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. � <br /> X 1_ _ - �� ll:�C.f�t fi�At�i' �?'S^n t���>ni�` I �- .. L-..� .. <br /> rj -_," . _ � ' - . - ., -�- ° r o � _��.._ . .-_` .- <br /> � ,U <br /> ?� � _ .... _ . - - ' . - . _. . - ��� . .} -�. : . <br /> - AE810NIAHNT OP R�,{j8 RIG�tR �o* , � ' � .rs _ <br /> — ; �. . <br /> TH18A681aNMENTOFRENTBRIDEfilemaCeaaAezehutedlNd 1DTH agyol�Y ,..,�,i0 _e3...,l�bls ' <br /> ° Ineor'por6iddinio8adi68t1EedeemedtaemandnnOsuDAlomanttReLtortpapaetOssOOfTrUat,�erelna112troPorrl�to4ethe _ - <br /> e l� � "8aourity lnatmmeM",of the eeme GAte uMen Dy t�e underalpneU, �8(91119}tU1�B1Btf8d t0 68 th0"BOR�lV01"�l4$0Q4[@. .. _, <br /> -- "' 80ROAO�OIfIQ8Dl0d11898�h6101118ftBIf8f01f@OtOBOtt10"NOte",toHOR1HFfiDEMLBAVINO6ANDL0ANA88001AT10NOF ` `-� --- <br /> _"�",� �RANDI8LANI�herolnafte�referretltoeath8"Lender',oH�eeamedatoandcovsdn9thapropaAyGeaodCeAlnlha8tcudtg " <br /> Inetrumant end looated at: <br /> '��`"�� • 305 WAINWflIGHT� GRRND ISLRND NEBRASKA 88807 - <br /> �'� ' larovcnv naaroan! �_ - . <br />.-::'h!:±.�°,. WITN688ETH: <br /> ;i�r.-;,. — <br />•�-°�E��^��, WHBRBAB,Borrower anA Lender have agraed that eny reMe antl profita atlrlbutaDla to tha proparty shouid ConedWto -- <br />��::':s,��_�� eACltlonal secudty to the Lender tor the paymeM o}the Note; ___ <br />`5'�;d�^.'" — <br />�``��?.'Z�°� NOW,THEAEFOREJtI88proeAthatthe8eoutltylnnlrumBMehallbBamenAeOheroDyendd8emedtolnoluCat�ePollowl0p - _ <br /> �-:=r�-: -- provlalons: -- . .. . <br />:__-:l�,�i� _ <br />"-n:,,-`:,i, �, /�planmentofRenisenALentletRente1Co11eatlonRlahte.BOtfoWefhofebyebboWtelyanUUncondlUonellye981008911 _ <br />- "�`�ti:•'•,�=� rente, Iseuae an0 proifta ot the property to Beneflclary. Lender a�all �ave the 88�1, power an0 authorlty during the =--� <br /> ;;;�zl��!: continuanca of tha 8eoudty Inetrumant to eolloot the renta,leauea end profits ot the property and of any pereonal propOrly ^._ <br /> �ri looeted thereon wlth or wilhout taking poesaeeion of the propaAy efleoted hereby.LanEar,�onevar,heroCy oon8ente to i;_.'- <br />�:'�';i'�:� _:�_ <br />� - Borrower'ecollaotlonandraleMionofavo�renta.ISeuesandptoflteasihayaccrueandbecomepByaDle,eolongeeBOrrowel -�- <br /> -� - Ie nol,at suoh Ilme,In dsfault wnh mspeet t..payme��t o: ony In.nbtetlnaea seCwed�e�aby,or In t�e portormanc9 of eny f" _ _ _ . <br /> �2��/`+x4 egreement�ereunOer. rt - <br /> . 5� ii- �r� <br /> � -+�.+;� 2. A000lntment ol Recelver. If eny erant ol deteult In respect to tha Bacurity Inatrument ehell have oeautred enA be � .� <br /> -x�4 oontinuinp,Landnr,ee a matter of dp�t antl�vllhout notice to Botrowor or anyone claiming undar Borrower,entl wlthout � j _ --- <br /> �-uk�� reper0 tO 1hB velue of the iruet eatete or tha Intereet of the Borrower thereln,s�all here lha dO�T l0 apply to any coud heving <br /> - --�i1S� �•- <br /> .�_;��� �mleUlotlOn lo epDOint e recelver of tha propeAy. ���v._._ <br /> �•}1�Ayi;` 9. (jlp�t to Poaeeaelon.In oaee ot dafault In the Oayment of the aeid Ddnclpal Nofe or IntarasL or any part t�ereof,ee lt , iF,++-. S-_-: <br /> ehall mature,or In the oase of feilure to keap or pedorm any of the covanante or egreemante contelneA In tho 8ocudty Inetru• �,�C„ <br /> '�i-- i.'.'�� ment, thoa t�e Lenda6 Ite evcceaeore o�ae618ns,ehell be and la hemby eulhodzed en0 empowered to ifik9 Immedl8te � Yr ,- .- - <br />