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;����: -_ __ - <br /> ==�= 93= �oqao� ' <br /> — 1�.�� _ <br /> W OureraNOlRfMuid.E�tonabnolNStlmerorpayir�antormodlnoatlonbfunonisatlonolM�ium��eoun0bytlfl� <br /> —� onwotTrun antweyunartom aucaawrmmroroaolBonmvu�h�nnoloparabtorNsse�.tnuiyuuentr,4'rNhbllib � <br /> _.� _ __ _ <br /> _., _._— olNSOripin�l nowarmdBortowa ��uoceaeorslnlMereatlend�nnb�Inansre4uire0WCOmm�noeprooeWlnp�oa�lnq <br />��'°-`-"'� aue�woaeaororreN�eto�xtentl�mator�oymonto�othoiwlaemodlryamoNUdonolmewm�eecuredDyNleDNSOfIFuft <br /> -- <br /> __ Dy roewn ol ary 0emand�m�de Dy Uo or pinel Qonowlr antl BonowaPs�ucoHlon In InNntt �oElipetlon Nnin <br /> ,_..0 (b) LlnElV�V6wM.VYINOUt atlootlnQ tl�o IleMllly ot any 61h�r Perlon IItDU la Ne pa M OI .. <br /> �-- mentloned.�ndvrlfhoule(teolinpNelionaoherpeo11h1►OCDdO}T�WtuponCrryDONOn01ffio�ro�porrynoturonormaetolae -..--. .�-....... <br /> -� — rNawdu�enudaforNeNll�mountolellunpWdoCllyttlona,LenderrtbglromtlmetotlmeandwlMOmnotice(�rolaeae�ny - <br /> f��+n� PereoneoMb10.P9e�lendNematudborellerenyolthetemwofmy�ue�oDllgollonaplqprantolharinEulpenoehpAraleef! _ <br /> .__��n or reeonvoy,oi asuto to ba roieeaed or roeornaYetl at eny tlma a�Isndars opuon eny parcM,portlon a en ol tne Properly, , <br /> ��� (q teka or releeee eny oNar o�edAPoOnaI eaourlry tor eny obllgetlon herqn mon�oned,or(vl)meka oanpoaltlona o�oMOr _ <br /> h�tiY,,;-,ygs erronpameMe wllh ae�tore In releUOn Nwbta _ <br /> � -,s� (o) Poibaqnal by L�ntln No1�W�h�r.My torEeuranco by I.andar In exarolalna eny dght or rametly hereix�6x,m P� . -. <br /> olhonrlaa affordo0 Cy appllon6lo Inw,ehnll not be a wnlvnr ol o�praelude Ua erarcleo of efry euc�Ayht or amncb.Tha <br /> ��k�'�. proouromontoflneurenoaorNOp nymontoltexeaorotlioriloneoreharpeabyLendoroBaOnotDeawalverolLan6ar'e�7�tto ---- <br /> -t nv<E.�.a ecoelorqte Iha meNtlry ot No Indob�adneae eaourad by NIa Daod o1 Truat <br />�x�q�;�?dh - - <br /> -._,_, (� Buee�uan�nd Auiyn�Qound�Jolnt�nd Bw�nl It�ElNlyt Capllon�.The eovoneme eno egreamanU har n con• _ <br />';y:y;,������1 kI08C ehall bin0.Md th9 dylib horevOdO�oFloll IOU�e t0.�h0 reep9ClWO luxeabo�!Bn0 lDtlylB Of L6nd0r enA TN6to�.NI __— <br />:}�:�r�(';?` oovonnnle end eyroamente olhusronhail bo�olnt end�averal.Ttre eeD�ona and�aedings of the pareprepha o1 Nie Dced ot _ __ <br /> V"xT ttust nre tw oomenlenw ony enA ere oot to be uneA lo interyret or OeOna Ne proNelons�araof. <br /> i rE<�. (o) Bpu�NlaXotlu�.TliopnNaehereCyraquaetNateoopyofnnynoficeolQorevlthereunde�andswpyotenynotice <br /> � � r o1 lelB he�eu�lAB�bB M9110d b oBOh perty 10 lhis Deed of Tmal91 t�e edd�ess set toM ebOV9 IO t�e mennB�ptBSCtlbOd by ____ <br /> j �,n�2� epplloeblo law.Excapt tw airy otha�notico requlreA undar epplicaob lari a bo glven in enolhei munner,eny notica provltleA �i .. <br /> � $ 1.