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_ . <br /> , :,� <br /> �.fF`�i 1 r:, t� — <br /> i.:'S�fY.Y � � � <br />__. _.-,,._.—_.-�� <br /> �_.___�,_._� <br /> ACKNOWLED�EPYIBtiT OF�BED OF TRUBT � <br /> �---- - TR�iQQ ij@AO TH18�EfORB BtONIN6: �3. ������ <br /> � s � <br /> TNYtOT u1MMYnQ�Np�ha dp�r�m�m M��TiuHOr b eEOUI to execN�I��Metl of TtuU Sra not s marp�p��nd IMtttN coxnr <br /> w� pf�abprOVldWforinN��teOOIhullprovlEefWbeLnUUtydiB�rentriphAandobfipegon�o4u�tor0manortWgilntli�i�t -- --� <br /> "'{ Olidlf�idtorDre�obofoClt Rtlonund�ftNMWolTru�L�naluClnp,bu1n0111mI�d10.NeL�n0lr�tlpAltOh�WlhfPropNyWM � � <br />_' u'", <br />��,��,�qs`:,, �� ti�y� thG Truete9 wllhout eMr�uGiclal prooeetllnp.Truator repreaentf and wenem�Net Ab aeknuwik9ement rra�ex�culad Oy . <br />___;�ecr,�_ TV�tOr betors Ne ez�oWOn of Ne Oeea of TFwt �win�n2Ty pANITATIOH, INO. <br /> `���� �T�P/�v-�� _ __ <br />_;,�,�c`-= � d . Tru�tor C ar , Peoa eat - - <br />�=�;:f'teY•. <br /> r.. chi;. —. <br />°•:,.��a�;�S TNbtor — <br />—.:���� J�3. _—" <br />-.�`.:tf�}}.�i{�`�' _. <br />'t>){�ji.l._t., <br /> .:..r�,F�.,�c OEHO OF TRUST WITH FUTURH ADVANCEB — <br />_ _.�.;5�;� -.--- <br /> ✓ t�, THIB DEED OF THU8L Ia mada nn of the�J_tlny ol Hav ,10�i.,Dy ana emonp <br /> a`�iis�?T� a <br /> F ' ��;i q me Trustor, �ird-City Sanitation Inc. " <br /> 1�*",� f��] OOS9 ' ` <br /> "� ���;,fj�� whosa RriUng add�ess le P 0 Box 59 Onand Ieland NB 68802- (heraln^Trutbr;'whother ono or mora� e �:, <br /> .r� � . i.l��tY th9huafea. _BiVR POINTR AAtIIC A Nebr�n4n A.••41nc CnrRnrnrlen ____ � m:..�-. <br /> , <br /> v_>;:"'_ <br /> Y rs1�tn� 0 Box 15W Gcand Ieland, NB 68802-1307 �� - <br /> � S� whosa mai�ln ndEreas i�� (herem'Tmetae'1,anA ,�� :�- <br /> �'•j�f�l<%�.rt: ° �``*�,;.. <br />_r's'-S�F.��;f�� t�e Bene(ICiary. FIVH POINTS BA�_ ' ���tAi:�;:-. <br /> i..x r.�'<n. u <br /> r�s'��`'}' whoae meilmp eAtlress le p• 0. Box 1507, Crand Ieland, NB 68802-1507 (harein"lender'} )F�'�'S'�- <br /> n� t{'�r, ..,. <br /> 1�•'.s t�;'i�4?i FOH VALVABLE CON&DBRATION.including Lender'e exlenaion ol credit idenlifled herain lo �ird-Citv ',�,z`.�� <br /> ��.�.:::.�:. ._�,y.. .. <br /> - . 't ;�'•r= <br />=$:?:_'�•..;:.�"�� Sanitation, Ina h � - <br /> ,7_ �y��, ( 0rein"BOrrower:whemer onB or more entl the lruat herein ct0ated, R. r��;. _ <br />�"`(.i,y;�'."'�' Ne recelpt ot whieh is horeby eeknowledgod.TmaWr hereby irrevoeabty grenta,Uenefer&eomeye end aneipns lo Troelee.W �,k��S%���,,,= <br />- =��t,�^C'�+�he0onefitantlaecudryofLentler,underentleubJecuoNelermaen0contlitionshereinalterset -,:Sfi£'r'��°:- <br /> li� �'n. IoM.lhereel r0 �' �r -- <br /> t -. ,- J:'F; D PeM.describetl as lonowe: `'',:�� f _..- <br /> ,,r � _r�- Loi tiu& (1)� Pluumet'6 ui1SL�1Y16�'vA� City of �rand Isls^"_, !!Sll !'ALRty� NeR*99k9 <br /> j r�r lY� <br /> J _ �t� �.i�U <br /> ,i i •, i <br /> �� ' .3�.�' ��t���jy �n r � <br /> f�31( 'T1^-y.