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`N�r -�.�r.•�:..:r;3 .k'r +t;;.��`9i� ',;N��7.,.�,_ _�y:5��"';;1� '.7 r .iA . . �:. . .. _ _. :... . _— __ <br /> t ' _...»_�.__...._-.___ <br /> ��_ �� , <br /> '— <br /> -_.-.....-.�� • <br /> - --- ' AD86J�TA�LE 1c�AT� RdIBF.R �!►r� r a�t�'� _.;� ____ _----- -- <br /> prw�te�mrmaex•�u�.ap� v�7'� F�� <br /> - . tHISADlUS7'AD4RMTERIDIiRhmrGthb lA'� daYOt _:AY ,19�_� . .. . . . ..... . <br /> _ �aA b InmrpontM tnto uM�lull Oe lamal to amend�nd wDDluoent�h�Mon{age, Doed of 7Yu�t,or&arlry UttE phe •'Sawiry � . .. . <br /> __ <br /> .-.—_ latltuot�u'70hMetmedetltivtabYtMundenlmtdQAN'Dorto*u")toltaro0otronxWAdJust�bleRtuNOte(Ihe"NOU'7tONDtA9 .- . . ..... . . <br /> :�fi�''' . FiE0Ri1�I..QIINNQA�I.OAN ABBOOIATIpN OF OMND IBUIND.NEE81181tAph�"Lmder")of th��une Eue md eovuly 1h� <br />' 1�{s',!;r�' popenYdesalbtdlnlh�6auritylmtrumtntmdkatWau <br /> '�`k`��'�'� 4247 RRANDINO IRON CY. GpAND ISLAND NSBRASIU 68803 „ , . . <br /> mrc� (ProPSnYAddrw) -- - - <br /> � iW�ot�coeWtl DroWlom dloMn� Por e6�njw lo m7 Ieltrnt nb�nd m7 mottYly <br /> �Jiiz� <br /> )�itt P�1aen4.iW aou Wo Omin Ihumouel m�Inttrcit nu ao eh�e{+u�o�oa�Ue�ud <br /> �r , dso�Nmlelmom�eElE�mulmomnbiem�pal. <br /> { �Sy 2• <br /> ' AODITlONA4 MYENANIS.In�dditlon to�ht corenmu�nd�eemzaa cadi in tM Szcudq Inswmmt.Fartocu�nA Lenda .-.,�-. .. ._.. . . <br /> � � � �i funMercorenmtaMryw�fcdt�n: . ..._ <br /> -':'+n:`7` <br />"__-:.t•!'t:,`.: __ <br />::.i:i�9b:2�1� - <br />...,:tY��,y f�{} A. lMBREST CiA46 AND�iaNfHLY PAYht£N?CFIAIYGiB <br /> �•�• � - The Na�proNdn to1 m INtIN lataen mer ot�IIL_�Y.Sxction�of�Ae Nme proHAa tor dimga ia t1a Intnest wte�nd Iht <br /> a Y:'�i:1�� _.. <br /> .n`t��'-. CAIIlA�1 WY� <br /> �{�}lr. <br /> - '- 0. lMSREST RATE AND MOMNLY PAYAfEMCHANOES � �° <br /> i�`d (A) (Rtn9eMla w' '_ <br /> c .��'��, Theintaatra�elwillp�ymaY�+�teontMliotdaYOf `N� .19 94 .�ndoo�hetdn�erery 4 .- _ .. <br /> .•r}��y��� 12 momh��herwRer.4chdneonwhichmyinleratra�ecouldclungelamlicde"ChmE�Da�r." �.��+,•f��+ � <br /> �l�����k @) :MleAex �..F.:� '...__� <br /> ��„T��j, �tyinningwlNthelirNChanaeD�te.mYimeralnuxillbebuvdonenlnda.Ths'•Index•'bthewceknenra8eyieldonUnitedS�ata �� � <br /> - �! 7YCatury iCCUfltla�djus�cd l0 8 consiml m�luNly Of 1 y�af,a m�de avatlabte by�hs Fedud Reservc Hoard.The most rccent Indu If;uro (� Y'�% _ _ <br /> 4 -' araltablenoftMdero�3dapbeforeeechChangeDateiaalled�he•'Nrremindea.•' ��l�Y$3�si� :r,_ <br /> � '� If the Indu B no lon{u anileble,ihe No�e Hddet WII chom�a new index whkh la basW upon romp�nbic informaion.71w Nots ., ----, <br /> F� <br /> }�l Holderwlllywmenotiaof�hbehola. r� � t� '��r� : <br /> �� --:7,. ` ._ _ <br /> �, . � (Cl Q�kalWoeof.Cl�nEa �,(s1�9+�,f+'4; �,. <br /> a � '- &fcm taiR Cnvy�o Ci:c.iYF�:ai:Haider will alcalaM m'i%+�lr.i.wt r.ic bq sE3:n3�� AN �1NF-HAI.F y1r.