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<br /> ' `,`'�' Po�euion of tht'Fivpzrty bavingAOx 6een delivered to Traste� � ... '• '°=r�� • -
<br /> `�<,r ' • �y ` r���— ---_
<br /> � OIf ehie bo:is checked,this Ttas�t7c�d is subject to a prior tmst deed dated........._....M ' `''•`` ' ��....�..,euecuted by �= „�;�_:
<br /> . , ..............« SS f14S101�5�l0 �_. �r':_}',
<br /> ..� � „ - as watee for the ?�rr.;:.
<br /> bEI1Cf11Ot..«».......««....«.....«......»«« ' , , ��sil�lERE�CIiTi� -ti '�'�u�e''�''ay?":'
<br /> � aecurtng paymeat of a promissory note ia.t�� principal amaunt of :.. ..._.. That prior trust deed Ka+ rewrded on , _
<br /> - .....�.„.�......................, 19 with the Recordet of .�.»«...»..�......�......................�...... Caunty. Nebraska ia Bo�1c ..�.»._.......». 'r�,!:��;.F_�=--
<br /> p11gt.�........»... " :7`���zl i�l.�'*!�.
<br /> }'� TO HAVE AND TO�iOLD the eamy xitb sll sights,prIs-�s and appurtenances to auch Property Leloaaing uAta..'T'r;�stee,aad �^%�.'�+r i�"" ".
<br /> �f �''� executors,,�dminisontore,heiro.successors and as!ngns of Tntstee forevcr..A,a�Tn�stor'in thi�Tcust Deed e�reasl�waives�retes�,- ' ri '`
<br /> 'r`i�t °�.. `:� and relinquishes unto Trvstee all right,title,claim,interest,benefit and rstat3e.�vhauver,in and to the Property whuh is gleen hy ar . =t��; � - ' _
<br /> �v
<br /> , .• �`:�r.r„ . ,
<br />.;�,_,..,� .- f•_ raula from all ts�ra of the Swte�nf Nebraska pertaining.to the exempdoa'of4iomestcad.:And Ttuator coveaants w�tb Trustee th�t� :", . sf,,.,.,..;�_;.,
<br /> • - will forever warrant and defand.che tidd to the Propeny�irct the lawful claims at all�er�ons whom�oever. . � �,;.:"'= ,-
<br />.,"�,,� . , �. C�.t;�4;��� •�, '�
<br /> IN 'I'AUSP HOWEVER,for the purposca de�crihed,as fo�tows: Tcnstor os� this date ties eaetuted a pro N�� or Lo�n �-. ` . ' '"y
<br /> .,: �,::-..._,,;.
<br /> , Ageeaer►t (hereafter "Notelll�eement"�� t►�idi evidencea a loan in ihe Actual Amwnt of Ln�h�_ot i��.».....•.««....«..» "�''`"
<br /> ^_ _ .,._,.
<br /> .. . �_. •"� -
<br />" •. : � (heratter referred to as the"PrincipaP'y,tvgett�rr xith intareat on unpaid balanas of the�r1'p�c1'$��tane to lime outstsndin at �r ••.:�''.:__
<br /> .,, "� �
<br /> '� the R�te uf Chu�ge eet forth in the Note/Agreearcnt,the Final Due Date being.........M........�»», �........�1 at whic ia : � ��.y
<br />� �` abk at the office of Beneficiary. � ;�
<br /> ��. PsT. i..; ,
<br /> � ,. !:
<br /> S le the event of�he deuh of one oi the Trustar�,at t6e option of Beneficiary,the unpaid hatance of thcAct�;�!A�nau�t r��oaa,to�ether fi -:`. � ' '
<br /> ;°s;�;., � - • nrith accrued interest,immedi�tely may become due and payable. . , . !
<br />�" �'�' ' . .:r.�f4'a.� ,. '. ; .