� �� 5l -( - <br /> '���jt'� -= iopelher wiN all buildinge,Improvemema.t�xlu.ea,evoe�e,etleys.passegeweye,easemen�s, righn,privilepee end appurte• t ,y(�f,��t <br /> :;,�_,_F�, nanws loceled thereon or In anywiae perlalning t�eielo,and Iho reme,issuea anC profiu,reve�eione eM remaindera lherool.end ��;i�:.;,{F��.;__: <br /> ._, �ueh par6onel Droperty thel ls ettechetl to Ihe ImprovemeNe eo es ro constiWle e IixluroJnelutling,bu[not Ilmiled lo,heetlng and �Y (i ,�xs r,�--. <br /> � .�1 eoolingepulpment0ndtopetherwilhlhehomeateadorma�ilelintereat0.��any,wNehlntereslearehereby�eieaaedendwehetl:ell �-,'��» } ,�#J? ". <br /> �v�� olwhiCh,inclutlingrepleeomentaantladtlillonelhereto.ieherobydeUargAtobeapertolthorea�eateb6ecureAbyNelionoflhl8 . �.L-� <br /> ), �ai,.y:F>:.'. •:, 'r.t�::i1t r.`.. <br /> -, r ,; Deed ol Truat anA ell ol Ne i0regolnp bein8 relerrod lo hereln aa tho"Proparty'. '.�.u� . . <br /> -1��.'.. - :�..'= ,.:��_ _.: <br /> as-, ;°-,;;���S��+ Thls Deetl ol Trua[ahall aecure(e)1he Daymenl ol the nneipel eum entl imerost evidencetl b a promisao nole ar eredil "'���'��i`���- <br /> ;l D Y �Y .. , 4 i� ' <br /> 3s � . ��1tC }1 � <br /> e9reement dated 11dY_L 1993 _.neving a matuny da�e o� Hey 14. 2003 , � <br /> ;o - ����j� �j� ;e�� ��' v <br /> �i...k��� ';� in ihe original Otlnclpel amovnt of S 49.535.SO _,and any anA eil moaiHeationa,extenelone end renewale �,7i4+��� r` s� <br /> , rS,.s �,p, Iheteol or therelo end eny end all 1uture atlrences en0 readveneea to Bortower(or any oi Ihem il more Ihan one)hereunde� t���� y'�) <br /> F �u'�' pureuent lo ono or more D�amissory notea or uedlt a9reomonu(herem calleA"NOte'):(D)l�a paymenl of other eume aCvancotl by � ,+5�+ ��{ �- <br /> -':�`�,2�?:'�,� Lenderloproleett�oeecmlryoft�oNOte:(e)�hopeAOrmanceolellcovenanleentlaqreeme�teolTmstor6etlort�he�e�n;entl(0)all �;_r�;irl��) {(�-: <br /> F� . �' proeent and future IndebteOnesa entl o0ligeGOna ol Borrowo�(or any ol them d more then onel�o Lender whether Aireet,intliroet �f��}�t/�i;���; � <br /> v' �X -:L:� Bbs01u1B Or GOnlingent enA WhBIhOr 9tie��8 M no�e,guerenly.overArell or 01�e�wi70.The N01e.1018 OB00 oi hubi enG 9ny Bn0 ell -- c <br /> 'k� `;� OlherdOGUBMflhet6eturo1lfeNOteorol�erwisBezBtNed�nconnecuonth8r8wi�h,inUudmgwMOUtIimlNtionguarenWee.i6turity s �•: �i �� �5 <br /> ' - '�� egreemenle and aeaignmenls ol leeeea ana renU.sneil De relerratl to nerem es fhe"LOan Insuumonu'. - r� <br /> r � TruelOrcOVeneN88nEa8rBOaWiIhLBnOOrBeloiloWe: "��'� � <br /> - ' 7. PaymeM ol Intlebtednosb A�I indebtedneee eeeurotl hereCy shall be pa�0 w0en Eue. �l"-� ( <br /> " }F.s'-. � 2. TIIIO.Tm6lol la 1he owner Ol lhe Pwperty.hBe Ihe nq�t en0 BulhOnly lo convey l�e ProDahY•entl wurreni3lhel N8 Ilen � �� " <br /> �'�!�-.�' �� ' erealed hereby 1a 8 firel antl prior Ilen on Ihe Properry,excepl lor hena enU unc�mbrencoa set foM by Tmalot m wnling enA �t� • _ ' <br /> ' { AellvoredtoLBnEerbeforeexecuuono�tniaDee0olTmetanOthoaxecuuonandEelrveryollhqDeeAOl7rusldooeaotvlola�eany '1��'. .. " <br /> � �f conVeet or ot�e�oDligetion to w�ich Tmator�a euD�ect �C- � <br /> 3. Te:oe,AitBAmOnb.To pey be�Ore dehnquenGy all Iese9.5petm1865aSam8�is an0 all o1�er Clietgea eg6instlhB Prpperty - <br /> - ",�� now ar hereatler Iev18C. - • <br /> 6. Innuranee.To keep Ihe Propery mauwtl agnins�Aamage by Ine.nazarAS mcWtlea w�m,n me�e�m�'et�entle0 corerege'.enA <br /> _,,��� 6uch Other hezerLS ea Lender may reqw�B.