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} `iY� � �x� �..r,1C��L1\7`��ie �- f> .\ r�- �—,.-tt.m�+e l.-.a,1�Y .,� .. . .___�_ �•"^�;—, e:�'�5 ` ,. .. <br /> --1i--' S Y v <br /> �f 'b�� ` . , . �r63 +�,c��ii�►a ; <br /> , � A88l�NMR�jQA118Hi8NIpgH .. , . --- <br /> � • TNIQ�BSIpNMBNTOAfl6n1T8RiDBRiemedoaedexooute4lNa...:lb�l,..deyof.--.l11�8--.�a-A$+.-.��dir ' � <br /> ° ,tqoorp6t�10dIM0�nd6�illbedesmpdtpamOnOCnOeuDp�ementtheMOrtpppeaDeedolTmal, orolnneorroPotredtdulAe _ , <br /> ��-� '!13f4ulity Inattumenl", ot the eamo date.piran Dy t�o unde�elpne horelnaflor roterred to ae the"DOBOWD ��10 6BbUf0 ' . <br /> • 8pt�0�:1'O InQaDttffrxsa,RerelneRer referreu ib ae tha"NOtd',to H�MB fEDERl�!BANNC�B AND lOAN A88�OInTroN OR - <br /> -._a„� �RANh184AN0,herelnafterreterredtoeetha"LendeN�,oftheeamaUetaendooveBnptnepropehydeaadbeAlnthe80outlry <br /> --,_�� <br />. InntrumeM ane looatea aL• ����.-� <br /> � "" S � b2b7 BRAHDINfi IRON Cf. GRAND ISLAND, NSBRA8RA 68803 <br /> �JY d� <br /> (Pf00ehY AOtlf83f) <br /> � }��`�� WITNE88@�H: .._ _,... .... <br />_`ct";;'= ' , <br />'�. j<'��{!� WHEHEAB,Borrower and Lendor�ave egrooA thet eny rante cnO prollte ettrlbutaUla to t�e propody ahould eonAtituto - <br />�"-�'-`^;�£��• adAltlonal aoourlq to t�o Lender tor t�e payment ol tho Noto; <br />. ."i.l r.;�iy t�- ..-- <br /> �(:i.:R:�- __ <br />_:.:. <br />�S"���°�� ��.+� aqreedthatlhe800urltylnstcumentehellEOamondodherobyenddeometllolnoludethePoilowlnp .-- <br /> ;<<;i'�SZ,.�:: L'W7/•Tb11ERfFOF1E.ltU <br />::,:,_..hls::;; PN't[SIOrt4: �................ <br />:�_-�o�}e;�-�{ �, �y,.�i_a�menlolRentepndLendarFVantal(�ItecttenBlaMe_Bato�aorhe�6byabeolutely6ndun6o0dltl0�el1y6681008911 <br /> '!7�'�,. <br /> ;�tr,��}.• rtnte, tanuea end proilte ot iho property l0 62�ruiblary.Lentler s�all �ave tho ripht, power end authorily Guring tha _. <br /> �niSryJd�`, �ttnunnoe ot the 8eourity Inatmment to eoltect tns renta Ueuea enA proNte ot tha property end of any personal proporty Er �_� <br /> y����� - Ixated thareon wit�o�without tuking Dosseaslon of t�e property atfected hereby.lander,howaver,hareby con8ente to t� _ <br /> `rt 3�. . Borrower'e oolleotlon en0 reteMlon of euch renteJsauae an0 D�ofHe es they aecrue antl becoma oaya6le,so lonp ee Borrowor k, -.+ <br /> N t t+cy la not,et euo�tlma,in detaWt with roepect to payment of any InAeDtedneas secure0 heraby,or�n the pertormance o1 eny � _ <br /> r` � �! apreement�ereuntlor. :�� <br /> . ;.,, y,.z� 2. A000lntment of Receiver. I}any ovent ot Oafault in respact to Me Securlty lasirument shall hare xcurted enG ba {, - <br /> '� -y' wntinuing,Lender,ee a metter of rlB�t ana wunout notice to Borrowar or anyoae clelminp unaer Borrowe.,anU wlthout ` - <br /> ,�.:;�f,��� ieparA to lhe velua of tha iNal eatete or tha Intereet of Iha Borrowar ihereln,ahall nave the rlgM to eDP�Y 10 any couA having �„y�--_? ,;-,,, <br /> �wladl0t10n to aDP01nt d r0celver of the property. ������^� _ <br /> '1 y�`.-,,;� 3. Bleht to Poaseealon.In oase of deteWl tn Ihe Dayment ot the eaicc pdnclpel Note or inteiest,or any part thare0f,ae R ti�lf�{J' � <br /> �� e�ell metuta,or In the oaee of tellure to keap a peAOrm anyot tha covanamn oragreementa contalned In the8ecudty Inatra w�ciYSr' � <br /> -�.