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. . <br /> . <br /> � '�'4�� ' � 19.TransTOr of ths proparty or a 6one11oia1 tMereat ln Qonov�ar.n W anny pcn oi No Rapxya - —� <br /> �`��r��'�,�<�� � eny I�taeil h tl b aolA or Venetarted(a H a EeneEdel Ntaeet t�Borrowv la aoW or Vanaterce0 w0 Barmver la not e naMeJ —_ - " ��� � <br />-b::ftiF.�:«C:� <br />�_,.ry::.,�i 4, pmon)wMoN lmderY PAa wtllten content,Lenda mq.H M opUOn,requin Imme�le paymMt In M o1�7 aums�aaureA <br /> ... .».�,f�,: lhb BawAy InnWmen4 Hmvaver.thle opVOn eM0 not be uerdsed by Lendar tl aerdae N proA0l�ed Dy tedual Inw a�01 Ne ���+_�--� <br /> -.7. �te Ot iN5 S6GUdqf BSitlumw"'�t t� � �� � <br /> �`% �Tn�.i 11 LenAer axerdsee lNe oP��� �de�eM1 pNa Oarower notbe of aeeelerallon The notlu ih�➢INoNdo �pMod ol T.,1 E:�;° . .. <br /> -} �3� not laas N�n 90 dey�hom Ne dete tN nmloo le deWaed a m�Vad rMN w�kh Bortower musl W�y N wme tw�oed 6y'1 Fae ._ . _ . <br /> �5 ' ' thle BewAy InsWmml. II Borrovre*tde to ITeso euma prlor to the e�LnWn ol We pdb4 lender mry hvoke �ny �T � y - <br /> i� r r A���'� ranoElee D��by Ihle BewAy Inatrumont�wtlhoul NMCr noNoe or dmunA on Bortovra, nr� � "�';Y'.. <br /> 9fl r�S;s;�d: 7B.OorroweYe Atpht to Ralnatato.u eommra mtet�an+ln oondtions, Bortaxa elul Mre Ne dpM to Arre ��_ht , _ <br /> enlorumml ol tN► 3cauM Nstrumenl dlaconWwad el eny 17no pdor to the �rL'tt ot (e)6 d�(a evch ofha pedoA ae -- --_ .. <br /> ; i '���'�' appAa6la uw mey apeoly la rdnahlmynU beloro aN of Ihe ProP�N Punumt to any powa ot nnff oontWed N Nb �' t „ — <br /> � # f' b� 8ecudry NsWmmk or(6) enVy of a pdgmenl mladn9 thle Bewflty ImWmm4 Those oondtbne ue th�t Bamrtr. (U P�ri '' ti,�r� ,� <br /> 5 -"�6� Lender N auma whlch t�en wou1E Ge due untla Ihu 8ewAty Nqn�mml end Ne Noto ef 11 no eeoderelbn hed oauned; (C) _�+� i � � �4�{��'-� <br />.i.t� �4..�i' . Sk..-. <br />-�t,`�;:>=�2{.A wres eiry delevtl ol e'ry oNer eovenml or ngoemmta: (o) P¢ri e0 a�mam hcurtetl In eNadn9 thla 8ew�ly ImWmq�l, �S�j��k��,}�..,�.:.,..;;-x��. <br /> , '' - i. NWmng. Aul nol EiNted to,reawna6le eltomeys'leas: md(�tekea�uoM1 aeUOn ea lmtlw mey re+soneby requte to ataure , +f\ .`. _ <br /> s i ' th�t tho len of Nb InsWmmt.LendWe d Ale N lho Pro end Bonowa'e atlon to ihe ami soourod ��S�f � <br /> `�a> �4_ ��Y 9 P�Y �9 WY kit��'��5 ��a t.�t � <br /> a����j � 6y Ihie 6eou�Nstru�anl shN wnlNUO unehengetl.Upon reNelatement 6y Oortowet, thb 8aaulty InsWment end �he ��*��f����,� �� � <br /> x" oblpatlom secured rta(eCy du7 rercWn t¢4y e11eeGNe ee tl no e�odm�tlon he0 oaurtod. Mowaer.1hb r19h1 to rHniLte nheG � ,t FF.,t�S�;y <br /> a <br /> if �4i '�ti not aVPN h trte wsa ol aocrixa�on imQe+P��yaph t1. �� F r �tM���}r`._.. <br /> 3 i'na��� 19. &A18 O} PiOtm; C�1l7188 O� GAHO SOCYICOP.Tha NaM or e •partld Intaest N�he Notu �er wAh �, �ft ���,�y`:, <br /> �r �}+�� IN�Sawdy NsWmmU�y De bOtd on�w mara Ym:n mZhcul p�br r.o•.its 10 BOrtowa.A 6eN may�Odull H�cNn�3 In Ihe i��f}�� -�k� ' <br /> i -;7' enNy (kno+m ea Na 'Lom�8ervker')Nrt eoixu monU xnb d+e under 1he Nole and Nla Be�Wty OnslnnnsA There f <br /> �t', 1 t t.