aarower:oc if.after notioe by i.ender ta Borr�sw+et thae the�of�ets,tQ maka... .
<br /> If tbe P�openy� abandoned Y . .
<br /> ---- � - - =an awaod.�settk a ctaun for damages.Bornower fails tu nespond to Lender withia:3Q:d�}!&�fter the date the�twt�e or�Yti����_' _. .-- -- -
<br /> I.endec is aut6on'iedio caiLa[and appiythe p[ocaeeds:ai its-np�ass._eiches-to-[+�Saratio�.nr.tepalc of ihe.�rOR4RY_---- --_ --
<br /> sums secuted bY this SecuritY Insuument.`vt�etlxr or not then due. to nsi ., shal�.twt.txten�t�s,
<br /> [Tnkss Lender and Bo�mwec ai�erwise agc�ee sn wruing,a�ry aPP 1 and 2 ar cha�8a;.,��E A�SUCh p�}�[UC11G9:.
<br /> postpone the due date of the maathlY Pa}�us�efets�ta in�
<br /> lI. �ower Not Relessed; F o r b�a r s n c e B l i�� Not s� W�ixtr.. E.'cc�[t�m of ti�e.�cim�c,:fa�:pa'y,�4nt��Aa��
<br /> --- modificatiomaf amortizatiort of We swns secured hy this SecenitY Inawment granted:b�,Lender to any�sacceswt�a interc;±�t:,l ..
<br /> of BaroweF sha11 na aperata to rekase the tiabiGty of ttie origin�!Borrower or Buri�swer's�essa�s m intercst.l.�ndeit�-s,..,'=�•.
<br /> sbalt aa be requit�ed to commer�ce pcoceediags against any successor in imc�st:ur:�refuse co extend time fa paymenc or � ,
<br /> �y�modify,amo�zation of the sums secured by this Security Instrumea�t b�•�af a�y demand ntade by the original , .
<br /> an ri t or remedy shall not be a
<br /> gorrnwcE or Bormwers successors in intetest. Aay falxatance by Leixter iR_ca�ss�nS Y Sh
<br /> '_ waiva of oe pmtude the exersise of anX right ar remedg. ,,�`�""':,�,'�:"�I�1C COYCp�IS 811A S$[CCt11���5 Of lhiS
<br />':_'�1 iZ. �iA��BOYQI�S'JO�dI AA�.SlY!!a����f;rr�e'a5!'�'^"
<br /> "�-°::� Seauity l�ument sha116ind and 6e�t the succes.wrs and assians of LeRC�.�ad.Barrower.sublect ro the provisions of
<br />'yr:=-
<br /> '"�� � P�B�Ph 17.Bormwer's covenarrts and agreements st�all be jaint�ad sevec.�'-,�t Borrower wha co-signs this Securiry
<br /> Inspument but daes na execute the Nae: (a)is co-signing this Secwity lnstrumeitt oniy to martgage.g('d�1L 3D�COlIVCy t11�E
<br /> - Borrawec�s is�.�sst in the Propeny under the tcrsns efha�t I.endernatyitdj��o her (Horrower m��e to exgtend,modifY foSrbe�'
<br />=,':'.:: - �ure�by tb;'Security lnson�men�and tc)agrees Instrument or the Note without that Bocrower's '
<br />-;:i�:', or make�sy:,a:cammodations with c�g�i.to the te�of this�Security
<br /> �: . Collsttll. - ` ,- ' �• °
<br /> � �C��,• �����ie�i�y,c tb�.Seeurity Instniment is s¢bject ta a taw which sets maximum laan
<br /> ��� c►�est or ott�er loun charges�ollected or to be coltected in conrxction
<br /> • ��13f$CS.�t}!3l faW I5� '�LQ3 i � 5U:I��[.''..
