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y ..., ,.,,_......, ,. . .__. _°. _ � _ <br /> � t�_'. . . .. <br /> . � <br /> n�;. _. _ .__,. _. <br /> t�� � <br /> � ' • Tofifii11E11 W11H a!tha Improvemmu aow a heraella eeaed on�he prope+pt�nd aA e�eunenla eDDW���e,rnA <br /> i�r � , rtwra� now or�uta�a�Ow ot Ne properry A7 rapuoemmle en0�dAVorte shnl W�o be aorared Ey tNe Bcarily Na4umaM. -- � �-�- � <br /> �, �! M ol Ne forepohp b rotxra0 to N Nle 8�wrRy Imqument�s Nr'Vropery.' <br /> }" � '� BOi1P015EA COVENNRB thU 0araver le kvM7y otlsaA af Ue eeuse�arebY eonvyad rnd hw the dy�l ro prenl�nd <br /> rr ,�"a �ve�the Propwb on0 Nat No Ropsry la un�arrbxe4 aeccyt for en�ancea ol reeord. Bonowa wertenb end - <br /> +x%� v�dNand ea+��u��W�to me FruD�ipuna ot W�me uid exmnae�auDlaq�o�ny mwmb1ances m recora. _- <br /> `t��+"- iH18 BEOUFl INBTIIUMEN�oomY e iu�Yam covaunb la natlm� uie mA non•unHortn oovmenU wlth -- - <br /> �'�i`""� CmrtEd ruutlons bY Iwla�dbn fo wnnBMa o�mYarm seaudy mswmenl wvul+0�W WopalY• • • • - - . <br /> {'"� j� UNIfORA1 COVEMMliB. Oortmver end LenCa eovenant ad a�eo ea foEOwa: ��,�: <br /> � 1ti, '{� 1.Paymont o1 Prinoipal ond Intontti Propaymont md Lets Charpa&�BOROWM 71169 pf0111pVy p6y N110n +`, ��it — <br /> "} #� ;� Ne Na p�Ndpel ot er,A Nterost on tha AeD1 sNdenad 6y t�e No1e md �ny prepryment md 41e chupee du�unAa Iho o" '' <br /> � � . <br /> Nola � �: v -.' <br /> ��zf 7. Funda tor Texea end Inauranos.BubJad t0 epplCOWe I�w or to e mAlen wWC�by LenOe, Bommra�n.�pay <br /> s'�' � to Lmdor on tha day moM�y prymmte w Eua undn�Aa Nole, un0 the Note I�pld N NA,�aum('Funde')lor. (�yeufy '?,�,F` <br /> ��+r.i� toxee end eeseeammu whioh mry entln prlalry ora Nle 8eautlry Nswment a�e Fen on the Ropemr,@)yevy IoesehNd � � �s?� s�,�;_. <br /> r! peymenle or pround�ente on the Propctiy.N am, (o)yeMy lieurd w property Iniuruice prmJum+; (tl)ywAy Lood Imurenoo „,;,.� ,. <br /> A'+ K -� promlum�,tl�ny, (e)yeerty mortp�ye Neurenoo pcmNmf.M e�y,ena (p eny�ume pryaWa by Bortower to Lender N n000rdenw r s_,,;k .{ (�,� ��;:,_ <br /> � {�J,f wll�Iho provtslonf ol pam9reph B,N Oou oi lhe pryment ol moAgego Naurenee prmLma. fiese Ilant ua oeAed 'Eeaow ��i-,�-,�1,s� p{ ._ <br /> ` �f �� ttem�.' LmdH m�y, e�r+y Cma eolaet end hoW Fund�N en amwnt nol to meeaetl the matlmum emounl s lenda lo�e 3���r�t��jf+��{7 TMi,.- <br /> - EedisaY/rcta:zd mory7aga ban oiq re�ao tor BoirawerY asaow aooaunt unAa ihe la�e�tl flml Eekla BaNemoM P�oexNroa ��;.<<,� 4,_�,�., <br /> 4i[��t5 Ac1 of 1974 a�r.endM tpn hna to tkn�,12 U.&0.