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✓ �1 �1w� _ _ _ :� "" " _ i • f� Sj +'`( <br /> E e�� - : _ : . . .. �r .1�.. ..:�� a � I 'i i r .; � t Y if' `!r t�.�— <br /> � . - .. _. . ;, : /�,�gwy� <br /> atA 1 + �• ._. .,. . . '. - " - - .. " VM��1��� ". n <br /> � • ' ,-. _A89IONMEH1�P81fNi�R108R . ,� .. . ._� , .: ,. -- <br /> Tj11��881pNM8NTARii�NT8R1UER10m�d0�ndex�oula�l�lO�Q�YOl�r19��8���na1��" . <br /> — Inc0/0orrted��todAd4h����doem6dtoAmend6nCeupplar�enu�9Mortpaflao10e96A1Tmet, OlOIpBt�tlttbf6nqdtptetllp' . �r <br />--- -� • °&eoullty tn�Wm4n4";of ihb-eama Qate glvan 6p the anderolgnsi, Naratnettor referte0 tb as Ihe°186rra�ror';td 6awfo_�' - - _ __ <br /> Qoeowlr'e Iqd►�tHn;eA hereinafter refafred to[e the"NOtNS to HOMB i6D8RA1.8AVIN08 AND tOAN ABgD01FTIQN OP <br /> � Gi�CNHIBLlINahviln�ttuletercedto�alhe°�ondeP',oilhae�medate�ndcovetlnpthspropertydoaari6t91olhe6a6utlty�� `_ _ <br /> -i`F�,� lnqtrumeN�hA loo�ta0 or. <br />_ _ � <br /> � - A176 GIRPORj ROFD. GppND IRLIIN� NE R88�1 <br /> , <br /> •�s,-�•� lvropeny aearoas) <br /> -,:- <br /> ,. ., ,, . <br /> -_= WITNE88ETH: .. .. - . : <br />'=>f�'�ji WHEflEAB,Borrowor and Lendor hava apreatl thet any roMe and proBte attrlGutebla to the Droporty ehould aonatlWte -- <br />��:^�r� - adCltlonel eeoudly to the Lentler tor t�e peyment ol the Nota; <br /> �s- <br /> + �l�� NOW,THERERONE,I1leeprooAt�at1he88ourltyln8trumontehfl116eamenEeO�erabyenddeemodtolnoludet�ePollowinp ..__ <br /> ` `- prorlslone: � - - - -. <br /> � �aFr}j: <br /> ��'}���dS� �, A4RJyJtme�t ot flente anA I.enAOtHentN Colieotlon Rlahto.pOfIOWBt hetBDy 8b801ut01y flOd�OCO�dItl011811y 88819110 811 — <br /> fa�x;. renta, leeuea an0 DroBte of tho proporty ro Baneflolary. lendor shall �eve tha rlght, powor end autnorlty during tho �`�`"--'_ <br /> � ;}• continuanoa ol the Beourlty Inetrumant to colloot tho rente,lesuea end proflte of t0a Droperty and of eny Dersonal property -.�, <br /> �`+ ��' looat0d t�ereon with or wlthout taklnp possaselon ol the proporty atfaototl hereby. Londor,howerer, �are0y conseNe to --` - <br />....t„�,��ti 8orrowa�'eoolleotlonandretentlono}euohreMe,isaueaanCprolitaeatheyaoorueandDecomepayaDle.solongeaBOrrowor �t�,W� =.� <br /> ��<.,,, la not,e!euoh time,In Qeteult wlih res0eot to DeYment of any Indebtednosa eeoured�ereby,w In the DaAOrma�roo of eny ,s r� °____ <br /> �,,s, � -<.� apreemaM�ereunder. - <br /> �Z,��r{; 4, A000lntment ot Recakar. If eny event ol defaWt In respaot to the Beaurity Inetrument s�all have oaouneC end be p�s -_ <br /> t�, 4,: Contlnulnp, Lendet,ae e mettar of right anC wllhout notica to Borrower or enyone clelminp unde�Bortowat,antl wllhout , �j_�..- --- <br /> � �; feyBrA to iha velue of the truat oatata or the Intereat ol the Borro�rer thereln,ehell have tho right to epD�Y t0 Bny couri�BWnB + +1� . <br /> �3-'�,q �Uflttllo0on to appolnt e�eceiv0r of th6 prop6rty. k^ % r.l.� <br />����fi 7y":Si• y. 91oM to Posaeealon.In oeae of Oeleult In Ihe peyment of ihe BnIU prinolpel Note or Intoteet,w any Dart thereol,ae It �'±{-eF.�;,'1•:� �°� <br /> �. ..i f.,.�c '{p)<��Si:.. <br />��T�u�3��"�� e�allmature,orinlheoaseoHalturetokeeporportormanyoft�ecovenanteoregreamentecontalneAlnlhe8eauritylnatru• :.. +i.:_- <br /> ys ment,t�en the Lentlar, Ite eucceasore or aealflne, e0e11 ba nntl Is haraby authotlzed entl empowerod to take Immedlate �� y�f;�� <br /> yyy1��f poaeesalon of t�e eald premlees t�eroln descdbotl anA to collaot tAe rente theretrom,and to apply the prooeeda theroof to the �'S r,-. ��._ _ <br /> �,:w, � peyment o}the Note. � `" "� <br /> <r.