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,_. �rin�wea�,. r�.:.>,,.. -:aa'�:� �v , �:sauu�x,:� _ .�;:a�: <br /> ,;+ �' ��� . . ... � _ .. _ _ .�. ... -- --` --_". ,..�.,..� . — _._-- � ----� <br /> 5 � <br /> 9q� ��l'��� <br /> 17.7�ansfer o!tha Properi or a Oeneticl�l Intereat In Rorrower.If all oi�an perc of�Ae Propeny or aoy lntercnt In!t " <br /> Ie sold or[rensfcrtcd(or it e bene�lciel Intercai in Itorrowu b wld or�mnstcrrcd and�iortowcr is not a natuml peraon)witlaut <br />°—�°_°�_— t.ender•e prlor wdtun con:cnt, Lcnder mey, nt ite optlon, uiro tnuncdlete peymcnt In PoII of all cum� wxurod by this <br /> _ _ --.. <br />.. ..:_�- �� 3eadtp lnstNment.Ho�verer.�hls opUon ehe11 nut k exercised y(.e�der tf a:erci�o i.pmhih{ted hy federel lew ex af tl�Mtb -:_ . _ .._.. . <br /> _ of thb Sxudty Instrvment. <br /> -°= If I.ender exereisu�hi�oppon,Lender chaii give Bormwer nolico of aaxleraqon.The no�ica ehall pmvida a ptrlal af not -�- � <br /> Icss thm 30 deyi trom�he date�he notice li dellverpd or malied wl�hln whlch Borrawer must pay dl sunu savrad by ihb " <br /> . _>„_;[i_I.y� Socuriry Inarvmm�.If Barrower feile ro pay Ihcsa cums pflor ro�ha oxpireqon of�hia peflod, Lendcr may involw my remediaa _,- ,- __ <br /> � "'` pumittod 6y thb Searity Intpument without Ponhu notico or dcmarid on Dortowcr. <br /> rx �,��7,� t8. Borro�rer'� R�ght�to Reinstuta If Bortower mata analn condiUoro, Borrower shall have the dght ta hsvo ___ <br /> � cnforcement of this Sauri�y Tnsuument diuonUnued at any Unx prbr tu thc pdicr oL• (u) 3 days (ar such mtar pedad m __ - -. . <br /> --� epplicable law mqy cpecify Por rc(nstaeemenq beforo sele of U�o Property pu�auant io wy power of snle costuircd in�hi� �" -��--- <br /> `�_i.;r� Secudty InstNment;or(bl entry of u judgment enforcing tAb Security Ins�mment.7fiox condhlons ere�hat Bmmxri:(ril pays �;�f. . <br /> r �� Lcndcr all sums whidi thrn would 6e duo undcr tAh Saurity Instn�mcnt end the No�c u If no eoreluation Aad occurrcdi(h)� �r�y. <br /> fy 1 4 curci eny defeult of any other mvenants or egramm�e; (c)pays ell expences Imvrted in enPorcing�his Securl�y Imtrnmon6 . <br /> �,f`�, ineiudin , bnt not Iimitod to,reasonabla attome fas; ond(d)ukes sueh ection as Lender may reasonably roquiro to aesuro <br /> �;, - thet tho�icn of Nls Securlty Inttrumem,Lender earights in tho Propeny end Borrower'�obligation�o pay tht sumti sccurod by � x;, v <br />,t t :R� t6is Savriry Insnument shall rnntinuo-unshanged. Lpon rcinstetemcnt by Bortower, this Security Insuument nnd �he r= --- <br /> °� �z�L ,r o6ligetlons amrcd hercby chdl rcmein Polly etfeaive cu It no acceleretion hnd occumd. However, thie dght ia reimtate�hall <br /> � 'y`.�'{�3��r�, nm upply(n the casc of ncceleretion undcr paregraph 17. ��>t- -_ <br /> ,zd is: 19. 