�230f d �e9. (•AEBPA'l, unlasa nnot�e� law Nat�ppYOe M Gw Fwda , - i3�Sr'$i� �. . <br /> . sj �;.1- sH�e lasser a:nttnt tl sw lendx may,st o�ry tine,oo7rsot and hold Fund� In w emounl not to exaed tha lasstr emami t - -:���{`1{ �iw���t:��. <br /> '` -i ;� Ltnder mny estl�ub Ihe vnount of Fund�due on tha bash ol artenl d3+a md reaaonebie esl4natea o�e�en�nrea o1 Mium tu�I��i �, , x�;r� <br /> � � - - � Esaow Ite�ns or olhercA�e N naardenea xilh�ppLeeble law. '`�,�5�1F�ZJ�j�j�i_. <br /> �;lh��y Tlie F�nds nM9 ba hetd N en NstlluNOn whwe depoaXe ue N��rcaa�y�INaJ a9enry.Nalrummteiy,or en4ty(hdudn9 4- }i��j+4 1 S 41 -_:'._ <br /> l - Lendor b aueh�n InaNutlon)or N eny Fedad Home loen Bank Lmdtr tha��ppy the Funde to pey Ne Eeaow i '� }}�fi'�.*_ i�=='- <br /> f <br /> tK �� Itmu.lmder meY not eharpe Botrower iw hNding end appryin9 t�e Fund�,ennuaP�w7yt5i9 Ihe ataow�ocount, or retly4�8 r ....� ���h� ; x: <br /> c r�' Ihe E�aow tlmu, unlesa Lmder peys Bortown inloresl on Ihe Funda end appleebla Nw pemJle lender to make weh a --� �� r_.- <br /> .� 3,�' chuge. Howern, lende mny«quYe Banovra to pay e an�l4ne ehvpe la m hdependent real estata tex reporWg aervlee }j��i� � ^��4k� .- <br /> ";�;-t� '- uaM by Lenexn c �onnedbn wl�h Ihle loen, uNass aPP[eede Iew qovidee mhawisa. Unlesa en e�eement is mede or jiF;t�5�'►,}�i���r:�fii. <br /> � � �S epp7able Mw roquYea interest to 6a peid,Lander Me0 nol bo rcquYed to pey Bortower o�ry interest w eamNg�on the Funda. �,.yASi� 7��f}�2'u�_� <br /> � y��� Barower enA Lenda mey egree h wdtlnq. hawever, thet hlerest aha0 ba Ddd on Na FunM. LenEer eheC BNe to Bofrowor. ��`y%};4 y �fy_, <br /> J��k - wllhout cher e,en ennuel eewunNn of the FunM, showln9 ae&le and de611e to IAe Funds end Iha puryoae for whleh mah }' � q -, <br /> J",-��•1' d�ll ihe F nds hNd b�Lendu exceed Iho amounte aemtlll d�lo ha h�lo e�6GuWe le�r Lende aha8t e000unl to 8ortower !{ '%v i O�Y'Y--�,I <br /> Y P bY PP � t.�': -.' <br /> -;��;� far Ne exeesa Fund7 N�000rdenea wilh the rcqu4emenla ol appYeable uw.II tho unwnt ot�he Funds hdd 6y LenCU�t eny �.� ir t �. '"�' ' <br /> .i -j y�s time b not aWndent lo pey Ihe Eeaow Itams when due,Lmdar mey eo naHy Bortaxu N rmUn9. and, N eueh mse Bortower ��y�)�^:�S }i� � _ =� <br /> 1i + ahN pey lo L'nde�Ihe�nwunl neeuaery to m�ke up Ihe deAdmcy. Bortorrer eh�G meke up lhe dellUmry N no more Ihen j�� 3 r <br /> -: i twehe monthty peymmta,el Lmdef�eale diauetlon. ! r��f� �oS - <br /> yyt�_ �S, Upon paymmt H 1W ol al sums aewrad b/ihln 9ecuAy Inewment, Lenda eha0 prompty raNnd to Bortowu eny i���5if� ��i�a �- <br /> - F:.:A:.".Cd C'i:GtCC:. :: u.^.N1 C='3'�ye?h?�. lmdet e!:s4 ee'��Be e!seg ih�p�nywy,�ender;ptlor�e tM eequlsWOn ar tele �{�:.< . <br /> �;�� ol Ihe Propdty.ahell eppy any Fund� hdd by Lender al iho lhno ol eequisNOn or Wa ee e aeGt epehul tho wme neared � �}�� +,x � <br /> ,��1 -� tr mu sewnty mawmenL , 4'• �t i at-'_ <br /> +�, `�_ 3.Appl1catlon of Paymonte. unloae eppaub�e iew providee olhmAae, �n peymmte receWed by Lender under ,7������ � ? �� <br /> puagmphs 1 ond 2 eMG be oOWad kaL to vry prepeymml chargn due under Ue Note: emounte peyeble under � },.