��.t St,. i ��X� _ ___ . <br /> y�a�l��r , po(nu( 2.5 S5)ro�he Nrrent Inda u�d roundlnB to�he nearat I/B�h of 1�,wbl�to�ho IIMU su�ed in 3ation I(D)betow. r�?��.���rf�f� __ :__ <br /> ��u 3- Thb rou�ed�mount wlll be my new Intaat nte umil the next Chm�e Date. �� t� x y A�� :�� <br />.,.n,;.t ti The Note Holder will ihen daermine the emoum of the momhly pnymmt iha xrould be cuflidem�o rcpar in full the pinNpil 1 un Crr�--�?� '�o-rA Ptf 4Y-,e <br /> "'.j�-.'..^r exyecudtooweon�hatChenBeDaeinwbsnnUdlYMuelpaymeni�bYthem�mritYda�eetmYne.intuatn�e.Theraul[oftld+calcv4[lon z�;�;>Jg;�;t�;r)""�r�:" <br /> ::'. '.'� Y WYmMI. i,..iE' vu,S}S'�; '�'_' <br /> - _ i xilibethenewamountofmrmonihl ,,y -.- 3iZ L^��1�}Iel <br /> s � r7 � il�Yl�'�Ci+�• .} �t <br /> fr� � �' lD) I�mlbonlntera�RabChaote+ °�5�{ y�� �..f��Ll <br /> ?rii. iht Imerat rale 1 �m roquircd to paY e� �Ae Iint Ch�n6� Da�e dll not be 6ralu Ihan 7•� R or laf �han ��, i y <br /> �',y��,�� 3•� %.Therpfur,myinlsrestntewillneverhelncreaudordecreaxdon�nyiin6leChangeDalrbymotethm �n "sr,.j7 t}� ���Y <br /> i i� �. f 2.Oxl from lhe reiwf Im<rat 1 hare been payin;fanhc O��d�ne���re months.The minimum inum�mtc on lNa lo�n W ll nau be ��� ;'��y. 7� �:� --. <br /> _;�r-j�� Im�han 3.00 41 and the muimum imaest rale will nae hc 6ruur�han lO.OD �h. :_ 4r*' '»''•`-` <br /> ` !I i i j�r_i - <br /> 4 h�r�; IE� El�Kllv!D�It OICh�O[p , _ � Ft� Y li `. <br /> �(�:� My new inurat nte vlil htcome effalire on ach Chan6e Da�<.I W II paY�he emoum of my new monihly paymem beynNny on�he Iinl :+ �, 7$ �� �4 � <br /> �� -� ��� momhlyp�ym<nldnte�iterlheChangcDateunllllheamountofmymomM1lypaymantchuigangein. - • -- 1y_ �1�s.i_ <br /> � ''� �Rs <br /> � '�- (� NoflaofCEanIIn O .f-=� �� -`-�: <br /> �if TheNOIeHolderWllmailorddlrertome�no�iaDdorceechChanSeDa�e.Theno�ittwilledviumeoF. - t�,� �r' Y ;--_ <br /> (U �henewlmera�m�eonmyloanssoftheChangeDUe; -��x�. ��t �v�, . <br /> n (ii) �hsemounwfmymomhlypaymentfollowinetheChangeDau; -1,•iij T �,���5:' <br /> Oip eny�dditionalmauenwhichlheNoteHolderisrcqulrcdwdiulou;�nd �r- , r.: <br /> � (ir) Ihe�ddrmof�hennaciaflonyoumuldconuaredardlnEanyqua0omebounhe�dputmemno�itt. � -� � ;3/ ' ;!-� <br /> , � ._ �� <br /> - � �'.` 0. CHAItGFB:UF.NS . , . .}.::•,,.