� IOtlnihlODBBd01TN6tlhE116eglvenbymaNngeuChn011C0DyC6NHU0ma119ddre5lOtltON90Ihe�pertl00.81ih0eddr68sABt <br /> ` �l�„' 1 bM ebova Any notice proMdeC tor N olls Oeed ol Truet ehell be eNoefive upon maillnp in tlio mannar tlea�8�ated�ere�n.H --_ <br />;�•:.,;t;:`R,`.k� Trwto�le more 0an one perwn,noECe sant to Ne address aat IaN ebova 6hell be no8ee ro all suc�peraonx �;r:�°'— <br />_��-.}t�`;���j}��" (0 In�pMdon•lender may maka or eauae to ba made reeaona0te eMries upon and Inepeotlom ot the Prope r y,pro N d e O �,°'-' <br /> �� y r�� Ihot Lantler ehell pNe Trueta noUee pHa to any auch in�pection epeclying reaeoneWe cauae Neretor releta0 b Landa�e � __-- <br /> �4��,�t�°: InteroM In O�a Properry- �� <br /> r, f;�f (g) R�conr�y�ne�.Uponpeymentofallwmasacuredby0leDaedofhua4LendarMellrequast7rusteetorocomeyNe ���_ <br /> .�;3.h ,},E, properryantlshelleurrenAerNisDaedofT.uatendannolaseWdenoinglndabtedneeaeewretlbyNisDeaCOf7rusttoTruBae. <br /> i°� - �+- Truntea 6hall recomey Ne Properry wilhout warrenry entl wiihout charga lo tha pe�son or paroons lepelty enWed NerBt0. �-�--- <br /> rt f -'a, <br /> j�-Y TN6�Ot 6h811 p8Y 911 C0818 01 fOG0/48C00.H 911y. ---- <br /> I�H t'S.rtC•l�� (h) V�nontl PfoP�K1.Suurity Apw�m�n6 Ae adAinonal eeeun ror me Y Y anb =___ <br /> Y 4 7$ `.�: ry payment of Ne Note.Tmetor he�eE r <br /> EenderunderlheNebra6ke11N1o�mCommerUalCqde9aecurllylnlBr98tlneililxMBe.BQulpmenl,endoNerpereone�prOpOrty _Y <br /> � � �� uBBAIn00fInBOtlOnwlthih0lBGIBB�flIBO�Im lOVOmBntelOCfl18tlN8reoqenAnotoN81w18BABC19fOGOrC09me0toUBfipedof ---- <br /> Jt�,">T 7ti t�a real eamto aecuraA hereby.Tnis Insnument a�e11 be conswed ea e Sacurity Agreement under seld Coda an0 Ne LanOer �F?a:v <br /> ,,, q61��� ahellhaveallt�edphtaanGromedlnealaeecureAparryundoreeidCodelneddltionto�hodgl�Wendremedleecrga'sdunOar `�,,,� �;� <br /> s� '� endaocorAedNaLende/pweueM�othieDeeGOlTruetProWdedUatLender'eNghbanAremeAleavndwNlapurtgraptisha�i �;���r��- <br /> J'�<<�v�Y�t' Bprtowor�o�Trus orand In no way e IlmiNtlon on.Lendera riBhte and rema0lea un0er eny oitier eecurtty egreomsntsigna0 Dy �`����y c ,__ <br /> �i+�f��tF t Q U�m md EnoumbwneeePTrustor nereby wavenle en9 repwao�e[thore is nPO�1�W�uNeeeaNeet InsVUmont or tt�.