�r.� .. <br /> h 2,�h4d,to Ntereat due; prMdpnl duo;�nd 4a1.ta�n leta ehm y due under iho No�e. ?-i sf � "�'.l-� <br />, ,7.}1;-:.:;' P�9�v Y 9 �i.,�r},',::ir,L:�:rt�r..•,: <br /> , � � 4. Ch9tgBep UO�B. Darower ehe7 pey eY taxea, etaesamanls, chargae, Snea an0 Imposi0om o1W6ute61e lo Ne �_ r�r� . � �� <br /> - �� PropMy whkh m�y alteN ptlody ovm Nia Sewdty InnWmenl. entl Icaeehold peymmte or Bround renle. R eny. Bortower - r� 5`� v' ' <br /> Y� ,'' ehe!pey t�we obOgatlone N Iha manner prmided N peregreph 2, or X not paid N I�et mennM. Bortower aMO pay Ihem on � � -` <br /> .. � ,: Wu drealy b lhe pmon owad pnyment. Bortower ahoY promply IumUh b lendtt e1 no0cea ol emounls to 6e pald under . ;i � t`�y �' <br /> -�,.:.� lhia parflyreph. II Banower mekoe Ihese paymmta dkedy. Bortower ehall prompp/ lumbh to Lender reeeiple evidenWg ,-���.' <br /> Iha Peymunb. _ j i[ <br /> � - Bortowcr nholl prompUy disehugo eiry Ilen whlch hee pdaity mtt Ihia BewMy IneWmenl unleae Bortower. (a)aqrees ; {3;� <br />- '-���`"��� M wdtln to iho en[ol t�o oDl lion eecmed Ihe Om N e menner eeee labk to LenAOr: N)conteab in oE fallh Ihe � - ?�=`r�vF"'`- <br /> �_..i.., .- 7 Pri� 0a bY P Yo s.�,., .- .rrS. <br /> � '� Dan by.o�Aelende ageNnt enfwcemml ol Ihe Ilm in. lepel proeeWinyf which in Ihe LenAer a opNion operale to prwent -"-,'s;t.',�}�- <br /> - -� �- � the mloreemenl ol�he �on: or(e) wwro�hom Iha holdx ol the Gen an egroanml ealisWCtory�o Lmder su6ormnetln9 fhe � - -'i5;;',. <br /> -,r.; Ikn to�hla Seady InaWment.11 LmEei Eelerm4�ea Ihet eny part ol Ne Propetly b subJect lo e Gen whlch mey attetn pAarlly �t . t- �`^ . <br /> orer Ihia Sewrity NsWmenl. Lender mey gho Bortower e notlee identirylnq the 7m. Bortor:er ah�G naESy iho Den or uke (� .- ,� ' t,,,.t,��-� <br /> one a more ol Iho ecliom aol/arlh�hovo ni1hN f0 tlnye ol lhe qiving ol noliae. �� - 1� <br /> � 6. Heze�d O� PropBAy IneulBnCO.Bortower eheu keep Iho imprwemmle nax eslalinq ar haeaRa erecteO on 1ho i �� i � � <br /> Roperty inaurctl egain6l loea by Ne.hemrAe Ntluded veilhN IAe term 'ealendeA eoremge' end eny olher hazertla. InWAng � _ <br /> floods or floodinp.fa which Lmdtt requ4ee insurence. Thk Insumnce shatl 6e meNleineA in Ihe emoanis end br Ihe pedoda j - � �-�•,-_i�''"' � <br />-� �t;'�,,; ih+i Lentltt requ4es. The Nsurenw ca�tler prmiGn9 1�o insunnce ahell ho chosen by Bortower aubjeq lo LandeYS eppmral '�N� . <br /> whkh shall not 6e umeasonebty wllhheld. II Bortowtt lails to mainl�N corerage described above. Lendx mey, at Lentler e - � <br />- optlon,obWin carMage to proteQ LrnEera dght6 N Iho P�ope�ty in eccorMnce wilh W�agmph 7. , !�� -� <br /> AG inamence pondea end rmmeb eha0 ha eccepfable lo Lendtt and ahall Ndude e alandertl motlgege tlauae. LmAer - <br /> � � ahe0 heve t�e tlphl to holtl Ihe poldes end rennrale. 