<br /> •,':i;%i;! � �� Until the filin�of a Notia of Defaul�Truator shalt:{1)psy all prescnt and future taxea a�1d assessmeats�genera!and speciil,against �
<br /> ;;„ ' '°' the Propertq befo�a the taxea hecame delinquent or actionablr.�2)keep all imptovemeni�erected on the Property insured�s may be ; .
<br />. r �-�,r requirad from time to time bp Benet'iciary agrinst loas by fire and other hazuds,casualtie3 and contingeneies,ip such aewunla and for f. .';� .
<br /> ;•,%i}�;. - f �'t�#:�J�, aueh period+a+ue te�son�ble and msy be sequired by Beneficiary,and to keep all policies of such lnstit�,.nce in foree or effect upon the ' � -
<br /> ;, �-'=;::�?�i,;,; Property con�tant t y assip�c d an d de livere d to Bene f icia�y:an d(3)pay nnd ramp ly xi t h n U t he tc r m 9 ai��c►j a d i t ia ns of nn y lien.claim f . .::.'";�:•��
<br /> ;:,' ;: �s±�`.��,r,•
<br /> , �,., or indebtedness that may be eenior to or take precedence of this T�us!Dr�d a9 suon,�.+any such p�yR}rnt c�n os of Ruch lien,claim or
<br /> -i�%"`- • Indebtedaes�shall bernme due.Upon failure of Trustnr to keep any agmemeets mndP ialhis Trust Deed,Bene�ciaty may p�y accrued
<br /> ti ;., �..: :a: `
<br /> _. _. tases,aad insurance premiums or pay oif any liens or clnid�s ar indebtedness.as the r.ase may Lr. The money so espanded by 4
<br /> • ��"�'`' -'. Beee6eiuy for thie purpose shaU beu intereat a1 tha Rate of Gharge and ahull be secured by this Trust Decd.Trustoe agrees to cepay � •
<br /> . ��.•.,�, •
<br /> • -� �� the s�me upon damand.Upon faiiute eo to do.the luan immediately shall 6ecame due and payabte.at the option ot Beae�ciary.
<br /> � '�-`-' Truetor specifically eoafers upon Trustee that Po�rer of Sale s�provided in Niebraska faw.nnd sh�ll retain pu�,'sesaioa of thr Praperty ,
<br /> . .�; ;... .
<br /> - " and colkct the rents and revenues therefrom untll Gling of such Notice. � �
<br /> ' y ""�"� � ' 7'rustors rrill pay end keep current the monthlq instulmrnta on the prioi Itust deed and to prevem an}r�lef�ult thereunder.Trustors
<br /> • ��� fuMher a�ee that should any defauit be made in the paymrnt of any inatatment uf principrl uc anJr intetest aa the prior tnut deed,ar ' .
<br /> � '. ;,: . ehould any suif be cummenced or othrr�ction taicen to foteclase tht ptiur truae deed then�he amouat Eecured by this 7'rust Deed shall _ • .
<br /> . --�< � ' � heeame a�d be due and payable in full at any time th�reafter.ut the aptian of Bcneficiary and in acrnrdnare with the Note'Agreemen�
<br /> `�' '' � . � $eneficiaryr,a1 it�option.may pay the scheduled monthly instalments on the prio�truae deed and.co the extent of the rumeunt su aid. � .
<br /> • p
<br /> "-�_�U-f-_�._'' _-'.�.._._____. _ .. Ltcamn eehro�te�te th�rig.ht�of thR l�ne�iriasg.ulentiAed in the prinr tru�t.deed.AU parmento made by_Brnefici�y on ehe toan , ' "
<br /> - --
<br /> ...
<br /> � ';c'=�'' secured by the ptior tru�t deed shall hear iatetest at.the Iiate of Charp�e until paid in full. b
<br /> =-_�--:_-_--
<br /> �;� _ _ .. ..
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<br /> � `,_.�:.• : �. :. Bor 4 NE 13i5.Ed.Nov.'8f�lPd) .
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