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� -} :�p, x��.ynl�; .. b,,��`;c:34Fr�3 .,r _ . .`, x , r r� . � ._. <br /> 'ti�� i � �4i: ..i._�. ' _ _ ,r m.'___ , . .. .._ .. :,,.a.;::�i�e�z.- -- �z� - - <br /> + � �- t <br /> y �-1{ - . ' _ ... .. .. <br /> •e.d, . <br /> - -�. �c�ckow�ooew��a�r oa es�n o�T�usT �13- qQ� � <br /> Ti1U8T4ff AEAP f}118 9fii0R88KiNINtk , <br /> __ �yuauna�nund�math�dooum�nUM►Tmuoriseoouta�xwuuu�owaoiYruitandnoi�moripipa�ndEr�jlin:Wwg► <br /> = ot w�pto+A�dlctlnNeDeetlolrtwtprovlde��ub�untliltyEHferonMg�L�ndoWipetlon�toTni�torMmamo�iII�lntluavmt <br /> � o1�0oflLitq6ta70hOfoEtl�4tlanunG2rNeDes4ofTrust��oludlnp,6utnOtllmlledlqth�lsnC�V�dpMloMw �Pfotkrly�ot0 �-- - <br />-;;x„�r:� Cy Ne Trultae wllhoN�ny uGloltl procaeelnp.Trua�or ropreaenta ene werranu that Nie aaknowle4gemint wu�x�bu1#d tiy <br /> -- = TYUi10�Eiforo tAs�xacuVOn ol Ne tlead ol Tmet � �' �, /�^ //n�,,,e,I�'_ <br /> i:�71 Cyll��(r�• �`--�'� -- - --� <br /> "`°' Nid-Nabraeka Youndeelolf;��P�ic.� s Nebraeka ^_c��^�°� -` <br /> �j �,� Truewr <br /> ��, <br />:"--;�:iF�h}''9 <br /> -..,:;,,_j,., DEED OF THUBT WiTN FUTt10E ADVANCEB ___ <br /> -.n..�A::.:,y.!�f . — .. <br />_.�-,j4�..;:�;r, THIB DEED OF TAU8L Ia mada ae ol tno 14Ch dey o1 �y ,1B 93 by andauartg� _ <br /> '����( moT�uator, MSd-Nnbreska Foundation, Inc., a Nohraska Corporacion . , <br /> V�� �t <br /> ,. .,J�,r , �vnose mnlllnp nddreae ie�0 Box 1146, &aetinae. Nebraska 68902-114(r,erom Rruabr�Yd31f1B1 pfA G/C1WOjt _ <br />,':�:J�p.�� :' <br /> �r�g;;?,a Ue7runea, _York BCate Hank 6 Tzust Companv . <br /> ,� fi;� wnosameninpaaareaeie PO Sox 39� York. Nebraeka 68467-0039 p�erain^imstea'�.ena <br /> ;_;�'-?�c tho Banelleiery. York State IIank b Txuet Company —, <br /> ,';`3i4yr.;; _ <br /> E� `t n� whoae meliing aGCraea is p0 Box 39, York, Nebraeka 68467-0039 merain'LenAer9. <br /> }, <br /> � �� FOR VALUABLE CON8IDERATION,InclvAinB Lendera exlension ol cradit IAentlfletl herein W Mid-Nebtaek8 <br /> J'i31��e�� — <br /> r�y��.{� FounQatiou. 2nc.. a Nebraeka Corpo[atlonmerein"Bortowel',wheNar one or more)en0 Ne truet heraln oreataA, —� <br /> --:�,;;;. NB reCelpt 01 whlC�is herBby uoknowletlge0,hu6tOr hereby irrevoCably granls.Ven81Br0.convBye anA e6signe t0 TruetBB,IN <br />��-� �'�".:!2:!. TflUST,WITHPOWEPOFBALE,Iort�e6enefilandaeeudryolLender,underandeub�ecttoNetermeanACOnAltloneheraineftereat <br /> 5I �tir�i� forN,ihe�881 property,d0lC�IbeO as IOIIOwa <br /> .,-,. Lot Fouriaew (14) of ooeoal�an's �ac��� Subdivisioa, an lddition to !he rsr9 . --.. <br /> , `t f�; of Grend Ieland, 9a11 County, Nebxeska. _,- <br /> � � lt`i:� �G"t _-:: <br /> � `°-- <br /> '{„ a�� Topalher wit�all bullOinga,Improvemente.11ztures,etraels,alleya,poesflgeway0.oaaemente,tlghte,priv118yes an0 appuna- �Y.:3;y <br /> Y � nencea locoled thetoon or In enywiee pertainin8 therelo,and tho ren4v.leauea