� <br />----.i;'�- . . <br /> - ��'� Uniform Covemm a of the5midty Ins�mmcm is emendad w rud m follown: � <br /> �. ChuQp;Ilem.Oorrower sAali yay ell�axn,uuismenls,uM aher chargn,finn,and imposiliorts euribuuble lo��e Propeny which may _.. <br /> . eltdnaD��o�4orerthisSctvrilylmlrumenl,�ndleuehoidWYmemeof6�oundrents.ifany,inthem�nnetD��dtdunderpan6nph2hermf <br /> or,if no�pn(d in such Ilorroxer mating payment,when due,dirttrly�o�he pnyee ihereof.Do�rower shill promptly furN:h L�nder <br /> -.,�'_..�, dl notloo of amounu due uMer�his paroe�aDh,and in ihe axnt Barmwer shall makc paymrn�directly,Bortower ahall Dromptly furnish�o <br /> 'P Lender reoeiDb e.idmdnE such peymenu. lbrrower shall O�om0��1 discN�b�any lien which has priority or�� Ihi�Securil7 InslmmenF � <br /> �; y, <br /> _ 'bti Iwwerer, Borrower ahail no�be«qurted �o diuharye any such lim so lonj u On� (p ahall egrce in wri�ing�o�Ae prymem of fhe <br /> obli/pion ucurtd by su<h litn in Ihe manner acceD��ble to L<nd<r,�b)shell in goad fai�h mmes�su<h li<n by,or defend ae�����oforttmtm of <br /> �:"F1� wehllrnin,IegalD�a'��M��'hichin�heo0�nionofLenderoprra�uoprerennheenfoa<mcntofihelienorfo�feilureohheP�oyerlYOrany _ <br />� ����' ' � W���htteof;or(<)sM1ail securc G�m�he hoida of mch hen an a6�nment in a form vlisfaaory m L<ndtt xuhordimtina suah lien w Ihis f��- <br />' 's..?_i� Securi�rins�mmenL -_. <br /> - ��*1`!;3 If Ltnda dttermines�hat nll nr any pan of�he ProM��Y�s�ub]ec��o a lien which may aluin�prioril7 over thi+Se<urnY�mtrum<m. ` <br /> ...I...Adl�.�o.. .:A..Rl.: .�R 1:. M.. .A.11. i.M1 .-F lu .L. nf�b ��iM �lnrlR aM�� <br /> � ���.. : ���Y.���n��' <br /> i�...�.�..�. ' ..i�e�� r ' � . . ._________________. _ _ _ <br /> . �..��.�..�_..�...�:.�.��... . . . ^. ..nw_ _____ �_�__ ___________ __________________ <br /> .. .r�-. , ,_ <br /> '1= .' <br /> wi�hin Ien dayf of ihe&�nj of the nnlitt. __ <br /> ;..�,'_�. ' C. N0710E _ <br />- "_i,��'�-,': UniformCovenaml�oflheSecuritrlmuumentieamendtdiortada+falio��s: _ <br /> � � � 11. Nolke.ExttD�for my mlice rcquittd undet applicablt law to Oe giren in�noth<r manntt,le)�ny no�ice�o Oorrower pm�idtd far in�his <br /> •'j�.�;;�,� Securilr Inslrum<m shill be6�v��py d<lir<riny it or by maiiin{it by fint class mail to Borrow�r ai lht PropenyAddtas or et sucM1 a�her�ddreu _._ <br /> '�" �}� 'i u Borrower may duiym�e by no6ce to Lrnd<r af providad hertim�nd(b)any notice�o Lender shail be yir�n Dy firat clus m�fl�o Lender's <br /> 't.:z.�.i -. <br /> �� .��1 eddresf suted h<rcin or to such olher addras ss lender mey deslsnalt by nolin lo Borrower m Dro�ided heuin.Any nolice prorided for in�his <br /> ��'��"'��'� SceutltylmtmmemahailbedeemMwtur�pnn rcn�ollorrowerorLender.hen renin�hemann<rdni nn�dher<in. <br /> :[ 5:+'���-. W B& e _ <br /> �'`-S';`: ? <br /> • `'s.,..', t . <br /> .r' l`; , ' <br /> :': <br /> .> '.:��:_ _ __ — _ _ _'. u <br />