3nle ot Notei Chanpc of Loen Servlcer. Thc Nore or a paniol intcres� in�he Notc (tagaher �vith this Security ��L{ � <br /> ;� �Yq�{ Insnumcnt)nny bo anld one or mnrc Iimes without prior noiice w Borto�vcr.A sale mxy rault in e change in the entity(kno�vn nr�r.r - <br /> �li�i;��� as tho'Laan Serviar')thnt mllats monthly payments due undcr the Nole and this Secudty Instrument.7rierc also may be one �3�"e ' -- <br /> rc> p�h�,a�z.Y, or mnrc chenges of the Loxn Servittr unreleted m e sale of tAe Nota If therc Is n change of the Loan Servicer, BoRO�ver will be t'vx,sa;`- <br /> '�' '�• iven wri�ten no�itt of the cM1an c in eccordance with *a re h 14 nbove and n I�cable lasv.7Te notice�vill stero�he nurns end F y�a ; <br /> ,.,.r.:i„ B 8 Pe 8 P PP� t',. <br /> ,,�,yjAt��+^' eddrcss of the ne�v[.oan Scrviar and�ht eddress to which pnymems shnuld be made.The no�icc will uiw�vmain nny o�her �-,A . --- <br /> wsc� informationrcquiredhy applicabicla�v. �}�; 5'•-- <br /> „1:y��Y'.:�;. 20. He�ardou:Substanca. Borrowcr ahnll not causc or permit �he prcsenm, use, dlaposal, storege. or rclessc of my y',���__ <br /> 3;4t, <br /> } i ir ta,, Haeafdous Su6:tanccs on m in thc Pmpeny. Bnrrower shall not do, nor ailow anyane elu �o da, enpt6ing aRating the ,,4•� :; <br /> � �'�tij�t�Ij,j�; P�upeny tha�i:in violoUon of eny Envimnmcmnl law. 'Ihe precedins nvn xcntcnma ahall nut epply ro�he prcxnoe, uxe,or ;;�� ? - <br /> � FK sinm e on the Pm rt of smull uanliUcs of Heia�dnus Subsmnces�hat arc enerell rcco niud �o be a m rinte�o no�mal � r}L ray �s.�� <br /> : �iaS'�(�s` 8 Ik Y 9 6 Y 6 PP P { � <br /> - a � 3¢�f#. msidenlinl uxes and�o maintcnantt of d�c Pmpcny. �i{�?c i� '.: <br /> ;��. Bnrta�ver shnli prompdy give Lefxter wriiten notice of nny investiga�ion, claim, demnnd, lawxui�or othu aaion by any �<'.�/ � <br /> � ' govemmemal ur rcgulutory agcncy ar priva�e pany involving�he Propeny end nny Hamrdous Substenm ur EnvimnmcNel Lew .- �� - <br /> Y�' �^`�s of which Borrot�pr liac ncluni kno�vled e If Borrooer Ieams, ur is nn�ifted b nn overnmentnl or rc ulnta authority.�ha� ;�+f n' �• <br /> ; s��. �d{ 8 • Y Y 8 �Y � s "fs, <br />�.��?l.i�,�f;��adt any rcnmval ar nihcr rcmcdintim�of any Hamrdous SLbamnm uffccting 16c Propcny��wcessury,Bnrm�vcr xhnll pmmp�ly�akc �X������_�'>.�:. <br /> �- ;r�tNf: all necessary remediol,ciions in accordnnce wi�h F��vironmrntel Lmv. a�;�'ir.S <<- <br />.._r „r,s. -.�- As usal in thi.panigmph 20, 'Ha�rdnus SuM1itanmi are ihnsc sub:mnms defimd as �axic or hamrdaus subs�ances by �,�,,,,,.�_:,_.:-- <br /> : �, - -- Envimnmentai [aw an� dw mmm�ng suhamnas: gamlme, iceroxne, nti�er flammaoie or eaxic pnruiwm pradua+, maic � • <br /> ; pesticides and her6irides, valntile udvems,materiaiscontnining n�6c�tox nr faminldeh}•da anJ mdioactive marcnalx.As u.ud in ��, � ' ; <br /> :,,4�A��'�',�'; �hia pamgmph 20, 'Fnvironnxmul Low' mcum tedend luws onJ luws uf ihe jurir,diaian whem iho Propeny is locuted�he� y.,�4�Fi?�y" <br /> ,��l� �,;e rclme ta hwlth,aRe�y or cnvironmentol Pm�ectinn. .,,� �.. �. <br /> �' NON-UNIFORM COVF.YANTS.6orra�vcr und Lender fnnher mvcnam and agrec¢s tollnas: i t�.,-3}; �=- <br /> �`t`'"���:�'� 21.Acceleratfunj Remedien. I.ender shnll Ive nntlm to Rnrro�rer rinr to xecderetian folln.dn Borrmrer's breneh ;�2'-`-'�;�.ii��•'-`-` <br /> a c - F P R <br /> �- i,k;,� of ony mrenent or nRreemenf In this Security Instrument (bnt nnt prlar ta acceleretion under paraRrnph 19 mdecc ;'��.sr} , ,; <br />,���,.;,,.j, appllcahie law-pmvld�s nthernlsN.The nntice shall xpairy: (a1 the defnult:(b) �he actinn mqulrcd In cure�he defeulh, ty;t..