end D�ofne.reverelone enA remeindera tl�oreol.Bnd `�i-�� <br /> � i. -F Buc�perwnal property ihat IB allechod to the ImD�ovemenia ao ea Io eonallNte e Rzlure.lnelutling,bul not Iimit9d lo,heat(ng anA t< ��, F ,. <br /> , s <br />� „ � - F' cooling eqvipmont enO topether wilh Ihe�omealefld or metltal intereste,il eny,whieh intereste ere heroby releaseA an0 wefvBd:ell �4��j;�� - <br /> -� «�i ofwhic�,InoluEingroplecemenleandaddltloneNewto.laherebyEaclaretlrobeeparto/Iharealeefaleeacuredbytl�olienolNiB j��{�q"y'i^ <br /> ���f' Oeod ol Truet end ell ol Ne loregoinp being roterreA lo herein ae the"ProOerty'. � L}?lge P _��. <br /> t r -: <br /> � . ji.�� !4� e�� �v,� <br /> ' � ,,- Thle Deed ol Trus[ehell neeure(a)the peyment ol lhe pdnel0a�aum enA interaat evidenee0 by a O���esory^o�e m credit �r --1'f� �':, <br /> t ' - "it��f k� <br /> f1- - �: egraement dete0 May 14, 1993 ,nevmp a meWrity Aete ol May 1, 2003 �+��g r� : <br /> � - � ' L . <br /> _ � �.�- in Ihe or191ne1 printlpel emount ol S '-�00,000.00-- ,and any end ell moEilleelione,extansions end renawels `>��y.{'�t.��. <br /> . .- Y± Nereol or thareto and any entl all fulure edvaneea antl reativencea to Borrowe�(or eny ol Ihem il mo�e Nen one)hereunOOr �,.r . <br /> tr <br /> 13-' .. pursuanl to ona or more promlaaory noles or cretli[egreemenU(herein wlled"NOte'1:(D)Iho paymenl of oNer suma aMenCeA by s _�,�� 4•�. <br /> -- i LendortoprOleetl�eeeCVdtyoH�eNOte:(c)IhepeAOrmeneeolaltcovenanteanOegreomenUOlTruabr6otlarthherein;and(�9�� - 6 �� � <br /> ti -1 1 preaent end fWUre Indobletlneas antl obligallona ol Borrower(or eny ol them il more than one)to Lendor whoUiar Girect.InClreCt. ?�';,� , <br /> i `F� ebaolule or conlingant end whelher eriaing by note.quarenry,overdrelt or olhorvdao.Tho Noto,Nie DeoC of Trual flnd any entl ell �.�; ��s -'. <br />'i,y�"-;-';t olhertlauenleNeleeeuretheNoteorotnorwiseexecmetlinconnectionNerewilh.ineludingw�moutllmilationguaranleea,eecuriy �_.�;.�5'�{;-_'f- <br /> -���w;�':';�° egreemonle end aaeipnmente of leeeea end renU,shall Ee relerced to herein et the"LOen Inauumenls". ���=- ° <br />�•:-:+:; � . Tru6tor covenanls and agroea with LenEer as lollowa: <br /> 1. Payment 01 IndObleEnot6 All intleblatlne68 BetureC hereby ehell bg poid when Aue. � � ; ��� �- <br /> .y.�_; _ 2.Tllle.Tmstor le�he owner o�1�e Properry•hae Ne tlgM an0 aulhority b convey Ne Proporry•anA warrante that Ihe Ilen 4 -- <br /> ' -:y : ereeled hereby�a e liret anC pdor ilen on 1�0 Properry.exceD��or Iiens anC encumDranCee eet Iorlh by Truslor in wdling enA . <br />-'S�� - �-; doliveretlloLenderboloreexecutlonolNieDeedolTroaCanEthaexecuuonanAOe!iveryoll��eDeeAOihuslCOeenotviolateeny . - <br /> - -�-����:,. conlracl or other obilga�lon to which imslor is sub�ecl. �:.. ', <br /> ' �''���^�' 3. Taxe�,Ai�efunenp.To pey belore Aelinqueney ell tezea.special aaaessmems an0 all ot�e�c�arges epa��st tne PwpeM . <br />"- - ���" now or herealter IeviBd. " <br /> `� �t 4- Inturanea.TOkeepiheProperlyinSU�edeqeinal0amagebyLre.haaartlsmcWtleOw�mmme�erm"exte�0e0corere8e'.enC ' <br />�,'�� ?