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�.:.,�.......,.._.�.._.._..�_ <br /> �`` � , . , . , - <br /> h , l <br /> i .'J�a4 <br /> � . �8nrrowe�eholt promptly glva IcaEer wrlttcn nopoo ot uny Invcsdgatlon,dalm,dcmmd, lawaui�or o�ha hNlon�y e ____. _ _ <br /> � gpve ntel or regutetoryagency or prirete Duty Involving�M propeny and anY fiaurdous 6ubstence or Rnvlronmcntnl <br /> of whl�8ottower ha�aaual luloNledgo,lt Bortawu Icam+.or 1�notiflcd by any govemmsntN or rcguiatory authorl��,l� <br /> nny remov8�or aher remedlation of uny Hazardous 6Lbs�aexe affating tho P�openy(�nccessary.Elorrowcr�helt DromD�Y IaE <br /> oit neassecy nprsedlat ealoa�In zceorQsnce wlth(inrlronmcn��J isw, - - <br /> As uacd in tMe p ph 20, 'Haznrdou�BUWtencca'aro�hoso s���stnnoe+dcMcd u toxlo or Aaxardou�wbttenma 0 <br /> Bnvironmemei law erM�!o►lowtng mbstenas: Boso�t+ro. keroxna, other Itanunabla or roxk p�ro�cum produas, toxl - - <br /> ' p c a tl ci d c a and herbictda,rola�llo wivenu,matcrlala contatning nsbeatm or(omuldcAydo,end mdiwMivo rtwledat�.Az useG 1 <br /> tAta paregwyh 20. 'Bnvironmentel taw' means kderel Iewa end lawa of tho Jur i a d ia lon w hcro�ha P r opc ny la l o p i t d t h <br /> _ retate w h e a lth,�ef�tyor envlronmental protecUon. — <br /> --' NON•UNIPORM COVIiNANTS.Oomo�ver a�d Lender Nnhcr wvenant�nd agrco es tolio�w: — <br />__ :.:-_.,., <br /> 21.Aocelerationt Remedlea.l.endu eha11 glvo notica to Bomn�rer prlor to accelrrallon foEloxtng Borrow¢r'4 • •° <br /> — of any coveaanl or agremmt In tht�Becurlty lastrumwt @nt not prlor ro aueleratlon under paragrapfi 17 onlem <br /> -- appltca6le lan providd ot�aatse).7Ue nodce ehell epeclry� (a)tha defaultt(�)Ihe netlon repulred to cure t6e deteup <br /> (c o dale,not!�then�0 dnya trom tha dato the notice�e glven to Uorro�rer,6y whlca tho ddauli musl ha tvmdi an� <br /> --- (�that tatluro to cure�he defwlt on or Aetore the date speclRed tn the notice mny resuit In accele+otlon ot tAe�urtu <br /> _--—_ seeured 6y I�b Sceurity Instn�ment nnd eelo of the PropeNy.'fha nottce c�ell Nrlher Intortn Oorroirer of Me right to <br /> -= refnstote after ncceleratlon and the dght ro 6d�e wurt action a assert the nomexistence of a default or eny othw <br /> °-"_'-' detcase of Batro�re�ro noretemqon and sete. It the dePoult la not curcd on or betore the data spccUicd in tha nottce, ------ -- - � <br />�,,,.�AS.� I.eader,et Ite opdan, mnyrcq ulre Immedlate payment In NII ot all eum+saured by thla 8ecudly Instrument wlt6out <br /> >�;.E;y'i� Nrthu demand end may invoke lhapower of sslo end any othcr remedld permltted by nppIlcabie Imr.Lender shull be <br /> eadqed to coiicct ell apeaua Incumd in pmsuing Ihe rcmcdie provtded in thu peregraph 21,InduNng,Ant not 14nitcd _ <br /> �y ,' to,rcawne6le etrorneya'teed end coste ot tltle erideoce. <br /> ,.