�,�f 4%` <br /> (c1 a dnte, nai Iccs ibnn 30 dn�s frnm Ihe dnte Ihr�mtltt Is given ta Ifarro�rer,by nfiirh tAr deteult mud be curedt ond .�� r<<«•� <br /> � ,�; (d) thet fnllurc ln curt Ihe de�nult nn nr hefnm�hr dete spceifi�d hi �he nntice nmy mult In xeceleratlon of�he xmns �1?" F _ <br /> � ; - �ecurcd by this Security In.trument anA huk nf�he Prapert}. The nntice shnll funher Infomi Burra�rer of�he rlphi to .=r-t -�- <br /> _ _ ��,'•._ relnctn�c aIIer nmeleru�lan nnd lhc dµht In brinR u court eninn to ncccrt thc nnn•existenm af n defnult or miy olher F�it��ii �� � <br /> � - - �. defenx ot �orrorrer to uccelerellun nnd Awle. If Ihe deNult ic nol cured nn nr brfurc the dnic apceitl�d In Ihe nnqm. - _ , - ' <br /> Jy ��. I.endrr, nl Its nptian, mayrcq ufrc Immediote pn�meN fn full nt nll.ums xmumd bp thL.Sceudty In.trumcnt uithout f �;, r -; <br /> i�"t'�t: Nrihcr demnnd nnd mu��Im�okc tlic pnxer of sele nnd nny athcr remidic+pennitt�d hy uppIlcnbh Imr. Lcndcr shull bc i;_z � j " <br /> �� --i ����M1 enlllled In rnllat�dI exprnces Incurred fn punulnx t6e rentedia prnvided In ihia pnrugraph 21. 6�cludin�.hm nnt Ilmit�d ��tyY �,t.� <br />._�,__,„;�i,„y to.reasonnhleoUarnq�s'tce+endcaasnfllticeddcnco u;,.�..>5..�!.-• <br /> � r� w���y`' If Ilte �w��er nf sulr k inrnked. '1"ruriar +holl rernrd n notlre nf detiml� In i�c6 coum} In n61ch un}� pnrt ol Ihr -;:i:� ,A•;;: <br /> �v .. Pmperl�� is Inrn�ed und .holl mall coplex nf sach nntlar in the mnnnrr pmer�bttl h� upplia�ble hm tn @�rrnnrr nnd tn ;:1; < .�.. <br /> ...._. o.�!t<, ihe nlher pemns prcsc�ihecl b��nppllcxMc luu.Afler the Ilme ra�ulnd b� npplknble Ima Tru.tar�hnll�ire puhlic nmlce +,. w� _"': <br /> Y.-}��, of snlr tn Ihe pernonc mtd In 16r mxm�rr ynwcrilxd b�npplirnblr lun.'I'rrotir. ��I�hnul dannnd nn ISarru�rcr,.hnll xll i : <br /> �) .�!!.; Ihe Pmper�y a� public imcl(nn la lhe hlphal bldder nt Ihe Ilmr mtd plxm mtd mtdtr Ihe lenm d�+(�;�wl�d In Ihe no�fn of " �� ` <br /> , i:;.., selc In ane nr mnn purceh nnd In an}�nrdcr"fruNCC detrrm6u�. '1'ru•fir mui pn.ipanr wle of nll nr nn�� parcel at ihc io;,<; -•F,.�� <br /> .� S''�a 1'raperl�� by puhlic mmmmcancm at thc tlmr nnd pincr uf mq prc�inu.l� .chidulid .nlc. Lcndiv or I�a dislgmr mo�- ' �T•_�_ <br /> purchase thc Propcng nt m�,r ula �;'� . <br /> �, <br /> -'f�Y..:-.: ' <br /> 'I'1:_. ,`_ <br /> .'.�I.�":.f� :! . <br /> - Fo�m 3028 8�80 �. - . _ <br />. . [ryeS��u ,1 . <br /> {l' <br /> - 1 <br /> � <br /> - � <br /> ,�" 3-..: <br /> •'' <br />:".....:..t:_:l'Lf�M _Y'l+tPttle.;r�..�rp�;_;..._.:` . . ' . :' .. "( i I. . � . . . - <br /> �j. <br /> �t.� <br /> - - - ��."i:�_ - - � � <br /> - ..��;-� ' . - <br /> ;�. . <br /> , tif"�` `:l": . <br /> :ir <br /> ;itt'.�.�:.r`i�: - . <br /> �'S - �f'� . � . <br />. .L; <br /> r. <br /> ` ' <br /> , . • .__._..�:� _.'. �. <br />