�:7,,��t euch ot�er hezBrAe ea Lentler mey rBqWre.m amounie an0 wi1�companies accepleDle W LenOer,nemmg Le�Oer as a�eCClbo�a� � ' � <br /> � named inlured,WII�losb peyebl0 to the le�Ce�-��Case ol loea u�Eer Such pol¢ies.l�e L8n0er is eulhOnzeE lo aE;us[Co��BCt arttl . _ <br /> �'`�r�'•-+ ComO���ge.allc�L�mgthereuntlerenESheiiharelhooplfOnolappiyingellOrpenollheinsu�a�Cep•oCeeCSp�t08ny�n7ebteAness ' - <br /> - �°`� BecuretlhBrBbyenAinauchorE8resL8nd8�meyE8le�mine.pplolheTmel0�to08uSeEb�lhereparco�'e5torelionollhePmDenY <br /> � or(61)fo�enyotherpurposao�ob7ect88fiefatlorylole�derwithoula�lecfinginehenotin�sDee0olTrustbrine�ullemoc�'secured <br /> hereby bofore euCh poymant ever look place-Any apphcation ol proceetls lo��tleble0ness S�aii�ol exlenU Or pOSt�n�e me Oue <br /> .�--��-- Eale ol any peymanls unOer Ihe Nole.or cure any OelaWl 7nereunGer or nereu�Eer <br /> _- 5. EtCro�r.Upon wNllen Uemend by Lendec Trusb�ehall pay to Lenaer.m suM manne�es LenOer mey Osl�p�a�e.Sulllaent <br />�� aumetoenableLenderlopayaefhny6ecometl�eoneormo�eollnabno�v�ng_planta:ae.assessmenlsantlotho�chargeaegalnst <br /> ^��+ -- - Ne Proporry.(li)Ihe premiums on tne O�openy msurence repwma nereu�ao�.anC pu)Ihe D�emwms o�e�y monge9e msu�a�ce <br /> -<:,�:�- �• repWretl Dy LenCer. <br /> - 8. MalnlonOneo,Flopaln end Complianeo wNh Lewb 7�ustor e.^.ae keeD�he Ptope�ly in g0o0 con0�tion en0�eDa�r,sna�l <br /> �'.y'-�� O�omDUy repelr,or rep�ece eny impwvement w�itn may Oe Oemaqe0 or tle3ir0y¢tl. snall not commit o�permft a�y weele or <br /> deterioraUOn ol Ne Properly:aha11 nol remove.Aemoiisn or suesientia�h'aiter any ol Ine fmDrovemeMa on Ihe PropeM�sha�i not <br /> - -� � crommiL6uHerorpo�mitanyecl�obeAOneinoruponl�ePwperryinvwia0onolanytaw.orO�nance.orrepWanon.anOSnal�Oayand <br /> , '"'�„� promplly Ciecharge al Tmetor'e cost a�C ezpenap ell uena,encumDrances anA c�arges IevieE.impose0 or esaeased ege+nat IAe <br /> �;i ::�' � �. PropO�fy or any part itlereol. <br /> '"';j�(��• '` 7. EminOnl�omaln.LBnder�e ho�eby a6s�gnetl all Compemalion,Bwe�de.Cemeqea end ol�er 08ymenU Or rolwl(he�o��etter <br /> ;.. <br />�'-:!<+5�-1'}, ; "PrOCBfOa')InconnBCUCnwilhCOndemneFOnoroiherlekinpolinaProperlyorpartNereol,orlorconr9y9�Ce����8uo�con0emne- <br /> rf.-i' ,' �� Ilon.Le�Oer sha11�o on��letl al ite option to commence,aOPear in antl proaecute m ib own neme any aeM1O�or Oroceedmge.e�d <br /> - �'"'r)•": s�Bll a16o be enOtletl to make any compwmlBB Or BeNement In connecllon wllh such lekmg Or EemapO.����e evOM eny porfion ol <br /> ^�i't..'s} .[ <br />. .. •i' x�CAqIMavVavnwn0um�et0.!/ � � _. ___. <br /> �IMOIbIW�MNdCMrFni�w�Wllrnry4xF�len l+mltiYNe���� <br />