11 Lentler requtrea. Bonower ahell prompty give to LenEer eY receip�e o1 <br /> - peid premiuma antl renexal nolices. In 1he event ol lose. Bortower nheP gWo prampt notice to Ihe insuranu mniM and <br /> LmdM.Lentler mey meke p�ool ol loss X not maEe promplly by Bortower. <br /> ' Unleae Lentler and Bortower oUe�wise egree in wriMg. Insurence pmceeds sh�0 be applied b resloralion or repalr of <br /> � '1 Ihe Prope�ty dameqed. A Ihe resloulion or repeG la econoMmly leasi6lo end LmAe�a sew�ity is not lessenetl. Il l�e <br /> rmlaalion a repak b noi econwNCely feasible or lmdein �ewny noulA be lessmed. Iha insurenca D�a��a ahall be <br />_ 1� aDDOed to Ihe sum9 eeCUrtd by Ihb Setmiry inslmmenl. nhelhM or nol I�en tluo. wilh eny excess peid to 8ortoweL tl <br /> Ba�owM eFAnUOn� Ihe HopMy. or tloss nol answtt wnhir� 70 Aays a notice Irom LenOer t�et Ihe insufente fAMer has <br /> _ � o11tte0 10 aeiPe e ckim I�m Lmder mey coliecl Ihe msurence proceetle. Lmder mey use Ihe procee0e lo tepart or <br /> � reslote ihe RopMiy or lo pe)suma securaN by Ihis Secunly Insirvment. whelhet or nol ihen 0ue. The 90�tlay oenod wlll <br /> l beqn when Ihe noGU U pi.en. <br /> - - Unleas Lendtt entl Ponower otherv.ise aryee in r.utmg. eny oDD���on ol Dmceetls to printlpai shell nol catmd or - <br /> ' - pmipone ihe tlue tlele ol Ihe monIDiy peymmla �Mcrted to i� pa�ag�a0hs 1 nnd 2 or change Ihe amounl ol Ihe - <br /> paymmis. II unOtt perag�aph 21 Ihe Propeny Is ecquNeO by La�der. Uortower's righl to eny insurence pohpes�nd D�oceeda <br /> • - �� re6uNnq irom Aemege Io Ihe RopMy(.tior l0 1he ecquisAlon shell pass lo Lend<r lo ihe exlent ol lhe sums by Ihis Sew�ity <br /> �--- ._ �.-�.___ ..—' '�i r:,::' ...:aw.::�'.':'..'._ <br /> � 3 �8. Occupency, Proaervallon, Malntenenco and Protoctlon of tho Proporty; Borrowor's Loan <br /> • � AppilCetlOn: Loesehold8. Iia�ower 6hell occupy, eslebBsh. and use the RopMy es Bortowera ptlnopal resitlmre <br /> wMin Siaty dGya e11M Ihe Pacallon o11MS Searily InsWmenl�ntl she7 conWUe lo otwp)Iho PropMy ns Bortow¢r'4 printlpal <br /> reslEmGe lor el leasl one yCer ellet Ihe dete ol otCUpenty.unleas Lentler olhervrise agrees'u�wtiWlp. which consenl sheY noi <br /> 6e unreasombly unless extenuating ciwmstences uusl whlch ere 68yond Bonower's wm.a- eoROwer staN not <br />- �j AeiVa/. Camaqe or impa'v Ihe Roo�y. e��ow Ihe PropeM to detetlmale, or commt wasle on the PropMy. Bortower shnli be -� <br /> - �, ` � N dM�utl N eny IorleXUrc aUlon or proce¢Eing. whether qril or pimuwi, is begun Ilal m Lentlers qooa ann 7�aqmem cooia ' <br /> , , resull N fodMure ol Iho PropMry or olherxise melttklly Impelr Ihe fim aeated by Ihn Securiy Inslrvm or Lrnder i secun�y <br /> ' inlaesl �/)� � <br />- 'd�. � � Ft��6 LHA pM19A �ap�J n�5 ���1_ <br /> �>. <br /> . 9ID]5 LM � . . _ . <br />