�, <br /> � alfo maY b�ona a mero chenqos ot Na lwn&MCabunrelalad b �eele ol lhe Note. N the2 d �elos� of ti�a Loen !r�,tr��e f��Z i,�L ° <br /> ` " BeMOer, Bonowa x�Oe g.ven mllten wueo d Ne eha.ipa In aaordenw wiih perayeph tt�bo» a�0 epyl.;aD'a taw. ina `'� �l' .�'� <br /> q 4 <br /> � no9ee wil alele Ihe name end aAAress of the nnv Loan Snvicat end the eddrm� to whk� paymmb 6�ould bs mida. lhe j:; 'i 1� �+1 �T .- <br /> at <br /> + - notica vA dso wnLN nny olher NtomuYon requPed by�pP��ble lew. t;-� yj,���s31��„„—,_ <br /> it��:~- eiry Hezardouae8ubateneen oen m in ne RopeAy.6 Bolrtaxea hel not d�o, nw eGOw enyone Ms�e to do, enylhbg efiee15�0 the `c•��r�i i(s�r'{J�Y_�'t�:�_ <br /> ,y�, , �' Cr k I;4�s' <br /> ' �fi ProPerlY Net U N vbletlon oi eny Em9onmmlel Lew. The Precedinp lwa amleneea chall not appy to Ihe preaence. we. �<a�;, zr��f � ... <br /> � 1+y��+ or alomge on the Properry ol ama11 qwnlNiea ol Hezardoue BubaUnw thet ere penaeGy �aco8��ed to Cs epDropiiete ta .,�t tp+ � t ,_. <br /> �':1 normel redden8al uaea entl lo m�htmanee ot Ihe Rope�ry. -•. 1; � 4f' .__ <br /> �t:r.'�.�' Bortarer nhaG Prompiy gNe Lender wdmm �otiee ol an inve�li tlon. W4n, demend. lewaull or oUer eUion a , rl)i,..,;,'i,P,A;4�^ <br /> Y 9� 6y "Y t�?�����;'�'l'��;�b': <br /> �� t � govemmmkl w reyuletory eqmq or prArete puy Yrvohhp the Property md eiry Hazardous Subslence a EmYOnmentol Lew of ;���,.�;;,,1�.j ��},1,vs�� <br /> �� �� %�'�5'� wh¢h Bortower hea aeNal knoMedge. II Bortaver loami.or is nolMled by any povammente�a reguletory aNM'My. thet my j.'�''r'r{=��,)�:li}.1;�i?,h#15 <br /> - ' �<'%�' ranovelw olher�eme�allon olen HezarCweBubalanrn eMeciln Pra bneoesaary. Bonower aheY om tekeetl y�'�5�;� ,'.,�rtt,.,[;e'�>.�� <br /> �__:�i,_:_�;_. Y 8 PMY M PN' ,4r.�,.�� i ,j� � <br /> - +.�i, necesaary remedlel�dbna N eeeortlenw wi�h EmYOnmmin�Lm. - - q�r�� [�Af��y�ew+ti�u <br /> t- r`!. As ufed 4i Ihie parapreph 20, 'Haardova Subntanees' me thoee aubsleneei Aefined ae totle a Assardoua aubsiancea by ='�' , -- .;. <br /> i - " EnWronmenlel Lew end fhe IollovMq nu6atancee: peeoFne. kerosena. other Mmmeble or rode peVdmm pmduW, iwdo �1j��u t,ti�{��� 6;�ai��� <br />. ..%e.: pesllddei nnd habiddea.roN47e aoMenla, metolai�wnitlnNO esbeatos or lormeld¢hyde, end ndiaeclive me7mWa. Ae uaed in •,, !� 3�}�?S! ���}� <br /> �„ :t' pvaymPh Z0. 'EnWonmenWl Law• means federN uwa end lewa ol the pNSdictlm where the WopeM is lamled that rdale to "���'..�••y�j•,iTSTt <br /> , �'_,+._. � ' t�{`' <br /> ' heeMh.eelaly or mHronmenl�l P�otoWoa �;�-•�"`�•'�,�s/'�.` <br /> '��',. -,::,r_;.��_�,f�i;V'f��+� <br /> NON�UNIFOflM COYENAM& Bortowor end Lender lunher cmenenl�nd egree aa IoOOwa: " �f, <br /> � 21.Aanaloratlon; Remedioe. Lendar ehall glve notioe to Borrowar prior to ecceleretion �t� I+-x�' <br /> - � ,'� toliowing Borrower'e braaoh oi any oovonant or agroemant In this Seaurity Inatrument (but not 1 ,;{ �';��r� <br /> prbr to acaeloretlon undor paragreph 17 unlese epplicable law providaa otherwiae). The notioe �'.