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i. �wtiY'N3.M'.Mi. ... :vt. 1�n....: u - ...t.y..�u.¢.�t r...o�,'1-�t y a em1»i 4v uti �.y� <br /> �� . 1 ._% �� L–.__. .. <br /> .. <br /> 3 i <br /> — • _.. ... - ' . .-Y' .�-:•1- . �' _ . . . � . l L ..YF�- <br /> . � � � � � g3�.?''�b�'� _ <br /> . , . .. <br /> , <br /> , , . <br /> 'C608IfI8R WffF1'NI Ifia tinpioVa7tcnta ttCw or here2f�a Erccced on Uro pco�ttY.end a►eexmwu,appuqcnau�� ' <br /> and Bitorea npw or hereafier e Qan ot Ne propeMy. nil�eplaamente M¢aQQipdu ehnll dw De wvercd by thl�8taairy <br /> - - fnuNinent, AllotthoforegoingtaroferredluinlhleSecurlrylryctfimpstlfAte"ProFuty." <br /> � BORItOWBR COVBNAN'f8�hat 8oirower le IewNlly«Ised ot the eataW hercby oonveyW and Aa�No dght to grept <br /> and oonvoy the P1opctty and aat�ho Propeny li uneneumbcred,exapt Por encumbrence.+ot record. Borto�rer wartsnd end <br /> wlll defend gulerally IAe tUle to tho Froperty ageln�t a11 otelm�nnd demenda,cuDJoct to my encumDranas otrccoM. <br /> THI9 9ECURPfY INS7YtUMIDVT combinc� uniform covenanu for natlonel usa end non•unitortn covename with _ <br /> '�� Iimited variaqona by Juriadiaion to conaUtute o unifaim sceuriry Inauument rnvering resl pmperty. " <br /> UNIFORMC'OVBNANfS. BortowerartdLenducovenentandegrcaa�followr. <br /> L Payment of Pr�ttdpa ond Intereati�W7ment und Leta CAergw. Bortower�hsii promptlypay when doa the <br /> princlpel ot and Intercst on�ho debt evidenad by the Noto and any p2psyment and leta chargea dua under Ihe Noto. <br /> 2. RunQa for7Yuca md[nsurance� SubJect ro applieebte law or ro e wdRen wafver by Lender,Bortower�M1al1 poy to <br /> — l.eader on Ihe day monthty paymenta ere due under�ho Noto,untll�Ae Notc is paid in full,a cum("Wnd�")for.(a)ywly <br />-'�— �ua ond attusmenu which may attnin priodry orer[hle Saud�y Instrvmen[a+e Ilen on Uw Property;@)Yearly teass6old <br /> . __ � - _. ... <br /> _- paymem� or�ound rcnte on �hn Property, it en�: (c) yearly hazerd or propeny insurance premlums; (d) yesrly �ood <br />-.,;�°� Inaurenco prcmiume, If eny; (a) yearly mortgago n:urenco prcmiums,if any: end t0 eny sums Day�ble by Bomomr to <br /> -_— Lendor,in eaordance with�he�rovislom of pareguph 8,in liw of thepayment of mo�tg�e[nsuw�rce premfuma 7S�esa <br />� -- Iteme un ca11W'Bscrow Itema. Lender may.�t any tima collect end hold Wnda In nn amount no�to ucad U�e mnzimum <br /> =- amount e lender Por a kderelly rolnted mong�ga loan mny requlro for Bortowcrb escrow exount uaier the tederel Rwl <br /> �`' Estate Settlement Procedures Act ot 1974 at unended[rom dme to Ume.12 U.S.C.;2b01 s�a�y.('RESPA"),udw another <br />:r-�!t[� law�at epplica ro tM Wnd�sets a Iesser�mount. If so,t.ender may,et any time,collcet end hold Rmd�In an emount not�o <br />;..:=ri exceed the Icsscr amount. Lender may estimam the amoune of Wnde due on the basis of curtent dau and rcasooable ---°----�- <br />'<-�°'y esdmeta of expendimrc�of Nture Escmw Irems or aherwue in accaMance with eppIiceble law. ° <br /> 'Rro Plmds shell be held in an inatlN�ion whose deposiu ero imurcd by a tederal agency,insaummtaliry,or enriry <br />-�-?