��nmounis anC wdn comDO��es acceptabie m LonOer.nemmg LenOOr a6an fltl0ibonal -' <br /> 08100�Ip6111B4.W1111109b P8y8bIC IO IhB LBfIdBL In C058 OI 1054 unOBr 3uCh COLtlCS.IhBIOnUB��5 8ut110�R8d�O 8tl�ubl CUIIBC18n4 <br /> �`-' ` compromise,ail claime fhe�eunde�and sheil�ave��e opLOn o�apptymg an or pan o���e msurance proceetls p)lo anY rtWebletlnesa <br /> � '•�'?"�^���� 9ecurotl�ereby0�tlineuchOrtlnroaLOntlermayEele�mine.pqtotheTroSto�tobeusetlior�ne�epalrorresbrelfonollhBPmperty <br /> �..`r.ti.r,: .:: <br /> -S.e.y+`.5..;+� or01p1oranyoNerpurposeowb�ecisabalaclorytoLe�tlerwnhoutallecungmeoenoNh�sDeotlolTrus��ortholuiiemounteecured <br /> ,,., ,�f hereby Delore sucA poymenl eve�look pioce Any appliceUOn ol proceeds lo mOeDte0�es5 s�ali not oalan0 or poslpone��e due <br /> �}_„-, ' Cale ol any payments under the No�e.or cure any delaW���e�eunaer oi hereunGe� <br /> :'--;s:yG'�'•�i 5. EtDrow.Upon wnnon demend Dy LenOer.Truslor ehell pey lo LenCec�n sut�manner as Le�Ca�mnytlesig�ale.sulLaent <br />` '�,SI,S,,�•_-.e numatoeneCleLendertoDevaelhevbecomotluuoneormo�eollhebilowinp.(qnllleaes.nssetsmentea�0olheroharqesayamet <br /> T`r,i;''�f-fiz°"�� Ne Prope,ty.(II)Ne D�emiums on I�e O�opo�ry insurence reQmreA hercunde�.an0 Gn)Ine O�em�ume o�eny mortgaqo msurence <br /> -��:.}:;�iiF3.,l,-:�:; ropWreU by Lentler. <br /> `:�; :,•�--� L 8. Malntenaneo, Ropaln entl ComP��anw wtlh Lew�.Tmstor ena�i keep the Property�^9000 contlmon anC reDart.enan <br /> :�;i`� ��;.1. promplly reDOlr,or roplace any improvement which may be Eamage6 or tleslroyoE:s�ail nol commd or pu�mil a�y wasle o� <br /> ����[ ;v�..•t;' OetBMOrBlfon ol ID6 P�opmh.ehalt nol remore.tlemolish o�aubsinnlifliiy eiler any ol lhe�mprorenent�on I�e PropeM�fhell nol <br /> -'-1'=' -' fAmmlL6uflerorp0rmilonyactlobedonemoruponihePwpetlymno�abonofanylaw.ordmenceArrEqu191ion[anOShallpayentl <br />-:°,-���',. promptly Elecherpe a�TmNOr'a coe�anE expense an nens.encumbrencea a�E c0a�qea ievie0.�mposed or assesse0 aga��st tne <br /> Properly or eny part thereol. <br /> - �.-'.�:°'�' 7. EminOnl DOm�ln.LBn08��e hereby aalignoE eil cOmpnn98l'on,ewe�CS 08meges enG aNer Dermenls or rehel(�e�ematler <br /> "������:'��'� 'Pf0000d9�]II1COOnBGLOnW11hGOntl8mn0��OnOf0�h8�18kinp0llhBPtOpBfiyOrp8rtN0t80�.O��O�COf1v8r8�C8��h0u01WnC8mn8• <br /> y'.,{:':.C.'�y"t. <br /> �•.y;�.;y_ i� tloa LenOOr ehell Ee entllled et ite op4on to tommence.eDDear m an0 prosetute m�1s o�vn neme eny�ction or OraeoOinge.an0 <br /> ° ,:aote�i'. shell aiso be enW8010 mnke any compromisa or aetllemunt m connedion wiln su[h teking or Oamegl.In t�e event any ponion ol <br />- "��'"�:.'rj t _ <br /> .;.. xxo.uwe,.v..,�n..�o,ee k- <br /> . . O��z�x.�.i�.��a��..amw.i+�ewn x.a•w � <br /> ,, '_ <br /> ., s _ .- ___ _ —�__ ._ . <br />