- �_"! �i::"�':'=' <br /> - -) ahell epecity: (e) tha defeulh (b) the ecNon requlrod to cu�e tha doteulh (o) a deta, not lesa then -` r,,t��;;Nr�rt;jg,- <br /> 30 days from the dete the notice Is givan to Borrower, by whloh tho detault muat be oured; and ,..,d-+;l•�;. <br /> (d) thet feiluro to cure tho default on or betore the dete epecltied In the notloo may reeult In :"•>�„�`":!;�,%-;`_ <br /> ! eccaloration of the aume securad 6 thla Securit Inetrument end eale of the Pro o The notice �� •�-'�' ��`�� '��- <br /> Y Y P �Y� . _•�i�_�)�E:'"'f� ,. <br /> ' ehall tuAher IMorm Borrower of the right to reinatate aflar accoleretion end the right to bAng a � . .-:�j-: ,i_ <br /> ' court ectfon to asaert the non-existence of e dofault or eny othor dofense ot Borrowar to :.�:1+•�.-'•� <br /> o•:. _ <br /> � acceleretion and eale. It tha dofault ie not curod on or bofore the deto apocltled fn the notice, •� - - <br /> ' Lender et Ita optlon may requfra immediate paymont in tull of ell aume secwed by thie Secudty ,".�` : <br /> Instrument without tuAhe� demend end mey invoka the power of sale end any other remedioa <br /> - pe�mlH¢d by appliceble law. Lender ehall be enNtled to collect all ozpanses Incurrad In pursuing _ <br /> � the romediea provided in this peragraph 21, Including, 6ut not Ilmitod to, reaeonable eftorneye' <br /> teea end costs of title evidance. <br /> If the powor of sale le Invoked. Trustee ahall record e notico of default In oach county In <br /> which any pert of the Propaity is located end ahell mall coples of such notice In tho manner <br /> preacribed by epplicablo law to Borrowar and to tho other poreona presaibod by epplicable law. <br /> After tho time required by appllcable law. Trustea ehell give publlc notico ot aele to tho porsona <br /> end In the mennar prescrlbed by epplicablo law. Truatee, wilhout domend on Borrower, ehell aell <br /> tho P�operty at public euctlon to the highest bidder et tha tlme and place end under the terms � <br /> doeignated In the notice o1 eale In ono or more pareels and in any order Trustoe determinea. <br /> � Truateo may poatpone sale of all or any percel of the Property by publlc announcemont at the <br /> tlme end place of any proviously acheduled sale. Lender or ita designoe may purchase the <br /> Proporty et eny sale. ^ <br /> Upon recelpl of peyment ot the p�ice bid. Truatoe shall deliver to the purchaaer Truatee's == <br /> �oed conveying tho Proporty.The rocllals in the Trustee's deed ehall be p�ima taclo evldonce of _._ <br /> i lno IIulil oi tho atetomonia made ineloin. Iruslee anaii eppiy ine pruceaue bi ine 88in in inu - <br /> tollowing order: (a) lo all coata and expensee of exorcising tho power ot salo, and the sale, <br /> Including tho poymont of iho Truelee's foos actually incurred, not to oxceed threo <br /> � Ye of the principal amount of tho nota at <br /> the tlmo of tho docleration of detault, and reesoneble ettorneye fees as permlttod by lew; (b) <br /> to al� sume aecured by thls Securlty IneVumant; and (c) any exceas to the peraun or <br /> peraone Iepally entitled to (t. <br /> � fl]�5lM�i��0�911 C.�Y � •�t �� � <br /> 9ID]S lM � <br />