__ <br /> , [t thepo�rer of cole Is Invoked,Tnc�tee sAall record a notice ot defnult In each county In w�lch eny pnrt at tAe �,m <br /> > �� Pro b I�ceted end chuil mail w len of such notla in 1he mannw pracdbed by appltca6ie law to Uorro�rer nnd to , <br /> �x��¢� Ihe oNer pacom prescribed by eppltcpable la�v.ARer lhe llma rcqnfred by applitatrlo lax,Trusitt ahall gPoe public notla ' -` _ <br /> � ;"���, of sele to lhe persoro and In the mnnna preccri6ed by applicable lew.'IYustee,�*(thaut demand on Borcower,s�ell sell � "' --- <br /> ta i S ' <br /> the Properly at puDitc euctlon lo the hlghest bldder at the Ilme end place end undu the terma dalgrmted in the nottce of , <br /> ,#:��`�� ssle In one or more pamla end In eny order Trustee detcrmh�es.Trustee mey postpone sele ot eil or any parcel of tAe �ry�f <br /> �'i�,`.�k� '�% Property by pu611c anrtouncemsat nt t6e tlme und platt of eny prerlously scheduled sale. Lender or(ts deal�ee mey -�;x.�;.�.;,_— <br /> ,i �',1��� purcbase the Property at eny eale. ,trS'.`t�y <br /> � �i � ^ _ Upoa recelpt of payment ot �he prim bid. Trustce xhell delirer to lhe purchaur Tnut�e'a deed mnveying ihe _ n,;.a st+:� <br /> __;.y�r„�,�,y. Property. 'i4ie recttals In the Trustee'�desd:hall be pdf��e facie evldence ot the truth of the statemenia made therx6i. -��S'.ah) - ' <br /> � ,y. 7YUStee xhall epply the praceeda of the snte in Ihe follox�ing nrder:(N to ell costa and expensea of exereBing the power of 47, r.� ` <br /> f p;�i�:� �ale,and the sele,Indudinp the payment of�he Tnutee'e hee ectually incurred,not la exceed the� of 50.00 or�j�b i u �7,>+ _ <br /> �; ��� of Ihe prindpal amount ot�he note et the time of the dalamtlon ot default,end reasoneble atrorney.+'hes ea permittcd ; s yiy.Y <br /> t' �',7��,'�j. by la�n @)to all sums ceeureJ Ay�hls 5ecurfty Innrumenis nnd(e)any ezce�ta Ihe pason or persans IeKelly emhled ta {?-u fy . <br /> - �'_'i4t:t. 1�. - rNx r-..:z�rs....-. <br /> ' � }�(}r; � 2]. Reconveyanee. Upon paymem of ull xums xcural by this Securf�e In,uunxm, i.enucr soaii requc+i Truaue iu �-'<`�, yp :. <br /> ,i�,� '��- recomoy �he Propeny end xhull surrender tht> Sauri�y Insirunxm and all na�c.evidencing debi secured by �his Savri�y ti ':r��>c - <br /> _ .,,�s,�; Insuument lo Trustce.Tmsiee shall recum•ey�he Pmpeny widmm warramy unJ wi�hout clurge to�he perwn or persnns Iegally � f�`�y s f <br /> ,f r� �v emiUed�o it.Such pefxon or persntu shall pay any remnla�ion cu�is. ?S_;i��'r� '� <br />,:,�%.���?:� 23.Snbstitute Trustce. LcnJCr. ut ns apuon, m+y fmm�imc�o iimc rcmnrc Truu«anJ appuim a.uac<>vx imWee w ��_�,y, . <br /> p? �,';� any Tmstee eppoimed hercwuter hy un im�mmem rca�rdeJ in ihe cnnmy in�ahich thia S��.uri�y In.