�..,t; 4A;.-'a�m.. <br /><`•ve�s,y;,. 1. Iloatlon of Rente.Iaeuee anU Profite.All rente colleoleU b LenUer ortha recalver ahall b0 e Iled ilret to e ment �' r"°'�`�`� <br /> � . BQQ Y PP P Y �irrf��rno-vn - <br /> i - -` of th0 c08is of mana9ament u(IRe prope7y end c411uBiion�i iunta,inafu�ing,out nat limited to,receirer e(eea,pidiTiiUrSvT �af`a� .- <br /> Sr�, >; reeehrePS Donde entl reeaonable attomaye feoe,en0 then to I�e eume necured by t�e Sacwity InatrumenL Lendar antl Ihe a'i�'n�•� <br /> � M 'i.��t �IV�t/I,�F4 t21 , <br /> �+�+ recoiver ehell be IlaDle io ecwunt only for thoae rente aotually recalva0. � � <br /> -'tt�4�...i R i`�(J�'� �. <br /> ' 6. ConelruotlonofP�ovlelona.EechofiheprovlsioneconteineAlnlhieASelgnmontofRenteRiAOrantllne8ecudtylnetru• ,`-�.du'<., `-. <br /> + ��� i: <br /> monl ahull,unleae othetwlne epec111aaliy requlred,be conalroed in acwrdence with Nabreska law, enC In tha avent eny 9�fj�';�,«4'}� �.;;; <br /> � �.,:b+.. prorlelon hereln or theroln contelneA ehall be tlalerminaC by e court of competoM�uriadloUOn to be unenforceable,the eame '� '� ?"'� <br />-""F,�'�T��--'•� shell be conetrue0 ae thouq�euc�unenforcea6le proWalon were not e part hereof or lhareof. ".�^''r'ya'��t��" <br /> � t <br /> -+ - ��}' 8. E(tect of RIAer.Ezcept ea apeclllcelty modlllod by or inconalatent with thia AasignmeM of Rente Ritlor or by eny ot�er :{5-s`��� L`�;-�. <br /> Z }�31-Y applicable riAar,ell of Ihe terme and prrnialone coMelned in Ihe 8ecurity Instrumant ehall continue in tull force end aftoot. + 'r�r� f(1 � <br /> � s i i1� t i�,�11}�� . <br /> i{ - •' IN WITNE88 WHEREOF,Borrower hee executuA thie Aesi9nment of HeMa Ritlor n Iho deto Iir61 notod ebove. ;F.:�;��,jtf+C"` - <br /> `,�'r;' -� `.tr: , _ <br /> �t � f����'� <br /> r�c��x�' h1RR2L J EILRHOPPer � � 4a��� <br />. ..i�.7kF.ji,i��: :�.frk71 Y�iif��'.;.: <br />..,.nu�r.._, <br /> ` ' �-::� -----Bortower . -F`�,/`N ,{� -. <br /> tv <br /> ..m+.> !,5.�'�ia.i: <br /> � .}- BTATEOF NEBRASKA) " 1'"44 1tc <br /> .�Il,,.,i;.' (ae: �.?�y``�r``,k, <br /> c � <br /> a - t; COUNTY OP NALL ) �r�����;�,�� <br /> � � � � On thie TTH Aey ol_ m�Y _.79 93._,betore mb.the unAerelgneA,a Notery PuDlie Auiy eommiesioned antl � t `°� < <br /> t j quallfled tor eeitl coumy,poraonolly camo___mRRILYNN J EICKHOFFiR SINGLE PERSOy � . <br /> � <br /> �",,� -�.. � ,a:c,y.y„�`-- <br /> ` --- ! _ __—_._,to be 1ho IOenlical person(s)whose namM6)islare subactlb9tl �� • ?r'; <br /> ; -1� to ihe for99olnp InattumBnL end hela�ell�ey aCknowletlqe MU e:beutlon ihoreof to be�lelhetll�elr Mluntery eCt entl tlbed. '-' <br /> 1:.����-;;'- '.��:ci`.: . <br /> ���"'�'�: 'i WHnoae my hand entl Notarlal Seei at_— GRAND ISLAND, NEBRRSKR _ _ f �- . . <br /> �- <br /> - -_ _ in sa�d eou � a�u elorese� � . - � <br /> r�v1 <br /> c-- ' �UR1l1lUDAYSMh�1[�y % G .- ' - <br />`:..i i d1...'�. IfIRK QQ�ONIQN7 ery Pubhc <br /> ,::J._ : th'Ceww trn '. •. .a,5 <br /> ���•-j�•� My Commisalon expires- _ <br /> _] <br />� -- .' NFWDO�Yd <br />. '..""�T]t�: <br /> �•,��•�`� �',�� <br />. '�1:�.., <br /> _ ,�:}s <br /> ���' � �t <br /> . , ` ' <br /> .t,�:-,' <br /> � <br /> � : <br /> �l♦' � <br /> 1� <br /> �Tr <br />