���/���,1 `° <br /> --1<�y�,tS* mon egB.Geed ot W841eaee or ure�eae conVeel Aaser�bin an or en rt ol the Pro 0 <br />:`�=tf;�:;ii�q;','•: agreement eonetlNtlnB e Ilen or encumbrenee egelnat ell or eny part ol the Property(eolleetivaty,"Uen�'�exlsUng ee ol Ne �.��r,?.p�;��..�.. <br /> Y +� N date ol lhls Deed ot TrueL entl ihet eny enE all ezlsling L1ens remeln unmodiBed exeept ae dieeloaetl to LenAer in TrosWre �'�;"�tk°`5 � . <br /> x T�j_�}}�� Wriflon di8cio6ure ol Ilene eM encumb�encea provldod lor hBiein.Truntor she11 tlmely pertorm ell of Tmalor'e oDligatlona, ;='f✓t°f 4'.,,;��:__-. <br /> ,�'�� t��- covonanle,repreaenmllonnendwerrantlaaunAeranyendellezieltlngendNNreuenAe�allprompyrtorwardtoLentleroopiea �¢r� i 3,; - <br /> M . *.:� ol ell noliC6a oi Celau�l sent In connBClion with afry anC ell exisling or lulure LIBnl.9nd s�all nol wilh0ut LonCefe D�ar wrltten �� :� �� . <br /> ��-,�' � ooneant In eny manner motliry the Drw�siona ol or allow any 1uNre aAvencee under eny exiatlng or fuNre Liena -- 1 j � �` � <br /> c � YJ ; N ApplloalbnolVeymenU.UnleasoNarw�soreqWredbylaw.�umepaidtoLenOerhereundor,includlnpwlmoutlimimuon �,_}.- ts�'�� '. <br /> � , -}� 1 peymonle ol pdnelpel and InWrest insuranee procoed�,eondemnalion proceeAa antl renb enU proti4t�hall 6e epplleC Dy r,��;,�' F 1 _. <br /> �yiSit', �-enAertoNeamounteEUOnndowinglromTruatoren08orroweilnsuChorOeraeLenOerinNeeoleAiacretlondee�roEeaireble. � ��� ,t� ,�; <br /> � �f,j (W 8w�nblllry II any prwis�on ol tMe Dead o1 Trust conllicle wuh epp�lcabie iaw or ia CeelareC Imatla or olharwiae y.��t�y„�*'� <br /> � �_ unOnto�ceebto.6ve�con111ct or Invelidity ehell not aflect the other proviaone ol Nia DeoC of Tmet or the Nole whi0h cen De y <br /> �i� ��a-;.� glv9ne11ectwlNOUtlhecon111etlngp�ovision,endtolhisendtheMOVisionaollhieDeeCotTruetenCMeNOleeroCecleretliobe r wk�i, �c�s��-. <br /> � f:, sevoreDlo. � `�� <br /> t��s ' ), @ Tlrmf.The terme'Tmalor"end"BOrrower'ehall include EoN empuiar and pWral.aM vAien Ihe TmalM end Borrowar ��r�" �� _� <br /> ,� < G ere N0 eemo pBr6oM6).Noae Mrma ea used in this Deetl o1 hus!ehell be�nterchan98eble. � z <br /> � s, r , <br /> (m) Qoveminy Lew.Thie DeeA o�Truet ehell De gwemed by me lewe o11ne SU�e ol Nebraake. ,_,� ,� , <br /> : � <br /> k; Trullor hae ezecWetl thia Deed of irusl ea ol t�o Aale wtltten ebove. ^a^_'G4� tir -;�r f � <br /> ��l <--ti I/ yL,{j . .r <br /> � <br />�.,,f... �:1; ��- ry <br /> y� . : Nid-Nebraska Foundarimi �4k., a Nebraska Corporation - _: <br /> 6,� ��' � hL� - . . <br />. ::4^ I '-•.\:. .. <br /> ',-�.����..:;.i iNatW , . . <br /> }. 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