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'S - -'�( - -- " t <br /> - 1a MkcWkMOwiroyktone. <br /> t��F� 6r.�nNOnoltlieUm�rorRMYm�ntamoOiROOUOnb1 �r �s„w��py��� � -- <br /> 0KdcrRUEtp�n�i� CedaCraotryeueD�7:or�niMaGrotBonowpr!S�IlnotoD�te}arelte�irle.�ym+��,m�1�+4�AN <br /> � � olMOOrIQInalHOrt0N8ilItA80ROw�ViWacaifOninlnMrnll.Nt0er�11Yll�liotbe[iWulrWl000mRIM0aprODpolp$1 ' .. .. <br /> wChweN![orar6N5lIOeXNnOUm�PorpeymentorOUieNANmOdIb/motlluHOnolN��umlitCUnd6yW10l90 TNp <br /> by rxwn nf u+Y d+itunE�m�d�ty 1h�oiWmei qarower�no BonoWiri cueoNwru m Inipwt <br /> _a— (b)L1n�Y�FOwOt1.WINoN�tl�011np NO llltpllib of�rc1 oN�rp!rwn��bN fatlN pty�n t ol Iny oE0p�t10n AKNn <br /> . ... -.•-., men�aKd,antlwlNOUlalfoctlnpNOlWnore�arpoolthleBeadotTruetuponenypprt�onolmeDro}ertynot�hx�o�NxNOfa� . . . <br /> � nlx�adwaeurlbfortMNO�mounlof�llunptlAOWytUOnFl.�ndy�e�m�rifranWnsloUm�uNxAthoutno11o1��(NM�aMNy <br /> - = == oi r�oconvey or e�evse o be rele�aa0 or/��eaonveyed e�any Ume�t LenESVe OD�on any perolL DOrUO o►t��N�pr�i4�. <br />__:_�� M�ke or role��e mry mher or adtlitlonal eeoudry tor airy oWiy�llon�aNn menllone0,or(vp make wmpoptlom or otlier <br /> � artanpomente wilh dobtore In relatlon�h6retw <br /> Y:+ (o) Foibsmne�6y Undn Nol�W�NU.Any lorbearance by Londer In exaroieinq any rlpM or romeTj hereunder,o� <br /> i� olhomAie altordod by opplloa6lo law,6hell nol bo e vroWOr ol or 0�0otudo No Oxeroite of amr evoh Apnt or remedsi.fie -- --�---� - - <br /> — ptOCllfem011101106UrA0000�thB eytll@nt01�87tB00t0Ih011180lOtCh8fQ07t1ylAt1A0�M811f101bOfiwiNOf0llAlIQ01�f�phtto -�� <br />_� n, eweiereto the me�udH ot tho in�ebtedneaa eeeurea ny mie oeearo�Trust <br /> ; •'f� (�Buco�uon�nd At1iyN 6oundt Jolnt�nd B�wal lNbEOryt C�p11on��fie covenanu and eyreemenb haroln con- <br /> ra� - 1;� tnined e�all 61n0.end ih0 dpMS h0raunder�h911 Inu�e t0.the re�noouve euccea�ore ena easqns ot lenGer end Trusmr.NI <br /> "���t�• eovanenp entl apraomanit ol Truetor shell Eo�olnt end�eveml.T6e oaD��one enA heatling�oltha paraB�aPhf ol thle Daed ot <br /> AnF' <br /> 3 { � Truet ero lor cemenlonoo only and ara not to De uaeU to Interpret or aeMa No pr t one a�ao. <br /> � <br /> ��: <br /> (o) Rpu�►IlorNollon.T�opeNaehe�e6yraqueatNataeopyolo�rynotieeolGaleutthareunderendeoopyol•r�notice <br /> �3�_�� ol�alo nereundor 6o melletl to eaoh Derry lo Ihie Doed ot Truet at tho aEtlreaa aet foM above in Me menner preamlbed by <br /> .-_ i pppllCeblo IUw.GxCOPt f0�finy olh9�nOG00�oqulred uOdBt 9pp1109610I9w IO De pNan In enol�ar mannar,eny nolica providad " --°"---� <br /> ,�� 1�{• lar(niPlaDoBdofTruetshellbogNenDymailingsuohnolicabyoerliflatlmallaAdraeaBCtothaothorDeniee,elthaflddrOSfae1 <br /> �I{,��P�.