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- :� f t �'�--ii+ t '� €�. i T ` . __ _ t.. r .. <br /> .tf - 7.!. y j, i �.;/ _ _ _' —.. .' __ _-_ . ,.-.... '-- <br /> r f•'`- � <br /> --�`�J 9�. �o�� --_= ---- <br /> - t � <br /> -- 'Ihe Fund� �lull ba held In en tro�Imtion whoso deposlte aro Insurcd by a kderei ngcncy, in�trumsntallty, or enllty <br /> -�—° °— ._. . <br /> (Including L.cnda.If I.cMer I�cuch en{nstitudon)or in eny PMcret Homo Lom Dnnk.Lcndcr�hall apply Ilk FuMf�n qty�M <br /> `� 8scrmv hatu.Lcndu maY not charga liorrowcr for holding end npplylng tho Punds.annunily enaiy�Jng�he ucmw acrov.nt,ot <br /> 'a ��crlrytng�he P.scrovr lum�.unlese LersAer prye Barrowu Inumt on�he Funde rtnl ap�+liaihlo iaw�ormiu l.e�drr tn mTi�a�u.�h <br /> f� a charge. Howerer.Lender may requlro fiorrower m pay e onrtimo chuga Por an Independem rcal estao lnx tcyonl�g scrvkv: _ <br /> used by Lcndtr in comeaion wiih thta loan, unless eppliwblo law pruvldes othenvlu. Unlc3s en egrxnrent is m76t�or -- -- - <br /> '�' ' ' �pp Ilcabla Inw rcquira intcrcct to bo pald,Lcnder�Aall not be rcqWrtd to pay Dorrowcr eny interest or eamings on tho FuMf. ` �-� <br /> ' . � 13ortower and Lender nwy t�grcc In wriqng�howorer,that fnterest aAail bc paid on�he Pund�. I.cnler�hdl give In Burrm�at, �� �^>s;n:-.�.. <br /> whhout chn e. an ennuul accaunting of iho Fund�. .howing crcdin md debit� to the Funcl�ud tRe puqroso fnr�+hlcA eash. <br /> °'� deblt to tha�nda�vas mado.Tho Funds are plcdgtd as additinnal sccurity for ull aum�savrcd by ihh&cvdty lnstmmml. ���-; _„__ <br /> i,;: If�ho Punda held by Lender oxaal the amounu pem�ittal w be helJ by applicubte law, f.ender dWl n�wuM m Oarm�tirF v� �_ . , _ � - <br /> ,���c� for tho exceu Funds in accordance with�he ulrcmeme of applicable law. If�hs amount of ihe Funds held by l.endtt W�wiy p � -- ` <br /> �_ ��rt�. tlme is no�sufllcleM to pay Iho Escrow Items�v en due.Lender muy w no�ify Burtuwer in wriqng,md,in wch caso Bnrmimr y {- i' „r' .,�._ <br /> ,� �F�T �hall poy�o Lender�ho amount neassary�o mnke up the deticlency. Bortower shull make up ihe dclicia�cy in na mnm thtn ,F� _ :,,,� ,�fy;cs <br /> Zt{ Iwelve moMhly paymems,ol Lender'�sole discrction. t � s, t . <br /> �� -.L;� Upon ryyment in NII of nll sums savrcd by�his Sccvri�y InsuunMnt. I.cndcr ahail pmmptlp rcfund �a Gnmm�er eny ' �-- �+r ,._ <br /> ; Funde held Uy Lender.If,under Par�greph 21. Luder ahull acquirc ar sell the Propeny.4endor.pdnr ia�ht a�qui�iWm or wle ` tY.r � ' <br /> . �-;t' of the Propctty,shell epply any Funda hclJ 6y LenJer nt the�ime nf acquixi�ion nr rale u e crudn uf;aimt�he wnn uavrcd by --� <br /> ' tik-:° �his Saurity Inurunum. ��'f��+ �,. <br /> r " 3.Applkatton ot Paymcn4v.Unlcati applicn6lc law prurida othernisc.ull puymmu rach•a16y I.cnJrr uncl�r p�mgrephs ` ,,���5� S r-_� <br />_ .,�;��- 1 and 2 ahall be epplied: fint,to any prcpayment charge�due under�he�ixmms pa�:t6M u�dtr pimgreph 2: ;,�Y:.,`r'� p..�,,4.: <br /> � "� iAird,to intercx due;fourth,tn pdncipal due:end IasL m ony late charges due unJer ihe Nme. � ,,�r..�x��.. - <br /> F�� 4.Charges; Idero. Bovower shall pay all �exes,asussmcnts,chargcs, fines¢nJ impo�itioro wuihm�lc ta thc Propcny � ;� -- <br />;_;r�;, �� which n�ay anain priaity over this Securi�y Instrument, and Iensehald paymems or gmunJ rcnu. if an�•. Aam�wer shall pay ,,h��.�,'r, .--. <br /> r �`�? thexe obligntiom in�he manner provided inpam gmph 2,or i(nnt paid in thn�manner. Ummxrr ahill pry Ihem on limc dirccUy )r �.r <;s <br /> #_� to�he person owed payment.Oortower shall pmmpily lumish m I.cnder alI nmias of anwum,�a h paiJ mxlcr tl�6 aamgmph. r�qZ� --� _- <br /> � s'' If Bnrtower makes�hcse paynunts directly.Borroxcr shall pmmpUy fumi�h�u Lender nztiipu cridc�ning�hc paymcm+. � �s -� <br /> {< '"4� Bormwm shall promp�ly dixcharge eny lien which hat pnnnty o��er this Security Inamnxm unless&�rmwer:le1 agren m s - ��- — <br />,..:ne•4�y writing�a�he paymem of the obligotion u�vm1 M1y�hc licn in a manner aarp�abk m Lendcr.!hl a�mc+i+in gad fui�h�he licn y A_;.#Sj�i ,t _ <br />