`i� Oncluding I.endu,if Lender is cuch an instimtion)or in any Federal Home Loan Benk. Lender:hall apply Ihe tLnds to pay �.'9��!- - <br />--.-;�r� the 8acrow(tems. Lender muy nm cherge Bortower Por holding and applying the Punds,onnualiy anelyzing ihe esttow _`-_ � <br /> y�; eocount,or vedfying the Pscrow Items,unleas Lender paya Bortower intercst on�he Punds and eppliable law pertniU � <br /> -_� Leadu to meke such e charge. However,Lender mey re4uSrc Bortower ro pay n one-time charge Por m independent rcal `- <br /> - � esmte tex rcpo�dng scrvix used by Lender in rnnnaiion wnh this lwn,unless applicnble law providea o�hawise. Unlw en � i , <br /> y� egrecmcnt i�msde or eppliceble lew rcquirc�intcrcst ro be paiQ Lcnder shall not be rcquircd ro pay Bortower eny imerest or rint„ <br /> ,� eaming�on the FLnda. Bofro�ver and l.ender mey ugrec in wriiing,however,thet imerest shall be paid an�he Wnda. Lender �, <br /> -�i aAall give to Bortower,without charge,an ennual eccounting of�he Rmda,:hawing crcAita and debiu�o�he F�n&and the {t�:� � <br /> � �`� purposo tor which weh debit a�he Punda waa made. The Ponds orc pledged as eddiiional saurity Por all sums�ecured by � - <br /> a;:� this3ecwitvinawment <.1�=.�-. <br /> ,S If thc Mnds held by LetMer excxd �he amounts pertnitted to be held by epplicable law. Lender shall eceoum�o r �, <br /> t}� Bortower for the eacess FunM in acmrdance with thc rcquircmenes of applicabie lew. If the emount of the FYnds hold by F . ,, �, . <br /> � Lender at any time is not sufficimt ro pay ihe Escrow Items when due,Lender mey so no�ify Borto�ver in writing.end,in F y� <br /> such tau Bortower sholl pay to Lender the nmount necessery to make up the deficiency. Rnrtower shall mako up the Fr�n�'"i:_- <br /> '�:i deficlency in no morc�hen�wclvc monthly payments,et LendcrY solc discretion. � �t'� r <br /> � Upon paymen�in full ot all sums securcd by this Securiry[nsirumem.Lender shall prompdy refund�o Barrowet any ���r�t� � <br /> '-{� Ponds held by Londee I(,under par�gmph 21.Lender shell acquirc or cell ihe Property,lender,pdor to ihe acquisition or �h+< - <br /> p; aole of the Ropeny,ahnll apply nny Funds hcld by Lender nt�he time ot ucquisi�}on or sale es a credit�gainrt�he:ums � 1 x< -� <br /> `; accurcd by�hia Sccurity[nsuwncnt. ,'Xl, �� y+�' <br /> � -xt,� 3. Appllcatlon of PoymenU. Unlexs epplicablc lew providcs othcnvice. ell paymems re�ivcd by Lendtr undcr �� ���i _ <br /> . .S� paregmpha 1 end 2 sholl be applied:firs6 ro ony prcpaymrn�chnrges due under�he Notc:umnd,ro ar.rounts payable under y„r tJS � <br /> paragfeph 2;Ihird,ro intercst due,founh,ro principal due:nnd las6�o nny lete charges due under the Nore. �s < <� �- <br /> _i� 4. CAargea; Llene. Bartox•er