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y n i:: <br /> }�"!t` SY . . 1. t �-- - ' ` . _ `�.-� _. <br /> "� , , +s1 � i t• r� <br /> 1 <br /> � j i . n- �' T..4 k- '� yyy;(��'�4 r ��y�y(��,.y��(" {� dJ il� v f _.. ____. <br /> 1�4{i 1 . f _.. r. ._ .: . ,� . - _!, HVf"•��`r��}f�� � 1 t���/'�n1 — <br /> 1 r ,' ' . ' �Eltqj��.��ITOiqE�hllo�{Y.� ' ` ,t � , r, �� . _ _ <br /> t r ' Th18A8818NMBNT�lhR�NT�(1�OHBI6m�EA�nd�xaDUtb 04 1K ' ��a�vo( ,,.tMY�„�'S,id�U�„+4�d�� ,tf `� <br /> - 'rcprporaibintbandehN�b�dd��iedtdbi�1�ttd�ati46UpIii616vl1t���,o_� bcor_ oodo1TiU4f�h9reloe(IQFtPr, ..,,- -,, <br /> -��swunsy �n�t�um� �'�,o�.tne.e4m�p�te�iaen 4r tne un�eraipneq,eeroind�tor rotavva_to oe tho��Uo `o�vor,�,t�ov�ur� �, u— — <br /> '-BLri�waYntOQabt�rica�ba+sincitb►re:dtrEAtopalhp"Note�;toHQ�LF�D13RA66AVINpBqN�tOAN�ae��� e: en _ <br /> ' qPlyH�191ANG hpnintlt!►retdrrodio�efhe"LenAaP',oithoeorli'odato$n0oovadoptnaproperRYtlosor16c01n�noD40u(�ty , - <br /> __ fpetmmentendtood�tedet: ' ' , <br /> � BA73 N. CAftEflQN RD,� CAIflO� N&�AA8R11 BQ82d <br />:-: twopony aaaraee) .��_':�_—.,,,.�,,._.:,...�_ <br /> VIITNE88ETH: <br />'� WHEREAB,Borrowar nntl LenAOr havo a0reed that any ronte an0 proflle sttrlDUtaple to the D�operty stl0uld ao�6tltUte-:;,_%J�1��• <br /> _= aAdltlonat eeaurity to tho Londer to�t�e paymant of t�o Note; .' . . <br />- - NOW,THERBfOR6,It la a0raod thet t�o Beourlty Inatrument ehall be emenAOA horeby end deemed to Inolutle t�e tGllowlnp�� ;.���- <br />'°_= DroNelona ° • r <br />�=�ri 1. �Ipp[p¢ntofRentsendLenderNemalColleotionRlahtp,DOnowDrhBrBbyabeolu161yandunoonAlflon811y88814118p11 - <br /> �� ronte, Issuea antl Drotlte of the propeny to Bonatlolary. Lender shall hevo t�o rlght, power anA eulhorlly durlog the <br />::r�i ooMlnuance ol the 8eourity Instrument to coll0ot the rente,Iseuos and prolite ot the property and of eny parBOnel propBAy � <br />:�?:ri IooateG thareon wlth or without tnking possasalon ol the proparty etfoolad hareby. LendB6 howevor,herohy oonBeqta to _ <br />:_=':}w BOtt6WBYeoolieotlonentlreteMlonoteuohrente,ISaueaentlprotiteasl�eyaoorueantlbeoom9paYable,eolonqe680��ow0� <br />"���`.:,; le not,et euoh tima,In dofault eilth roapaot to paymant of eny InAeDtednese eeoured horeby,or In the peRormenoe of eny '�- ._-___ .. <br />-'� apreomentheraunder. . - -�-�� <br />'.;�,i�� 2 Aaoolntment of Nooelve�. If eny evant ot deteult In reapeot to t�a 8eoudty Inatrument ehall heve ooaurteA enA be � _,,: <br />._`�� oontlnuing,LenEer,ae a mettor of right and wllhout notica to Borrower or unyone oleiming untlar Borrowar,end wlthout F���__-� <br /> _,,� roqard to the value of tha truet eatate or the IMereat of the Bonower thereln,ehell hava the rlght to apply to any nourt having -� _ <br /> . �,� �udatllotlon to appolnt e reoelver of tha property. 4c,a <br /> ,yJ 9. BIaAt to Poaeneslon.In oaee of default In tho paymant ot ihe ealA prinolpal Note or Intereat,or any part thereof,es li �F ��� <br />_i`,,' ehall meture,m In the oeee of lallure to kaep or pertorm any ol the covenante or egreamente aontelnod In t�e Beourity Inatru• �c=�'' �s - - —_- <br /> j ment,then the Lender, Ite eucceeaora or eeelgne, e�all ba and la hereby euthorizeC an0 empowered to take Immetliate %x{a '' �- <br /> = poeaeselon ot the eal0 premlaea lhereln deacribed end to oolleot the rente t�arefrom,entl to apoty tha procoade thereof to the rt<L;��,.,y,,,�. <br />:__�'.