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<br /> Conpo'alioe 1Qr vatu�rsosirsd dpes-heret�F asft a�iy���rset aMe�and oar�,+rrb> .
<br /> • Ca�rciat Federal Mortga9e.Car.poratian, a:Nebraska.��orporatian__
<br /> — !1N afle��fitlsar�irMeresth atKf��cf-��c�er�e-Q�l�t:��tu�d8lQdlhe� 3�th, �.�, __ _ , —
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<br />��=. ,:#n blotk 122, Koenig and iFisbs's AQd9tidn: to�:�the Cfity �f.Grand Is�and, Nebraska, a tract�.
<br /> '� '"'=ca�encing at the Southwest aorner .af thg��a$�-34 fe�t:of Lat 2 in Blnck 122 of Kaenig and�.
<br />�`:� '�"' �iebe`s Addition to the�Git]��af Grand:I�Sj�rtd'� Rebras{ta� thenc�:,Westerl�y to tHe Southeasi�Go�ner.
<br />�`��Y cf the ilest 21.8 feet.,af safd 4ot 2,..thsnc�.;�[ortherly_along ,the;:�ine af said Westerly 21.8
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<br /> -_� <af ��id Lot 2 to�the Nq�thKesterty.�carner��.of he East, 34 feet"af,:tiia Soutber.ly 42 feet .of
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<br /> �INESS WHff��L�1�:8R41YVt11,'AND COMPANY has cat�ed�S i�u����
<br /> (���r.Vice Presi�,�nfi_,��.,_�8�l@St�d by i1S A` t. Vice Presid t���qrppfalgS6a110b@ .
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