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�� _.�, _.�- _ _ _ _ _ <br /> .._ <br /> = � 93• 30�� . _ _. __ _.. <br /> condemnadon or othottaking oi any pan of U�o Propeny,or for conveyance In Iieu af con4amneHon,ara hcreEy asflgne0 end <br />- - c�sit 0;.patd w l.ender. _—— - <br /> In No even�at s toml teting of�ho Property,�ho procecd��ha116o applled lo �ho �um� eecurcd by t�b Bceuri�y <br /> Iruwment,whether or not U�en dua,wiih uny oxxe�pald to Oortowcr. In tho event of o paniel teking of O�o Proyeny In •----- <br /> whleh Ne falr market veNe oi�ho Propeny Immedietety botoro tho Weing I�cquat to or grca�er�hen�ho amount ot the eum� ` --�' " <br /> --._ cecurtd by NI�Secudty lnauument Immedi¢teiy boforc�ha toking.unle�e Bortowcr and Lender otAernlca rgrw In vMting. <br /> �ho sum�suurcd by�hl�8ecudty Inawmmt nha116a reduad by�he amount of iho protttda multlpllW br�h0 tollowing <br /> -- fraNion: (a)tha rotal unount ot tAa cum�securcd Immedleroly 6ePoro�ho taleing,divlded by(b)tho feir me�ket value ottho <br />-� -`-° PropenY immedletely Defwo tlw�aking. Any balance�hal!be pald w Borto�vec !n the event of n puNnl lnkln�of�Ae �-�.�-:---.--_. -..,_._. <br />�- - - Prope In whlah the tair me�ket value ot the Propnty Immediately Aeforo U�o�nking la less Nan tho amaunt ot Ne num� <br /> = <br />