� txs+s�9ore.My notice provlAed lor In�hle Daetl ol True�sheil Na olleoliva upon maillnp in IDe manner Aaelpneted hereln II —_ _ <br /> Tn�s+ar ta mora Ihan ona pa�eon,notice eont w the eddreaa cot torth ebova ahetl ba nollce to en such pereona <br /> ,=.`...�._a:�:,=, (n Imp�cBOn.lendar mey meka or cau�a to be mnda roaaonable ontrlee upon an0lnapeatlona ofNe Properry,provlded <br />�ce�?�;�c,�', that lender anay 0�'e Truator nollca prlor to eny euch Inspaotlon spECl4yi�9 reneoneble causo therelor ro1810010 l6ndOre <br /> --:i°��1;,,y Inler6s11n M9 Propefly. <br />;'.ij:iy,g,:'t.�'y (pl8wonv�yano6UDOnpaymentolalleume680uredbylhia�BedolTlu+L�entler6hellreqVeatTNeteetoreCOnv6yWa <br />.,—,�- ' b proDB�YanG ehell eurrender lhie DoeA olhunt end on no�m evldendng IndebloOnosa eecured 6y thle Deed of husdo Tru6lea. <br /> :C�Ir?:3:' <br /> ��_, ;��� Tmatee e�flll racomey Ne Proparty w111wut werranb��4 W�aut cherge to the penon or Darsona legally enlitl0d Ne�eto. . <br /> �.:��.,,.j Tmator�hell pey an cosb of rewrCeYOn,If eny. _ <br />:.;,:V[�:�s:;i� <br /> �;�;; ;, m) Vanontl Prop�rty;B�oudry A9�e�m�M.Aa eAEitional aeeurity fo�Ne Deyment ol Ne Nole,Truawr heraby prenW <br /> S �-- LentlerunOarNaN9braekeUMformCommarclalCotleeear.uAtyinterestlna1111z1uree.oqulDmmCanCONerOOroonalp�operty <br /> :,���J �" usetlinconneclionwl�h�haroaleateteonmprovemenulocaioamereon,endnotoiharvrieededaredordaemad[oovnpari6l -°° �°---- <br /> '�� (j�;? �ho reel ee�ate secured hareby.Thls inetrument eha�l be connwed ee e So¢utlry ABreement under seW CoAe,end th0 Lender - <br /> -y�k 4° eha11 nave all the dBhle and�emodiea of e eewretl pery under ea�d Code in e0ditlon�o Ihe rlghU and ranedieaoreSteA under = <br /> .; ;. entl aeeordOd Iho Londor Dursuant to tMe DeeC ot T�unt:provl0etl I�at LenEer'e righfe enA remedlea unCOr thbperograph 8�811 - -- <br /> , _}v be cumuinUve witR end In no wey e Iimitetlon on.Lendeta rigMe antl rometliea under eny other seeutiy agre9ment elgn9tl by <br /> ,1f�.--.: 8orrow0r or Tru6tor. W�!±_�{Yrr <br /> ° i i '�fi (p Llsro and Eneumbranem.huator hereby weiranle end�epresaMa tha�there la no delaul�unAer tho prorlsiona ol eny 1F, .- <br /> 3;:_ mortgaga deed ol vu6t.leeao or purchaea eonuectUeacdbing all or any per�oilhe Property.or othareontreet inatrumantor �t- ? q'�— <br /> �.P, ...:,. <br />•;�,5;�?�?�`�_:, npreemenl eonsllNling e Ilen a encumbranee egainel all or eny pert o11ha Properry fC011ectivety,"LJens'9.ex1611ng es ol ll�e ��z�����r��:�-:;_.