<br /> 1 with tf�e loacr exceed tbr.per�itted Timi�:,�tfx_*:;ta)�ie��ch loan chargc shall bzr�ced by the amount necessary to reduce
<br />-"�, [he charge to the pertt�i�^�}tim�a�ic�.t1��+:a��2lreAdp eollected from BomnF�.�ich exeeeded permitted limits will b�
<br /> _- r�funded to Boadwe� Le�de►m?Y�`�f'a'nake�ns refund by reducing the pr�itc?pal awed.under the Note or by making a
<br /> direct payment to BarmK�ec-If a refuad re.iuces prirr�.pal.the reducaon w�ll 6e�'.�ed�a paraal prepayment without ar►y
<br /> pc+epaymeat chazge under tY-�Note..
<br /> 14. Notices. Any naice to Basrower pn�vfdect t'or in this Securit�`1ns�u�ien��hall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> mailing it by first clas.s mail unlc�s:s applicable law requires use of another metliutf..'k'fte notice shail be directed to tl�PcoperiY
<br /> �� •• Address or�uny.other addre�.s Bo�rawer designaces by notice to l,eis�er.� Any ctatice to Lender sl�alt 6e givcn by first class
<br /> mail to Lende�'s address�tated hereia or any other address l.ender cfi�s?gnatcs by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for:
<br /> . '. in this Security Instmm�i�,sh�lUbe deemed to have been given tu Barroacr.ar Lender when given as prov�ded itt thi.s
<br />-. . ���• . �firverabvi 'il�i�Security ln.ti-trumem��hall be�a�emed by federrl law and die law af the
<br /> iS. t��overning Law; tyt � .
<br />, r; jwisdictjon in whlch the�operty is lacated. ln the evenc that any�p�ovisian arcG�a�e of this Securitv Instrument or the Note
<br /> ' � conflicts with applicablelaw.�uchcaa.�i.:t�fi3li'not affrct oth�rprovit+on!+af ihi�Securiry instrument ar�he Note which can
<br />...��1_.� •.
<br />;;:;��t . � be glven effect wtthout the conflirtisrt Qrovisionu�Tt�•thi��end.ihc provisions of ifiis Securit� instrument and the Note ar�
<br /> �•"'� � declared to be severable. �
<br /> , 16, BorroW�'+�(;�pv 8ortower shail be given onacvnformed�°PY of the Na�te and oi this Security Instrumem.
<br /> � � 17. Tnnsfer otthe�roperhr a'a�ne���intatt�t in Ra�rower. if a![ar any part of the Property or any interest in
<br /> '•�-•-�� it is snld ot transferc�d tnr if s►benefiCial interest in�8mm�wer is sold ar tran.fermd and Borrower ix not a natural persan)
<br />�.v`� `. without l.Endzrs prioF�rnten��-���may�at it.�aption.require immeciiate paymem in full of all sumti secured tiy
<br /> th;s Se�u�ity Insirum:�3: Howecer.thi+�ption shall not be execcised by L.ender if exerci�e i�prohibited by federallaw as c�t
<br /> the d�te of[his Secu�����rumene. :
<br /> ' If L.ender exerrisey[�sis aption:#�nde�tihall givr Borrower nwice of accefe►ation. The natice shall pravide a period of
<br /> nw Iess than 30 days fra:�;t':e date the aotire is delivered or mailed within which Borrower mutit pay uQ tiums secured by this
<br /> ��� Security lnstrument. If Borroaer faif.to yay these +ums prior ta the expiratian of thiy period. L.cnder may invoke any
<br /> temedies pertnilted by lhis Seeurity Invrumenl w�thom funhcr noticu:or demand un Bnrro�re*. ,
<br /> 1g. $orrowee's Rig�t tu Reiest�ta If 8ortower n�cet�w�rta�n a+nditic�ns, 8orroa�er�hall have the right to ha�e
<br /> � � enfatcement of�hiw$ecurity Instrument diuontinucvf:�t any time prior to the rartier of: 1a15 daYti(or�uch���her periad u�
<br /> - 51ie�IcFamily..ineekttae1fteAdk�facCtilt�1R'►Ll�ti'17tL'�IEtiT•�('niformC��venam� 9!!A ipuc����►ry/'�'c�a�~r
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