� DBYment of the Note. !���'lCry;,`;:,L;�:_ <br />��='x± �. Anolloaflon of Rahte.ieauea and Prolita.All raMS colleated by Lender or the reaelvar e�all be appllotl Ilrat to payment -�;�r�,„�;��`-=_°--- <br /> -`-� of the ooete of inene9oment of t�e propeAy enA oolleotlon ot rante,InoluUlnp,6ut not IImItBtl to,rec6lvore feae,D�emlufll8 on ---, .,,,� --: -_ . .--_- <br /> --i recelrer's bonde and reaeoneble ettarney'e feos,an0lhen to t�e euma seaured by the Seoutlty Inatmment.Lender enA tha �;�ir',� � , ; ,a.,:.z <br /> % recelver ehell be Ilebla to account only tor thoae reme actually recalvad. {x< ���y�'�,;,,,R,,._ <br /> _ Q aonelruoNonolProvlalone.6uchotlhaprovleloneoontalnetllnthieASeignmBntofRenteRlderandiha8eoudtylnalru• i��'� ��y,��; �,,-�.-� <br /> :� menl ehall,unle68 otharv+l90 spealllcelly requlreA, bo oonetmed In eocortlenoe wlth Nebraeke law, and in iha avent any ,it�'�+�`�YJi+� '.t�p'.- <br /> provlelon hereln or thoreln aontalned e�all Ga dete�mined by acourt of oompatent�utletllatlon to De unenforceaDle,tha eame ,'c�;,ti��j���.:� ,,, -,�, <br />,;�� ahall ba conatruad ea thouph euch unenloroeablo prmlalon wero not a perl horeof or tharooL ` �I�r _ �y,L47� i�-e; <br /> 1„ 8. Eftoot of Rlder.Ezoept ae epeollicelly modilled by or Inconeletent wllh thle Aeeipnmont of Rente fllder or by eny other } F ty`�y�n -_ <br /> ;,�� eDD��Qeble ri0er,ell of Ihe terma enA provielons contalned In tho$eoutlty Inatrumenl shell continue In tull forca antl etteot. ; rt^,''i;!�+r,{y_� ' <br /> �JI �i r t�r���,�r <br /> �,'a IN WITNE88 WMEREOF,8ortower he6 executeA this Aea g ent of Renle Rider on the tlete Nrat note0 ebove. � + �`t1x.,�•�F ? <br /> �-i',7 , 1 a���errw� . <br /> — �-- i� � j�r�,L� <br /> � <br /> JER Y . BOWDEI�Qorrower ,: ; ;l;hi�?F F = <br /> _"�Y[i...�(J!�T=1SJ�Lxnr .t � �.jj M1 :: <br /> orrorror � � �Yt �:. <br /> vivmN s. sowoeR� .�".� .�t%{5 <br /> ,L..,.::=1:•�,�'°�.'.F�: <br /> �� ',, l �F t <br /> BTATE OF NEBRASKA) {�? • � * : <br /> (!9: �{i. <br /> COUNTV OF HALL ) ' K4'�Si F ' <br /> On thla��TH Aay ot mpY — 18__93.Debre me,the unAereignetl,a Notary PuDllc Auly comml6eionetl enA '����' �'-.'��' '`-.;�;- <br /> qualllled for eaitl counry,peraoneily ceme�EBftY u�. BOLnEN RN� V1pIRN S. BO�� N H IS_�_ BIINf] IIN� IiIiFE <br /> '- ._.lo Do 1�61tleMicei peraon(s)w�a4e name(s)181ar8 9vbsetlUeO � - " -. - <br />� ��� to t�B torepoing inelmmenl,en0 helahelt�ey aeknowietlge t�e execution t�ereof to be�IDlhor(Meir voNntary ect end CeeE. K.- � - - <br />-�- �> Wuneae my hend and Noteriei Seai at— GR11N0 ISLHIeDiNEBRRSKA _ ` . "- . <br /> __ in se�tl eouhty,lhe tlale atores8�0. • � <br /> ; . , i , <br />�:'�;: �i99VlLIOTAAYSI1B01[tGuh _�'...__—___,_'—_. ' ' ' • ` �"` - � _. <br /> {VHIIAM L MCLELLnN Nolery Pu�i�c <br /> IR)[qoa U0.Aui iR 199b <br /> My Cqmmieslon oxpiree: —i,_..-�=_ '- ----- � � <br /> '-;(t =_ <br /> Nf tlDpNT <br /> : r`' _. <br /> t:�f: <br />.:_` <br /> ,,l� <br /> 1;�• �—:. <br />