- <br /> y;- aale ol thla Deed ol Truel end that eny enC all existlng Liena remein unmodillatl ezcopt es discloaetl fo Lendor In Tmslo/e �rJr3-,',Y� __ <br /> _"q,.�. wrillen tllaClosuro ol 118ne enA encumbraneee provided for herela Truabr ahe11 timaly pedo�m ell ol Truatore obllgatbnA <"`rr <br /> ;���i� emenants.reDreaonlfltloneendwarremiesuntlerenyandellezlaWngendlutureLiene,shellprompttytwwardloLOntl9rrApioe f�.�:j�"�� :, <br /> -;i� ol all no�eee of deteNt aent in eonnoetlon wim eny and a�l exia�ng or lumre tJene,enA a�ell no�wNhoui LenOele pria wri�fen S�i��M1t f�s�r, <br /> ;-t conaent in any mennar modih�he provlelona of or ellow eny fulure edvanc0a unAer any axietln8 or MurO LIBne. j ,�-N�d t�Y, •• <br /> � ' Q) ApplleallonofPaymenU.Unlasaol�erwiserepuiredbylew.eumapeidwLandernereunOer,InclutlingwlNOUllimttalion <br /> �_q{�1-% paymenle of ptlncipel anA Inrowat,inewence proeeeAe.contlemnalion O�oeee0a end rente enA prone,BhA��CB ap0118d by i 1�=j� ��c ,'_ <br /> r-s,�!, Lendertolheamounla0ueandowinqlwmTrualorenEBorrowerineuchorderenLenderiniteaaleAlncrellonAeemedealrabl0. t��;�; ,�„�.,. <br /> � ,,- , (k)8averabllily 11 erry provielon ol�me Deod ol Tmat eontlicte wilh apD���ble�aw o�la declaretl Invalid or oNerwiee ��r 5,� �-� <br /> �" unenloreoable,auch con01c10�Invelidl f�eii nol eHect the other 0����8 0l ihle Doetl ot TluBt ot NB Nole whlCh CUn b0 * ���; - <br /> ry - `t �t . �i.=: <br />'�-`�`.%i'�".� glvBneHeetwlNOUllheconiticlingprovlelon.enEtOfhiBUnOtheD�ovl8lonsollhieDoedolTruetentltheNOt6eroGOCl9retltOba �:s?`���-iZ;.�s-:... <br /> eevereble. � 4}{i y �s_;. <br /> t �-,i (I)TOm1l.Th0letme`Tfu6tot'BnC"BOrrOwBt'9h011 incluUe both eingulef 9ntl pN�BI,BnC Whan ih�iruBtOt anA BOttOWef -`�S ti � t:i� <br /> S =. a�u fhe aeme per6on( Nose tarma ea u6e0 in Ihis Deed o�Tmel ahalt be inlere�angeable. 5:�.4 t � <br /> ��- (m) Ooveminp� Thle Deed ol TNSI Ehall be governetl by the lewe ol tne Stete ol Nebra6ke. - r: - <br /> - Tmator hea BxecutBA NIe Lleed OI Truet es of ihe Eate wniten above. ''��=''_" -�����- <br /> -_. .. '., �� - - <br /> �r „�..�; THIRD-CITY SANLTATION, INC. '-t ; y �y r; <br /> � �- imslor {f ` � . <br /> s .. 7 � / t <br /> r = �, <br /> . rr. a � � ��" ��da` � .- ' �`r,� .r <br /> - (Ronald-£. Tmsior Clark, Presideat) •-��5� �i <br /> ; <br /> .,,i:�. <br /> i .. . . <br /> ,-;r;i � <br /> :: t,}... ' <br /> ::[+:';� I <br /> �%�n.;s ;• � <br /> :��,':ai�`: i <br /> ::.`i <br /> _ _ -- '�{ <br /> •"• :-�. � �. <br />��.';�.':- ;t � , <br /> - ��f,�w <br />. �''l�I,.C:� <br /> � 4 <br /> ` � <br /> . .,. . .. ,� ._ . . - - --.. <br />