-�, � .y �34)k_ .:-: <br /> ! t . ; mont,then tha Lendai, Ite BucCe56or8 or ea9lgns,a�911 be and le her6by eolhoAZed end empowared to t9ka Immadleta �S�'�wr � <br /> �t -,y�� poeaosalonotthoealApremiaoatharelndeecrlbedanOtocollectthe�entet�eretrom,andtoaDP�Ythoprxeadat�areoftothe ��j�q��Z :, <br /> payment of lha Note. !,t� EY� <br /> '� � � f� 4. Aeolloetion of Hente leeuea antl Profita.All rente collected by lenAer or the�eceivar ahall be opplled firat to payment t� ,C�r <br /> �,�t,r; ;} of the c0ate ot manaqeinent Of t�0 ptoperty and colleotlon ot rente,Including,but not IlmiteC to,receiver's tees,premluma on S`-j-!.r, �"'� <br /> r } ;i:�� recolveYe DonGe entl re86oneDie aiiomoYe taaa,end�nen io tR6 am��n airi:ur'o�by iho�6CUr1lq a.^.C!"e --�� ;, <br /> Z �_ recelver s�9116e Ileble to account oniy Por ihoea renis actually recelvatl. � i�+;�`�A`� <br /> + 1'%" 6. Qonetmotlon oi Prodalone.Bach of the provielona conteined InIhlsAeflignment ol Renis Ritlerand theSecwlty Inatm• ' ,.,,, <br />�-�`-�•?����� ment e�all,unloso OlhenYleO epecltiCelly required,Ce eoneVUed in accotdence with Nebreske Inw,and in the event eny _ �*.�,-�• . <br />`-�1�;,�.;;��, � byacour�olcom :.,:,,y�d::�s.-: <br /> } _ _,},} p ovlelon hereln or t0ereln coMelneO ehell be deta�mineA petent�udedlction to be unentorceable,t�e eemo ; �,r� , <br /> ; } r+r, oh811 be o0netruod ae thouqh suoh unontorceable provision were nol e part hereof or ihereof. � - <br /> � � 0. Httect of Rider.Ezcept ae epoalticelly motllNetl by or inconslstent wilh thla Aaeignment of Rante RICer or by eny othar `ti�'lzx�i;` <br /> :��;ii:C-Fi.� ��:y'•4,i,-� -. <br /> -� ,��;,� : eDP���ble tlCer,flll of tha terme and Orovlsione contained in Ihe Soeurity Inetrument ehall continue In tuli force entl effect. �-.�� � <br /> :�it£��':� <br /> ,c ' `: <br /> c-S ,;� IN WITNEBS WHEREOF,Botrowor hee executed lhla Aaslqnm 1 ot Ronle Ider o ihe dele flrat noted ebovo. - ` �+ �- <br /> i.`ks;} �� . <br /> '_c � � <br /> r <br /> ,N �e -. ;j V� _. <br /> ;.`�.;�,.:;N!! R NLYIH R. NU P§E -;i; <br /> V �t ` <br /> __-___. — �`� <br /> i •: Bonowor :`�. <br /> �_ ... <br /> /1�: 'y'_ <br /> --C STATE OF NEBRASKA) t <br /> �,� �J.: (e6: � -i '� <br /> COVNTY OF HALL ) <br /> ` �•- OntNe ty7�1 0ayof �,�y. .18�3—,J}a(�f�eRlho_U.ndakelangq,eNut��,G�t1J�r�tl��y�o(�miselonOdanA .. <br />,�-`f�.;,��-�; QuelitiedforDaideounly,peraonallyeeme_ Ren_ HUI FG7�a (A ti E bOli) � . <br /> � .to bo t�e IEemicai pereon(s)whose name(s)�arare subacriDed - <br /> to ihe forogoing inetrument.and helshe/they eeknowletlge 1he exeeutlon t�oreof to be Nalherliheir roNntary ect enA deBO. . <br /> -� � Wllness my�antl end Note�lel Seal at—CiBA�{Q_I_`�i1.A�yQ. NFRRAC�p _ _ - <br />� _ �•� _____ in sa�C copnt .the dato etoreae�d. . <br />�� ��_,- _, �� � J <br /> ��.::.�;:'. �. ����AE��JL—� <br />'-�;�.:3,,f... r"_ UE��l���y No�a�raubec <br />':�i' :'::, :� <br /> MY Commlasion explrea: .___JS�—Z 9_�9 9 b--- -_ _-- <br /> -; S nrtmunxn <br /> �iC, . <br /> �".-�5''._�� <br /> � " r.�� <br /> t <br /> \� <br /> � ) <br /> L'1 " _' <br /> i.'A:7: <br /> :�•, +�l-t <br /> :.�.1�:�., <br /> '!�1}•: <br /> ,.e, <br /> `^t.r �. �__ __ . . <br /> i <br /> ... . `...'��� _ . _ —__—._—_ <br />