�mme�u i+morded.Wi�hom r�•., ? }� <br /> ,� -Y ,Y- conveyance of�hc Prapcny,tlic mttrsw�r vu+�cc+hull wacad�o ull�hc�i�l..�xmcr unJ dmica cnnfermd upon Tmstm hcrcin ��'•"��'' S` - <br /> . �t+ ;t�sv' andb ap liwbleluw. i.'t � tr,.��-. <br /> ,., o:r::?:.�. t'.n:.' c- '.'�. <br /> . �L�... 4. equest far Natlm+. &irruwcr reyu�+��thm�npin af the na�iccx nf Jefuult unJ aale 6e xm m Hnrcowtr's address � . ..��, - <br /> ry t�n;'- wMch i�ihe Prupeny AJdrct�. ' � :. <br /> +e .f�;� 2!. Ride�s to lhl�Secudty InRrumenL If ane nr morc riJcn an etecwal by Dorro��cr:md ntardeJ�oge�her wi�h thfs ��'��'r�hb;.� <br /> >t,.- F�##, Security Inswment,the mvenam+�md apnrmenu af r�ch wd�riJer.hall Iw inmrpim�al imn:md,h�ll nmenJ und supplemem f!� ,�f r� <br /> - 1 "y:'�. �he mvenanis ond ugreement.of thi�Security Inarument:u if ihc ridert.�werc:�pan nl t6i.S�auriry•Inetrumem. � - .� 9'`��� <br /> + '-�.j �Checkxpplicablebox(esll ��Y �k J .�: <br /> �: Sr + Y � �� �-. <br /> t r f- � �Giar,. <br /> '� �i�.�'- �Adjustablc Rnic RiJer i�CnnJaminium R�dcr � I I-4 1'�miily RiJcr ��".� i � _: <br /> GnduriCd Pa)'nun!P.idC� I i P���m^�I 1�ni�Il..vrin�nvm Ri.L•r i I Aix�.t•lly Pnyntrm RiJcr ,1 <br /> f-�7� �� 0 Bnllixm Ridcr I i Imprnrcmcm RiJcr I�S.rond Hnmc RiJcr �; -, t +� : <br /> . � ,�-�: C�V.A. Ridcr SIX!O�hcrl+�I•I+�v�dp� ACIQ70WI.RDGEHF.NT �r ; �lt,� - <br /> . �<<�:`7.�_`� ��x�.'F� ttpy : <br /> t <br /> .� ��J' ' l.t}; F F <br /> S <br /> .(Y1�9Y.:345t ��.F6:_��:-.�. <br /> 11� <br /> ��_i!g��- BY SIGNING UFLOW.R�+rm�ccr ac.cp�.and:� th.Icnm anJ r� annlaincJ in Ihi+S�v'arity huVUntenl:md ��'. � � . <br /> �''� in any ridcrl+l cccculcJ hy Dnrruocr,mJ ntY�rdcJ��i�h i�. <br /> J �: ' ' <br /> \ t J}z Wimc.x.: �` ]`\ ' o��/���(/� <br /> 1 •6 �{�J �K4JViL�-V•� Iti�JII � i <br />' 'lL���!:;it,. DAVIA 7 THP.RILT � I''•".,••" ;.. <br /> ���xS " _—_—__ �', � <br /> (.~' � <br /> .•:J::y:::e <br /> _-.-_:�--. -[-�!C/� t� I�LGZ1tLt '[.L/.--- -�s�:u� <br />� ',._c;�,�s'�'i _ __ _._ SUSAN L NETHERILT 14i�•'xO � <br /> �°".-:cs cy'>.',iI' � <br /> %i.t.f;:ii�r:E � <br /> --...;: y:�:. �tiral� <br /> 'a�• � —___—' ' _ ' _ __ �tirah <br /> •:.Y,. Il..�u.x.� 14nu....� <br />'< -- '. ' t <br /> c-.l; + ` <br /> iLf'S <br />�'�".3��;e:`i�. STATF.OF\F:ORASAA. HaN Cnunt„v <br />'..,isi,nr_.,`.� Thc(aregoing im�mmcnl wa.acAn,mlalF.J hcfnrt mc�lu. 30 (((���d:n ol APRIL, 1993 • . <br /> � r �'°. h�' DAVID d NETH6RILT AND SUSAN L 4IETNCRI . HUSBALiD �;F�'.�y� � <br /> ° Wilnc}>my 6anJ.�el nn� m GRAND ISLAND. �1n rnd C. �hr J:nr nb�rr.a�d. <br /> �..�'yij�:�>.: - , <br /> - - .<. \ � <br /> r '�� M�Commiaion F.x i <br /> :'�$z-,�<;,., ) P _„A1 4/06/94 ; <br />- ,,,:�,`�.;';� �d�f�,F,�— C.van ILPL. ' <br /> ' �{S� 5�"'y,�VV' i <br />. .�rr'.?�1.'=`L �C� ! <br /> ��i>:1:N� 6 „� .,� Po�m3038 8�80 <br />..i=•,:t�7,�� � • � . ... <br />. .. . ,.�a�i . — . — . - <br />