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<br /> `� - � of Graad I�land,.Nebxae�k:;.���:�,'�:•3oiat: tenaats, and not as teaa►nts in
<br /> coaa�At tbe folloaiag dee�ar��s�:reN1� Pr°perty'.:,e�ituated ia the CountT of RsZI,
<br /> � �, �Staxe of Hebraska, to.irit: � ,. . _;;`_
<br /> ' Lot$igt�t,.t8)•:Ra�.loa SubdiwisioQ;�:Fia the�c��y of Gran� IsLtnd, Hsll CQt�� ,
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<br /> ,.,:,`'�� �°��', - HEING the saae prope�^t�acquired by tbg Crar�tor pursuant ta•tice,proviaioas i.
<br /> •• ;�.. _..��:�:s:., � ;-
<br /> ��- p- oP Lhe I�k�tionai Houaing Ac�; aa amended tt2 USC 1?01 et seq.) ana �Ae Depart�ent
<br /> , _ _ ,•.
<br /> `.`��` " _ . oP Nousing and O�baa Development Aet (?9 S�ti. 66?). • ,�
<br /> . � F � . r .
<br /> ,.:ffi;:'r. ,*1w`' •j �. ' {. ', ,`,•' Y•::'_'
<br /> ;;�;�;:",� `�`�':i:. �gGETHER NITH a21 tenements, hereditaoent�and appurtenancea tAereunto � • � ;f,.
<br /> �:��� and ail Lhe es�ate. right. title,. interest, elaia or•Qenand Whataoever . _._-._.
<br /> .��:...f , _.:>�:�;.,.: bCIO�$�,t , `• ..�.,:y.,•.
<br /> , • ���:'}�w =��� of t�te,'.sa id GraaLor, of, in�� or�Lo tbe same� or�,any part thereoY.. �
<br /> �. 7V.• �
<br /> �:Y ,��"}i:r.'j,� �. .. � ' r.il,i.'.'�(..;�•.� .: '
<br /> , ,�ti�:,'3�, " , , I� HEIN&�tHe��intentio��of aiL ��.^Lie9 hereto�that�!n�the evant of the death � "'�tt;;����r., ,:,.�.
<br /> „ %�:� �. i . tF�e.��.��:�'e fee simpie title to Lhe�eai e'staEte 4. r�'.-
<br /> , . : ,. of eit�ser oY said Granta�s. � . � t
<br /> '„��� `�'�'���, •� ' desoribed herein shali v'e��n:n:�.`ie �s�°vivin�,Crantee. .. • .-
<br /> ,.�,�,�
<br /> , ' �"Y��-- , aith the�a � urtenanee�l . .• � � �':�':
<br /> � ' '•�?r� � T� HAVE AIiD TQ HOLD tf}e abav��esoribed premise�. � �rP � � , • , .
<br /> � �= unto the aaid Granteea as Joiat �.,.?��ts, and not aa tenanta in cossarr. amd to � � ;,,' � . .
<br />' *;,t�.., �� their.a�siBns, or to the heirs and assigns of..t�e aurvivor of the�. lorever, and• (
<br /> r;�-�-`'�.� .
<br /> • ,::e�. • the ���f�secretary of Housing and Urban�IIevalaL`��'nt, and for his'��civoeasars artd ;
<br /> -4�:�. ' �
<br /> �:�;".,� f��' � • � a�aig�r�� does oovenant with the Crantee9 h�r�in named, and with�their aaaigns ' •
<br /> �`�� -;��- ���� :,�.: and with the heirs. and as�igns of the anrvivor of them. that the said Grantor • :
<br /> ��'�'x�,::�. : .� is laatully aeized oF said premiaes; that they are free Pran incumbrance; tlfat ' �
<br /> ' �-_�-'•�•�r the aaid Crantor has goad,.�ight and lavful authority to sell the sane, and tt�at .
<br /> � ����� , r'�>- � � r�� tha sa�id Secretary of Hat:�,ri8 and Urban Development. Will,, and. tiis aueeessor$
<br /> `;�;�' - ' �� and as�igns. shall. WARA�1'3'�and D�F�ND the same unto the named Crai�tees and ur�to
<br /> ' ' •• � " their assigns and the•hefs� and �..sf�s of the survtvor ot thee�, forever, against
<br /> � -• �' � ' Lhe �la�+tul ciaims ar�d demands olalT ,persons elaimi.ue by, through or under them. } .
<br /> �, � � � and aga.in�t no other claims or deaaitd9.
<br /> .� �,,• , � � � SG9JECT Lo alI covenants, restriet3ons, reservatioas. easement�. Qonditions ,
<br /> . � � and�right� appearing of recordj and SU9JEC? to any ata�te of tact� an accurate
<br /> _':•'. '`.. . . survey wou24 shdst. � . . _ '
<br /> .,� " . � ' ' .
<br /> � . _ _ _ . _ . - f. -
<br /> .�. , . -
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