shall pay all �axes.auenmenn. chargex, fincs end impositfans e�uibmoble to �he � <br /> • Propeny which muy nnain priority over this Sccuriry Insimment,ond Icuuhold payments or ground rems,if eny. 6ortower N�,4i ^: <br /> ���j shall pay thcse obligaqons in�hc manner pmvidcd in paragmph 2,or if nai paid in�hat mnnncr,Uortower shall pay thcm on , i , � <br /> s.'h�_ iime direc�ly to�I�e person owed paymcm. Bortoxer shall pmmp�ly fumish ro Lcnder all notices of amo�mm ro he paid under ��' ' � <br /> this paregreph. It Botro�ver mnkes ihese paymems dimaly.Barzower shail pmmptly fumish w Lender rcceipis evidencing fP r� {���. <br /> .'r; the paymenu. �• r _. <br /> �;;� Bortower shatl promp�ly dischnrge any licn which hsc prioriry over this Securi�y Inswmem unless Bortower.(a)aprees �%i•t����� <br /> °' in�vritin to the ment of�he obli e�ion aecurcd b �he licn in n m�nner acce table to LenAer.(6)contens in ood fai�h the -r�`�`�'-�xm-'. <br /> ___?�.� Iien by,or defends eg¢inst entorcement of the lien in Iegal pracecdings�rhichPn�he Lender]opiniun opem�e m prevem�he '` ��`� �� <br />----f, enforcement of the lien:or(c)securcs from�he holderof�he lien an agrtement.n�isfactory lo Lender sul+oMinaeing the lim �'�•�::.-'=":"' <br />-'='k;� �o�hix Sceuri�y Insvumem. If Lcndcr dc�ennincs�ha�any pan o(ehe Propny i.+ubject�o a licn which may anain priority =.;;,.;,••`'�;:� <br /> over thia Securil InswmenL Lender ma ive Burtuwer a nmim idemif in �he li�n. Borto�rer.hall sa�ict the lien or take = -�'^' ` <br /> Y Y 8 Y F Y .�.;";:'-c. .. <br /> - one or morc of�he actioac set fonh n6ove�rithin lo days of�he giving of nntice. <br /> 5. Hnrerd or Property Insurenee. Ilnrto�rer shall kecp Ihe ezis�ing or hercafler crccled un Ihe <br />_�.(=t Property insurcd againsl loss by firc,ha��rth incluJcJ�vilhin Ihe temi"extendcd mrcrage"and am�other hataNs,including , ���'`", <br /> '�+i Itaods ar Ilooding, fm�vhich LcnJer rcyuirc�in.urancc. Tii. inwnncc +hali hc mainlaincJ in Ihc amaunb and (or Ihc . <br /> �t : <br /> •t;� Fnrm107% 91D .�vv_..lnrveai -. <br /> � +1,', <br /> � _ <br /> 4 ` <br /> ,: - , <br /> : � . <br /> .::.� . <br />. � .,.-..,..-. �.._,._.,,- - - - - - - <br /> � �,._......�rr.4-:. . .T:.-r::-.._- ---- . _ . . .. . .. . _ -n-:.-:--,•- . . <br /> ..-. . ... . <br /> . r.�, _.....� .- . __ . .. : . ..-.-, ' . . �3��.: p,f.Tf-, <br /> :,:_,.. .. ._ ,1-�. _ "... . .. .. <br /> :�r.. <br /> �:'ti�i�,; ..��'J - . . . . . ' . <br /> ;,'�,. <br /> ..r�.:�`�� _:ir..._-- _ _--_ __ - _ ' .. " .. <br /> :.?.¢ _ .. . _ <br /> " � l _ .t <br /> i E- _`, ; - .- - _ - <br /> - -':o.';a:: - - . - . <br />-' _- - �:i:� - : _ <br /> � '� <br /> -?_.�, ,. " � . _ .. - _ . . <br /> {���� -'�"' . � . . . � .. • .. <br /> �% • <br /> °� � ? :..� � . . <br /> o j . , <br /> r: 7 ��t � � .r " } _ . <br /> . �� . ,� �, r . �' .. . . . .° . . �. _ .. .. '._ . _ . - -. . ., . .1�}-.._. . .. . �'{.: . _ . <br />